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Proceedings of the 42nd IEEE

Conferenceon Decision and Control

M w i , Hawaii USA, December 2003 TuP06-2

Robust Stability and Disturbance Attenuation Analysis of a Class of Networked Control Systems

Hai Lin Guisheng Zhai Panos J. Antsaklis

Department of Electrical Engineering Department of Opto-Mechanronics Department of Electrical Engineering
University of Notre Dame Wakayama University University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA Sakaedani, Wakayama 640-8510, Japan Notre Dame, IN 46556, USA

Abstract-In this paper, stability and disturbance attenua- problem in NCSs is the packet dropout issue. Because of
tion issues for a class of Networked Control Systems (NCSs) the uncertainties and noise in the communication channels,
under uncertain access delay and packet dropout elTects are there may exist unavoidable errors in the transmitted packet
considered. Our aim is to find conditions on the delay and or even losst. If this happens, the conuptedpacket is dropped
packet dropout rate, under which the system stability and
71" disturbance attenuation properties are preserved to a and the receiver (controller or actuator) uses the packet
desired level. The basic idea in this paper is to formulate such that it received most recently. In addition, packet dropout
Networked Control System as a discrete-time switched system. may occur when one packet, say sampled values from the
Then the NCSs' stability and performance problems can be sensor, reaches the destination later than its successors. In
reduced to corresponding problems for the switched systems, such situation, the old packet is dropped, and its successive
which have been studied for decades and for which a number
of results are available in the literature. The techniques in this packet is used instead. There is another important issue in
paper are based on recent progress in the discrete-time switched NCSs, that is the quantization effect. With finite hit-rate
systems and piecewise Lyapunov functions. constraints, quantization has to be taken into consideration
in NCSs. Therefore, quantization and limited bit rate issues
I. INTRODUCTION have attracted many researchers' attention, see for example
By Networked Control Systems (NCSs), we mean feed- [3], [6], 141. It has been known [3], [6] that an exponential
hack control systems where networks, typically digital band- data representation scheme is most desirable under certain
limited serial communication channels, are used for the conditions.
connections between spatially distributed system components In this paper, we consider uncertain time delay and packet
like sensors and actuators to controllers. These channels may dropout issues of NCSs in the framework of switched sys-
be shared by other feedback control loops. In traditional feed- tems. The strength of this approach comes from the solid
hack control systems these connections are through point-to- theoretic results existing in the literature for stability, robust
point cables. Compared with the point-to-point cables, the performance etc. for switched systems. By a switched system,
introduction of serial communication networks has many we mean a hybrid dynamical system consisting of a finite
advantages, such as high system testability and resource number of subsystems described by differential or difference
utilization, as well as low weight, space, power and wiring equations and a logical rule that orchestrates switching he-
requirements [9], 1141. These advantages make the networks tween these subsystems. Properties of this type of model have
connecting sensorslactuators to controllers more and more been studied for the past fifty years t o consider engineering
popular in many applications, including traffic control, satel- systems that contain relays and/or hysteresis. Recently, there
lite clusters, mobile robotics etc. Recently modeling, analysis has been increasing interest in the stability analysis and
and control of networked control systems with limited com- switching control design of switched systems (see, e.g., [IO],
munication capability has emerged as a topic of significant [SI, [ l l ] , [12] and the references cited therein). Notice that
interest to control community, see for example [4], [3], [6], hybridhwitched system research has provided useful results
~ 4 1 [I].
. t91. and promising techniques to deal with NCSs with delay and
Time delay typically has negative effects on the Networked packet dropout effects. For example, in [14], the multiple
Control Systems' stability and performance. There are sev- Lyapunov function method [2] was employed to analyze the
eral situations where time delay may arise. First, transmission stability of NCSs with network-induced delay. In addition,
delay is caused by the limited bit rate of the communication the packet dropout effects in NCSs are closely related to
channels. Secondly, the channel in NCSs is usually shared the controller failures studied in the fault tolerance literature.
by multiple sources of data, and the channel is usually There are some recent work on the controller failure analysis
multiplexed by time-division method. Therefore, there are based on switched system techniques 11 I], [13]. By using a
delays caused by a node waiting to send out a message piecewise Lyapunov function, the author in [I31 showed that
through a busy channel, which is usually called accessing if the controller failures did not occur too frequently or last
delay and serves as the main source of delays in NCSs. There
are also some delays caused by processing and propagation, 'Error control coding andlor Automatic Repeal ~CQUCSI
(ARQ) mecha-
which are usually negligible for NCSs. Another interesting nism may be employed, but the possibility of e m r occurring still exisrs.

