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Document Title: HSE Standard Manual

Sec. C.001 Catering

COPI Doc No.: ID-G-BU-00000-00000-00368

Originator: COPI
COPI Group Owner: HSE
Area: General
Location: General
System: General
Document Type: Standard Specification
Discipline / Subdiscipline: General / General
Old COPI Document No.: COPI-HS-ST-00001 Sec.C.001

000368 Catering.pd

IFU e Aty Nin
Matakupan Aty Supriyadi
d Supriyadi

Issu f r Use Fred HSE Jim

McFadden Coordinators Taylor

Un t wn

Printed initials in the approval boxes confirm that the document has been signed.
The originals are held within Document Management.
Standard Specification: ID-G-BU-00000-00000-00368 Rev
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Revision Sheet
ConocoPhillips Indonesia Inc. Ltd


0 Feb 2003 Issued for Use

1 Aug 16, 2007 Document Reviewed. Add informations and/or renumbering in the
following points:
4.2. Safety and Health Hazard
• Add fungi as one of cause of Safety and Health Hazard
• Add wood and glass as examples of sharp objects
4.3. Catering Personnel Hygiene
- HR- ML — 00010 - H 005)
5. Supply and Receiving Materials, add point 5.10 as follow:

5.10. Catering company shall submit required certificates issued

by related government institution as an evidence that all
foodstuff supplied to Company's facilities have met hygienic
standard and justify its qualifications as a well qualified catering
company. The said certificates have to be submitted to
Company's Doctor on
duty and/or paramedic and/or on-site HSE Advisor.
6.2. COSHH Store being deleted
6.5. Keep food containers off the floor by using pallets.
6.7 Freezer and Chiller doors should be able to be opened easily from
inside and Chiller must be equipped with emergency lamp or
serine bottom. Freezer and Chiller have to be inspected
annually by
maintenance group.
6.12. Don't except food over the expired date.
6.13 Recalibration of temperature equipment have to be conducted
regularly by comparison with other accurate thermometer once a
year, documented and will be kept by material management on site.
7.1.1 Always wash hands with warm soapy water before and after
handling food for at least 20 seconds.
7.2.1. Thawing Procedure
7.2.3 Don't cross-contaminate. Keep raw meet, poultry, fish, and their
juices away from other food. After cutting raw meats, wash
cutting boards, utensils, and countertops with hot, soapy water.
7.1.2 Do not cough or sneeze near food. Wash hands after
cough and sneeze.
7.1.3 When preparing food, food handler :
- Do not wear any jewelry
- Do not use apron for serving food out side the food
preparation area.
- Must cut finger nail regularly.
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7.5. PPE

7.5.1 Appropriate oven gloves shall be worn during handling hot

7.5.2 Use butchers gloves for cutting needs, i.e when cutting meats,
coconuts etc
7.5.3 When serving food, caterer should wear plastic gloves.
7.5.4 Appropriate plastic gloves should be worn by dish washer.
7.5.5 Protective clothing (uniform and apron) with clean and light colour,
and cap shall be worn and maintained in a clean condition.
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8.6 Frozen Cooked food can be store at the temperature below 4
degree Celsius but not more than 5 days.
9.1. Leftover food disposal method, add information for onshore
facilities as follow:
At onshore facilities,
The food waste will be stored in a covered bins, and
should either be composted and re-used as manure for
plants, livestock feed or disposal in an Approved
Sanitary Landfill ( refer to COPI-HS-ST-00003-
Waste Management)
12. Food Poisoning. Add more one paragraph:
In case of food poisoning, food sample of 150 g per
menu shall be taken every day prior to food serving and
stored in the proper manner in freezer for 3 days to be
used for investigation purpose.
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1.0 Purposes..............................................................................................................................4
2.0 Application.............................................................................................................................4
3.0 Definition................................................................................................................................4
4.0 General.................................................................................................................................4
5.0 Supply and Receiving Material.............................................................................................5
6.0 Storage.................................................................................................................................6
7.0 Food Preparation..................................................................................................................6
8.0 Food Serving........................................................................................................................7
9.0 Leftover and Disposal...........................................................................................................7
11.0Audit inspection.....................................................................................................................8
12.0 Food Poisoning Outbreak....................................................................................................8

Appendix A Referenced Document.............................................................................................8
Appendix B Checklist for Inspection Catering Facilities.............................................................9
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1. Purpose
• To prevent injury or illness caused by catering activities throughout the COPI operations.
• As standard procedures to handle food safely, healthy, environmental friendly, and
• To contribute an enjoyable dining experience.

