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95 Dalil Martin Luther


No Originally Latin English Modern Translation Indonesia
1. Dominus et magister noster Iesus When our Lord and Master Jesus When Jesus said “repent” he meant Tuhan dan Guru kita Yesus Kristus, ketika Ia mengucapkan
Christus dicendo ,Penitentiam agite etc.' Christ said, ``Repent’’ (Mt 4:17), he that ”Bertobatlah,” dan seterusnya, menyatakan bahwa seluruh hidup
omnem vitam fidelium penitentiam esse willed the entire life of believers to be believers should live a whole life orang-orang yang percaya harus diwarnai dengan pertobatan.
voluit. one of repentance. repenting
2. Quod verbum de penitentia This word cannot be understood as Only God can give salvation – not a Kata ini tidak boleh dimengerti mengacu kepada hukuman sakramental;
sacramentali (id est confessionis et referring to the sacrament of penance, priest. maksudnya, berkaitan dengan proses pengakuan dan pelepasan (dosa),
stisfactionis, que sacerdotum ministerio that is, confession and satisfaction, as yang diberikan oleh imam-imam yang dilakukan di bawah pelayanan
celebratur) non potest intelligi. administered by the clergy. imam-imam.

3. Non tamen solam intendit interiorem, Yet it does not mean solely inner Inwards penitence must be Dan, pertobatan tidak hanya mengacu pada penyesalan batiniah; tidak,
immo interior nulla est, nisi foris repentance; such inner repentance accompanied with a suitable change penyesalan batiniah semacam itu tidak ada artinya, kecuali secara
operetur varias carnis mortificationes. is worthless unless it produces in lifestyle. lahiriah menghasilkan pendisiplinan diri terhadap keinginan daging.
various outward mortification of the
4. Manet itaque pena, donec manet The penalty of sin remains as long as the Sin will always remain until we enter Jadi, hukuman terus berlanjut selama ada kebencian pada diri sendiri
odium sui (id est penitentia vera intus), hatred of self (that is, true inner Heaven. – maksudnya, penyesalan batin yang sejati berlanjut:
scilicet usque ad introitum regni repentance), namely till our entrance yaitu, sampai kita masuk ke dalam kerajaan surga.
celorum. into the kingdom of heaven.
5. Papa non vult nec potest ullas penas The pope neither desires nor is able to The pope must act according to canon Paus tidak memiliki kekuatan maupun kuasa untuk mengampuni
remittere preter eas, quas arbitrio vel suo remit any penalties except those imposed law. kesalahan apa pun, kecuali yang telah ia diberikan dengan otoritasnya
vel canonum imposuit. by his own authority or that of the sendiri, atau oleh peraturan.
6. Papa non potest remittere ullam culpam The pope cannot remit any guilt, except Only God can forgive –the pope can Paus tidak memiliki kuasa untuk mengampuni dosa apa pun, kecuali
nisi declarando et approbando remissam by declaring and showing that it has been only reassure people that God will do dengan menyatakan dan menjaminnya telah
a deo Aut certe remittendo casus remitted by God; or, to be sure, by this. diampuni Allah; atau setidaknya ia dapat memberikan pengampunan
reservatos sibi, quibus contemptis culpa remitting guilt in cases reserved to his pada kasuskasus yang menjadi tanggungjawabnya, dalam kasus
tersebut, jika kuasanya diremehkan, kesalahan akan tetap ada.
prorsus remaneret. judgment. If his right to grant remission
in these cases were disregarded, the guilt
would certainly remain unforgiven.
7. Nulli prorsus remittit deus culpam, quin God remits guilt to no one unless at the A sinner must be humbled in front of his Allah tidak pernah mengampuni dosa apa pun, tanpa pada saat yang
simul eum subiiciat humiliatum in same time he humbles him in all things priest before God can forgive him. sama Dia menundukkan diri manusia itu, merendahkan diri dalam
omnibus sácerdoti suo vicario. and makes him submissive to the vicar, segala sesuatu, kepada otoritas imam, wakilnya.
the priest.
8. Canones penitentiales solum viventibus The penitential canons are imposed only Canon law applies only to the living not Peraturan pengakuan dosa hanya dikenakan pada orang yang hidup dan
sunt impositi, nihilque morituris eosdem on the living, and, according to the canons to the dead. tidak seharusnya dikenakan pada orang yang mati; menurut peraturan
debet imponi. themselves, nothing should be imposed tersebut.
on the dying.
9. Inde bene nobis facit spiritussanctus in Therefore the Holy Spirit through the However, the Holy Spirit will make Oleh karena itu Roh Kudus berkarya dalam diri Paus melakukan hal yang
papa excipiendo in suis decretis semper pope is kind to us insofar as the pope in exceptions to this when required to do baik bagi kita, sejauh dalam keputusannya, Paus selalu membuat
articulum motris et necessitatis. his decrees always makes exception of the so. perkecualian terhadap aturan tentang kematian dan nasib seseorang.
article of death and of necessity.
10. Indocte et male faciunt sacerdotes ii, qui Those priests act ignorantly and wickedly The priest must not threaten those dying Imam-imam bertindak salah dan tanpa pengetahuan, jika dalam kasus
morituris penitentias canonicias in who, in the case of the dying, reserve with the penalty of purgatory. orang yang sekarat, mengganti hukuman kanonik dengan api
purgatorium reservant. canonical penalties for purgatory. penyucian.
11. Zizania illa de mutanda pena Canonica in Those tares of changing the canonical The church through church penalties is Benih ilalang tentang mengubah hukuman kanonik menjadi hukuman di
penam purgatorii videntur certe penalty to the penalty of purgatory were producing a ‘human crop of weeds’. api penyucian tampaknya tentu saja telah ditaburkan sementara para
dormientibus episcopis seminata. evidently sown while the bishops slept (Mt uskup tertidur.
