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Quarter 4 Worksheet No. 2

Learner’s Name: ________________________________________________________

Grade level/Section: ________________________________________________________
Date: ________________________________________________________

A. Most Essential Learning Competency
Use appropriate grammatical signals or expressions suitable to each pattern of idea
development (EN8G-Ia-7)
 General to particular
 Claim and counterclaim
 Problem-solution
 Cause-effect
B. Objectives
1. Identify the variations of problem-solution pattern.
2. Determine the cause-effect and problem- solution in a text.
2. Use appropriate grammatical expressions to show cause and effect and
problem-solution relationships.


In the previous LAS, you learned grammatical signals used for general to particular
and claim and counterclaim. Today’s focus will be on signals or expressions showing
problem-solution and cause-effect relationships. These two patterns of development are
related and often confusing to students.
CAUSE-EFFECT PATTERN is a method or manner of explaining done by stating an
action, event or decision and following it with its causes (reasons) and/or effects (results or
Developing an understanding of how cause and effect informs the organization of a
text enhances students’ ability to fully comprehend what they have read. Cause is the
driving force in the text. It is the reason why something happens. In essence, cause is the
thing that makes other things happen. Effect refers to the result or outcome brought about
by something or someone. It is the what happened next in the text that results from a
preceding cause.
Cause and effect are important elements of a text that help the reader to follow a
writer’s line of thought regardless of whether a text is fiction or non-fiction. Cause and effect
in a piece of writing helps the reader follow a coherent thread through the material. It also
helps the writer engaged in the writing process to organize and structure the information into
a logical form.
Signal words or transitions are signposts that help guide the readers through the
terrain of the writer’s thought. They help connect the ideas in a text or the events in a story.
Here are examples of these expressions used for:
Cause (The why) because, because of, since, as a result, as a consequence of, now
Effect (The What) so, therefore, this resulted in, hence, accordingly
Remember: The sequencing of ideas to show cause and effect relationship may be
arranged in two ways depending on the connector used:
a. (cause) + connector + (Effect) Ex: Water is precious so we must conserve it.
b. (Effect) + Connector + (Cause) Ex: WE must conserve water because it is
Note the following:
A. The plant is deprived of water.
B. It wilts and dies.
We can combine the sentences in a cause-and-effect relationship.
1. The plant is deprived of water (So, therefore, thus, consequently) it
wilts and dies.
2. (Because, Since) the plant is deprived of water, it wilts and dies.
PROBLEM-SOLUTION PATTERN is very similar to cause-effect. A problem is
identified. Most likely there is also a cause to the problem. But in this case , a solution is
proposed or given. Therefore, the two main sections in this method is divided into two, one
that describes the problem, and one that describes a solution. A problem is a condition that
is unwelcome or harmful and that needs to be resolved or overcome. A solution is an action
or means that is intended to fix or address a problem.
There are three variations of problem-solution pattern.
1. Problem- Solution- is a straightforward approach. The problem is expressed in a
simple statement and a possible solution is given.
The fast-food chain Charlie’s Chicken wants to attract younger
customers, ages 13-17, to dine in their restaurants. The management is
thinking of launching a new mascot called Clucky, a cool and trendy
anthropomorphic chicken. This brand overhaul would be very expensive,
though. So, they are also exploring digital marketing options. Through the
web and social media, the company can promote the brand at a lower cost.

2. Problem- Cause- Solution- allows the writer to identify and analyze the cause of
the problem before presenting a possible solution.
Women are significantly underrepresented in the fields of Science,
Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM). The small number of
women working in those fields can be attributed to the prevailing attitudes of
people in general about the ideal career aspirations of women. Educating
people then is a way to change how they think and feel about women.
Furthermore, the government and public organizations should support
programs that increase women’s interest in the STEM fields.

