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Synthesis and Preliminary Demulsification Efficiency

Evaluation of New Demulsifiers Based on Fatty Oils
a a b
Rasha A. El-Ghazawy , Ahmed M. Al-Sabagh , Nadia G. Kandile & Mahmoud R. Noor El-
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, Egypt
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

Version of record first published: 17 Sep 2010.

To cite this article: Rasha A. El-Ghazawy, Ahmed M. Al-Sabagh, Nadia G. Kandile & Mahmoud R. Noor El-Din (2010): Synthesis
and Preliminary Demulsification Efficiency Evaluation of New Demulsifiers Based on Fatty Oils, Journal of Dispersion Science
and Technology, 31:10, 1423-1431

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Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 31:1423–1431, 2010
Copyright # Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
ISSN: 0193-2691 print=1532-2351 online
DOI: 10.1080/01932690903223534

Synthesis and Preliminary Demulsification Efficiency

Evaluation of New Demulsifiers Based on Fatty Oils
Rasha A. El-Ghazawy,1 Ahmed M. Al-Sabagh,1 Nadia G. Kandile,2 and
Mahmoud R. Noor El-Din1
Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Nasr City, Egypt
Chemistry Department, Faculty of Women, Ain Shams University, Heliopolis, Cairo, Egypt

Three raw fatty oils were used as precursors for demulsifiers. The hydrolyzed form of each oil was
adducted with maleic anhydride then modified by esterification with polyethylene glycols or
Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 09:03 26 September 2012

ethyleneoxide-propyleneoxide block copolymers. The demulsfication efficiency, coalescence rate,

some surface active, thermodynamic properties, and partition coefficient of a selected demulsifier
were investigated. The best demulsifier shows 100% demulsification after 19 minutes at 300 ppm.
A correlation between demulsification efficiency and rheological properties of the investigated
demulsifier was investigated. Also, emulsification kinetics were followed by microscopic photo-
graphy. A mechanism following coalescence and flocculation of water droplets is proposed.
Keywords Demulsification mechanism, photomicroscopy, rheological properties

INTRODUCTION Generally, oil with a high viscosity has the ability to

The increased problem of crude oil fields that are now hold up more and larger water droplets than oil with lower
producing both crude oil and water pushes researchers to viscosity. Thus, lowering the viscosity increases both the
develop more economically chemical demulsifiers. Such rate at which water droplets settle and the mobility of
demulsifiers alter the oil-water interfacial properties and water droplets and thereby leads to collisions, coalescence
water droplets size. Attempts have been made to correlate and a further increase in the rate of separation.
demulsifier performance and some properties like molecu- The main goals of this study were to prepare demulsi-
lar structure, hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB), interfa- fiers based on locally available raw materials (soybean,
cial tension, interfacial viscosity, partition coefficient, linseed, and castor oils) and to follow the mechanism of
dynamic interfacial tension and relative solubility num- demulsification through studying the kinetics and using
ber,[1–9] but no generalized conclusions have been determ- microscopic photography. Fatty oils are the main local
ined. The selection of the suitable demulsifier for a raw materials that are subjected to hydrolysis and esterifi-
certain oil emulsion stills a practical art. The high molecu- cation. The produced demulsifiers are evaluated through
lar weight components of petroleum crude oil especially the conventional bottle test using a stable crude oil emul-
asphaltenes and resins (with misusing name natural surfac- sion containing 7.14% asphaltene. The best demulsifier
tants) are responsible for crude oil emulsion stability. They was then subjected to further analysis as: effect of water
do not develop very high surface pressure but the steric sta- and asphaltene content, some surface active properties,
bilization in combination with small particle stabilization is rheological properties, kinetic and photomicroscopic stu-
the most plausible mechanism of stabilization of such dies.
emulsions. On adding good demulsifier, an acceleration
of flocculation and film rupture processes are performed
as the demulsifier molecules which lower interfacial tension EXPERIMENTAL
much more than the natural surfactants could replace the
latter.[10] On the other hand, the enhancement of the rheo- Materials
logical properties of the emulsion upon adding the demul- The following chemicals were used: soybean oil (S)
sifier is one of the important factors that should be studied. [byproduct of Egyptian Extracted Oils Co., Egypt], linseed
oil (L), castor oil (C) [Al-Nasr Co., Egypt], potassium
Received 14 April 2009; accepted 14 May 2009. hydroxide [Merck, Germany], maleic anhydride [Prolabo,
Address correspondence to Rasha A. El-Ghazawy, Egyptian France], polyethylene glycol (PEG, Mn ¼ 2000 and
Petroleum Research Institute, I-Ahmed El Zomer St., Nasr 4000 mol1) [May & Baker Ltd., UK], poly(ethyleneoxide)-
City 11727, Egypt. E-mail: poly(propyleneoxide)-poly(ethyleneoxide) block copolymers


