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Tutoring can be incredibly helpful, IF the tutor is good. Some students are perfectly
capable intellectually, but slower than others to pick up on things. A classroom has to
move along at a certain pace. Teachers don’t have the option of slowing down to explain
things at length. That’s a bad environment for people who just need time to think about
material, before they “get it.”
A tutor will pay attention to that student, and thus will see things a classroom
teacher won’t.
It often happens that students develop a friendly relationship with their tutors. In this
case, it is a benefit for the students because they are not afraid to ask anything or admit
that they do not know what to do. Students can also be more relaxed during tutoring and in
the comfort of their own homes than in a formal classroom environment. Tutoring may not
be effective if the student is unwilling to learn. And he/she goes to classes because of
his/her parents' wishes. In this case, the student will not listen to the topic, but will only
think when it is time to go home. If there is a desire to understand the subject, then tutoring
will help in this.

History in the ZNO

On the one hand, you need to study history. Because you should know the history of
your country. But, in my opinion, it is not necessary to take history in the external
examination.. Because if an applicant wants to enter a mathematics specialty, she needs to
make more efforts to prepare for the mathematics exam, and history will only distract, and
it is generally not necessary for the specialty. But if you want to become an archaeologist,
then a knowledge of history is necessary. Each of us must have basic knowledge of
history, it is not necessary to study the dates of agreements, meetings, etc. It is necessary
to focus on the outcome of events, meetings, battles, and not on dates.

Preparation for real life

Preparation for real life is a very necessary component for everyone. And
unfortunately, our system does not provide for this. I remember from my school that we
had a lot of theory which is given in very complicated words, but we had very little
practice. And even if there were practices in chemistry, biology or physics, we watched
them on YouTube because there were not enough reagents (ріеджент), devices, etc.
It would be great if some subjects were taught more accessible. For example, for the
subject of history, you could visit museums, and not just read material from a book, and
then let them copy it into notebooks. Conduct some experiments yourself and try to
explain it in your own words, instead of watching videos on YouTube and rewriting the
text in a notebook.
And it would be nice to introduce the subject of social skills, management, and
economics. Social studies are now, in my opinion, a very relevant (релевант) subject,
because most students find it difficult to communicate and generally be in society.
Management is also necessary for students to learn to plan their schedule wisely and spend
their day effectively (ефішентлі). And economics should be in order for students to learn
how to spend their money correctly, and to understand how pricing works, etc. These
subjects are important, and it is important to teach them in an accessible way, you don't
need to memorize the terms (тьормс) , because it will not help you in life, you just need
practice, practice and practice....(практіс)

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