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The impact of FINTECH in the finacial service sector: A case of Eswatini

T phenomenon he digitization of services

has become a norm in all industries
especially in finacial services sector in order to
expectation response rate, these firms have
been facing challenges to understand and
adapt to this phenomenon. In addition
“The purpose to thisis
of this study
provide flexibility and access to services. toavailable
little empirical data bridge the gap of
about the
knowledge concerning the
These services are now provided by smaller impact of Fintech impact
in the context
of FnTechof the
issues and
innovative companies which has made an Kingdom of Eswatini challenges.
financial This study will
provide findings on how the
impact on larger existing financial firms. industry. This study will therefore provide an
financial services sector can
However due to the lack innovation, slow in depth understanding of theonfintech
levererage and of
the impact
adoption of technology and low customer FinTechsector
how the finacial services can becantheadapt.
for competitive advantage
and sustainability”.

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Nhlanhla Maziya
The impact of FINTECH in the finacial service sector: A case of Eswatini

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Nhlanhla Maziya

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