12. Olim pene canonice non post, sed ante In former times canonical penalties were In days gone by, church penalties were Pada mulanya, hukuman kanonik dikenakan bukan sesudah,melainkan
absolutionem imponebantur tanquam imposed, not after, but before absolution, imposed before release from guilt to sebelum pengampunan, sebagai ujian untuk pertobatan mendalam yang
tentamenta vere contritionis. as tests of true contrition. show true repentance. sejati.
13. Morituri per mortem omnia solvunt et The dying are freed by death from all When you die all your debts to the Orang yang sekarat melunasi semua hukuman dengan kematian,
legibus canonum morituri iam sunt, penalties, are already dead as far as the church are wiped out and those debts dianggap sudah mati sesuai hukum kanon dan mendapat hak
habentes iure earum relaxationem. canon laws are concerned, and have a are free from being judged. dilepaskan dari hukum kanon.
right to be released from them.
14. Imperfecta sanitas seu charitas morituri Imperfect piety or love on the part of the When someone is dying they might have Kebaikan atau kasih yang tidak sempurna dari orang yang sekarat pasti
necessario secum fert magnum timorem, dying person necessarily brings with it bad/incorrect thoughts against the menyebabkan ketakutan yang besar; dan makin sedikit kebaikan atau
tantoque maiorem, quanto minor ferit great fear; and the smaller the love, the church and they will be scared. This fear kasihnya, makin besar ketakutan yang diakibatkannya.
ipsa. greater the fear. is enough penalty.
15. Hic timor et horror satis est se solo (ut alia This fear or horror is sufficient in itself, to This fear is so bad that it is enough to Rasa takut dan ngeri tersebut sudah cukup bagi dirinya sendiri, tanpa
taceam) facere penem purgatorii, cum sit say nothing of other things, to constitute cleanse the soul. berbicara hal-hal lain, tanpa ditambah penderitaan di api penyucian
proximus desperationis horrori. the penalty of purgatory, since it is very karena hal itu sangat dekat dengan kengerian keputusasaan.
near to the horror of despair.
16. Videntur infernus, purgatorium, celum Hell, purgatory, and heaven seem to differ Purgatory = Hell. Heaven = Assurance. Neraka, api penyucian, dan surga tampak berbeda seperti halnya
differre, sicut desperatio probe deperatio, the same as despair, fear, and assurance keputusasaan, hampir putus asa, dan kedamaian pikiran itu berbeda.
decuritas differunt. of salvation.
17. Necassarium videtur animabus in It seems as though for the souls in Souls in Purgatory need to find love – Jiwa dalam api penyucian, tampaknya harus seperti ini: saat kengerian
purgatorio sciut minui horrorem, ita ugeri purgatory fear should necessarily the more love the less their sin. menghilang, kasih meningkat.
charitatem. decrease and love increase.
18. Nec probatum vidertur ullis aut rationibus Furthermore, it does not seem proved, A sinful soul does not have to be always Namun, hal itu tampaknya tidak terbukti dengan penalaran apapun atau
aut scripturis, quod sint statum meriti seu either by reason or by Scripture, that souls sinful. It can be cleansed. ayat Alkitab mana pun, api penyucian berada di luar kebaikan seseorang
augende charitatis. in purgatory are outside the state of atau meningkatnya kasih.
merit, that is, unable to grow in love.
19. Nec hoc probatum esse videtur, quod sint Nor does it seem proved that souls in There is no proof that a person is free Hal itu juga tidak terbukti; bahwa jiwa dalam api penyucian yakin dan
de sua betitudine certe et secure, saltem, purgatory, at least not all of them, are from sin. mantap dengan berkat mereka sendiri; mereka semua, bahkan jika
licet nos certissimi simus. certain and assured of their own kita bisa sangat yakin dengan hal tersebut.
salvation, even if we ourselves may be
entirely certain of it.
20. Igitur papa per remissionem plenariam Therefore the pope, when he uses the Even the pope – who can offer Oleh karena itu Paus, ketika ia berbicara tentang pengampunan
omnium penarum non simpliciter words ``plenary remission of all forgiveness – cannot totally forgive sins sepenuhnya dari semua hukuman, itu bukan sekadar bermakna
omnium intelligit, sed a seipso penalties,'' does not actually mean ``all held within. semua dosa, melainkan hanya hukuman yang ia jatuhkan sendiri.
tantummodo imposarium. penalties,'' but only those imposed by
21. Errant itaque indulgentiarum predicatres Thus those indulgence preachers are in An indulgence will not save a man. Jadi, para pengkhotbah pengampunan dosa, yang berkata bahwa
ii, qui dicunt per pape indulgentias error who say that a man is absolved from dengan surat pengampunan dosa dari Paus, seseorang dibebaskan dan
hominem ab omni pena solvi et salvari. every penalty and saved by papal diselamatkan dari semua hukuman, melakukan kesalahan.
22. Quin nullam remittit animabus in As a matter of fact, the pope remits to A dead soul cannot be saved by an Sebab sesungguhnya ia tidak menghapuskan hukuman, yang harus
purgatorio, quam in hac vita debuissent souls in purgatory no penalty which, indulgence. mereka bayar dalam kehidupan sesuai peraturan, bagi jiwa-jiwa di api
secundum Canones solvere. according to canon law, they should have penyucian.
paid in this life.
23. Si remissio ulla omnium omnino perarum If remission of all penalties whatsoever Only a very few sinners can be Jika pengampunan sepenuhnya bagi semua hukuman bisa diberikan
potest alicui dari, certum est eam non nisi could be granted to anyone at all, pardoned. These people would have to kepada seseorang, sudah tentu tidak akan diberikan kepada seorang pun
perfectissimis, i.e. paucissimis. certainly it would be granted only to the be perfect. kecuali orang yang paling sempurna - yaitu, kepada sangat sedikit orang.
most perfect, that is, to very few.

