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8th commandment
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
- Must be understood in context of the covenant
- Truth & truthful(not private matter)
- Primarily the quality of human interpersonal relationships and behavior that
Grounded in the father (source of all truth)
Manifested in his son
Sends his spirit of truth
- Not abstract impersonal concept
- Revealed by a personal & loving God
Father (source of all truth)
Son (the truth that sets us free)
Holy spirit ( proceeding to the father, sustain us in son)
Liberating the power of truth
- Intensifies the universal need to seek for the truth
Inescapable human need for truth
- Grounded on the dignity of every woman and man
- All persons, because of their natures as free and intelligent beings, are obliged to seek the
Pursuit of the truth
- Has an essentially social dimension
- Must be carried out in a manner that is appropriate to the dignity of the human person
- Entails the work if the community
- With the help of teaching
- Men & women ( share w/ each other the truth)
- Instructions, communication, dialogue
Christians ( act as witness of the gospel) are all called to witness to truth
8th commandment forbids misrepresenting the truth in our relation with others

Follow Jesus – live in “the spirit of truth”

 To his disciples, Jesus teaches us the unconditional love for/ of truth
 Persons tend by nature toward the truth
- An act of justice that establishes the truth
- The supreme witness given to the truth of the faith
- Bearing witness even unto death
- Bears witness to the truth of the faith and of the Christian doctrine
1. Lying - most common & direct offense
- Truthfulness (virtue by which we speak and act according to reality)
- Intentionally misrepresenting of the truth, by word, gesture, or even silence
- Plant seeds of division & mistrust
Can harm:
- Integrity & reputation of the person those who can hear the lie ( cause error)
- Peace & harmony of the community
- Victim of their own lie
- Losing self- respect
- Shacking their freedom
- Commits a grave offense against justice and charity
Gravity/ seriousness
- Measured in terms of the truth it deforms
Compulsive liar
- Habit of lying
Types of lies:
1. White lies of boasting – exaggerating one’s quantities/ action
2. Escapist – for saving face
3. Careless lying
4. Simple flattery
5. Lies told from malice to harm others
6. Lies of propaganda
7. Commercial advertising
8. Contrived flattery – to win other in personal relation
9. Hypocrisy/ half- truth – truth is twisted
10. Silence – cowardly
False witness
- A public statement made in court contrary to the truth
- Done under oath
- Grave moral act
- The faults & sins of a person is revealed
- Person’s good name is destroyed based on manipulations of facts
- Both cases are sin against charity & justice
Tale bearing (among children)
Gossip (among adults)
It is the duty and obligation of all enchants to protect the truth of Christ for the Glory of God

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