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______________________________________________ 27.05.



1. Complete each sentence with the correct form of the idioms. (10 points)

a. The tour around the region felt a bit ______________________________ , with no clear agenda or plan.
b. Vet expenses and food bills are all ______________________________ of getting a pet.
c. We liked the house ______________________________ . The only problem is that it's located near a busy
d. We will update the information on our website ______________________________ required.
e. My neighbour had been eating vegetarian food ______________________________ for a few years before
finally going vegan last month.
f. She ___________________________________ about that problem when I asked her to make a final
g. They were not convinced that it was the right thing to do but they ____________ me ___________________
of ___________________________ .
h. I begged her to come home but she __________________________________ and refused to listen to me.
i. My dad is willing to compromise. He will agree to some of our requests if we
__________________________ and allow him to implement some of his ideas.
j. Let’s _________________________________________ since our views on this matter are so different. It’s
impossible for us to make a unanimous decision.
2. Read the sentences and use the word given in capitals to form a word that fits in the gap. (10 points)

a. In the end, only a very small number of ________________________ signed the petition. PROTEST
b. Neither he, nor in all _________________ his wife, really understood the consequences of their actions. LIKE
c. The aim is to put __________________________ on the government to find a solution. PRESS
d. Unfortunately, effective strategies to alleviate sleep complaints and disorders are often
_____________________________. AVAILABILITY
e. It is an _____________________________ source of reference material that, once discovered, will be
frequently referred to. VALUE
f. In light of this global shift, it’s crucial to take steps to avoid __________________________ when working as
part of a virtual team. COMMUNICATE
g. Unfortunately, some teachers don’t believe in their students and have a tendency to
_________________________ their potential. ESTIMATION
h. There are __________________________ arguments against this ridiculous proposal. COUNT
i. The entire office is dependent on her ___________________________ and competence. RELY
j. Passengers will not accept ______________________________ and delays. CROWD

dst 60 – 68% + dst 69 – 76% db 77 – 84% + db 85 – 92 % bdb 93 – 100%

3. Complete the sentences with one word only. (15 points)
a. We should always remind ________________________ that everything is possible. It is better to try and fail
than to give up without doing anything.
b. As the world becomes more global, it is easy to fall prey to the __________________________ that you can
communicate easily across cultures simply by using the English language.
c. I just want to go home and crash ________________________ because I am really tired.
d. It’s important that we all have a ___________________________ on local issues.
e. I really hate ________________________, that is the activity of traveling regularly between work and home.
f. Having lost so much money in the Stock Market, Tim had to fall _________________ on his savings to live on.
g. _________________ all due respect, Madam, I cannot agree with your last statement.
h. After our busy day, we both sat and nodded _____________________ in front of the TV.
i. The mass media __________________________ a great influence on today's society.
j. The centre’s sleep studies are published in highly respected academic _____________________________.
k. We keep talking about the issue without making any progress – we need to ____________ for a compromise!
l. Signing the petition can __________________ a huge difference to the potential outcome.
m. You don’t need to constantly be “right”. It is good to be able to ____________________ another point of
n. Smart people are able to ________________________ their mind about an issue.
o. It shows that we are ___________________________ matters very seriously indeed and will not give in.

4. Explain in English: (4x2 points = 8 points)

a doze – ________________________________________________________________________________________
the minutes – ___________________________________________________________________________________
a slumber party – ________________________________________________________________________________
a unanimous agreement – _________________________________________________________________________
5. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first one, using the word given. Do not
change the word given. Use between three to six words, including the word given. (7 points)
1. My parents don’t like it when people tell them what to do. RESENT
My parents __________________________________________ what to do.
2. He argues the company will benefit greatly from the bill. HIGHLY
He argues the bill _____________________________________________ for the company.
3. Mary had been a loyal supporter of the government before she resigned. LENT
Mary ___________________________________________________ the government before she resigned.
4. You have to be very intelligent to do this kind of work. GREAT
This kind of work calls _____________________________________________________________.
5. Because it rained heavily, we didn't go to the party. PREVENTED
The heavy ______________________________________________________________ to the party.
6. I cannot wait for my summer holidays. FORWARD
I __________________________________________________________________ my summer holidays.
7. In the end, only a very small number of students knew the answer. HARDLY
In the end, _____________________________________________________ knew the answer.

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