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Domestic Work
Quarter 3 – Module 3:
Dining Set-up and Table
Appointments - SOP
(Week 3)
What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
understand Domestic Work. The scope of this module permits it to be used in many
different learning situations. The module covers the Introduction/ Learning
Objectives, Pre-Assessment, Lesson Proper, Generalization, Application, Post
Assessment. The language used, recognizes the diverse vocabulary level of students.
The lessons are arranged to follow the standard sequence of the course.

This module is about “The Standard Operating Procedure in Laying Table


After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the table appointments as per SOP;
2. laying out a guest table as per SOP; and
3. properly used dining appointments as per SOP.

What I Know

Use a separate sheet in answering the test. Be sure to write the following:
Name: ________________________________ Grade and Section: ______________________
Subject: ______________________________ Lesson Title: ____________________________

Directions: Choose the best answer among the given choices. Write letters only.
1. It is a step-by-step instruction compiled by an organization.
A. standard operating procedure C. workers directions
B. step-by-step procedure D. workers instructions
2. The following are the stainless-steel silverwares EXCEPT ______.
A. bread plate C. knives
B. dessert spoon D. serving spoon
3. Silverware should be touched by its _________.
A. bottom C. handle
B. bowl D. tines
4. The fork should be placed at the ________ of the plate.
A. bottom C. right-side
B. left-side D. top
5. It should be placed horizontal/above the cover plate.
A. silverware for dessert C. small knife
B. small fork D. small spoon
6. It enhances the appearance of the table.
A. base plate C. dinner plate
B. dessert plate D. soup plate

7. In laying out a guest table in formal set-up, salad plate should be________
of the dinner plate.
A. at the side C. below
B. at the top left D. on
8. Water glass & wine glass should be at the ________ of the dinner plate.
A. left side C. top-left corner
B. right side D. top-right corner
9. Table napkin must be __________ and neatly folded.
A. a linen C. a tissue
B. a paper D. with or without any napkin
10. The guest table lay-out for formal dining is ___________ than informal dining.
A. more complicated C. simpler
B. more detailed D. more topsy-turvy

What’s New


A standard operating procedure (SOP) is a set of step-by-step instructions compiled

by an organization to help workers carry out routine operations. SOPs aim to achieve
efficiency, quality output and uniformity of performance, while reducing
miscommunication and failure to comply with industry regulations.

An SOP, in fact, defines expected practices in all businesses where quality standards
exist. SOPs play an important role in your small business. SOPs are policies,
procedure, and standards you need in the operations, marketing and administration
disciplines within your business to ensure success. These can create:
• efficiencies, and therefore profitability;
• consistency and reliability in production and service;
• fewer errors in all areas;
• a way to resolve conflicts between partners;
• a healthy and safe environment;
• protection of employers in areas of potential liability and personnel matters;
• a roadmap for how to resolve issues – and the removal of emotion from
troubleshooting – allowing needed focus on solving the problem;
• a first line of defense in any inspection, whether it be by a regulatory body, a
partner or potential partner, a client, or a firm conducting due diligence for a
possible purchase; and
• value added to your business should you ever wish to sell it.

Developing an SOP is about systemizing all of your processes and documenting them.

What Is It



1. Get a rack of clean silverware and plates from your side station or the dish
2. Some of the silver, EPNS (Electro Plated Nickle Silver), Stainless Steel S.S.
items and plates used are given below:
• Big forks and knives
• Small forks and knives
• Big spoons
• Small spoons
• Side plates (bread plate)
• Soup Spoons
• Dessert Spoons and Forks
• Bread Plates
• Butter Plates
• Meal Plates
3. All clean silverware and plates should be free from stains and well-polished.
4. Make sure you know the menu and the required silverware for setting
each course.
5. Always carry plate ready with a clean, folded napkin.
6. Never transport silverware with your bare hands.
7. Return spotted or soiled items to the dish room.


Key Points to note while laying silverware:
1. Use a linen napkin to place silverware and plates on the table.
2. Only touch the silverware by the handle.
3. If no base plates are used for the meal, leave a 12-inch space directly in front
of each seat.
4. Place forks to the left of the base plate or space.
5. Place knives to the right of the base plate or space with the cutting edge of the
knife toward the plate or space.
6. Place spoons to the right of the knives.
7. Leave small spaces between pieces of silverware.
8. Line up all silverware handles about two centimeters from the table edge.
9. Knives and forks must form an exact line with the opposite knives and forks.

Place Silverware for the main course:

• Put the big knife on the right side of the cover plate, at about 1 cm parallel to
it, cutting edge inside (facing left), the handle should be at 2 cm from the edge
of the table.

• Put the big fork on the left side of the plate, handle at 2 cm from the edge of
the table.

Place Silverware for starters or appetizers:

• Put small knife next to the big knife, handles are at the same level, the cutting
side facing left.
• If there is soup in the menu, place a spoon in between the knives, handles are
all aligned on the same level.
• Use small soup spoon if the soup is served in cups, and big spoon if the soup
is served in dishes.
• Put small fork left to the big fork, push slightly up so that the tines of the
small fork are approx. 3cm higher than those of the big fork.
• Put bread plate top left to the small fork.
• The center of the plate must be aligned with the starting point of the tines of
the big fork.
• Put a small knife on the right-hand edge of the bread plate, parallel to the
small fork, cutting side facing left.

