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Name : Maria Clarissa Eka Larasaty

Class : 3B D-IV Manajemen Pemasaran

Number : 14
NIM : 2142620035

1. Give your opinion about a good business etiquette after watching the video above

In my opinion, good business etiquette is how we treat colleagues and customers with respect and
honesty. Make our colleagues and customers feel appreciated and cared for by us, for example
saying the word please when we need their help and saying thank you after we receive the help.
Also use a friendly and professional tone when talking to them The way you carry yourself at
work can make a big difference in your career. Follow the basics of business etiquette wherever
you work and you'll likely make a strong impression.

2. Comment on the business ettiquette in two countries. Do you think they are applicable if
implemented in our country?

 Personally, in my opinion, in business etiquette in the United Arab Emirates, the left hand
is considered unclean, because it is only used for body hygiene. Using the left hand is
only done for these activities and it would be very disgraceful and even considered a
serious insult to use the left hand as etiquette in business. It is important to eat, shake
hands and submit documents with the right hand. It's the same as in Indonesia, in carrying
out all daily activities and in business etiquette, we should use our right hand, because the
left hand is only used for unclean activities. And it will look polite and respectful if we
use our right hand.
 When we visit India on business, there are business etiquette that we must pay attention
to when we order food at a restaurant. In India, they don't serve beef, because cows are
sacred animals in Indian belief and if we order beef, some people might consider it a sign
of disrespect.
In Indonesia, this kind of etiquette may not be applicable, because we do not consider
cows to be sacred animals, except in some areas, such as Bali, where this belief is

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