24. Falli ob id necesse est maiorem partem For this reason most people are Therefore most people are being Oleh karena itu sebagian besar orang pasti tertipu dengan janji
populi per indifferentem illam et necessarily deceived by that deceived by indulgences. pembebasan dari hukuman yang bersifat tidak pandang bulu dan sangat
magnificam pene solute promissionem. indiscriminate and high-sounding promise manis itu.
of release from penalty.
25. Qualem potestatem habet papa in That power which the pope has in general The pope’s power over Purgatory is the Kekuasaan seperti itu dimiliki Paus atas api penyucian secara umum,
purgatorium generaliter, talem habet over purgatory corresponds to the power same as a priest’s. seperti halnya dimiliki setiap uskup di keuskupannya dan setiap imam di
quilibet Episcorpus et Curatus in sua which any bishop or curate has in a jemaatnya sendiri, secara khusus.
diocesi et parachia specialiter. particular way in his own diocese and
26. Optime facit papa, quod non potestate The pope does very well when he grants When the pope intervenes to save an Paus bertindak dengan benar dengan memberikan pengampunan dosa
clavis (quam nullam habet) sed per remission to souls in purgatory, not by the individual, he does so by the will of God. kepada jiwa-jiwa, bukan dengan kekuasaan kuncikunci (yang tak ada
modum suffragii dat animabus power of the keys, which he does not gunanya dalam hal ini), melainkan dengan doa syafaat.
remissionem. have, but by way of intercession for them.
27. Hominem predicant, qui statim ut iactus They preach only human doctrines who It is nonsense to teach that a dead soul Orang yang berkata bahwa jiwa seseorang terlepas dari api penyucian
nummus in cistam tinnierit evolare dicunt say that as soon as the money clinks into in Purgatory can be saved by money. segera setelah uang dimasukkan ke dalam peti yang menimbulkan
animam. the money chest, the soul flies out of bunyi gemerencing, berkhotbah dengan gila.
28. Certum est, nummo in cistam tinniente It is certain that when money clinks in the Money causes greed – only God can save Sudah tentu, ketika uang yang dimasukkan dalam peti menimbulkan
augeri questum et avariciam posse: money chest, greed and avarice can be souls. bunyi gemerencing, ketamakan, dan keuntungan mungkin meningkat,
suffragium autem ecclesie est in arbitrio increased; but when the church tetapi doa syafaat gereja tergantung pada kehendak Allah semata-mata.
dei solius. intercedes, the result is in the hands of
God alone.
29. Quis scit, si omnes anime in purgatorio Who knows whether all souls in purgatory Do we know if the souls in Purgatory Siapa tahu apakah semua jiwa di api penyucian ingin dibebaskan
velint redimi, sicut de s. Severino et wish to be redeemed, since we have want to be saved ? darinya atau tidak, sesuai dengan cerita yang dikisahkan tentang Santo
Paschali factum narratur. exceptions in St. Severinus and St. Severinus dan Paschal?
Paschal, as related in a legend.
30. Nullus securus est de veritate sue No one is sure of the integrity of his own No-one is sure of the reality of his own Tidak ada seorang pun yang yakin tentang realita perasaan berdosanya
contritionis, multominus de consecutione contrition, much less of having received penitence – no-one can be sure of sendiri, terlebih-lebih pencapaian pengampunan dosa seluruhnya.
plarie remissionis. plenary remission. receiving complete forgiveness.
31. Quam rarus est vere penitens, tam rarus The man who actually buys indulgences is A man who truly buys an indulgence (ie Seperti halnya petobat sejati itu jarang, demikian juga orang yang
est vere indulgentias redimens, i.e. as rare as he who is really penitent; believes it is to be what it is) is as rare as sungguh-sungguh membeli surat pengampunan dosa itu jarang -
rarissimus. indeed, he is exceedingly rare. someone who truly repents all sin ie very maksudnya, sangat jarang.
32. Damnabuntur ineternum cum suis Those who believe that they can be People who believe that indulgences will Orang yang percaya bahwa, melalui surat pengampunan dosa, mereka
magistris, qui per literas veniarum securos certain of their salvation because they let them live in salvation will always be dijamin mendapatkan keselamatan mereka, akan dihukum secara
sese credunt de sua salute. have indulgence letters will be eternally damned – along with those who teach it. kekal bersama dengan guru-guru mereka.
damned, together with their teachers.
33. Cavendi sunt nimis, qui dicunt venias illas Men must especially be on guard against Do not believe those who say that a Kita harus secara khusus berhati-hati terhadap orang yang berkata
Pape donum esse illud dei inestimabile, those who say that the pope's pardons are papal indulgence is a wonderful gift bahwa surat pengampunan dari Paus ini merupakan
quo reconciliatur homo deo. that inestimable gift of God by which man which allows salvation. karunia Allah yang tak ternilai harganya,
is reconciled to him. yang menyebabkan seseorang diperdamaikan dengan Allah.

34. Gratie enim ille veniales tantum respiciunt For the graces of indulgences are Indulgences only offer Man something Sebab kasih karunia yang disalurkan melalui pengampunan ini hanya
penas satisfactionis ab homine constitutas. concerned only with the penalties of which has been agreed to by Man. berkaitan dengan hukuman untuk memenuhi hal-hal yang bersifat
sacramental satisfaction established by sakramen, yang ditentukan oleh manusia.
35. Non christiana predicant, qui docent, They who teach that contrition is not We should not teach that those who aim Orang yang mengajar bahwa penyesalan yang mendalam itu tidak
quod redempturis animas vel necessary on the part of those who intend to buy salvation do not need to be diperlukan oleh orang-orang yang membeli jiwa-jiwa keluar dari api
confessoinalia non sit necessaria contritio. to buy souls out of purgatory or to buy contrite. penyucian atau membeli lisensi pengakuan, tidak mengkhotbahkan
confessional privileges preach unchristian doktrin Kristen.
36. Quilibet christianus vere compunctus Any truly repentant Christian has a right A man can be free of sin if he sincerely Setiap orang Kristen yang merasakan penyesalan yang sejati akan
habet remissionem plenariam a pena et to full remission of penalty and guilt, even repents – an indulgence is not needed. mendapatkan pengampunan dosa seluruhnya yang sejati dari
culpa etiam sine literis veniarum sibi without indulgence letters. penderitaan dan rasa bersalah, bahkan meskipun tanpa surat
pengampunan dosa.

37. Quilibet verus christianus, sive vivus sive Any true Christian, whether living or dead, Any Christian – dead or alive – can gain Setiap orang Kristen sejati, entah yang hidup atau yang
mortuus, habet participationem omnium participates in all the blessings of Christ the benefit and love of Christ without an mati,mendapatkan bagian dalam semua berkat Kristus dan gereja yang
bonorum Christi et Ecclesie etiam sine and the church; and this is granted him by indulgence. diberikan kepadanya oleh Allah meskipun tanpa surat pengampunan
literis veniarum a deo sibi datum. God, even without indulgence letters. dosa.
38. Remissio tamen et participatio Pape nullo Nevertheless, papal remission and blessing Do not despise the pope’s forgiveness Namun, pengampunan dosa, yang dilakukan oleh Paus, tidak boleh
modo est contemnende, quia (vt dixi) est are by no means to be disregarded, for but his forgiveness is not the most dipandang rendah dengan cara apa pun sebab pengampunan, seperti
declaratio remissionis divine. they are, as I have said (Thesis 6), the important. saya katakan, merupakan pernyataan pengampunan dosa dari Allah.
proclamation of the divine remission.