0-7803-7924-1103/$17.0002003 IEEE 1182

too long, then global exponential stability and disturbance
attenuation property of the system were guaranteed to be
In this paper, we investigate the robust stability analysis
and disturbance attenuation problem for a class of Networked I
Control Systems (NCSs) under uncertain access delay and j
packet dropout effects. Our aim is to find conditions con- i--
cerning the delay and packet dropout rate, under which the
system stability and 31" disturbance attenuation properties
are preserved to a desired level. We first analyze the nature Fig. 1. The Networked Control Systems' model.
of the uncertain access delay and packet dropout effects on
NCSs in Section 11. Then in Section 111, we model the NCS
as a discrete-time switched system. Therefore the NCSs'
robust stability and performance problems can be boiled transmitted to the controller. Else if the bus is busy, then the
down to the stability analysis and disturbance attenuation output node will wait sometime, say w < T,, and try again.
problems of switched systems. In Section IV, the robust After several attempts or when newer sampled data becomes
stability problem for such NCSs with uncertain access de- available, if the transmission still can not be completed, then
lay and packet dropout effects is studied, and disturbance the packet is discarded, which is also considered as a packet
attenuation properties for such NCSs are studied in Section dropout. On the other hand, the controller and actuator are
V. The techniques employed in this paper are based on recent event driven and work in a simpler way. The controller, as
progress in the continuous-time and discrete-time switched a receiver, has a receiving buffer which contains the most
systems [ 121, [ll]. Finally, concluding remarks are presented. recently received data packet from the sensors (the overflow
of the buffer may be dealt with as packet dropouts). The
11. ACCESS DELAY AND PACKET DROPOUT controller reads the buffer periodically at a higher frequency
We assume that the communication scheme has the fol- than the sampling frequency, say every % for some integer
lowing properties. For the network link layer, the delays N large enough. Whenever there is new data in the buffer,
caused by processing and propagation are ignored, and we then the controller will calculate the new control signal and
only consider the access delay which serves as the main transmit to the actuator. According to the assumption, the
source of delays in NCSs. Dependent on data traffic, the controller-actuator communicates without delay or packet
communication bus is either busy or idle (available). If dropout. Upon the new control signal arrival, the actuator
available, communication between sender and receiver is will update the output of the Zero-Order-Hold (ZOH) to the
instantaneous. Errors may occur during the communication new value.
and destroy the packet, and this is considered as a packet Based on the above assumptions and discussion, the time
dropout. delay and packet dropout pattern can be shown in Figure 2. In
The model of the NCS discussed in this paper is shown this figure, The small bullet, 0 , stands for the packet being
in Figure 1 . For simplicity, but without loss of generality, transmitted successfully from the sensor to the controller's
we may combine all the time delay and packet dropout receiving buffer, maybe with some delay, and being read
effects into the sensor to controller path and assume that by the controller, at some time t = kT, +~ 5 , and the
the controller-actuator communicates ideally. new control signal is updated in the actuator instantly. The
We assume that the plant can be modeled as a continuous- actuator will hold this new value until next update control
time linear time-invariant system described by signal comes. The symbsl, 0 , denotes the packet being
dropped, due to error, bus busy, conflict or buffer overflow
= Aez(t) + BCu(t)+ E c d ( t )
{ 5z ((tt)) = CCz(t)

where z ( t )E W" is the state variable, u ( t ) E W"' is control

input, and z ( t ) E WP is the controlled output. The disturbance
input d ( t ) is contained in D c R'. AC E WnX",Be E RnXm
and EC E RnX' are constant matrices related to the system
state, and C e E RPxn is the output matrix.
For the above NCS, it is assumed that the plant output 0 Ts "TS
node (sensor) is clock-driven. In other words, after each clock
cycle (sampling time Ts),the output node attempts to send Fig. 2. The illustration of uncertain time delay and packet dropout of
Networked Control Systems.
a packet containing the most recent state (output) samples.
If the communication bus is idle, then the packet will be