2. Application
This HSE STANDARDS MANUAL applies to all personnel in COPI and contractors (class 1 and 2)

3. Definitions
Thawing To change meat condition from a frozen solid to the original
condition by gradual warming.
Defrost Make or become free of frost or ice
Reheating To heat a food again so it will ready to serve.
Toast To heat and brown (bread, for example) by placing in a toaster or
an oven or close to a fire.
The Danger Zone Condition in temperature between 4.5° to 60° C when bacteria
grow most rapidly, doubling in number in as little as 20
Pest minutes. An annoying animal.
Insecticides A chemical substance used to kill insects.
Rodenticides A chemical substance used to kill rodents.
Liquors Alcoholic beverage.
Freeze The withdrawal of heat to change something from a liquid to a
solid -18° to -5° C
Chill A moderate but penetrating coldness 1° to 4° C.
Moldy Contains any of various fungi that often cause disintegration of
organic matter.
Refrigerator An appliance, cabinet, or room for storing food or other
substances at a low temperature.
Dunnage Loose packing material used to protect a ship's cargo from
damage during transport.
Meat The edible flesh of animals, especially that of mammals as
opposed to that of fish or poultry
Poultry Flesh of chickens or turkeys or ducks or geese raised for food.
Marinade To soak meat, fowl, fish, or vegetables in a liquid mixture, usually
of vinegar or wine and oil with various spices and herbs, before
Brining To immerse, preserve, or pickle in salt water.
Leftover Food remaining from a previous meal.
Disposal The act or process of getting rid of something.
Influenza symptoms Experience of chills; fever (above 38° C); muscle pain, sneezing,
headache, soar throat, dry and hacking cough, chest pain.

4. General
4.1 Roles and Responsibilities
The roles and responsibilities for ensuring high standards of safety, health and hygiene, at
field catering facilities rest with the contractor-catering supervisor at the work site. However,
the accountability lies with the Site Line Management.
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4.2 Safety and Health Hazard

Safety and Health hazards, which are common to all these facilities, regardless of type, are
caused by: harmful bacteria (protozoa), virus, chemical, pesticide, metal (lead, copper),
poisonous plant, fires, disease, animals (e.g.: rats, cats, dogs, insects, worms), fungi, sharp
objects such as wood and glass. Avoid the Danger Zone between 4.5° - 60° C.

4.3 Catering Personnel Hygiene

All catering personnel required to handle or prepare food shall be screened at recruitment
regarding their past history and periodical return from day-off of any illnesses e.g.: typhoid,
paratyphoid, diarrhea, dysentery, tuberculosis, hepatitis, skin diseases, influenza symptoms.
Catering personnel must report any illness to the Doctor on duty if he/she suffering from those
diseases. (Refer to HEALTH PASSPORT FOR CATERING CREW COPI - HR- ML — 00010 -
H 005)

4.4 Pest Control

All food must be protected from contamination by birds, insects, rodents, or other pets.
Insecticides and rodenticides in required area must only be carried out by trained pest control

4.5 Cleaning of Facility

Kitchen and dining structural, and equipment surfaces must be constructed of washable materials
(smooth impervious and easy to clean), which can be effectively cleaned from germs. No
dusting or sweeping activities shall be carried out during food preparation and serving.
Cleaning must be conducted in conjunction with handling instruction of cleaning agent
provided by the manufacturer.

4.6. Prohibited Items

The following items are prohibited to serve in COPI operation: fresh crabs, fresh shells, fresh
oysters, and liquors.

5. Supply and Receiving Materials

5.1 Foodstuff must be delivered to receiving point in good quality. Food temperature, conditions
and date code must be checked on the receipt of goods. Store Keeper is responsible for
ensuring the quality of foodstuff upon receipt.
5.2 Discarded any meat or poultry that have off odor, sticky or tacky to the touch, or slimy.
5.3 Each meat and poultry must be delivered separately in a single plastic wrap.
5.4 Corroded, punctured, bulging, lead soldered and dent canned and expired foodstuffs are not
5.5 Foodstuff shall be delivered in the mode of freeze (meat, fish), dry (soft drink, rice, sugar,
flour, noodles, etc.) and chill (vegetables, fruit, fresh milk, eggs) as per requirement. Do not
freeze canned food or eggs in shell.