39. Difficillium est etiam doctissimis Theologis It is very difficult, even for the most The most educated theologians cannot Menekankan dampak pengampunan dosa yang besar dan pada saat yang
simul extollere veniarum largitatem et learned theologians, at one and the same preach about indulgences and real sama menekankan pentingnya penyesalan yang sejati di mata orang-
contritionis veritatem coram populo. time to commend to the people the repentance at the same time. orang, merupakan hal yang paling sulit, bahkan juga untuk teolog yang
bounty of indulgences and the need of paling terpelajar sekalipun.
true contrition.
40. Contritionis veritas penas querit et amat, A Christian who is truly contrite seeks and A true repenter will be sorry for his sins Penyesalan yang sejati mendambakan dan mencintai
Veniarum autem largitas relaxat et odisse loves to pay penalties for his sins; the and happily pay for them. Indulgences hukuman,sementara hadiah pengampunan dosa menjadikannya lega dan
facit, saltem occasione. bounty of indulgences, however, relaxes trivialise this issue. membuat manusia membencinya, atau paling tidak memberikan
penalties and causes men to hate them -- kesempatan bagimereka untuk membencinya.
at least it furnishes occasion for hating
41. Caute sunt venie apostolice predicande, Papal indulgences must be preached with If a pardon is given it should be given Pengampunan dosa apostolik harus dinyatakan dengan penuh hati-
ne polulus false intelligat eas preferri caution, lest people erroneously think cautiously in case people think it’s more hati,jika tidak, orang-orang secara salah akan menduga hal itu diletakkan
ceteris bonis operibus charitatis. that they are preferable to other good important than doing good works. pada perbuatan baik kasih lainnya.
works of love.
42. Docendi sunt christiani, quod Pape mens Christians are to be taught that the pope Christians should be taught that the Orang-orang Kristen harus diajar bahwa Paus tidak pernah berpikir
non est redemptionem veniarum ulla ex does not intend that the buying of buying of indulgences does not compare bahwa pembelian surat pengampunan dosa dalam cara apa pun bisa
parte comparandam esse operibus indulgences should in any way be with being forgiven by Christ. dibandingkan dengan karya kasih karunia.
misericordie. compared with works of mercy.
43. Docendi sunt christiani, quod dans Christians are to be taught that he who A Christian who gives to the poor or Orang-orang Kristen harus diajar bahwa orang yang memberi kepada
pauperi aut mutuans egenti melius facit gives to the poor or lends to the needy lends to those in need is doing better in orang miskin, atau memberi pinjaman kepada orang yang
quam si venias redimeret. does a better deed than he who buys God’s eyes than one who buys
indulgences. ‘forgiveness’. kekurangan, berbuat lebih baik daripada jika ia membeli
suratpengampunan dosa.
44. Quia per opus charitatis crescit et fit homo Because love grows by works of love, man This is because of loving others, love Karena, melalui kasih, kasih meningkat, dan manusia menjadi lebih baik;
melior, sed per venias non fit melior sed thereby becomes better. Man does not, grows and you become a better person. sementara melalui surat pengampunan dosa, ia tidak menjadi lebih baik,
tantummode a pena liberior. however, become better by means of A person buying an indulgence does not tetapi hanya lebih bebas dari hukuman.
indulgences but is merely freed from become a better person.
45. Docendi sunt christiani, quod, qui videt Christians are to be taught that he who A person who passes by a beggar but Orang-orang Kristen harus diajar bahwa orang yang memandang
egenum et neglecto eo dat pro veniis, non sees a needy man and passes him by, yet buys an indulgence will gain the anger seseorang yang kekurangan dan melewatinya, memberikan uang untuk
indulgentias Pape sed indignattionem dei gives his money for indulgences, does not and disappointment of God. mendapatkan pengampunan dosa, tidak sedang membeli surat
sibi vendicat. buy papal indulgences but God's wrath. pengampunan dosa dari Paus untuk dirinya sendiri, tetapi murka Allah.

46. Docendi sunt christiani, quod nisi Christians are to be taught that, unless A Christian should buy what is necessary Orang-orang Kristen harus diajar bahwa, kecuali mereka memiliki
superfluis abendent nessaria tenentur they have more than they need, they must for life not waste money on an kekayaan yang berlimpah, mereka terikat untuk melakukan hal yang
domui sue retinere et nequaquam reserve enough for their family needs and indulgence. perlu untuk dipakai bagi keperluan rumah tangga mereka sendiri dan
propter venias effundere. by no means squander it on indulgences. dengan cara apa pun tidak boleh menghamburkannya untuk
mendapatkan surat pengampunan.

47. Docendi sunt christiani, quod redemptio Christians are to be taught that they Christians should be taught that they do Orang-orang Kristen harus diajar bahwa, meskipun mereka bebas
veniarum est libera, non precepta. buying of indulgences is a matter of free not need an indulgence. untuk membeli surat pengampunan dosa, mereka tidak diwajibkan
choice, not commanded. untuk melakukannya.
48. Docendi sunt christiani, quod Papa sicut Christians are to be taught that the pope, The pope should have more desire for Orang-orang Kristen harus diajar bahwa
magis eget ita magis optat in veniis dandis in granting indulgences, needs and thus devout prayer than for ready money. Paus, dalam memberikanpengampunan, memiliki kebutuhan lebih
pro se devotam orationem quam desires their devout prayer more than banyak dan keinginan lebih banyakagar doa yang tekun dinaikkan
promptam pecuniam. their money. baginya, daripada uang yang sudah siapuntuk dibayarkan.