111. MODELS FOR NETWORKED CONTROL Then, we may plug in the u[k]= K z [ k ] and get
z [ k 11
In this section, we will consider the sampled-data model of
the plant. Because we d o not assume the synchronization be-
= As[k] K B K z [- + +
~ 11 ( N - t c ) B K z [ k ] Ed[k]
tween the sampler and the digital controller, the control signal + +
= [ A ( N - n ) B K ] z [ k ] ~ t B K z [- +
k 11 Ed[k]
is no longer of constant value within a sampling period.
Therefore the control signal within a sampling period has to
If we let 4 k j = [ z[til1, then the above equa-
be divided into subintervals corresponding to the controller's tions can be written as:
reading buffer period, T = 3.
Within each subinterval.
the control signal is constant under the assumptions of the
previous section. Hence the continuous-time plant may be
discretized into the following sampled-data systems:

z[k+ 11 = Az[k] + [BB-1 ... B]


u l ~ k1~
"'.~ I
+ E d [ k ] (I)
where n = 0 , 1 , 2 , . . . ,D,,,. Note that K = 0 implies
r = 0, which corresponds to the previous "no delay"
case. And the controlled output z [ k ] is given by
where A = eAPT*, B = &%eAC"BCdq and E =
J,'. eA'qECdq. Note that for linear time-invariant plant and z [ k ]= [ 0 c ] ?[k]
constant-periodic sampling, the matrices A, B and E are where C = Cc.
constant. 3) If packet dropout happens, due to corrupted packet or
During each sampling period, several different cases may delay T > Dmo,x %, then the actuator will implement
arise, which can be listed as follows. the previous control signal, i.e. u'[k] = ~ ' [ k=] . . . =
u N [ k ]= u [ k - 11, then the state transition equation (1)
1) No delay, r = 0, u'[k] = u 2 [ k ]= ' . . = u N [ k ]= u [ k ] , for this case can be written as follows.
then the state transition equation ( I ) for this case can
be written as follows.
r ulkl 1
1 r'lk- 11 1
= Az[k] + N . Bu[k - 11t Ed[k]
Using the same variable transformation as in the above
+ Ed[k] case, we get
= Azjk] + N . Bulk] + Ed[k]
2) Delay 7 = K x %,
where n = 1 , 2 . . . . ,D,,,. For
this case u'[k] = u'[k] = . . . = un[k] = ~ [ -k 11,
uK+'[k]= u"+'[k] = . .. = u N [ k ] = u[k],and
Equation (1) can be written as:
The controlled output z [ k ] is given by

z [ k ]= [0 c ] ?[k]
z[k + 11 = A i [ k ]+ [ B B . .. B ] I "[:[kjll I where C = Cc.
In the next section, we will formulate the above NCSs as a
class of discrete-time switched systems.
+ Ed[k] Motivated by the above analysis of NCSs, we introduce
a family of discrete-time linear systems described by the
= Az[k] + K . B u [ k - 11 +(N- K) +
B u [ k ] Ed[k] following difference equations.
Let us assume that the controller uses just the time-
invariant linear feedback control law, u [ k ] = K z [ k ] ,
z [ k 11 = A , z [ k ] E,d[k], k E Z++ (2)
which may he obtained as the solution of a LQR prob- where z [ k ] E E%" is the state variable, and the disturbance
lem without considering the network induced effects. input d [ k ] is contained in D ' C .'%E A, E RnX"and E, E

R””‘ are constant matrices indexed by q E Q, where the kl > 0, let N o ( k l ,kz) denote the number of switchings of
finite set Q = { q l . 42,. . . ,qn} is called the set of modes. u ( k ) on the interval [kl,kz). Let K , ( k l .kz) denote the total
Combine the family of discrete-time uncertain linear sys- period that the i-th subsystem is activated during [ k l , k z ) .

tems (2) with a class of piecewise constant functions of time
U : Z+ Q. Then we can define the following linear time-
varying system as a discrete-time switched linear system
Define K - ( k I , kZ) = xis?, i E Q K,(kl, kz), which stands
for the total activation period of the Schur stable subsystems.
On the other hand, K + ( k l , k?) = xi>v, iGQ Ki(k1, kz)
denotes the total activation period of the Schur unstable
+ +
~ [ kl ] = A , j k ] ~ [ k ] E,lqd[k], k E Z+ (3)
subsystems. We have K - ( k l , k2) K + ( k l l k2) = kz - k 1.
The signal u [ k ] is called a switching signal. For given NO 2 0, T ~ let . Sa(ra) denote the set of all
Associated with the switched system (3), a controlled switching signals satisfying
output r [ k ] is considered.
4kl = C,[klz[kl No(0. k ) 5 No +-
where Calk] E RPYnand t j k ] E RP.
For the NCS we considered in this paper, we may formu- where the constant ra is called the average dwell time and
late it as a switched system with D,, +
2 different modes, NO the chatter bound. The idea is that there may exist
which can he expressed as follows. consecutive switching separated by less than T,, hut the
average time interval between consecutive switcbings is not
t [ k + I] = Ar?[kj + E,d[k]
{ z [ k ] = C,?[k]
(4) less than ra. Note that the concept of average dwell time
between subsystems was originally proposed for continuous-

