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WITHOUT APOLOGY |. SETH ODOYO MIN 1 08/07/2023 PRELIMINARIES, The meeting was opened by a word of prayer from Pamela Olela after which the chair person ‘welcomed all members to the meeting and urged them to be free for the discussion MIN2 08/07/2023 AGENDA The chairperson Titus Agalo give out the following as the agenda to be discussed 1. Election He then seeks a confirmation from the members if they were ready for the outlined agenda to bbe discussed. All members agreed for the discussion ‘MIN3 08/07/2023 ELECTION The chairperson put the meeting into attention. He reminded members since the time for election had reached it was right for it to be done, members agreed. Few members were appointed to officiate the exercise. The following were elected as officials i, Ishmael Odoyo ~ chairman ii, Joanes Owuor- secretary iii, Chrisphine Ojijo- treasurer MIN 4 CHANGING OF SIGNATORIES After a free and fair elections members agreed for signatories to be changed for the newly elected officials to take charge. MIN 5 08/07/2023 MODE OF WITHDRAWAL ‘The meeting resolved that the three to sign at any withdrawal ‘MIN 6 08/07/2023 ADJOURNMENT ‘There being no any other business the meeting was called to an end by the chairman elect and the closing prayer was done by Nicholas Owiti Compiled by Secretary... Confirmed by Chairperson a OS Face BEVEL opMeRE RE SOCIRG . egupevanoeny alha3

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