Instructions For The Clinical Scale Forcontraversive Pushing (SCP)

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Letter to the Editor

Instructions for the Clinical Scale for

Contraversive Pushing (SCP)

To the Editor: be assessed in 2 steps. With the patient sitting on the

We would like to thank Drs Baccini, Paci, and Rinaldi bedside, the examiner first observes whether the
(Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2006;20: 468-472) for their ipsilesional extremities are spontaneously abducted
thorough analysis of reliability and validity of our from the body, searching for contact with the surface
Clinical Scale for Contraversive Pushing (SCP).1 This (arm/hand on mattress; leg/foot on floor), and show
scale may help diagnose and quantify the behavior of activity to achieve extension of the elbow and/or the
patients with stroke and left or right brain damage who knee and hip joints. If so, variable B is given the value 1
demonstrate the “pusher syndrome”—a behaviour in for sitting. If abduction and extension of the nonparetic
which patients actively push away from the nonhemi- extremities are not spontaneously performed, the exam-
paretic side, leading to a loss of postural balance. iner asks the patient to (1) glide the buttocks on the
Without empirical knowledge about appropriate cutoff mattress toward the nonparetic side and/or (2) change
scores for the SCP, we tentatively suggested a criterion1 sitting position from bed to wheelchair toward the non-
that was based only on our daily clinical experience and paretic side. In the latter case, the buttocks are lifted just
conservative enough to avoid false-positive diagnoses as enough to pass over the tires of the wheelchair. The
long as no empirical data on reliable cutoff scores were patient then has to master a small swinging movement
available. We are delighted that Baccini and coworkers of the buttocks to change seats. The examiner observes
have filled this gap. The authors selected 26 patients who whether, in at least 1 of these 2 situations of position
had a hemiparesis and postural asymmetry. Their change ((1) or (2) above), the ipsilesional extremities
observed cutoff criterion (all 3 SCP variables >0) in this are abducted from the body and show activity to achieve
selected patients group now requires further investiga- extension of the elbow and/or the knee and hip joints. If
tion to avoid false-positive diagnoses in an unselected so, variable B is given the value 0.5 for sitting. The
group of stroke patients (ie, those who typically present examination continues with the patient standing. The
to a department of general neurology). examiner first observes whether the ipsilesional leg is
The SCP investigates 3 variables: (1) spontaneous spontaneously (already when rising from the sitting
body posture, (2) the use of the nonparetic extremities position) abducted and extended. If so, variable B is
to bring about the pathological lateral tilt of the body given the value 1 for standing. If abduction and exten-
axis, and (3) resistance to passive correction of tilted sion of the nonparetic leg are not spontaneously per-
posture. Baccini and colleagues rightly mention that in formed, the examiner asks the patient to start walking.
our original description of the scale, no details were The examiner observes whether the patient now
provided about how to test subjects’ use of the non- abducts and extends the ipsilesional leg. If so, variable B
paretic extremities to bring about the pathological lat- is given the value 0.5 for standing.
eral tilt (SCP variable B) before grading them. They
speculated that more detailed instructions, with the
explicit definition of the tasks to be used to explore
Hans-Otto Karnath, MD PhD
changes of position, could enhance the scale’s validity as
a diagnostic tool for pusher syndrome. We agree
and would like to complement instruction and task def- Doris Brötz, PT
initions for SCP variable B as follows: abduction Center of Neurology, Hertie Insitute for Clinical Brain
and extension of the nonparetic extremities should Research, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany

DOI: 10.1177/1545968307300702

370 Copyright © 2007 The American Society of Neurorehabilitation

Letter to the Editor

REFERENCE Karnath and Brötz rightly pointed out that the valid-
ity of our suggested cutoff criterion should be confirmed
1. Karnath H-O, Ferber S, Dichgans J. The origin of contraversive in unselected stroke patients. We quite agree; indeed, we
pushing: evidence for a second graviceptive system in humans.
stressed this need in our article, too. We are currently try-
Neurology. 2000;55:1298-1304.
ing to clear up this issue in a larger and more representa-
tive sample of hemiplegic patients, along with studying
Author Response:
other psychometric features of the SCP.
We thank Drs Karnath and Brötz for their positive
comments on our study about some psychometric
properties of the Scale for Contraversive Pushing (SCP). Marco Baccini, PT
We appreciate their helpful complement of instructions Unit of Geriatric Rehabilitation, “P. Palagi” Hospital,
for the administration and scoring of this scale, which is Florence, Italy
currently, in our opinion, the most useful assessment
tool for pusher behavior. We think that this way, the reli- Matteo Paci, PT, MSc
ability and validity of the scale will be further enhanced. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Prato Hospital,
Recently, an attempt was made to improve the SCP, Prato, Italy
introducing some major changes in the scale and pro-
viding detailed instructions for the scoring criteria.1
Lucio A. Rinaldi, PT
However, this modified version is so different from the
Unit of Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine,
original SCP that it should rather be considered a com-
University of Florence,
pletely different instrument. The authors did not com-
Florence, Italy
pare the 2 versions of the SCP, so the advantages of
using the modified scale are not clear. Moreover, cutoff
criteria for diagnosing pusher behavior with the new REFERENCE
scale are not clearly defined. We suggest that future 1. Lagerqvist J, Skargren E. Pusher syndrome: reliability, validity
research should also investigate which of the 2 scales is and sensitivity to change of a classification instrument. Adv
more sensitive to changes. Physiother. 2006;8:154-160.

Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 21(4); 2007 371

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