3. Problem- Process- Solution- allows the writer to discuss the process or procedure
that leads to the solution of the problem.
A study will set out to determine the effects of ultraviolet light on live
cells. In an experiment, a microbial sample will be subjected to UV light from
a 24-watt light bulb. After six hours, the sample will be analyzed. The
experiment aims to prove that the UV light causes irreparable DNA damage
that causes cell death. The results can be used to develop more effective
ways to protect human skin from the UV light from the sun.
Here are some signal words for Problem-Solution.

the problem is one answer/solution/way is obviously

the question is a difficulty is to solve
a solution next clearly one reason for the
but nonetheless in order to
first, second to resolve this (problem) so that

To state cause or effect of the problem, the following signals can also be used:
because due to so as a result
that’s why since consequently when

A. Practice Tasks
Task 1(A) Directions: Read the problem-solution texts and identify their
variations. Draw a circle on the blank if the text follows a problem-solution; a
heart if it is problem-cause-solution; and a square if the pattern is problem-

_______1. Ana was once a teacher of English language. One day, some
students came to her unable to write their names. She taught them text
analysis. Now, they all write novels.
_______2. Excessive drinking remains a serious problem among college
students. Two causes of the problem specific to college life are social pressure
and the large number of alcohol-centered activities. To solve this, they must
choose enjoyable activities that are not alcohol-centered. Also, they need to
learn to control social pressure for excess drinking.
_______3. Drug abuse causes multiple problems for families and communities.
Addicts are often too sick, physically and mentally, to function as normal,
responsible members of a family or a society. Despite this, the menace of drugs
can be fought. Education is the first answer. Children need to be taught at home
and in school about the dangers of drug abuse. Second, increase police
manpower and resources to stop dealers and to enforce law. In conclusion,
although the problem of drug abuse may seem impossible to eliminate, or to
even control, there are steps to be taken to weaken this. If the war on drugs is to
be won.
Task 1 (B) Directions: Read the paragraph and fill in the chart with cause and effect.
Mom came in to tell
Last weekend my friend Karen slept over. We stayed up very late usplaying
to go to theour
with bed.
dolls. My
It was dark
mom came into the room to tell us we had to go to sleep. It was dark so Karen and I took my dad’s
Flashlight batteries died.
flashlight and played under the covers. I’m not sure when we finally fell asleep, but we left the
Dad tried to use the flashlight, but it didn’t
work. on. In the morning, it no longer worked. The batteries were dead. Yesterday, there was a
thunderstorm and we lost our electricity. Dad went to get his flashlight so we could see, but it didn’t
work. He wasn’t very happy when he found out that I had left it on all night and wasted the batteries.
Now I have to rake up all the leaves that blew around from the storm!

1. Having a cold is no fun. Coughing makes it hard to fall asleep. A sore throat is painful. Try
some tea with honey in it. The honey will soothe your throat.

Coughing makes it hard to


Sore throat can be painful.

2. A sprain is a tear in a muscle. Sprains happen when a muscle is twisted or overstretched.
They can be painful. If you sprain a muscle, you should put an ice on it immediately. Putting
ice on a sprain will reduce swelling and pain. It may help stop internal bleeding too.

Put ice on the

sprained muscle.

3. Nobody wants to be stung by a bee. Bee stings are itchy and painful. But what if the bee
stings you anyway? One thing that you can do is put vinegar on it. The acid in the vinegar
may reduce the pain and swelling from the sting.

Task 2 (A) Directions: Use the following cause/effect transition words to complete the
sentences below. Some words may be used more than once. (Resulted in, so,
consequently, as a result, since, then, therefore, lead/led to, because)
1. If you are caught driving too fast, ____ you will get a speeding ticket.
2. High fuel costs ____ higher food prices and the loss of many jobs.
3. It was raining and I missed my bus; _______I got wet and missed my test.
4. A woman’s use of alcohol during pregnancy can _____ birth defects in an
unborn child.
5. _______ Larry’s car stereo was so loud, I could see his mouth moving, but I
had no idea what he was saying.
Task 2 (B) Combine the sentences below using appropriate connectives.
1. Since, because, thus, as a result
a. The root system of the plants is not large enough to trap the water in the
b. The soil dries out very quickly and the young plant dies.