[0 I
w h e r e A K = KBK . A ~ + ( N - K ) B K ] ’ ~ ~ =
and C, = I 0 C 1 for K = 0 . 1.. 2., . ’ ’ D,,,. . N . And the
[ L] time switched systems in [8]. With these assumptions and
notations, we may apply the techniques and results developed
in [12] to the NCSs and get the following theorem for
set of moles Q is hiven by Q = { 0 , 1 , 2 , .. D,,,, N}. globally exponential stability. The proof of the theorem is
Note that K = 0 implies T = 0, which corresponds to the not difficult by using the technique of Theorem 3 in [121,
“no delay” case, while K. = N corresponds to the “packet and thus is omitted here.
dropout” case. Theorem I: For any given X E AI,^), the NCS (4) is
It is reasonable to assume that, for the cases of no delay globally exponentially stable with stability degree X if there
(n = 0) or small delay ( R 5 no), the corresponding exists a finite constant r,‘ and A’ E (X1,X) such that the
state matrix As’s are Schur stable, while, for the cases of K+(O,k ) and “(0, k ) satisfy the following two conditions
large delay ( K > K O ) or packet dropout ( K = N ) , the
Ax’s are not Schur stable. Therefore, in this paper it is
I ) infk>o K O k 2 1”A ,nA3-l,AL
-1nA. holds for some scalar

assumed that the first r, corresponding to K O , of all the A’ E ( A I , A);

DmaZ 2 matrices in { A , } are Schur stable, while the 2) The. average dwell time is not smaller than T;, i.e.
rest matrices are not Schur stable, where T 5 D,,, + 2 N,(O, k ) 5 NO + 6,where 7,’ = *, and NO
and K E Q = { 0 , 1 , 2 , .. . ,D,,, N}. In the sequel, for may he specified argitrarily.
simplicity of nutation, we will index the switched NCS model Remark I : The first condition implies that if we expect the
with i, for i E Q = {O, 1 , 2 , ’ . . , D,,, N}. In this section, entire system to have decay rate A, we should restrict the total
we set d[k]= 0 in (4) for the purpose to study its stability. number of lost packets and large delay packets in the sense
It is known that for Schur stable systems z [ k + l ] = A , z [ k ] , that on average-K+(O, k) has &I upper-bound, K+(O,k ) 5
there always exist positive scalars XI < 1 and hi’s, i 5 T lnA?-l”A, ‘
such that llAtll 5 h;X; for any k 2 1’. Note that for any Remark 2: The main point of the second condition can
Schur unstable system z [ k 11 = A i z [ k ] (i > T ) , there he described as follows. Although the first condition may
always exist a constant 0 < U < 1 making the system he satisfied, which means that on average the packet lost
z [ k 11 = u A i z [ k ] Schur stable. Hence we may assume is limited and the total number of large delayed packet is
that there exist positive scalars Xz 2 1 and hi’s, i > T such hounded, in the worst case the packet dropout and large
that llA:11 5 h;X$ for any k 2 1. Therefore, we get access delay happen in a burst fashion. For such worst case,
the NCSs may fail to achieve the decay rate. The second
condition restricts the frequency of the packet dropout and
large delayed packet, and to make sure the above worst case
Following [12], we introduce the notations as below. Denote can not happen.
h = maxi{hi}.For any switching signal u ( k ) and any kZ > Remark 3: The above theorem says that the NCSs’ sta-
’The vector/mauir norm considered here is the 1’ norm and its induced bility, with most of the packets arriving in a timely fashion,
matrix norm. does not degenerate seriously, which is reasonable.