TABLE 1 selected to resemble the real working temperature used in

Physicochemical properties of crude oils the offshore processes.
Results Rheology Measurements
Specification Method Type I Type II Type III A Haake viscometer model Rotovisco RV12 was uti-
lized to measure the dynamic viscosity for untreated and
Specific gravity IP 160 0.793 0.874 0.811 treated emulsions with a selected demulsifier at different
(60=60 F) concentrations, viz., 50, 100, and 200 ppm at 30, 40, 50,
API gravity at IP 160 36.29 40.955 42.6 and 60 C. Yield point and apparent viscosity values were
60 F determined.
Kinematic viscosity IP 71 294.97 222.87 9.2
at 40 C (C.St) Surface Tension Measurements
Asphaltene content IP 143 9.45 7.14 0.723 Surface tension of the prepared surfactants was evaluated
(wt.%) using Lecomte De Nouy tensiometer [Kruss K6–Germany]
Paraffin wax (wt.%) UOP 46 2.86 3.1 16.1 at 25 C using distilled water. The surface tension – concen-
Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 09:03 26 September 2012

Water content (%) IP 74=70 0.5 0.5 0.4 tration isotherms (SVC) were plotted for the prepared sur-
factants at different temperatures and the critical micelle
concentration (CMC) values were determined from the
(BP, Mn ¼ 3000, 6400 & 14500 mol1) [Stephan, USA], abrupt change on these curves. Spinning drop Interfacial
Crude oil were submitted from SUCO oil Co., Egypt. The Tensiometer [Kruss Site-04] was used for measuring the
physicochemical properties of the used crude oils are interfacial tension between crude oil and demulsifier. The
illustrated in Table 1. All chemicals were used as supplied. demulsifiser was dissolved in sea-water and the denser phase
(oil phase) was injected by means of microliter syringe to a
Synthesis of Demulsifier spinning capillary tube. As the oil drop is elongated, its
Soybean, linseed, and castor oils were hydrolyzed separ- diameter was measured by an occulometer. The interfacial
ately using KOH.[11] The produced fatty acids were indi- tension was calculated by the following equation
vidually adducted with MA[12] using equimolar ratios.
1 mole of each adduct was esterified with 1 mole of PEG
c ¼ 3:427  107  ð0:7dÞ3  n3  Dq;
400, PEG 6000, BP 3000, BP 6400, and BP 14500 using
xylene as a solvent and 1% p-toluene sulphonic acid as a where: d is the diameter of the drop (mm); n is the speed of
catalyst. The reaction was continued until the theoretical rotation (rpm); and Dq is the density difference between the
amount of water was collected azeotropically. The reaction oil phase and the surfactant aqueous solution (g =cm3).
was followed up using FTIR spectroscopy [ATI Mattson-
Genesis Series]. Samples code is XYn, where X: represents Microscopic Photography
the name of the hydrolyzed oil (S, L, or C), Y: represents
Also, a photography and kinetic study for the best
PEG or BP (P or B, respectively) and n: represents the mol-
demulsifier were carried out for the prepared synthetic
ecular weight of PEG or BP (viz., 2 for 2000, 3 for 3000, 4
emulsions with 30:70 w:o ratio (tough emulsion). The emul-
for 4000, 6 for 6400, and 14 for 14500 mol1).
sions were kept overnight at room temperature to assure
stability of the emulsion without treatment and the photo-
Emulsion Preparation
graphic microscopy studies were carried out at 60 C. The
The demulsifiers were evaluated using different emulsion slides were photographed under a microscope (Binucular
of asphaltenic crude oil (O): sea water (W) prepared using a Olympus Microscope, Ltd., Tokyo, Japan) and the droplets
mixer homogenizer at 350 rpm for 5 minutes. Emulsion were counted with the help of a Digitat 5050-R [13].
with different ratios namely 30:70, 50:50, and 70:30 (o:w)
were used through this investigation. A commercial sample
submitted from Backer Petrolite Co., Egypt, was used for RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
efficiency comparison. The Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy of
3,6-diene 9,10-succinic anhydride 18-poly(ethyleneoxide)-
Bottle Test (Sani Glass) poly(propyleneoxide)-poly(ethyleneoxide) octadecanoate
Conventional graduated bottle test was used to measure (LB6) as a representative sample showed: broad band at
demulsifiers performance. After adding the demulsifier to 3126 cm1 characteristic for carboxylic hydroxyl group
the prepared emulsions the bottles were shacked 60 times (-OH); two stretching bands at 2928 and 2855 cm-1 for
and kept in a water bath at 60 C, where the amount of aliphatic CH2 and CH3; out of plane bands at 1458
separated water was observed. This high temperature was and 1384 cm1 assigned for CH2 and CH3, respectively;

