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how the world works}, but that style of approaching the task in this case, is


the SECOND area/aspect where you truly excel, is in your ability to explain
things by starting off from a SINGULAR perspective, dealing with the concept
by using an example that begins with ONLY **ONE** item, rather than what
we see when people rush to PLURALIZE everything when they could NOT
even clarify how ONE ITEM would be treated/handled ! This syndrome of
rushing to PLURALIZE a concept prematurely BEFORE you explain to people
how you treat ONE item, beats even the smartest of PhD professors
(especially Mathematics and Physics gurus) on YouTube. A Maths/Calculus
professor will blatantly FAIL when it comes to explaining something at its
atomic level, yet he will know how to RUSH AHEAD telling us how to shoot
NINE birds using 3 rifles when he could NOT clearly explain how you shoot
ONE bird using ONE rifle !! And you BEAT them ALL when it comes to that
aspect, hands out 😁👍👌 ! Keep it up !

Your work is AMAZING and METICULOUS 😁👍👌. you bring out clarity from
concepts that, if were explained by a university professor, would sound
cryptic and drive the learners nuts with confusion. i often tell kids that the
difference between {who is regarded} a dumb kid vs. a smart kid at school,
is hidden in the CLARITY of the teacher's message/words, or rather in how
much ATTENTION the teacher pays to the way s/he utters the words out of
his/her mouth {style, sequencing/ordering of concepts and
grouping/clustering of those words}. of course a BOOK, Audio or Video is
STILL a teacher's message too. a little more attention to SEQUENCING and
ORDERING of concepts, upon FIRST introduction of a Topic, would make
{some of} your videos even more clearer. i have noted that the HARDEST
thing that defeats 99% of teachers / speakers and mentors, etc. is the
puzzle of {properly} SEQUENCING or ORDERING concepts consecutively in
their message . . . it is so HARD it literally still defeats the smartest
award-winning minds out there in the field 😁. but otherwise, i am VERY
IMPRESSED with YOUR WORK to say the least. I loved it when you
introduced the Space Shuttle Enterprise and you properly placed it ON THE
LEFT-side of the pack even when its introduction was LATE/LAST 😁👌,
rather than placing it on the RIGHT-hand-side or worse = just carelessly
throwing it ANYWHERE on the illustration . . . so keep it up 😁👍👌 ! you're
amazing 🔥👌👌 !

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