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Leadership AND Management - Leadership theories

bs nursing (Southwestern University PHINMA)

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- situational theory expends on trait theory,
 Leadership is the use of one’s skills to influence holding that the essential traits for a leader
others to perform to the best of their ability. vary and are determined by particular
 LEADER: Is a person who communicates ideas to situation. According to this theory, leaders
others and influences their behavior to achieve an should shift from one leadership style to
objective another, as changes within the work
 NURSING LEADERSHIP: Is the process whereby a situation occur.
nurse influences one or more persons to achieve - Considers Four Basic Elements:
specific goals in the provision of nursing care to one
1. Situation
or more clients.
2. Organization
 MEMBERS: Are people who are willing to be led.
3. Leader
4. Follower
- Appropriate leadership styles includes
- has the belief that certain people are “born Multicratic
to lead” and that leadership ability is
- according to this theory, an effective nurse
- a more constructive approach is to look
leader in one situation will be an effective
closely at personal characteristics that
leader in any situation
influence a leader’s ability to perform his role
- Characteristics Typical of Successful Leaders
- is based mainly on the “Great Man” theory
by Warren Bennis:
differing in the position that leadership
o Management of attention: a leader
qualities can be identified and then taught to
others demonstrates a mix vision or
- personal qualities identified: intelligence, intelligence foresight and strong
personal commitment.
knowledge, skill, enthusiasm, initiative, self-
o Management of meaning: the
confidence, patience, persistence, and
empathy. leader possesses unusual
communications skills



o Management of trust: the leader  Major Qualifications:

remains constant and secure and o A genuine interest for people.
builds trust by making others aware of o A willingness to work for and with people
his steadiness. without benefit of publicity.
o Management of self: successful o A thought interest in the job.
leaders develop their strengths and  Other Qualifications:
learn from their mistakes. o Ability to make each person feel important as a
participant in the group.
E. TRANSITIONAL (MOTIVATIONAL) THEORY o Ability to contribute enjoyment and satisfaction
- Identifies needs of followers and provide of the individual members as well as the
rewards to meet the need in exchange for organization as a whole
expected performance. o Ability to contribute response and appoint
interested members to serve in committees.
TYPES OF LEADERSHIP o Ability to offer suggestions and assistance in an
advisory capacity without running a show.
are appointed administration and give official or
legitimate authority to act. It has its greater impact CHARACTERISTICS OF A LEADER AND A
when the followers accept the leader positively. FOLLOWER
Nursing Leadership occurs in formal, organized  Characteristics of Effective Leaders:
setting such as hospitals, public health o Self-confidence with a sense of personal
departments and clinics, where the nurse is identity
officially sanctioned to practices o Strong drive for responsibilities
 INFORMAL LEADERSHIP: the leader is chosen by o Ability to complete task
the group members, as in a social group. They o Full of energy
usually become leaders because of age, seniority, o Willingness to accept consequences of
special competences, or an inviting personality. decision and actions
Informal leaders can extend influence over the o Tolerance to frustration and delay
group or they may be looked upon for guidance.
o Ability to influence behavior
o Ability to structure social interactions to
accomplish purpose
QUALITIES OF A LEADER o Ventureness and originality



o Excessive initiative in social situation  POWER: the ability to affect the attitudes or
 Characteristics of a Good Follower: behaviors of others.
o Ability to understand the aims of the
organization and plan leaders
o Ability to cooperate in the endeavors which
are for the group’s welfare.  Legitimate Power: is to a leader by the
o Ability to contribute without recognition of organization, because of his position in the
efforts hierarchy. Ex. Director of Nursing, Dean of Nursing
o Ability to “play the game” with hope of  Reward Power: derives from the ability to
success or winning influence behavior by granting rewards
o Ability to work efficiently even though the  Coercive Power: derives from the ability to
odds are on the losing side at times. influence behavior by withholding rewards or
applying sanctions
 Expert Power: derives from the ability to inspire
1. Know and keep up with your subject
others based on the leader’s knowledge, skills and
2. Employ professional guidance
3. Seek to learn from leaders in your own group
 Referent Power: refers to the attractiveness or
and in others as well
appeal of one person to another
4. Know yourself
5. Have confidence in yourself but be prepared to ACTUAL ACTIVITIES OF A TEAM LEADER IN THE
accept mistake AREA
6. Acquire tools and know how for the specific job. A. Planning:
7. Set up communications (up-down-up) o Formulate objective of care that are specific and
8. Don’t spread yourself too thin, with excessive realistic to the agency, patient and team
responsibility members
9. Develop human relations with public, numbers, o Rate each patient according to and complexity
peers, and the little people in your group or needs and goals
10.THINK! o Determine abilities of each team members
o Plan patient assignment of team members
according to their abilities, patient’s
POWER condition/needs and number of patient