FIG. 1. Demulsification of hydrolyzed soybean oil based demulsifiers

at 300 ppm for 30% water content of type II oil emulsion at 60 C.
SKETCH 1. Proposed demulsification for block polymer based
1 demulsifiers.
stretching band at 1705 cm for C=O of carbonyl group
Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 09:03 26 September 2012

of anhydride ring and a stretching band at 1739 cm1 noted

for the ester group with the block polymer. better demulsification performance is expected. This
Separation time required for complete demulsification observation runs in harmony with that reported by.[14] that
of the prepared demulsifiers based on both soybean (S) is, good performance demulsifiers is related to high
and linseed (L) oils at 300 ppm for 30% water of Type II percentage of hydrophilic content. On the other hand,
emulsion are shown in Figures 1 and 2, from which it is increasing the molecular weight of BP in the demulsifier
obvious that the demulsifiers containing only ethylene molecule from 3000 to 6400 as in LB3 and LB6, respectively
oxide groups (PEG) as a hydrophilic moiety are less effec- shows an increase in the demulsification efficiency. This
tive than those containing both EO and PO groups (BP). may be due to the increasing probability of water droplet
This is probably because of the hydrophilic hydrophobic numbers coalescence forming the channels and finishing
nature of the block copolymer (BP) assumes its ability to demulsification of the emulsified water. While further
link more than one water droplet along each polymer chain increase in the BP molecular weight up to 14500 as in
compared with the hydrophilic nature of EO, which is able LB14 causes a decrease in the demulsification efficiency.
to be partitioned at one water droplet interface. This BP This is probably due to the high increase in the BP molecu-
structure may give the chance for dispersed water droplets lar weight causes more coiling of the polymer chain. This
to form clusters more or even readily open water channels. will lead to a decrease in surface concentration and thus
This droplet growth forms clusters then channels facilitates lower efficiency of the demulsification. It is important to
the role of demulsification. A sketch for the proposed mention that LB6 gives 100% efficiency at 300 ppm in
demulsification mechanism is presented in Sketch 1. 19 minutes. This fast demulsification at reasonable
Also, it can be seen that the increasing in (EO) content concentration is considered as a good step in preparing
is accompanied by an increase in the demulsification an effective demulsifier based on local materials.
efficiency. This behavior may be due to the demulsifier Figure 3 shows the demulsification process of the demul-
molecule will have more suitable amphiphilic structure that sifiers based on castor oil (C). It reveals that these demulsi-
permits better partitioning at w=o interface and hence more fiers show the same trend in performance as those based
effective adsorption. As a result of efficient adsorption, on S and L. This similarity is due to similar structures.
Comparing the time required for complete demulsification