5.6 Transportation containers to deliver foodstuff shall be in good shape and condition
(appropriate temperature, no dent, no corrosion).
5.7 Re-usable plastic baskets shall be used to deliver vegetables, fruits and eggs. No wooden
boxes are acceptable. Re-use of carton boxes ex cleaning agents or lube oil for packing food
is prohibited.
5.8 Only Department Kesehatan RI registered manufactured foodstuff are accepted.
5.9 Cracked egg shall be discarded.
5.10 Catering company shall submit required certificates issued by related government institution as an
evidence that all foodstuff supplied to Company's facilities have met hygienic standard and justify
its qualifications as a well qualified catering company. The said certificates have to be
submitted to Company's Doctor on duty and/or paramedic and/or on-site HSE advisor.
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6. Storage
6.1 Storage must facilitate rotation of stock; the FIFO (First In First Out) principle must be followed at
all time.
6.2. Food stock shall be separately stored from all other items (linen, disposable, cleaning material,
stationery, pesticide, etc.).
6.3 All raw food shall be separately stored from cooked and prepared food.
6.4 Keep all meat and poultry in its package until using. Discard any foods that have been
contaminated by raw meat juices.
6.5 Keep food containers off the floor by using pallets.
6.6 Storage of dried and canned food must be dry, cool and well-lit, well —ventilated, pests proof, and
kept clean and tidy. Deep freezers must only be used for frozen product. The freezer shall
run at minus 18 deg Celsius, while chiller shall run at 4 deg Celsius or below. Freezer and
chiller temperature must be monitored and recorded daily by Store Keeper. Avoid overfill of
refrigerator, and never leave perishable goods out of the refrigerator over two hours.
6.8 Storage must be free of pest, contamination and corrosion.
6.9 All doors opening to the exterior of the chiller and/or refrigerator shall be flush fitting to
prevent entry of pests.
6.10 Freezer and Chiller doors should be open easily from inside and Chiller must be equipped
with emergency lamp or serine bottom has to be inspected annually by maintenance group.
6.11 All moldy food shall be immediately discarded from storage. Don't sniff on them.
6.12 Don't except food over the expired date.
6.13 Recalibration of temperature equipment have to be conducted regularly by comparison with other
accurate thermometer once a year, documented and will be kept by material management on

7. Food Preparation
7.1 Personnel Hygiene

7.1.4 Bad habits such nose/ear picking, spitting, nail biting, finger licking, chatting, eating or drinking
must be avoided at all time during food preparation and service areas.
7.1.5 Always wash hands with warm soapy water before and after handling food for at least 20
7.1.6 Use disposable tissue if coughing and sneezing, and always wash hands after coughing and
sneezing into them.
7.1.7 Never touch food with bare hands, use disposable plastic gloves/utensils.
7.1.8 Do not cough or sneeze near food. Wash hands after cough and sneeze.
7.1.9 When preparing food, food handler :
- Do not wear any jewelry
- Do not use apron for serving food out side the food preparation area.
- Must cut finger nail regularly.

