02-My Biography

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a. Place of birth
b. Date of birth
c. Your most precious toy, the age you were when you had it, why you liked this toy, who gave it to you?
d. First day of school, what was it like, what you did, the age you were on your first day of school?
e. Games that you used to play when you were at elementary school.
f. Things or anecdotes you most remember when you were at elementary school.
g. A birthday or celebration that you most remember and why it was important for you in your childhood.
h. Your favorite teacher at elementary school or high school and why he/she was your favorite teacher.
i. The first day at high school, how you felt, did you like it or not why?
j. Your favorite subject and activities you most liked in high school and why
k. How was celebrated your 15 years old birthday.
l. The most important party you remember.
m. Your first boyfriend / girlfriend, your first kiss and how it was and special moments you had.
n. The place of your first vacations you went to.
o. What you did on vacations
p. The day of your school graduation, what you and your family did, how you celebrated this occasion.
q. Your first day in the university, what was it like, how you felt, what you did that day.
r. Additional comments you may add to your biography.

a. I was born in Ipiales city of Nariño department

b. October 15, 2001
c. My most precious toy was a remote-control car and I had it at the age of 5, I liked it because from a young
age I have always liked cars and my dad gave it to me
d. My first day of school was in February 2006 and I was 5 years old, I did well since I made many friends and
learned new things
e. The games I used to play when I was in elementary school were butt, punch, hide and seek, marbles and
f. The thing I remember the most when I was in elementary school was that we won soccer competitions at my
g. The birthday that I remember the most was when I was 7 years old as they celebrated my birthday, my
brother and me, it was special since all my family was together and we were able to share a nice and pleasant
h. My favorite teacher was in high school and her name was Karen, from her I learned many things, many lived
experiences since she was my principal in eleventh grade
i. The first day of high school I liked it since things were very different, more teachers, more friends, many
things of ours to learn and I felt very good
j. The favorite subjects and that I liked the most in high school were physics and mathematics, because the
teacher of those two subjects was a great teacher and a great person, and she was well understood
k. My 15 years was normal like any other since I am a man
l. The most important party I remember was my graduation from school, since that day was very special, I felt
very good and we all had a great time
m. My first girlfriend was in tenth grade and the first kiss was special just like all the moments shared with that
n. The place of my first vacation that I went was in Atacames Ecuador
o. On my vacation I went to the sea, shared with my family, toured the city and enjoyed everything
p. The day of my graduation was special and important since all my family was proud of me and we celebrate it
in the best way by sharing a party with all my friends and others.
q. My first day at university I felt nervous but excited, I did well and what I did was pay attention to everything,
make friends and get to know the university



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