Final Assignment M2

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Module 2: English for Social Communication

1.Describe your best teacher colleague in terms of his/her physical and mental appearances.
My best teacher colleague is Mrs. Bau Nur Indah Abdullah. She is an English teacher.
She is 34 years old. She is tall and slim. She is always wearing a veil. She is beautiful with a
pointed nose and brown skin. She is very good to her students. She always gives logic advice
or opinions when students need her help. She has made all her students love learning English
because she is very smart to create quiet and comfortable atmosphere in classroom. She
always has the latest ideas in teaching. I think she is very creative and innovative teacher. She
is good in making friend and talking in front of the crowd. Every person who is close to her
will feel comfortable because of her personality. She is very friendly with her students and
her friends.

2.Write a historical recount of the school where you are currently teaching. For this purpose,
you can interview people who has knowledge of the school history;or,examine relevant
documents or artifacts for data to support your writing.

My School SMPN 2 Sinoa Satap Batu Langgayya

SMPN 2 Sinoa Satap Batu Langgayya is located in Bonto Bulaeng village, Bantaeng
Regency, South Sulawesi. Bonto Bulaeng is a mountainous village. This school was built in
July 16th, 2011. This school was built because students of Elementary School in this little
village didn’t continue their study in Junior High School. They didn’t continue their study
because their parents didn’t have money to pay transportation fee to school in town. Most
people in this village are corn farmers. They are poor farmers. So, the government decided to
build this school.
This school was the first Junior High School built in this little village. Since this
school was built, students of Elementary School in this small village could continue their
study. The students of this school come from Bonto Bulaeng village only. They come from
poor family so all students in this school get donation from central government called
Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP). Since it was built, this school had three classes, one library,
and one office.
This school is surrounded by corn field. In the centre of the school there is an empty
field and students use it to play football or badminton. This school has a well stock library.
Outside there is a corn field. Because this school is located in mountainous village,
sometimes there is an evaporation fog and the students have to wear jacket because the air is
too cold.

3.Read the following label carefully. What can you say about its social function, generic
structure, and language features?
 Social function : product identification and advertising.
 Generic structure : servings, calories, updated daily values, actual amounts declared,
change in nutrients required, and new footnote.
 Language features : imperative, suggestions, singular and plural nouns with or
without articles, quintifiers, and numbers.
4.Look around your school environment and find one sample of warnings, notices, and
cautions.Take a picture of the samples and explain the message contained in each of them.

Message : don’t use forbidden drugs (Narkotik dan Obat Berbahaya / Narkoba) because they
are dangerous for health.

Message : always remember to wash hands using soap to prevent us from diseases.

Message : don’t smoke so that you will be healthy and can achieve many positive
things in life.

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