49. Docendi sunt christiani, quod venie Pape Christians are to be taught that papal Christians should be taught not to rely Orang-orang Kristen harus diajar bahwa pengampunan dari Pausitu
sunt utiles, si non in eas confidant, Sed indulgences are useful only if they do not on an indulgence. They should never berguna,jika mereka tidak meletakkan kepercayaan mereka
nocentissime, si timorem dei per eas put their trust in them, but very harmful if lose their fear of God through them. penyucian;tetapi paling berbahaya,
amittant. they lose their fear of God because of
them. jika melaluinya mereka kehilangan rasa takut mereka kepada Allah.

50. Docendi sunt christiani, quod, si Papa Christians are to be taught that if the pope If a pope knew how much people were Orang-orang Kristen harus diajar bahwa,jika Paus mengetahui tuntutan
nosset exactiones venialium knew the exactions of the indulgence being charged for an indulgence – he para pengkhotbah pengampunan dosa, ia akan lebih menyukai jika
predicatorum, mallet Basilicam s. Petri in preachers, he would rather that the would prefer to demolish St. Peter’s. Basilika St. Petrus dibakar sampai menjadi abu, daripada dibangun
cineres ire quam edificari cute, carne et basilica of St. Peter were burned to ashes dengan kulit, daging, dan tulang domba-dombanya.
ossibus ovium suarum. than built up with the skin, flesh, and
bones of his sheep.
51. Docendi sunt christiani, quod Papa sicut Christians are to be taught that the pope The pope should give his own money to Orang-orang Kristen harus diajar bahwa, seperti halnya merupakan
debet ita vellet, etiam vendita (si opus sit) would and should wish to give of his own replace that which is taken from kewajiban, demikian juga itu merupakan harapan Paus yang jika perlu
Basilica s. Petri, de suis penecuniis dare money, even though he had to sell the pardoners. menjual Basilika St. Petrus dan memberikan uangnya sendiri kepada
illis, a quorum plurimis quidam basilica of St. Peter, to many of those from banyak orang, yang darinya para pengkhotbah pengampunan dosa
concionatores veniarum pecuniam whom certain hawkers of indulgences menarik uang.
eliciunt. cajole money.

52. Vana est fiducia salutis per literas It is vain to trust in salvation by indulgence It is vain to rely on an indulgence to Sia-sialah harapan untuk mendapatkan keselamatan melalui surat-surat
veniarum, etiam si Commissarius, immo letters, even though the indulgence forgive your sins. pengampunan dosa, bahkan sekalipun itu komisaris, tidak,bahkan Paus
Papa ipse suam animam pro illis commissary, or even the pope, were to sendiri - harus menjanjikan jiwanya sendiri bagi mereka.
impigneraret. offer his soul as security.
53. Hostes Christi et Pape sunt ii, qui propter They are the enemies of Christ and the Those who forbid the word of God to be Orang yang, demi memberitakan pengampunan dosa, mengutuk firrnan
venias predicandas verbum dei in aliis pope who forbid altogether the preaching preached and who preach pardons as a Allah untuk meredakan ketenangan di gereja lainnya, adalah musuh
ecclesiis penitus silere iubent. of the Word of God in some churches in norm are enemies of both the pope and Kristus dan Paus.
order that indulgences may be preached Christ.
in others.
54. Iniuria fit verbo dei, dum in eodem Injury is done to the Word of God when, It is blasphemy that the word of God is Kesalahan dilakukan terhadap firman Allah jika, dalam khutbah yang
sermone equale ver lonius tempus in the same sermon, an equal or larger preached less than that of indulgences. sama, waktu yang sama atau lebih lama dihabiskan untuk membahas
impenditur veniis quam illi. amount of time is devoted to indulgences surat pengampunan daripada untuk membahas firman Allah.
than to the Word.
55. Mens Pape necessario est, quod, si venie It is certainly the pope's sentiment that if The pope should enforce that the gospel Menurut pikiran Paus jika surat pengampunan, yang merupakan
(quod minimum est) una campana, unis indulgences, which are a very insignificant – a very great matter – must be masalah yang sangat kecil, dirayakan dengan satu bel, satu prosesi,
pompis et ceremoniis celebrantur, thing, are celebrated with one bell, one celebrated more than indulgences. dan satu seremoni; Injil,
Euangelium (quod maximum est) centum procession, and one ceremony, then the
campanis, centrum pompis, centrum gospel, which is the very greatest thing, yang merupakan masalah yang sangat besar, seharusnya diberitakan
ceremoniis predicetur. should be preached with a hundred bells, dengan ratusan bel, ratusan prosesi, dan ratusan seremoni.
a hundred processions, a hundred
56. Thesauri ecclesie, unde Papa dat The true treasures of the church, out of The treasure of the church is not Kekayaan gereja yang menyebabkan Paus mengeluarkan surat
indulgentias, neque satis nominati sunt which the pope distributes indulgences, sufficiently known about among the pengampunan dosa, tidak cukup didiskusikan atau dikenal di antara
neque condniti apud populum Christi. are not sufficiently discussed or known followers of Christ. umat Kristus.
among the people of Christ.
57. Temporales certe non esse patet, quod That indulgences are not temporal The treasure of the Church are temporal Tampak bahwa kekayaan tersebut bukanlah kekayaan sementara; sebab
non tam facile eos profundunt, sed treasures is certainly clear, for many (of this life). kekayaan tersebut tidak untuk dibagikan secara gratis, tetapi hanya
tentummodo colligunt multi indulgence sellers do not distribute them ditimbun oleh banyak pengkhotbah surat pengampunan dosa.
concionatorum. freely but only gather them.
58. Nec sunt merita Christi et sanctorum, quia Nor are they the merits of Christ and the Relics are not the relics of Christ, Kekayaan itu juga bukan kebaikan Kristus dan para Rasul; sebab tanpa
hec semper sine Papa operantur graniam saints, for, even without the pope, the although they may seem to be. They are, peran Paus, kebaikan selalu menghasilkan kasih karunia kepada manusia
hominus interioris et crusem, mortem latter always work grace for the inner in fact, evil in concept. rohani; dan salib, kematian, dan neraka bagi manusia lahiriah.
infernumque exterioris. man, and the cross, death, and hell for the
outer man.
59. Thesauros ecclesie s. Laurentius dixit esse St. Lawrence said that the poor of the St. Laurence misinterpreted this as the St. Lawrence berkata bahwa harta benda gereja adalah orang-orang
pauperes ecclesie, sed locutus est usu church were the treasures of the church, poor gave money to the church for relics miskin di gereja, tetapi ia berbicara menurut penggunaan kata itu pada
vocabuli suo tempore. but he spoke according to the usage of and forgiveness. zamannya.
the word in his own time.
60. Sine temeritate dicimus claves ecclesie Without want of consideration we say Salvation can be sought for through the Kami tidak tergesa-gesa berbicara jika kami berkata bahwa kunci gereja,
(merito Christi donatas) esse thesaurum that the keys of the church, given by the church as it has been granted this by yang diserahkan melalui kebaikan Kristus, adalah kekayaan itu.
istum. merits of Christ, are that treasure. Christ.
61. Clarum est enim, quod ad remissionem For it is clear that the pope's power is of It is clear that the power of the church is Sangat jelas bahwa kuasa Paus pada hakikatnya sudah memadai
penarum et casuum sola sufficit potestas itself sufficient for the remission of adequate, by itself, for the forgiveness untuk mengampuni hukuman dan kasus-kasus yang khusus diberikan
Papa. penalties and cases reserved by himself. of sins. padanya.
62. Verus thesaurus ecclesie est sacrosanctum The true treasure of the church is the most The main treasure of the church should Kekayaan gereja yang sejati adalah Injil Kudus dari kemuliaan dan kasih
euangelium glorie et gratie dei. holy gospel of the glory and grace of God. be the Gospels and the grace of God. karunia Allah.