o Facilitate in the identification of client’s problem o Informs team members about schedule of
and the formulation of nursing care plan by breaks and meal time.
members o Coordinates with other staff/units to prepare
o Plan for team conference at specific time, date necessary equipment available to team
and place member’s use
o Ensure the availability of resources and o Established schedule of regular, periodic
equipments necessary for the implementation of meetings with members to note/discuss process
care plan. of set objectives.
o Include training of needs of members and plan o Prepares materials and equipments needed for
activities for added knowledge and skills quality the patient care.
and nursing care o Establishes schedule or regular, periodic
o Plan counseling and guidance of each team meetings with managers and staff to
member by individual basis. note/discuss process of objectives.
o Plan activities of members systematically and et C. Directing:
criteria for their performance and evaluation off o Supervises the team members on focusing on
quality patient care the improvement of the work and giving
o Evaluate previous plan and make alterations if necessary motivation.
needed o Makes frequent rounds to assist team members
B. Organizing: with their care of patient
o Applies principles of organizing and carrying out o Communicate with patients to identify their
team member’s assignment needs/problems
o Delegation of responsibility o Provides coordination and efficiency among
o Accomplish patient assignment sheet according departments that provides support services for
to team member’s abilities, number and patient.
characteristic of patient o Delegates various work assignment to team
o Discuss assignment with each member review members for the development of capabilities
physicians orders and nursing care plan and enrichment of work experience.
o Sees to it that the team members defining their o Explains procedures to be followed in case of
specific roles and function. emergency and delegates specific role and
o Conducts scheduled pre and post conference. functions to team members



o Demonstrate leadership ability in a given area

of responsibility in which good work can be
D. Controlling:
o Evaluates team members performance based on
a set of criteria and determines whether there is
a need of improvement.
o Utilizes the objectives formulate in order to
evaluate the output of the team as to the
quality of patient care.
o Sees the written NCP’s of patients are current,
complete and implemented.
o Confers with team members to help ventilate
frustration which they may have experiencing.
o Counsels members regarding job performance.


 Authoritarian Leadership
o Also called autocratic and authoritative.
o Functions with high concern for task. The
authoritarian leader exercises power, sometimes
with coercion. The personality of this leader is
firm, insistent self-assured and dominating. This
leader/manager views individual as naturally
lazy, lacking in ambition, disliking responsibility,
preferring to be led, self-centered, resistant to
change not very bright, and lacks creative



 Laissez-faire Leadership
o Also called permissive, ultraliberal, free-reign.
o This type of leadership lacks central direction or
o The leader/manager avoids responsibility by
giving power to his followers. Followers are
permitted to engage in managerial activities
such as decision making, planning, structuring
the organization, setting goals and controlling
the organization, permissive leaders assume
workers are ambitious, responsible, willing to
accept organizational goals, and are dynamic,
flexible, intelligent and creative.
 Democratic Leadership
o Also called participative, collaborative,
supportive or consultative.
o In this type of leadership, the leader/manager is
“people oriented”, focusing attention on human
aspects and building effective work groups. A
collaborative spirit or joint effort exists.
Democratic leaders give workers the feelings of
self-worth or importance. This style of
leadership leads to high productivity and is the
most desirable form of management.



PROCESSES IN LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT o An assertive person expresses feelings and

 Processes used in leadership and management needs to clearly, honestly, and respectfully
refer to those actions that enable a person to through I-MESSAGE, so that others have no
become a leader or a manager or to improve skills. doubts as to how their behavior affects the
These Processes incorporate important leadership assertive person
and management concepts and methods. o An assertive person faces problems squarely
 Value Clarification: and suggests solutions
o Using values clarification, a person examines, o Application to Nursing:
selects, and learns to act on principles and - A nurse leader/manager must be assertive to
beliefs facilitate problem identification, problem
o Values clarification helps determine the solving, and decision-making.
importance or significance of an experience - A nurse leader/manager uses assertiveness
based on one’s response to that experience. to communicate staff needs to superiors
o This process increase self-confidence and - Assertive behavior by a nurse
guide behavioral changes. leader/manager often encourages staff to
o Application to Nursing: respond in the same fashion, promoting goal
- Values Clarification helps a nurse achievement.
determine realistic-goals both personal and  Time Management:
client centered to guide actions. o Time management involves planning and
- A nurse leader or manager can use value scheduling for anticipated and
clarification to identify group goals at unit, unanticipated events in the workday
departmental, and organizational levels. o Effective time management hinges on
- It enhances decision-making ability and priority settings and delegation
enables expansion of skills increasing o Priority setting involves classifying activities
expert power. and determining the optimal order in which
 Assertiveness: they should be performed.
o Assertiveness is a process of communicating o Delegation involves assigning duties and
with self-confidence. responsibilities to subordinates and making
o It involves a balance between passiveness and these subordinates accountable for their
aggressiveness performance.
o It can be learned



o Barriers to effective time management include o Applications to Nursing:

interruptions and distractions, such as - Nurse managers need in- depth training in
phone calls and visitors; learning to manage performance appraisal to avoid bias and
these interruptions is vital for effective time prejudice.
management. - Assessment of a staff nurse’s performance
o Application to Nursing: should be on going.
- All nurse need to develop time management - - Corrective action, if necessary, should
skills to work efficiently and provide optimal focus on helping the staff nurse set goals
client care. for improve performance
- A nurse manager delegates duties and  Quality Assurance:
responsibilities to staff nurses o In health care, quality assurance is an
- Who in turn delegate duties and evaluation of client care.
responsibilities to ancillary staff o It includes self-evaluation, performance
- A nurse who delegates to a staff nurse must appraisal, per review, audits and utilization
give the staff authority to perform the task review; it operationalizes accountability at the
- When a nurse delegates effectively, both the individual, unit and organizational levels.
nurse manager and the subordinates are o Applications to Nursing:
accountable for results. - Nurse managers and leaders play an
 Performance Appraisal: important role in quality assurance through
o Performance appraisal is an integral part of peer reviews and performance appraisals.
management provides an effective method of - A nurse manager should work with the staff
motivating employees and improving work in advance what outcome criteria will be
performance. used in evaluation.
o It involves objective and subjective factors. - A nurse manager should work with the staff
- Objective factors are measurable behavior, to implement corrective action for unmet
such as lateness and absences. criteria.
- Subjective factors are behaviors are  Marketing:
related to job performance, which the o Marketing include analysis, planning
evaluator appraises and rates; emphasis implementation, and control of specialized
should be on observable behaviors and not program designed to provide an exchange of
on personality factors.



goods services and values withing a specific prepares the protégé for personal and
arena while achieving organizational goals. professional advancement.
o Applications to Nursing: o Applications to Nursing:
- Nurses especially nurse managers are - Mentoring has not been common
required to sell themselves as providers phenomenon to nursing.
of health care to consumers organizations - Nurses women in general, have suffered
- Nurse managers play a vital role in nursing from lack of mentors in all areas of
recruitment and retention and thus can professional life, which may contribute to a
enhance a health care organization’s diminished sense of job satisfaction.
marketability as a provider of quality care.  Risk Management:
 Networking: o Risk management is a business strategy to
o Refers to the development and use of reduce or prevent loss and legal action by
professional system for support, guidance identifying, by analyzing and evaluating risk and
and information to help achieve growth. developing plans for reducing the frequency and
o Successful networking requires a severity of accidents and injury.
positiveness self-concept, self-awareness o The purpose of risk management in health care
and values clarification is to identify the variables that jeopardize
o Applications to Nursing: quality care and to correct or minimize them.
- Nurse managers are members of staff nurses o Applications to Nursing:
network - a nurse manager is legally responsible for
- Nurse managers in turn have their own observing, evaluating and reporting
network from which to derive support at the deficiencies in client care.
unit department organizational and - Reporting threats to clients or employees
professionals levels safety is a major responsibility of nurses at
 Mentoring: all levels; such threats should be
o Just as networking is a mechanism that provides documented in the clients chart and in
professional support, mentoring provides incident report
professional growth.  Stress Management:
o Mentoring is a relationship between an o Identify sources of stress.
experienced nurse (the mentor) and a novice o Prioritize goals; assist staff in conflict resolution
nurse (the protégé) the mentor guides and



o Stress management involves coping with the  Leading Meetings:

body’s response to conflict (stress) o Meetings may be called to discuss and solve
o Applications to Nursing: problems, ventilate feelings, educate and share
- A nurse manager should work at the unit, info.
department and organizational levels to o Planning and organization are essential an
minimize or eliminate potential stressors. effective meeting should have asset agenda
- A nurse manager can use knowledge of with specific objectives, and it should begin and
conflict resolution, decision making, and end on time, allowing for summary and
networking to develop stress management evaluation.
strategies . o Applications to Nursing:
- A nurse manager should act as a role model - a nurse leader/manager should participate in
to help staff nurses manage stress. meeting to train staff. Resolve conflicts,
 Team Building: provide motivation and encourage
o Team building develops a supportive group discussion.
atmosphere in which members work together - an effective nurse leader/manager use a
effectively toward specific goals. knowledge of leadership and management
o Planning, setting of goals, and establishing styles, communication, and group dynamics
priorities are the first steps in team building. to achieve meeting objectives.
o Applications to Nursing:  Interviewing:
- A nurse leader or manager should use o Interviewing is a step in selecting person
knowledge of group communication and positions in an organization
dynamics to develop a climate that fosters o Evaluation of information obtained from
group cohesiveness. interview forms a basis for hiring decision.
- A nurse leader/manager should assist the o Interviewing involves dual communication, the
team with conflict management and interviewer seeks to gain and evaluate
resolution within the team and with other information from the applicant and attempts to
teams. gather information about the position and the
o Applications to Nursing:
- Nurse managers typically role in recruitment
and hiring decision



- A nurse manager communicates information

about the health care organization’s
structure and goals to applicants.


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