Place Silverware for dessert:

• Put dessert fork in horizontal position 2 cm above the cover plate, handle
facing to the left, tines to the right.
• Put dessert spoon in the horizontal position above the small fork, handle
facing to the right.


Key Points to note before placing plates on the table:
1. Get a rack of clean plates from your side station or the dish room.
2. In the fine dining restaurants, the base plates enhance the appearance of the
table and act as an under liner for cocktails and starter course.
3. Place the plate rack on to the tray jack.
4. Only use a dish dolly or cart when the restaurant is closed.
5. Check each base plate to be sure it is clean and free or any spots, chips and
6. Return any soiled or spotted plates to the dish room.
7. Any chipped or cracked plates to be reported to the supervisor.

Placing base plates on the guest table:

• Place the base place directly in front of the guest chair.
• Base plate should be around two centimeters from the edge of the table.
• If the plate has a logo on it then place the plate in such a way that the guest
can read the logo.

Placing bread and butter plates:

• Check each butter plate to be sure it is clean and free of chips or cracks.
• Return soiled plates to the dish room.
• Remove away chipped or cracked plates and report the same to the

• Place bread and butter plates to the left or above the forks at each place
• Return the empty rack to the dish room.


• All silverware must be laid perfectly straight, parallel and must form a straight
line with the opposite cutlery.
• Don’t throw silverware into the garbage nor take it to your room.
• Make sure all silverware is in an impeccable condition.
• Make sure you put each piece of silverware in the correct position.
• Return empty dish rack, carts etc. to the dish room.

What’s More

SOP for Laying Out a Guest Table

The procedures are as follows:

• Check the linen. Replace if required.
• Confirm the type of dining (Formal/Informal).

Table Layout for Formal Dining

For a formal table set up, place the tableware as follows:

• Service plate (dinner plate) one inch inside from the table edge.
• Salad plate on the top of the dinner plate.
• Forks on the left according to their size with the biggest fork being nearest to
the dinner plate.
• Dinner spoon and knife on the right side of the dinner plate.
• Dessert spoon and fork on the top side of the plate horizontally.
• Bread plate (quarter plate) on the top-left corner of the dinner plate and a
bread knife on top of it with its cutting-edge pointing outwards.
• Water glass and wine glass on the top-right corner of the dinner plate.
• Neatly folded linen napkin on the extreme left just after the salad fork.

Table Layout for Informal Dining

For an informal table setup place the tableware as follows:

• Dinner plate one inch inside from the table edge.
• Forks on the left side according to their size with the biggest fork being nearest
to the dinner plate.
• Dinner spoon and knife on the right side of the dinner plate.
• Water glass and wine glass on the top-right side of the dinner plate.
• Neatly folded linen napkin on the top of the dinner plate or at the left side next
to forks.

What I Have Learned

Use a separate sheet in answering the test. Be sure to write the following:
Name: ________________________________ Grade and Section: ______________________
Subject: ______________________________ Lesson Title: ____________________________

Directions: Answer Briefly the following questions.

1. How will you simplify the importance of “Standard Operating Procedure”?

2. What is the importance of base plate?
3. How important is it to know the type of dining before the guest table is laid-

What I Can Do

Use a separate sheet in answering the test. Be sure to write the following:
Name: ________________________________ Grade and Section: ______________________
Subject: ______________________________ Lesson Title: ____________________________

Directions: Do the given activity below.

1. Prepare a dining equipment available in your home.

2. Arrange it by following the SOP.
3. Take a video/picture while explaining its details.
4. Submit your output for rating.


Use a separate sheet in answering the test. Be sure to write the following:
Name: ________________________________ Grade and Section: ______________________
Subject: ______________________________ Lesson Title: ____________________________

Directions: Choose the best answer among the given choices. Write the letters

1. It is used to help workers carry out routine operations.

A. SOP C. workers directions
B. step-by-step procedure D. workers instructions
2. Knives should be placed at the ____________of the base plate.
A. bottom C. right side
B. left side D. top
3. The spoon to use is _______ if the soup is served in cup, and _______ if served in
A. big C. small
B. big-small D. small-big
4. It should be free from stains & well-polished.
A. center piece C. serving plates
B. glass D. silverware
5. Which of the following is the proper position of silverware for dessert?
A. both silverware place at the side
B. both silverware place at the top
C. small fork at the top of small spoon
D. small spoon at the top of small fork
6. This will act as under liner for cocktails/short courses.
A. base plate C. dinner plate
B. dessert plate D. soup bowl
7. Bread knife should be ______ the bread plate.
A. above C. side
B. below D. top
8. Dessert plate is _______ the cover.
A. above C. side
B. below D. top
9. Forks should be placed at the left and it should be arranged _______ to the
dinner plate.
A. at any sizes C. from the smallest to biggest
B. from the biggest to smallest D. at top of the base plate
10. Dining equipment for informal dining is ___________ than the formal dining.
A. more delicate C. simpler
B. more detailed D. more topsy-turvy

Additional Activity

Directions: Do the given activity below.

1. Collect pictures for formal & informal table lay-out from magazines or the
2. Mount them on a short bond paper. Label your photos appropriately. Submit
your output as per instructions of your teacher.

References, retrieved on August 28, 2020., retrieved on August 28, 2020., retrieved on August 28, 2020., retrieved on August 28, 2020.

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