63. Hic autem est merito odiosissimus, quia ex But this treasure is naturally most odious, Indulgences make the most evil seem Namun, kekayaan itu paling dibenci karena membuat orang pertama
primis facit novissimos. for it makes the first to be last (Mt. 20:16). unjustly good. menjadi yang terkemudian.

64. Thesaurus autem indulgentiarum merito On the other hand, the treasure of Therefore evil seems good without Sementara kekayaan surat pengampunan dosa paling diterima karena
est gratissimus, quia ex novissimis facit indulgences is naturally most acceptable, penance or forgiveness. membuat yang terakhir menjadi yang pertama.
primos. for it makes the last to be first.
65. Igitur thesauri Euangelici rhetia sunt, Therefore the treasures of the gospel are The treasured items in the Gospels are Oleh karena itu kekayaan Injil adalah jala, yang pada mulanya
quibus olim piscabantur viros divitiarum. nets with which one formerly fished for the nets used by the workers. digunakan untuk menjala orang kaya.
men of wealth.
66. Thesauri indulgentiarum rhetia sunt, The treasures of indulgences are nets with Indulgences are used to net an income Kekayaan surat pengampunan dosa adalah jala yang sekarang digunakan
quibus nunc piscantur divitias virorum. which one now fishes for the wealth of for the wealthy. untuk menjala kekayaan orang.
67. Indulgentie, quas concionatores The indulgences which the demagogues It is wrong that merchants praise Surat pengampunan dosa, yang dipromosikan secara jelas oleh para
vociferantur maximas gratias, acclaim as the greatest graces are actually indulgences. pengkhotbah sebagai kasih karunia terbesar, dipandang sungguh-
intelliguntur vere tales quod questum understood to be such only insofar as they sungguh seperti itu sepanjang berkaitan dengan meningkatnya
promovendum. promote gain. keuntungan.

68. Sunt tatem re vera minime ad gratia dei et They are nevertheless in truth the most They are the furthest from the grace of Namun, dalam kenyataan, surat itu tidak berarti apa-apa jika
crucis pitatem comparate. insignificant graces when compared with God and the piety and love of the cross. dibandingkan dengan kasih karunia Allah dan kesalehan karena salib.
the grace of God and the piety of the
69. Tentur Episcopi et Curati veniarum Bishops and curates are bound to admit Bishops are duty bound to sell Uskup dan imam terikat untuk menerima komisaris kepausan yang
apostolicarum Commissarios cum omni the commissaries of papal indulgences indulgences and support them as part of mengurusi surat
reverentia admittere. with all reverence. their job. pengampunan dengan segala kehormatannya.

70. Sed magis tenentur omnibus oculis But they are much more bound to strain But bishops are under a much greater Namun, mereka masih terikat untuk melihatnya dengan segenap mata
intendere, omnibus auribus advertere, ne their eyes and ears lest these men preach obligation to prevent men preaching mereka dan memerhatikan dengan segenap telinga mereka supaya
pro commissione Pape sua illi somnia their own dreams instead of what the their own dreams. orang-orang ini tidak mengkhotbahkan keinginan mereka sendiri, namun
predicent. pope has commissioned. mengkhotbahkan apa yang diperintahkan oleh Paus.

71. Contra veniarum apostolicarum veritatem Let him who speaks against the truth People who deny the pardons of the Biarlah orang yang berbicara menentang kebenaran surat
qui loquitur, sit ille anathema et concerning papal indulgences be Apostles will be cursed. pengampunan dosa Paus terkucil dan terkutuk.
maladictus. anathema and accursed.
72. Qui vero contra libidinem ec licentiam But let him who guards against the lust Blessed are they who think about being Namun, pada sisi lain, orang yang mengeluarkan segenap
verborum Concionatoris veniarum curam and license of the indulgence preachers forgiven. kemampuannya untuk menentang hawa nafsu dan
agit, sit ille benedictus. be blessed.
penyelewengan kebebasanpara pengkhotbah pengampunan,
biarlah ia diberkati.