FIG. 2. Demulsification of hydrolyzed linseed oil based demulsifiers at FIG. 3. Demulsification of hydrolyzed castor oil based demulsifiers at
300 ppm for 30% water content of Type II oil emulsion at 60 C. 300 ppm for 30% water content of type II oil emulsion at 60 C.

(Figures 1–3), C-based demulsifiers are less effective than TABLE 2

the rest. This behavior is explained on the basis of aqueous Effect of water content on the demulsification efficiency of
solubility, function group and its polarity. The polarity is LB6 demulsifier for type II emulsions at 60 C
an important parameter affecting the adsorption of surfac-
tants at the interface. The polar functional groups (here, Water LB6 Coalescence Separation Demulsifier
the hydroxyl group of the castor oil backbone) should content concn. rate constant, Time Efficiency
aid adsorption at the interface since the adsorption (%) (ppm) (ml=min) (min) (%)
phenomenon is mainly electronic. Taking in mind that this 30 25 0.4745 61 100
effect may be counteracted by the fact that: increasing 50 0.5301 53 100
the polarity of the molecule generally increases its water 100 0.7817 37 100
solubility. The net result of these competing effects can 200 1.1266 24 100
only be determined experimentally. Here, through this 50 25 1.3426 40 100
series the water solubility may alter the surfactant transfer 50 1.6119 29 100
to the interface, which in turn affects dragging of asphal- 100 2.2419 21 100
tenes away from the interface. The asphaltene dragging 200 2.5931 17 100
Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 09:03 26 September 2012

process is responsible for film thinning, rupture, coalesc- 70 25 2.2091 34 100

ence and finally demulsification. Although C based demul- 50 3.5696 21 100
sifiers are of low activity, the CB6 shows a fast 100% 100 4.0799 16 100
demulsification at 300 ppm after 26 minutes, that is, 200 4.5135 14 100
efficient demulsifier that can be applied practically.

