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A 100% smart way to get organized

1. ALWAYS start from a Template. If there is an existing framework or

template that you can leverage and reuse as a starting point or as a
springboard, use it and start from it ! Avoid starting from a clean slate or
from a blank white page/wall.
2. Sequence the things !! This part is CRITICAL ! Sequencing is so CRITICAL
that you can literally THROW away ALL the other things here, but NOT
Sequencing ! You must Sequence or Order the things. It is also advisable
to Number the things during their sequencing
3. Name or Label the things. If they already have Names / Labels, improve
their Names
4. where possible, Write Definitions to define the Names / Labels
5. where possible, apply a Timestamp to every item on the list, to indicate
the moment at which it came into existence
6. where possible, review the statements/sentences and Fix them to use
Consistent Vocabulary
7. where possible, use SINGULAR terms and PERSONALIZED statements
that are targeted to a SINGLE person, single entity, or single object
(avoid Plural terms)
8. where applicable, Group related things. NB: only things that are naturally
and truly RELATED may be GROUPED ! Groups, when used careleslly, are
generally a BAD idea as they bring about a dilemma in cases where
something (a single item) can fit perfectly into two distinct groups.
Beauty and Looks, are often associated with being Organized
Once you've sorted out the Logical aspects of you becoming organized, as I
have listed them above, i.e.

1. Find a template and Start from that Template (the template you start
with, does Not have to Look beautiful itself!)
2. CRITICAL: Sequence the things !!
3. Name / Label the things
4. Optional: Write Definitions to define the Names / Labels
5. Optional: Timestamp the things
6. Optional: use Consistent Vocabulary, fix all instances of inconsistent
7. Optional: use Singular terms (avoid plurals)
8. Optional: Group related things

Now . . . if you want to Decorate your work and make it look Beautiful
Learn to apply Symmetry in your Arrangement or Design of the final

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