73. Sicut Papa iuste fulminat eos, qui in Just as the pope justly thunders against The pope is angered at those who claim Seperti halnya Paus secara adil menghardik orang yangmenggunakan
fraudem negocii veniarum quacunque those who by any means whatever that pardons are meaningless. berbagai cara untuk merusak perdagangan surat pengampunan.
atre machinantur. contrive harm to the sale of indulgences.
74. Multomagis fulminare intendit eos, qui Much more does he intend to thunder He will be even more angry with those Terlebih-lebih jika ia menghardik orang yang, dengan dalih surat
per veniarum pretextum in fraudem against those who use indulgences as a who use indulgences to criticise holy pengampunan, menggunakannya sebagai alasan untuk merusak kasih
sancte charitatis et veritatis machinantur. pretext to contrive harm to holy love and love. kudus dan kebenaran.
75. Opinari venias papales tantas esse, ut To consider papal indulgences so great It is wrong to think that papal pardons Berpikir bahwa surat pengampunan Paus memiliki kuasa sedemikian
solvere possint hominem, etiam si quis that they could absolve a man even if he have the power to absolve all sin. sehingga mereka bisa membebaskan manusia bahkan jika -meskipun itu
per impossible dei genitricem violasset, had done the impossible and had violated tidak mungkin - ia
Est insanire. the mother of God is madness. telah bersalah kepada Bunda Allah,merupakan kegilaan.
76. Dicimus contra, quod venie papales nec We say on the contrary that papal You should feel guilt after being Sebaliknya, kami meneguhkan bahwa surat pengampunan Paus
minimum venialium peccatorum tollere indulgences cannot remove the very least pardoned. A papal pardon cannot tidakbisa menghapuskan dosa paling remeh sekalipun, sepanjang hal itu
possint quo ad culpam. of venial sins as far as guilt is concerned. remove guilt. terkait dengan kesalahannya.

77. Quod dicitur, nec si s. Petrus modo Papa To say that even St. Peter if he were now Not even St. Peter could remove guilt. Ungkapan yang mengatakan bahwa seandainya St. Petrus
esset maiores gratias donare posset, est pope, could not grant greater graces is menjadiPaus sekarang, ia tidak bisa memberikan kasih karunia yang
blasphemia in sanctum Petrum et Papum. blasphemy against St. Peter and the pope. lebih besar,merupakan penghujatan kepada St. Petrus dan Paus.

78. Dicimus contra, quod etiam iste et quilibet

We say on the contrary that even the Even so, St. Peter and the pope possess Kami sebaliknya meneguhkan bahwa Paus saat ini atau Paus lain mana
papa maiores habet, scilicet Euangelium, present pope, or any pope whatsoever, great gifts of grace. pun memiliki kasih karunia yang lebih besar yang dapat digunakan
virtutes, gratias curationum etc. ut 1. Co.
has greater graces at his disposal, that is, menurut kehendaknya - yaitu, InjiI, kuasa, karunia kesembuhan, dan
xij. the gospel, spiritual powers, gifts of sebagaimana tertulis (1 Korintus XII.9.)
healing, etc., as it is written. (1 Co 12[:28])
79. Dicere, Crucem armis papalibus insighiter To say that the cross emblazoned with the It is blasphemy to say that the insignia of Mengatakan bahwa salib yang dihiasi panjipanji kepausan memiiliki
erectam cruci Christi equivalere, papal coat of arms, and set up by the the cross is of equal value with the cross kuasa yang sama dengan salib Kristus, merupakan
blasphemia est. indulgence preachers is equal in worth to of Christ.
the cross of Christ is blasphemy. penghujatan.
80. Rationem reddent Episcopi, Curati et The bishops, curates, and theologians Bishops who authorise such preaching Uskup, imam, dan teolog yang mengizinkan khotbah semacam itu
Theologi, Qui tales sermones in populum who permit such talk to be spread among will have to answer for it. beredar di antara umat, harus memberikan pertanggungjawaban.
licere sinunt. the people will have to answer for this.
81. Facit hec licentiosa veniarum predicatio, This unbridled preaching of indulgences Pardoners make the intelligent appear Khotbah mengenai surat pengampunan dosa yang tidak terkontrol ini
ut nec reverentiam Pape facile sit etiam makes it difficult even for learned men to disrespectful because of the pope’s bukanlah hal yang mudah, bahkan juga bagi orang terpelajar, tidak bisa
doctis viris redimere a calumniis aut certe rescue the reverence which is due the position. menyelamatkan Paus dari fitnah, atau, dalam semua peristiwa,
argutis questionibus laicorum. pope from slander or from the shrewd pertanyaan kritis kaum awam.
questions of the laity.
82. Scilicet. Cur Papa non evacuat Such as: ``Why does not the pope empty Why doesn’t the pope clean feet for holy Misalnya: "Mengapa Paus tidak mengosongkan api penyucian demikasih
purgatorium propter sanctissiman purgatory for the sake of holy love and love not for money ? yang paling kudus, dan kebutuhan jiwa yang mendesak - ini menjadi
charitatem et summam animarum the dire need of the souls that are there if yang paling benar dari semua alasan - jika ia menebus jumlah jiwa yang
necessitatem ut sausem omnium he redeems an infinite number of souls tidak terbatas demi hal yang paling hina, uang, untuk digunakan
iustissimam, Si infinitas animas redimit for the sake of miserable money with membangun Basilika - ini menjadi alasan yang paling sepele?"
propter pecuniam funestissimam ad which to build a church?'' The former
structuram Basilice ut causam reason would be most just; the latter is
levissimam? most trivial.
83. Item. Cur permanent exequie et Again, ``Why are funeral and anniversary Indulgences bought for the dead should Sekali lagi: "Mengapa misa penguburan dan misa peringatan hari
anniversaria defunctorum et non reddit masses for the dead continued and why be re-paid by the pope. kematian masih berlanjut, dan mengapa Paus tidak mengembalikan,
aut recipi permittit beneficia pro illis does he not return or permit the atau mengizinkan penarikan dana yang diwariskan untuk tujuan ini;
instituta, cum iam sit iniura pro redemptis withdrawal of the endowments founded karena hal ini merupakan kesalahan untuk berdoa bagi orang-orang
orare? for them, since it is wrong to pray for the yang sudah ditebus?"

