Fears Report Final

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Dhairya Mrs Jyotsana Grover






● Fear is a human emotion that manifests in various forms and

intensities. From childhood phobias to deep-rooted anxieties,
fears can significantly impact our lives. While fear is often
associated with negativity, it is crucial to understand that it is
a natural response that has both protective and limiting
● However, by confronting and overcoming our fears, we open
ourselves up to personal growth, new experiences, and
limitless possibilities.


● While fears may hold us back, they also present opportunities

for personal development and self-discovery. By
acknowledging and confronting our fears, we break free from
their paralyzing grip and open ourselves up to a world of
● Embracing fear allows us to expand our comfort zones,
develop resilience, and realize our true potential. So let us face
our fears with courage and determination, for it is in
conquering them that we find growth, fulfillment, and a life
enriched by endless possibilities
1. Understanding Fear Triggers: The goal is to figure
out what makes people scared. For example, we want to
know why some people are really scared of heights,
while others are not.

2. Understanding Different Kinds of Fear: We want to

learn about all the different things that people are afraid
of. This could include common fears like public
speaking or less common ones like a fear of clowns.

This survey report aims to examine the common fears
experienced by the people. The data collected provides
insights into the most prevalent fears among respondents,
shedding light on the psychological and emotional aspects of
human fears.
The key findings from the survey were that majority of the
people (43%) believed fear to be an emotional response
towards any action or a threat which was followed by equal
proportions of people (26%) for whom fear meant an
unpleasant thought or being afraid of something, whereas a
very nominal fraction of people believe that fear is a
fundamental survival mechanism which shows that for
people fear is a sudden reaction towards the thing of their
dislike and they do not give a deep thought towards the fear
they face or the thing they dislike.
The fact that a significant number of people fear losing their
loved ones suggests that they have formed deep emotional
attachments and connections with them. This highlights the
importance of close relationships and the impact they have
on our well-being. The fear of losing loved ones also
highlights our vulnerability as human beings. It reminds us
of the transient nature of life
Most people who filled the survey rated the strength of their
fear as 5 off 5 which shows that the 30% of people who rated
their fear as 5/5 (very strong) likely experience intense fear
in response to specific situations.
The 21% of people who rated their fear as 4/5 experience
strong fear but may not find it as overwhelming as those who
rated it as very strong. This level of fear can still have a
considerable impact on their emotional well-being and
A big fraction of people haven't sought any professional help
to overcome their fears (91%) . It depicts that individuals
may have a strong inclination towards self-reliance and
prefer to handle their fears independently. They might be
believing that they have the internal resources and resilience
to overcome their fears without professional assistance.
Individuals may feel ashamed or embarrassed about their
fears and hesitate to reach out to professionals due to
concerns about judgment or social stigma.
A major fraction of people (52%) doesn’t have any effect on
their sleep due to their underlying fears. It suggests that
people may have established healthy sleep patterns and
routines. They may prioritize good sleep hygiene practices,
such as maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, creating a
conducive sleep environment. These habits can help promote
quality sleep despite any underlying fears.
Also people may possess a strong psychological foundation
and a positive outlook on life. They may have developed a
healthy perspective on their fears, allowing them to maintain
a balanced state of mind even when they face challenges.
This has also been confirmed by the next set of responses
where the majority of survey attendants (39%) have chosen
to face their fear head on instead of escaping the situation
(26%) there is also a great proportion of people who feel like
sweating and very anxious about their fears.
According to the next question about 48% have a mild effect
on their focus due to their underlying fears, 30% of people
have no significant impact and 22% of people have a very
strong and significant impact on their focus due to their fears.
The fact that 30% of the respondents reported no noticeable
impact on their focus suggests a level of resilience or
adaptability in managing their fears.
These individuals may possess effective coping mechanisms,
emotional regulation skills, or a positive mindset that enables
them to maintain their focus despite feeling fear. For the 22%
of the people fear might be consuming their thoughts,
creating anxiety, or causing mental preoccupation that
interferes with their cognitive functioning.
The majority of respondents acknowledging fear as a
positive motivator in certain circumstances recognize that
fear has a dual nature. The belief that fear can be a positive
motivator "sometimes" suggests an understanding that fear's
motivational impact is context-dependent. In certain
situations, such as facing a challenge or pursuing a goal, fear
may provide an extra push to take action and achieve desired
outcomes. in particular there are concerns about negative
consequences too for example They might worry that relying
on fear could lead to stress, anxiety, or a focus on avoidance
rather than proactive action.

The fact that 40% people have no impact on their happiness,

equal fractions of people (30%) have significant and mild
impact on their happiness this suggests that the 30% of
respondents who experienced a significant impact on their
happiness due to fears suggests that fear can have a profound
effect on their emotional state and overall happiness. These
individuals might be finding it challenging to maintain a
positive outlook or sense of contentment in the face of their
fears, which can significantly impact their well-being. The
30% of respondents who reported a moderate impact on their
happiness due to fears suggest that fears can have a
noticeable but not overwhelming effect on their emotional
well-being. These individuals might be experiencing
fluctuations in their happiness levels depending on the
intensity or specific circumstances of their fears. The results
highlight that the impact of fears on happiness can vary
significantly from person to person. Each individual has
unique fears, personal circumstances, and coping
mechanisms that influence how fear interacts with their

1. Daksh Singh : Questionnaire, Report Writing
2. Dhairya Maniktala : Report Writing, Content Formatting
3. Pranjal Narain : Report Writing
4. Pushpdeep Saini : Questionnaire, Report Writing
5. Raghav Gulati : PowerPoint Presentation

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