Effect of Water Content and 21 minutes with 30, 50, and 70% water contents,
Water content in w=o emulsion is one of the important respectively at 50 ppm. This may be explained by the
factors affecting the demulsification efficiency or the stab- reduction of the interfacial film pressure in presence of
ility of an emulsion in general. The tough emulsions are the demulsifier or at least the film is no longer as rigid as
not only depending on asphaltene, resin and paraffin but in absence of it.
also on water content.[3] However, at low water content,
the external pressure of the continuous phase (oil) is greater
than the internal pressure of water droplets.[15] This leads Effect of Asphaltene Content
to an increase in the mechanical stability of the interface The stability of the emulsion is controlled by type and
film, so that breaking of this strong interface film will need amount of indigenous surfactants and=or finally divided
a high temperature and strong demulsifier. On the other solids which act as emulsifying agents. These emulsifiers
hand, at increasing water content, the external pressure form interfacial films around the droplets of the dispersed
of water phase becomes less than the internal pressure.[15] phase and create a barrier that slows down or prevent
This leads to an increase in the interface film thinning, so coalescence of the droplets. The displacement of the
that the drawing of water droplets will be increased. In a asphaltenic film at the w=o interface by the demulsifier, is
regular w=o emulsion, the maximum stability of an emul- an important factor of destabilizing this film.
sion will occur at a set ratio of water to oil. Typically, this The effect of asphaltene content (9.8, 7.14 and 1.8%) on
maximum is found at low water contents as water droplets the stability of w=o emulsion in absence and presence of
have a small chance of colliding and coalescing with each LB6 is illustrated in Table 3. The data indicate that the time
other. Increasing the water percentage may destroy the taken for complete water separation increases with increas-
stability of an emulsion. This behavior is evident upon ing the asphaltene content. Generally, the hydrodynamic
investigating a selected demulsifier namely, LB6 with 30, force between the water droplets and asphaltene content
50, and 70% water to oil ratio. Values of separation rate on the emulsion governs the eventual rupture of w=o emul-
constant, time for maximum separation and demulsifier sion. The asphaltene is responsible for increasing the stab-
efficiency in presence of different demulsifiers concentra- ility of emulsion by forming this stable mechanical
tions of LB6 at the selected water contents are listed in interface and decreasing the hydrodynamic force between
Table 2. These results indicate that the time taken for com- water droplets and asphaltene.[16] Subsequently the ability
plete water separation and the required demulsifier doses of demulsifier to migrate through oil phase to adsorb on
generally decreased with increasing the water content for the water droplet interface will be hindered.
all demulsifiers. For example, 100% demulsification Accordingly, the rupture of interface and draining of
efficiency was exhibited after 37, 21, and 16 minutes with water become more difficult. Interestingly, one can notice
30, 50, and 70% water contents, respectively, at 100 ppm. that crudes with low asphaltene content generally have a
Whereas the same performance was obtained at 53, 29, lower viscosity Table 1. Wax does have a large impact on

Effect of asphaltene content on the demulsification efficiency for LB6 demulsifier (type ii oil emulsion with 30% water
content) at 60 C
Asphaltene Concn. Coalescence rate Separation Demulsifier
Demulsifier content (%) (ppm) constant (min=ml) Time (min) efficiency (%)

Control 0 – 74a 81
LB6 9.8 100 0.3843 91 100
200 0.5515 61 100
300 0.4923 57 100
Control 0 – 43a 30
LB6 7.18 100 0.7817 37 100
200 1.1266 24 100
300 1.3025 19 100
Control 0 0.2295 115a 90
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LB6 1.8 10 0.5516 30 80

20 0.9171 19 86.6
50 1.3638 10 93.3
Separation time: days.

the solution viscosity, but it has a rather low melting point. emulsion by adding 100 ppm of LB6 reaching 3  103
Thus working at this high temperature through the demul- mNm1 (see Table 4). This low IFT leads to a decrease
sification (60 C) would cancel the effect of wax content on in the stability of the interfacial film. Consequently, the
viscosity. However, the increase in viscosity of the oil phase drainage of water would be easier and hence promoting
upon using crudes with higher asphaltene content would coalescence. The partition coefficient (Kp) for the investi-
subsequently be hindered. gated demulsifiers approaching unity are hypotheorized
by Berger et al.[17] to optimize demulsifier performance.
The good demulsification results are supported by the
Surface Active Parameters
value of partition coefficient (Kp). LB6 shows Kp of 0.611
The surface active properties of the applied demulsifier
a value near unity (Table 4). This value indicates the ability
determine how fast the surfactant would orient itself at
of the demulsifier to partitionate well at w=o interface.
the interfaces, which is an important factor in determining
its effectiveness. Some surface active properties (CMC,
IFT, Kp, DGmic, DGad) of LB6 are listed in Table 4. The Rheological Properties in Relation to Demulsification
value of CMC together with surface tension versus the bulk Efficiency
concentration were utilized to calculate Gibb’s free energy For certain asphaltene content (7.14%), the effect of
of micellization (DGmic) and adsorption (DGad) for LB6 bulk viscosity of the emulsion on the emulsion stability
(Table 4). It is noticed that this demulsifier favours adsorp- was also studied using different concentrations of LB6.
tion to micellization (more negative DGad compared with Oil with a high viscosity has the ability to hold up more
DGmic). This behavior supports its efficiency as a demulsi- and larger water droplets than oil with lower viscosity.
fier that is able to displace the nature at the interface. Also, Lowering the viscosity by adding demulsifier increases both
there is a significant reduction in IFT of crude oil=water the rate at which water droplets settle and the mobility of
water droplets and thereby leads to favorable collision,
TABLE 4 coalescence, and thus increasing the rate of separation.
Some surface active properties of LB6 Table 5 shows yield value (sb), apparent viscosity (gapp)
and dynamic viscosity (gd) for 30% w=o emulsion at differ-
Property Value ent concentrations of LB6 at varied temperature. These
data show that apparent viscosity (gapp) and dynamic vis-
CMC (mol dm3) 4.01  105
cosity (gd) are affected strongly by temperature i.e., they
IFT (mNm1) 3  103
decrease with increasing temperature. The decrease in the
Partition Coefficient 0.61176
emulsion viscosity is mainly due to a decrease in the
DGmic (kJ mol1) 25.08 continuous phase viscosity. By treating the emulsions with
DGad (kJ mol1) 25.783 different concentrations of LB6 it was found that sb, gapp

