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't \JI\V V / / ,,

А message
/ сап write а message in response to ап advertisement.

SPfAКINC. Work ln palrs. What is а penfrlend ? S SPEAКING Work in pairs. Request the following
Think of three rea sons why somebody might want а lr1formation from yo ur partner. Use different phrases from
penfriend in а different cou11try. exercise 4 and verbs like te/1, explain, describe , etc.
• l1is / l1e r с/ а tc of birth
• l1is / l1er earl ,est m em ory

нI I Му nilme Is l\dam l'm slxteen

t1is / hе г ttJeal day ou L
l1is / hcr tastc In mus te

1 wondcr lf you cou ld tcll me your datc of blrth~

yea rs old and I llve in Ne~'\/castle ln
the UK 1'111 lookl11g for а penfrl e11d Yes, of course lt's ..
from any country ln the world. Send
me а message and tel 1me about
yourself and your faml ly. Also, could • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 .......................... .... .

you please tel 1me why you а ге

looking for а penfr iend? Thank s - Writ ing Strategy
and I hope to hear from you soonl M ake sure that you а) include all of t he po,nts in the
Cltck hcrc to repjy to Adam task ancJЬ) develop ea ch poin t. that is. add some extra
information or deta il. Try not to write Just one sentence
fo r each poiп t.
•.,· ·• • 4• • · ··" . . ........... . .. . ...... .. ........................... .

6 Read the Writing Str·ategy. Then look at the message in

2 Read the advertisement from а website for international
exercise 3 again. Does Dominik develop the po ints or does
penfriends above. What informatlon does Adam ask for?
he just write а single sentence for each one?
З Read the task and the message below. Does Domlnlk
7 Match sentences 1-5 with sentences а-е . Тh i nk of other
provide all ofthe information that Adam asks for? What
ways that extra detail or information could Ье added to
does Dom lnik ask for more information aЬout?
sentences 1-5.
You have seen this advertisement оп а webs,te for 1 go to Harford Commш1ity College _
,nternat,onal penfriends Write а messэge in reply and 2 l've got two broth ers. _
prov1de the н1fo rm alion Adam ёJ~ks{or lnclude а гequesl 3 We moved to а hou se out side t own last moпth.
fо г 1nforrТ1ation ,n уоuг message. 4 Му name·s Jack and l 'т seventeen years old
5 Would yoLI mind lf I visited you ,n Augllst~ _
а I live in Brigblon w itl1 my pare nts an cJ ту .,,.,ter

HII Му name·s Dominlk and l'm from the Czech Re puЫ lc .
Ь / 'т doir,g ту A· level s.
с We needed more space.
d l'd rea lly like to rneet you and уоuг fam1ly
е One ,s older tl 1a п те ап d 011е ,s y0Lir1~er

/'m ftfteen years old and llve ln Prague wltl1my pa гe n t s 8 You are golng to do the ta sk ir1 exercise 3. Plan your

' and my younger s/ster. l'm into footЬall , and my sls ter's
mad about horses
l'd llke to have а п Engllsh penfrlend because l'm studyl11g
message, using th e prompt s be low to hel p you. Thin k
abo ut how you сап add extrt1 ci et alls.
• Drю il1t> уо ш st> lf an1i y("l1Ir f.:i r111ly
English at school and would like to vIs1t Englund о п е
day. Would you mlnd telllng me mоге abour Ne\/'JCastle7 • Expl:11 11 у ош re<1s011 For want1r1g J penfпend

1know it's got а famou~ foottJilll tl! ilПI, IJut thdt 's а/1 I Оо • R e4L1 б l iпro г matio11 fro,п AJ.:iп1
you enjoy /lv/ng there?
9 Wrlte уош message щiпg your plan from exercise 8.


Ф Have you
4 КЕУ PHRASES Look at the polite requests below. Wh lch • rcfcrred to a11J developcd cach po,nt In tt,e task?
one does Adam use in hls advertisem ent? Wh fch one does • 11 srd а phrast> f,0111 E'xe,cisP 4 lo t'f'ЧLJf'St lnfor mэtion1
Dom inik use in his message? • r hN kerJ·the spe lllng af\d gr.irпrn iJr?

Polite rcqucs1 >

Woulcl it Ье poss1Ыe fог you to .
Co L1id you please ... ? Wou ld you m1nd 1f . ?
Would you m111d (+ -,ng form)? 1wonder ,f .

Unlt1 Generation s ••11.iJf 1111

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