84. Item. Que illa nova pietas Dei et Pape, Again, ``What is this new piety of God and Evil men must not buy their salvation Sekali lagi: "Apakah karena kesalehan yang baru kepada Allah dan Paus,
quod impio et inimico propter pecuniam the pope that for a consideration of when a poor man, who is a friend of maksudnya, demi uang, pejabat gereja mengizinkan orang yang tidak
concedunt animam piam et amisam dei money they permit a man who is impious God, cannot. beriman dan musuh Allah untuk menebus jiwa-jiwa yang saleh dan
redimere, Et tatem propter necssitatem and their enemy to buy out of purgatory mengasihi Allah dari api pencucian, namun tidak menebus jiwa yang
ipsius met pie et dilecte anime non the pious soul of a friend of God and do saleh dan terkasih itu, berdasarkan kasih yang cuma-cuma,
redimunt eam gratuita charitate? not rather, beca use of the need of that
pious and beloved soul, free it for pure
love's sake?''
demi kebutuhannya jiwa-jiwa itu sendiri?"
85. Item. Cur Canones penitentiales re ipsa et Again, ``Why are the penitential canons, Why are indulgences still bought from Sekali lagi: "Mengapa peraturan tentang penyesalan dosa, yangsudah
non usu iam diu in senet abrogati at long since abrogated and dead in actual the church ? lama dihapuskan dan mati dalam kenyataannya karena tidak
mortui adhuc tatem pecuniis redimuntur fact and through disuse, now satisfied by digunakan, sekarang dipatuhi lagi dengan memberikan surat
per concessionem indulgentiarum the granting of indulgences as though they pengampunan dosa, seolah-olah peraturanperaturan tersebut masih
hidup dan berlaku?"
tanquam vivacissimi? were still alive and in force?''

86. Item. Cur Papa, cuius opes hodie sunt Again, ``Why does not the pope, whose The pope should re-build St. Peter’s with Sekali lagi: "Mengapa Paus, yang kekayaannya saat ini jauhlebih banyak
opulentissimis Crassis crassiores, non de wealth is today greater than the wealth of his own money. daripada orang yang paling kaya di antara orang kaya, tidak membangun
suis pecuniis magis quam pauperum the richest Crassus, build this one basilica Basilika St. Petrus dengan uangnya sendiri, sebaliknya dengan uang dari.
fidelium struit unam tantummodo of St. Peter with his own money rather orang-orang percaya yang miskin?"
Basilicam sancti Petri? than with the money of poor believers?''
87. Item. Quid remittit aut patricipat Papa iis, Again, ``What does the pope remit or Why does the pope forgive those who Sekali lagi: "Apa yang diampuni at au dianugerahkan Paus kepada orang-
qui per contritionem perfectam ius grant to those who by perfect contrition serve against him ? orang, yang dengan penyesalan yang dalam dan sempurna, memiliki hak
habent plenarie remissionis et already have a right to full remission and untuk mendapatkan pengampunan dan berkat yang sempurna?
participationis? blessings?''

88. Item. Quid adderetur ecclesie boni Again, ``What greater blessing could come What good would be done to the church Sekali lagi: "Berkat yang lebih besar apakah yang akan diterima gereja
maioris, Si Papa, sicut semel facit, ita to the church than if the pope were to if the pope was to forgive hundreds of jika Paus, tidak
centries in die culibet fidelium has bestow these remissions and blessings on people each day ? satu kali, seperti yang ia lakukan sekarang,
remissiones et participationes tribueret? every believer a hundred times a day, as memberikan pengampunan dosa dan
he now does but once?'' berkat seratus kali sehari kepada setiap
orang yang setia dalam iman?"
89. Ex quo Papa salutem querit animarum per ``Since the pope seeks the salvation of Why are indulgences only issued when Oleh karen a keselamatan jiwa, bukannya uang, yang dicari Paus
venias magis quam pecunias, Cur souls rather than money by his the pope sees fit to issue them ? melalui surat pengampunannya, mengapa ia menunda surat-surat
suspendit literas et venias iam olim indulgences, why does he suspend the danpengampunan dosa yang diberikan sejak lama karena keduanya
concessas, cum sint eque efficaces? indulgences and pardons previously sama-sama manjur?
granted when they have equal efficacy?''
90. Hec scrupulosissima laicorum argumenta To repress these very sharp arguments of To suppress the above is to expose the Untuk menindas keberatan dan argumen kaum awam dengan kekuatan
sola potestate compescere nec reddita the laity by force alone, and not to resolve church for what it is and to make true semata-mata
ratione diluere, Est ecclesiam et Papam them by giving reasons, is to expose the Christians unhappy. dan tidak menyelesaikannya dengan memberikan penjelasan,berarti
hostibus ridendos exponere et infelices church and the pope to the ridicule of memberi kesempatan kepada gereja dan Paus untuk dicemooh musuh-
christianos facere. their enemies and to make Christians rnusuh mereka dan membuat orang-orang Kristen tidak senang.
91. Si ergo venie secundum spiritum et If, therefore, indulgences were preached If the pope had worked as he should jika, kemudian, pengampunan
mentem Pape predicarebtur, facile illa according to the spirit and intention of the (and by example) all the problems dikhotbahkan sesuai semangat dan pikiran Paus, sernua pertanyaan ini
omnia solverentur, immo non esset. pope, all these doubts would be readily stated above would not have existed. akan diselesaikan dengan mudah tidak, bahkan tidak akan ada.
resolved. Indeed, they would not exist.
92. Valeant itaque omnes illi prophete, qui Away, then, with all those prophets who All those who say there is no problem Jadi, menyingkirlah, semua nabi yang berkata kepada umat Kristus,
dicunt populo Chrsti, Pax pax', et non est say to the people of Christ, ``Peace, must go. Problems must be tackled. "Damai, damai," dan tidak ada damai!
pax. peace,'' and there is no peace! (Jer 6:14)
93. Bene agant omnes illi prophete, qui Blessed be all those prophets who say to Those in the church who claim there is Diberkatilah semua nabi yang berkata kepada umat Kristus, "Salib,
discunt populo Christi ,Crux crux', et non the people of Christ, ``Cross, cross,'' and no problem must go. salib," dan tidak ada salib!
est crux. there is no cross!
94. Exhortandi sunt Christiani, ut caput suum Christians should be exhorted to be Christians must follow Christ at all cost. Orang-orang Kristen harus dinasihati untuk setia mengikuti Kristus Sang
Christum per penas, mortes infernosque diligent in following Christ, their Head, Kepala mereka melalui penderitaan, kematian, dan neraka.
sequi studeant, through penalties, death and hell.
95. Ac sic magis per multas tribulationes And thus be confident of entering into Let Christians experience problems if Dan dengan demikian yakin untuk memasuki surga melalui
intrare celum quam per securitatem pacis heaven through many tribulations rather they must – and overcome them – penganiayaan, bukannya melalui damai sejahtera yang palsu.
confidant than through the false security of peace rather than live a false life based on
(Acts 14:22). present Catholic teaching.

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