7.2 Food

7.2.1 Thawing of frozen meat, poultry and fish slowly in the refrigerator for meat preparation instead of
preheating or reheating. Never thaw at room temperature (22°C) neither use hot water.
Frozen material especially frozen vegetables can be cooked without being melted before, but for
poultry or other big frozen meat need to be thawed prior to cook.
Thawing should be performed separately from cooking process are conducted only on :
a. Frozen cabinet/ special cabinet for melting with temperature being maintained at least 4
degree Celsius or
b. At the running water with the temperature of 21 degree Celsius not more than 4 hours or
7.2.2 Always marinate or brining food in the refrigerator, not in the counter. Never use leftover
marinates or brine.
7.2.3 Don't cross-contaminate. Keep raw meet, poultry, fish, and their juices away from other food.
After cutting raw meats, wash cutting boards, utensils, and countertops with hot, soapy water.
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7.2.4 Meat, poultry, and fish must always be separated from sauce or stocks during cooling and
7.2.5 Raw eggs dishes, cold dessert, and cold sauces made with raw eggs are forbidden.
7.2.6 Fresh vegetables and salad items must be thoroughly washed in cold water containing
chlorine salad wash, according to manufacturers recommended dilution and left for 15
minutes. Inspect all items for traces of insects, caterpillars, slugs, or other foreign material. Cut
away any damage or bruised area. Immediately refrigerate any fresh-cut items such as salad
or fruit.
7.2.7 Use up milk, canned fruit/vegetables/juices, once the container is open.
7.2.8 Once the can is opened move the content to a clean container and refrigerate them promptly.
Remove can lid completely. Do not put any kitchen utensils into the container.
7.2.9 Reheating of leftover food is not acceptable.
7.2.10 Clean all foods thoroughly.

7.3 Equipment
7.3.1 Use plastic cutting board instead of wooden cutting board.
7.3.2 Use different cutting board and knife for meat, fish, vegetables, fruit, bread/cake and chili.
7.3.3 Clean all kitchen equipment including the cutting board and any utensils before and after
preparing food. Use hot soapy water.
7.3.4 Disinfect cutting boards using a solution of 1 tablespoon of unscented, liquid chlorine bleach in
1 gallon of water. Wash the board thoroughly after disinfecting.
7.3.5 Replace cutting board periodically.
7.3.6 Don't use the same platter and utensils for raw and cooked meat or poultry.
7.3.7 Use only electrical range stove that can reach more than 163° C.
7.3.8 Use a fresh solution of detergent/sanitizer before starting work on a preparation bench,
between jobs on the same bench, at the end of the day, first thing in the next morning.
7.3.9 Use disposable paper towels for wiping, eliminating tea towels and similar fabrics.
7.3.10 Can openers must be kept clean and sterilized at least once per day.
7.3.11 Blades must be sharp free from damage, renewed as necessary and kept clean.
7.3.12 Food cans/containers must be washed thoroughly prior to opening.
7.3.11 Defect kitchen utensils shall not be used.
7.3.12 All kitchen utensils must be maintained and cleaned.
7.3.13 Use a wooden tamper when operating food choppers and meat grinders.

7.4 Cooking

7.4.1 Cook red meat and eggs to 70° C, poultry 80° C, use a food thermometer to make sure the
food has reached a safe internal temperature. Make sure to check temperature in the wing
joint for poultry. To check visually, red meat is done when it is brown or grey inside, poultry
juices run clear.
7.4.2 Cooking shall not be interrupted. Never refrigerate partially cooked product to later finish cooking
on the grill or in the oven.
7.4.3 Bring sauces, soups, and gravy to boil.
7.4.4 Never taste food that looks or smells strange to see if it can be re-served or not. If in doubt,
dispose it.

7.5. PPE

7.5.1 Appropriate oven gloves shall be worn during handling hot materials.
7.5.2 Use butchers gloves for cutting needs, i.e when cutting meats, coconuts etc
7.5.3 When serving food, caterer should wear plastic gloves.
7.5.4 Appropriate plastic gloves should be worn by dish washer.
7.5.5 Protective clothing (uniform and apron) with clean and light colour, and cap shall be worn and
maintained in a clean condition.
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8. Food Serving
8.1 Wash hands with soap and warm water before serving food.
8.2. Serve cooked products on clean plates with clean utensils.
8.3 Defected drinking or eating utensils must be discarded immediately.
8.4. Hot food shall be kept above 60° C until served.
8.5 Cold dish temperature must be below 5° C
8.6 Frozen Cooked food can be store at the temperature below 4 degree Celsius but not more than
5 days.
8.7 No superfluous decoration of food serving shall be used.
8.8 Do not share food, cups, straws and hand towels.
8.9 Do not put your forks, spoons, into communal dishes.

