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TAHUN AJARAN 2022/2023

Mata Pelajaran : Math

Guru Mata Pelajaran : Mida Nurlan Harahap, S. Pd
Kelas : IV (Four)
Waktu : 60 Menit
Nama Siswa : ………………………………

Petunjuk Umum:
1. Mulailah dengan membaca doa
2. Periksa dan bacalah soal secara teliti sebelum ananda menjawabnya
3. Laporkan kepada pengawas ujian, jika terdapat tulisan kurang jelas, rusak, atau jumlah
soal kurang
4. Dahulukan soal-soal yang mudah
5. Periksalah jawaban ananda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas
6. Tidak diijinkan menggunakan kalkulator, handphone, atau alat bantu lainnya.

Special Instructions : Choose the correct answer by putting a cross (x) on the
letter A, B, or C on the answer sheet.
1. Write number in numerals, seventy two thousand four hundred and sixty ….
A. 27.460
B. 72.460
C. 72.640

2. Write the numbers in words 56.548 ….

A. Fifty sixty thousand five hundred and fourty eight
B. Fifty six thousand five thousand and fourty eight
C. Fifty six thousand five hundred and fourty eight

3. 5.234 the digit tree stands for …..

A. Hundred
B. Ones
C. Tens
4. 17.456 the digit seven stands for …..
A. Ones
B. Hundred
C. Thousand

5. Round off 4.518 to the nearest tens…

A. 4.500
B. 4.520
C. 4.510

6. 159 is _____ when rounded to the nearest hundred

A. 160
B. 200
C. 150

7. Nadia orders 2.945 strawbery cupcakes. Round off the number to the nearest
A. 2.000
B. 2.950
C. 3.000

8. 70 x 5 is ….
A. 350
B. 35
C. 450

9. Estimate the value off the multiplication below to the nearest tousand 430 x 6 = …..
A. 2.580
B. 2.600
C. 3.000

10. 9 thousand x 9 is ….
A. 81 thousand
B. 8 ten thousand and 1 thousand
C. 81.000
11. Find the product 10 x 100 equal ….
A. 10.000
B. 1.00
C. 1.000
12. Find the missing number 33 x 40 = 33 x ___ tens = 1.320
A. 33
B. 40
C. 4
13. Find the missing number 16 x 20 = 16 x 2 tens = …..
A. 32 tens
B. 320
C. 3.200

14. Fill the blanks 4.900 ÷ 7 = 49 hundreds ÷ 7 =____ hundreds

A. 6
B. 7
C. 8

15. Division, divide the number below 9 √ 927 = …..

A. 103
B. 203
C. 102


1. Write the numbers in numerals.

a. Thirty thousand and eleven =___________
b. One thousand nine hundred and ninty nine = _________

2. Write the number in word

a. 12.222 = _____________________________________________________
b. 14.879 = _____________________________________________________

3. Count on and fill the blanks

a. 85.000, 86.000, ________, ________, ________, ________
b. 10.000, ______, 20.000, 25.000, _______, ________, _______
4. Rounded off the nearest ten and hundred than count.

a. 45 x 8 ≈ ____ x 8 b. 763 + 36 ≈ _____ + _____

=______ = _______

5. During a game, 4056 people were told to get into groups of 9.

a. Hou many groups of 9 were there ? and how many people were left
b. If the number of men were 300 times the number off people left, how many men
were there altogether.

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