Rheological parameters for type II crude oil and its 30%
w=o emulsion at 60 C without and with different
concentrations of LB6
Temp. Concn.
Sample ( C) (ppm) sb gap gd

Control 30 – 16.4 111 0.7944

40 10.6 71.67 0.522
50 6.76 45 0.327
60 4.18 26 0.172
Emulsion 30 – 56 350.0 2.048
40 32 203.1 1.312
50 19 125.9 0.88
60 17 50.6 0.403
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LB6 30 100 13.52 179.49 0.135

40 7.406 97.747 0.105
50 4.733 59.777 0.099
60 2.898 37.436 0.047
30 200 10.62 138.67 0.346
40 7.019 91.188 0.204
50 4.347 54.711 0.124 SKETCH 2. Demulsification effect on emulsion rheology.
60 1.867 24.716 0.143
30 300 10.30 134.37 0.588 was followed up and the mechanism of demulsification was
40 6.214 80.407 0.206 suggested using the following first order rate equation:[13]
50 4.121 52.598 0.085
60 2.576 34.282 0.022 logðSÞ ¼ Kt þ C;

where K is the rate constant, t is time, and C is a constant.

and gd decrease with increasing the concentration of the Micrograph of the control emulsion sample (Figure 4)
added demulsifier. This decrease in the viscosity may be shows a little bit growth of water droplets throughout 35
explained on the basis of droplet size of the dispersed phase days. This observation runs in harmony with the demulsi-
(water).[18,19] In other words, it will depend on the viscosity fication efficiency data obtained using the bottle test
of dispersion medium. (Figures 1–3). Figures 5 and 6 demonstrate the micro-
The mechanism of decreasing the continuous phase vis- graphs 200 ppm dosed emulsion samples of CB14 and
cosity is related to demulsifier treatment as shown in LB6, respectively. This may be due to the mechanical stab-
Sketch 2. By following up Sketch 2: in Phase 1 (the emul- ility character of asphaltenes and resins on the interface
sion 50% w=o at zero time of treatment) the droplets size film that hinders the drainage of the neighboring water dro-
are nearly equal, by the time progresses water droplets plets. For CB14 (Figure 5), the radius of water droplets
coalesce to reach coalescence step (Phase 2). By dynamic starts generally to increase after 30 minutes whereas the
rotation the dragging of water droplets occurred which is good LB6 demulsifier shows a fast increase in the water
accompanied by a decrease in the dynamic viscosity and droplet radius from 3 to 6 minutes It can be also mentioned
thus the yield value. This behavior continues till the water that a non distinct water separation was observed for CB14
clusters form (Phase 3). Clusters combine to form channel after 80 minutes (Figure 5), which actually shows 100%
and complete phase separation occurs (Phase 4). At this efficiency after 100 minutes at 200 ppm dose. On the other
point the viscosity of the phase drops to the original dry hand, a significant water separation is shown by LB6 after
crude oil viscosity. 24 minutes, a result that is comparable with that obtained
by the bottle test (Figure 2).
Kinetics and Mechanism of Demulsification Process Plot of log (S) versus time of demulsification for 30%
Coalescences parameters of 30% w=o emulsion water emulsions of a control sample and that treated with
(untreated and treated emulsions with 200 ppm of MCB14 200 ppm of CB14 and LB6 are shown in Figures 7–9. The
and LB6) were investigated using microscopic photography plateau in these figures can be divided into three parts A,
of samples at different time intervals. The relation between B, and C to describe the demulsification mechanism. Each
interfacial area per gram of the dispersed phase (S) and time part is treated kinetically as a first order rate of a certain
Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 09:03 26 September 2012