9. Leftover and Disposal

9.1 Wash hands with warm and soapy water before and after handling leftovers.
9.2 Discard any food left out at room temperature (22° C) for more than 2 hour, 1 hour if the room
temperature more than 32° C.
9.3 Clean and dirty items shall be handled separately.
9.4 Wash cycle temperature for washing machine is 49 — 60 C. The rinse cycle temperature is 66
82° C.
9.5 Never use wire wool to wash metal pot sauce.
9.6 Use separate basins for washing and rinsing.
9.7 All kitchen garbage must be placed in covered containers, which have either plastic bin liners or
plastic bags inside them.
9.8 Leftover food disposal method:
At onshore facilities,
At offshore facilities garbage shall be disposed overboard in accordance with IMO
MARPOL 73/78:
Offshore platforms and associated ships include all fixed or floating platforms engaged
in exploration or exploitation of seabed mineral resources, and all ships alongside or
500 meters of such platform is prohibited to dispose garbage except grounded or
comminuted food waste no larger than 25 millimeters.


Garbage Type Distance from shoreline

Plastic — includes synthetic Ropes, and fishing
and plastic garbage bags.

Floating dunnage, lining and packing >25

miles materials
Paper, rags, glass, metal, bottles, >12 miles
crockery, food waste and similar
refuse not comminuted or
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All other garbage including paper, >3 miles
rags, glass, food waste etc.
comminuted or ground no
larger than 25 millimeters.
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9.9 Never dispose kitchen garbage of in rivers or lakes as this causes pollution.

10 Training
Site Line Management is responsible to ensure that all catering staffs are trained in accordance
with HSE STANDARDS MANUAL Section T.003 Training (ID-G-BU-00000-00000-00444).

11 Audit/Inspection
Mechanism of catering audit/inspections conducted by COPI consists of Self (semi-annually),
weekly, and impromptu. In addition to these inspections, the contractor management is
required to conduct self-inspection between COPI Self Audits.

12 Food Poisoning
Complain on foreign body/unfit food shall be investigated and necessary action shall be taken.
Food poisoning outbreak shall be investigated and the following action shall be taken:

1. Stop serving the suspected food

2. Isolate and take sample of the suspected food to the laboratory test

Food Poisoning occurs 4-12 hours after ingestion (after the meal is served).
The Site Line Management shall obtain medical guidance to overcome the issue.
In case of food poisoning, food sample of 150 g per menu shall be taken every day prior to
food serving and stored in the proper manner in freezer for 3 days to be used for investigation
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Appendix A - Referenced Document

Document No. Document Title
RI Act No.8/1999 Consumer Protection
RI Act No.23/1992 Health.
Consumer Education and Information from
US Department of Agriculture (USDA).

OSHA Standard No. 1910.1200

Codex Alimentarius (Food Law or Code of Hygienic Practice for Precooked and
Cooked Code ) — FAO/WHO foods in mass Catering

COSHH store
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A.1. Who is responsible for ensuring high standards of safety, health and hygiene, at field catering?

A.2. Who is accountable for ensuring high standards of safety, health and hygiene, at field catering?

A.3. What steps have been taken by catering crew to avoid The Danger Zone?

A.4. What medical check up has been taken to catering crew who handle food preparations?

A.S. What is the regulation for catering crew with finger cut and/or long fingernails to handle food?

A.6. What precaution steps have been taken to avoid food contamination by animals?

A.7. What training subjects that have been taken by personnel assigned on pest control?

A.8. What is kitchen structural made off?

a. Wall
b. Floor
c. Table
d. Counter:

A.9. What time dusting or sweeping activities are carried out?

A.10. What instructions have been given by cleansing agent manufacturer regarding the use of
cleansing agent?

A.11. What items are prohibited to serve in COPI operation?

A.12. What trainings have been given to catering Crew?

A.13. What Audit and inspection have been conducted related to catering operations?

A.14. What steps have been taken if a food poisoning occurred?

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A.15. What training has been taken by personnel assigned on disease prevention control?

A.16. What steps will be taken if the catering crew suffer contagious disease?


B.1. What is condition when foodstuff delivered at receiving point?

a. Transportation containers condition:
c. Temperatures:

d. Expiry Date:
f. Condition: off odor/ sticky / tacky to the touch/ slimy / good.
g. Meat and poultry wrap
i. Canned food: corroded / punctured / bulging / lead soldered / dent / expired / No
Department Kesehatan RI registered / good.

B.2. Who is responsible for ensuring the quality of foodstuff upon receipt?

B.3. What is container used to deliver vegetables, fruits and eggs?