V. DISTURBANCE ATTENUATION ANALYSIS where r ( j ) = z T [ j ] z [ j-
] $ d T [ j ] d [ j ] .Since V ( k i ) 5
In this section, we will study the disturbance attenuation pV(kty) holds on every switching point k;, we obtain by
induction that
property for the NCSs (4). Note that the Cz gain property
of discrete-time switched systems was studied in [I21 under "(k) 5 -
wNm(O,k)AZK-(O.L) A+2 K + ( O , k ) V (0)
the assumption that all subsystems were Schur stable. In this k--1

section, we will extend the CZ gain property of discrete-time - +

-Z K ~ ( j , k - - 1 ) X 2 K + ( j . k - - l ) ~
PN~(j,k-1)~ (i)
switched system to the case that not all subsystems are Schur
stable. The techniques used in this section are similar to those
in [l I ] for continuous-time switched systems.
- - + r(i)
P N ~ ( j , k - l ) ~-Z K - ( j , t - l ) ~ Z K + ( j . k - - l )
Following the assumptions in [12], the initial state is
assumed to be the origin, z[O] = 0. And we assume that The last equality is because of the zero initial state assump-
the Schur stable subsystems achieve an Cz gain smaller than tion z[O] = 0.
^io.It is known that there exist a positive scalar A- < 1 and We assume that on any interval ( k l , k2) the total activation
a set of positive definite matrices Pi, for i 5 r and i E Q, periods of the unstable subsystems satisfies K + ( k l , k z ) 5
such that 1" X--In A-
,nA+-lnX- (kz - h),or equivalently
ArP,Ai-XzP;+CrC,+ArP,E,(,r-E~PiE,)-'E'P,Ai <0
holds [7]. Observing that for Schur unstable subsystems,
there always exist a constant 0 < U < 1, such that the
subsystems (U&, Ei>uC,) can achieve the C2 gain level -(D.
Therefore, we assume that for Schur unstable subsystems
holds for some scalar A' E (A-, 1) and Vk2 > kl 2 0. Then
there exist a positive scalar A+ 2 1 and a set of positive we get
definite matrices Pi, for i > T and i E Q, such that A2K- ( j , k - I ) A Z K + ( i . k - l )
, . A0~
- +
* ZK-(j,k-l)+ZK+(jlk-l) = (r)Z(k-l-j)
5 (A)
Using the solution P;'s,we define the following piecewise
Ljapwiov function candidate Therefore, we get
V ( k )= V m [ k ] (=
z ) zT[kIPr[k,"[kl (7) V ( k )5 -CpNd%--l) (A*)z(k-I-j)r(j) (11)
for the switched system, where is switched among j=O
the solution Pi's in accordance with the piecewise constant When .p = 1, we get from V ( k )2 0 and (1 I ) that
switching signal u[k].It can be shown as in [I21 that there
always exist constant scalars alra2z 0, for example,
011 = infiGQA,,,(P,), az = supiGQA>,(P,), such that
~ p N ~ ( j , k - l ) ( X * ~ z ( k - l - ~ ) 0
r ( ~ ~ I (12)

aillzllz I I o ~ z I I ~VZ
I I ~E, W", V i E Q (8) We sum (12) from k = 1 to k = +m to obtain
Here A,,(P,) and A,(P,) denotes the largest and smallest
eigenvalue of Pi respectively. There exist a constant scalar
/L 2 1 such that

V,(z)5 pv,(z): vz ER", v2,j E Q (9)

A conservative choice is p = supk,lGq
Following the steps in [121, for each V,(z) = z T [ k ] P , z [ k ]
along the solutions of the corresponding subsystem, we may
obtain that
which means
V , ( z [ k+ 11) - V , ( z [ k l )

4 - ( 1 - X Z ) V , ( z [ k ]-
-(1 - A 3 V , ( o [ k ] -
) z ~ [ k l z [ +rodT[kld[k]
) r T [ k ] z [ k+?odT[k]d[k]
For a piecewise constant switching signal u[k]and any
Therefore, Cz gain 70is achieved for the switched system,
given integer k > 0, we let k1 < . . . < ki (i 2 1) denote the namely the NCS (4).
switching points of u [ k ]over the interval [0, k). Then, using For the case fi > 1, we multiply both sides of ( 1 1) by
the above difference inequalities, we obtain p-No(OJ-l) to get
~ k - 1 -iVe(o,j)(A*)Z(k-l-j) T '
OP 1314j1 (14)
7;X,=o w
@1 -N,(O.j)(A*)Z(k-l--j)dT[.
I 3ldijl

Now, we choose a positive scalar X larger than 1 to consider VII. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the following average dwell time condition: for any positive The partial support of the National Science Foundation
integer j > 0, (NSF ECS99-12458 & CCROI-13131) is gratefully acknowl-
edged. The first author appreciates the support from Center
of Applied Mathematics Fellowship (2003-04), University of
Notre Dame.
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X = P (zTc)-l. Then, from (14) we obtain VIII. REFERENCES
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