FIG. 4. Microscopic photography of demulsification process for control sample at 30% water of type II oil emulsions at 60 C (photo=5 days).

FIG. 5. Microscopic photography of demulsification process for CB14 sample at 30% water of type II oil emulsions at 60 C (photo=10 minutes).

FIG. 6. Microscopic photography of demulsification process for LB6 sample at 30% water of type II oil emulsions at 60 C (photo=3 minutes).

Rate constants of demulsification process for control,
CB14, and LB6 using 30% water of type II oil emulsions
at 60 C
Rate constants

Coalescence Cluster Channel

Sample step (A) step (B) formation (C)

Control 3.1  104 3.9  103 3.6  103

CB14 2.4  103 3  102 1  102
LB6 1.5  102 1.2  10

FIG. 7. Demulsification mechanism for blank sample (30% water type

II oil emulsions at 60 C).
The values of rate constants (k) for each step (viz.
Downloaded by [Fondren Library, Rice University ] at 09:03 26 September 2012

coalescence, cluster and channel formation) are listed in

Table 6. The control emulsion sample exhibited very slow
rates of coalescence (3.1  104), cluster formation
(3.9  103) and channel formation (3.6  103) after 35
day incubation period at 60 C compared with the treated
samples. Treated sample with CB14 shows an increase in
the rate constants of the three steps with a magnitude in
the order of 102. LB6 sample shows only two parts for clus-
ter and channel formation. In this instance, the coalescence
and cluster formation overlapped in one fast step. This may
be attributed to the efficient demulsification power of LB6.
These observations can be translated into application in oil
fields. It implies that treated such an emulsion system no
long mixing periods are essential for the required complete
FIG. 8. Demulsification mechanism for 200 ppm of CB14 (30% water demulsification. In other words, the distance between the
type II oil emulsions at 60 C). injection points and processing or transportation sites
could be short enough in the order of 25 minutes or more.

process. Part A points to the rate of coalescence, but Part B

indicates the rate of cluster formation, and Part C denotes CONCLUSIONS
to water channel formation where at the end of this step The conclusions of this work can be drawn as follows:
complete water separation occurs. This mechanism can
be also observed by following the increase in the volume 1. Efficient demulsifiers for Egyptian crude oil in water
of water droplet throughout the micrographs. emulsions can be prepared with utilizing local raw mate-
rials and available technique.
2. The increase in water content of the emulsion leads to
fast demulsification and only low doses of the demulsi-
fier are required.
3. The increase in the asphaltene content of the emulsion is
one of the factors that are responsible for the stability of
the w=o emulsion.
4. Low interfacial tension and Gibb’s free energy of
adsorption are required for good demulsifier.
5. The addition of the demulsifier may cause a decrease in
the viscosity of the emulsion.
6. Kinetics of the demulsification process can be followed
up by using photomicroscopy of the samples.
FIG. 9. Demulsification mechanism for 200 ppm of LB6 (30% water 7. The demulsification process can be divided into three
type II oil emulsions at 60 C). steps: coalescence, cluster and channel formation.

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