B.4. What conditions to do for eggs prior storing?


C.1. What principle has been facilitated in stock rotation?

G.2. What separation that applies in storing food stock from all other items (linen, disposable, cleaning
material, stationery, pesticide, etc.)?

C.3. How raw food, cooked and prepared food are stored?

C.4. What Temperatures the Freezer and the Chiller are maintained? Who is responsible to maintain
the temperatures?
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C.S. What is the effort to make free of pest, contamination and corrosion?

C.6. What has to bedone with moldy foodstuff?


D.1. What is prohibited habits during food preparation and serving?

D.2. What conditions that affect hand wash regulation?

D.3. What protective clothing shall be wearing during food preparations?

D.3. How to thaw the frozen meat, poultry and fish?

D.4. How to marinate or brining food?

D.S. How you prepare fresh vegetables and other items for salad?

D.6. How you treat opened canned food such as milk, canned fruit/vegetables/juices?

D.7. How you treat leftover food?

D.8. How you treat cutting boards?

D.9. What is minimum temperature the range used can reach?

D.10. What is the requirement in using detergent/sanitizer?

D.11. What is the condition of blades?

D.12. What will be done with defected kitchen utensils?

D.13. What is the procedure to operate food choppers and meat grinders?

D.14. What temperature needs to cook:

a. Red meat?
b. Eggs?
c. Poultry?
And how to make sure the food has reached a safe internal temperature?
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E.1. What is condition of the eating utensils to serve food?

E.2. What are temperature conditions to be kept for food until serving?


F.1. How do you handle clean and dirty items?

F.2. What is temperature condition for washing machine?

F.3. How Metal Pot sauce is washed?

F.4. How kitchen garbage is treated? How they are disposed?

1. General Appearance Clean and Tidy. SE
2. Food Storage - uncovered containers.
3. Meat, poultry, fish, fresh vegetables in good condition.
4. Freezer, chiller, ice-maker - clean and working properly. PO
5. Oven, cooking facilities - clean and working properly. SA
6. Kitchen utensils (pots, pans) clean and in good condition. L
7. Cutlery (knives, forks, spoons) and serving dishes, AR
plates, glasses, etc. clean and in good
conditions. EA
8. All prepared food covered
9. Disinfectants, detergents, fly-sprays available and used regularly.
(Not in the kitchen)
10. Clean towels (Wash Basin, Electric hand dryer) and soap available
for kitchen workers.
11. Fire extinguisher in working order.
12. Potable water - discoloration, strange taste or smell.
13. Kitchen waste bins - covered and with plastic liners.
14. Kitchen area - free from flies and insects.
15. Kitchen workers - clean and properly attired.

1. General Appearance - Clean and Tidy.
2. Tables and Seats - Clean.
3. Floor, Walls and Windows - Clean.
4. Suggestion Book Available for Use.
5. Eating Area Free From Flies and Insects.
6. Served food of good quality, quantity and variety.
7. Hand wash, Electric Hand dryers and antiseptic soap Yes/No
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Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No

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1. General Appearance — Clean and Tidy

2. Location (Onshore) 50 yards from Kitchen
3. Location (Onshore) has all refuse buried with no sign of litter,
empty cans, slops, etc.
4. Any offensive small in area.
5. Location (offshore) is clean and free from litter

1. Is food and drink consumption prohibited where it could be contaminated with chemical, radiation
or biological agents?

2. Are eating areas provided as follows:

Easily cleanable surface? (smooth impervious easy to clean)

Protected from vermin and insects?
Accessible to hand wash facilities?

3. Is food stored only in designated refrigerators and areas?

4. Are non-food items (chemicals, paint brushes, etc.) prohibited from being stored in refrigerators
designated for food/beverage storage? (COSHH area)

5. Are refrigerators clean?

6. Are refrigerators in which food is stored more than 8 hours provided with a thermometer and kept
below 45OF (7”C)?

7. Are freezers kept between -10 to 0”F (-23 to —18”C)?

Is frozen food thawed out in a refrigerator - not at room temperature?
(Controlled Environment)
8. Are food preparation and serving containers kept closed when feasible?

9. Are dishwashers or procedures (cleaners?) provided with a final rinse at 180OF (82OC)?

10. When is the expiration date of processed/canned food.




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