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Joyce Travelbee

Human-to-Human Relationship Model Vincent Cam Prof. Nava 1ACN

Human-to-Human Relationship Model by Joyce Travelbee

A. Paraphrase the theorists definition of client, health, environment, and nursing. To Travelbee a client is a human who is unique irreplaceable individual who is in continuous process of becoming, evolving and changing. Her views on health are both subjective and objective. Subjective being as is an individually defined state of well being in accord with self-appraisal of physical-emotional-spiritual status. Objective is an absence of discernible disease, disability of defect as measured by physical examination, laboratory tests and assessment by spiritual director or psychological counsellor. She sees the environment as human conditions and life experiences encountered by all men as sufferings, hope, pain and illness. Lastly Joyce Travelbee looks at nursing as an interpersonal process whereby the professional nurse practitioner assists an individual, family or community to prevent or cope with experience or illness and suffering, and if necessary to find meaning in these experiences.

B. How do you define client, health, environment, and nursing? To me a client is a person whom a nurse cares to and aids them when they are unwell. Health would be an aspect of a persons life that is needed to kept well enable to live a long lasting way of life. The environment would be everything surrounding a client that can affect their health. Finally nursing to me would be the occupation that cares for people that are not well and someone who promotes and practices healthy living wherever they may be.

C. Name and discuss specific types of client groups that might be best suited for the theory. Travelbee states that a client is a person that is unique and constantly changing, while I just simply say it is a person who a nurse aids to when they are ill. Our definition of health are almost the same, the only difference I would say is she broke the definition into two, subjective health and objective health, while I illustrated it into one. She says that environment is everything a person does to affect his health, while I stated that it is everything around a person that may affect his or her life. Last of all Joyce Travelbees definition of nursing and my definition are really close to being similar, we both agreed that it is a profession that promotes health, but she adds that doing such a job finds the meaning of meaning a nurse. D. Name and discuss specific types of client groups that might be best suited for the theory. Clients that are best suited for this theory are those who are uncomfortable in their room after they have just experienced. These patients are perfect because the nurse would speak to the patients to first calm them down. Then they would give them comfort by a prolonged conversation, prolonging the conversation releases what is the result of their discomfort, or not. If the patient reveals what then the patient will no need help, but if they do express that they have an inability to resolve what their problem is then that patient would need help.

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