2. As a result, therefore, since, if

a. The soil erosion is weak.
b. Large quantities have to be given if the plant is to receive sufficient

3. ______________________________________________________________

4. Consequently, as a result, when, if

a. The root development is poor.
b. The crop is undernourished.
5. Consequently, therefore, as a result, thus
a. Rainfall was far below normal.
b. Farmers lost many crops.
6. Since, when, because, as a result
a. Living things die, decomposers break down the dead plants and animals.
b. The chemical elements from their bodies are returned to the environment
again available for plants for photosynthesis.
Task 3 (A) Directions: Match the problems in column A with the solutions in column B.
Use signal words/ expressions to combine them. Write the sentences on the space
Column A Column B
1. Accidents can happen anywhere. A. We must dispose them
2. Gasoline is highly flammable. B. We must protect ourselves
from the rays
of the sun.
3. Self- medication can be dangerou
to one’s health. C. We must exercise caution all
the time.

4. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable. D. We must take it as prescribed.

5. Over exposure to the sun’s rays can
cause sunburn. E. We should not light a match
near it.

1. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________

Task 3 (B)
Reading for Comprehension: Cause and Effect
Directions: Read the passages below. Then, answer the questions that follow.

Floods are natural phenomena that usually occur during the rainy season and
affect different parts of the world. The worst of these have been caused by
unpredictable weather.
Tropical storms, also called typhoons, hurricanes or cyclones, whip up the
winds over the oceans. As a result, these waves, called storm surges, race
towards the shore and cause floods.
After a severe flood, thousands of people and animals are drowned and
whole villages are demolished. Hundreds of farm lands are ruined as the crops
and fertile soil are washed away.
Floods also cause massive destruction of roads, bridges, railway lines and
water and power supplies. Rescue workers have difficulty bringing food and
medical supplies to many people trapped by flood waters. Broken sewers and
lack of clean water can lead to the rapid spread of diseases like cholera.
Sometime in the early 90’s a tropical storm struck the island of Leyte in the
Philippines and caused the worst floods there in seven years. As a result, over
2,500 people died, thousands more were reported missing, and an estimated
50,000 were left homeless.
-Jane Walker, “Tidal Waves and Flooding”

Answer the following questions. Use connectors to show cause and effect.
The first has been done for you.

1. What happens to people and animals after a flood?

Answer: Thousands of people and animals are drowned because of severe
2. What happens to villages?
3. What happens to farmlands?
4. What happens to fertile soil and crops?
5. What are other results of floods?
6. Why do relief workers have difficulty bringing food supplies?

Task 3 (C)
Directions: Pretend that you are an endorser. Your purpose is to convince people
to use bicycles as their most important form of transportation rather than cars.
Use appropriate grammatical signals for this problem-solution advertisement.

1. Write one sentence explaining that motorized transportation gives big

problems that require a solution.
Your sentence:
2. Present your solutions in at least 3 sentences for this.
Your sentences:

B. Assessment
Directions: Use appropriate signal word and write the effect for each statement
of cause below.
Example: Diana received the best gift from her Dad, so it made her very happy.

1. Han’s employer approved his request for a three-day vacation,

2. Gemma received the best birthday gift,
3. Leah’s father went on a trip to Palawan,
4. Jonathan studied his Math lessons very hard,
5. The carpenter that they hired got sick,

Direction: Write the appropriate signal word and the solution for each problem

Nico finds it difficult to do away with his addiction on computer games.
Answer: To resolve this, he limits himself in using computer and instead play
basketball with his friends.
6. The people in Barangay Maharlika forget to segregate their garbage.
7. Your mother is complaining of the high prices of the vegetables in the market.
8. You often forget your tasks in school because of the household chores.
9. Nicole was browsing her social media account when she accidentally clicked
on a malicious link.
10. Mel observes that most of his friends are not using face masks and face
shields when going out.

IV. References
-English Express Ways Textbook for Fourth Year, pages 228-229
- Functional English for Today III pages 137-139
- Meeting My Needs for English II pages 119, 144
Learning Activity Sheet (Quarter 4 Worksheet 2) by Melody T. Temones
De Vera, E.E., Francisco, N.R., Gonzales, C.T., Yu, P.R. (2017). Essential
English Worktext in Literature and Language. Manila: Rex Printing Company, Inc.>resources>>pdf>

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