Questionnaire - Shortage of Teaching Faculty

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The order of the questions was flexible, allowing the researcher more leeway in

deciding what to ask first. Follow-up questions will be asked to elicit more information

and clarify the participants' responses.

For nursing faculty:

1. Experiences as a nursing faculty

What is your age?

 25-29 y/o
 30-34
 35-39
 40-44
 45-49
 50-54
 55 and above

How many years of academic teaching experience have you been in?

 Less than 1 year

 1-3 years
 4-6 years
 7-10 years
 More than 10 years

Are you employed with any other school/institute other than this school?
 Yes
 No
Please state your highest academic qualification?

 Bachelor’s degree
 Master’s degree
 Doctorate
 Others (Please specify)
Please state your current employment status?

 Part-time employee
 Full-time employee
 Other (Please specify)

2. Workload experience
How many teaching loads do you have?

How many working hours do you spend per week?

Are you comfortable with the course/s you are handling? Why or why not?

What strategies do you utilize to cope up missed meetings?

3. What interventions can you recommend to minimize the effects of the

nursing faculty shortage?

For nursing students:

1. Do you have an alternative way to cope up with missed meetings? How do you

utilize it?

4. How do you motivate yourself to learn at times when the teacher cannot fulfill

their duties?

5. How will this affect your learning acquisition?

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