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 Name : I Made Gilang Jhuniantara  Location : SAS Office,Canggu

 Position : AOS Junior Consultant  Start Date :

 Start Date (Current Role) : December 21, 2021  Manager :

 Discussion Date : July 22, 2022

 Period :

Summary of the events of the past 12 months (or more) and the professional growth of the talent

I have been working on SAS for 7 months. Some of the events that I joined including Xero certification, Xero
training (both internal by Haris and External speakers), Financial Statement Training by Pak Rian, and English
Class (Still Working). I also got technical training regarding accounting flow with the previous manager (Pak
Made Budayana). Until now, my clients are 11 clients, and they always change (the changes in structure
majorly affect the client I handled). Every single client I handled has a diversified business activity such as Villa
Management, Waste Management, Management Consultation, Restaurant, Property and Real Estate,
Wholesale, Multimedia and Marketing. From all of them, I become PIC for 2 clients and some of them are
direct to the manager (without senior).

I understand the data from the completed performance discussion may be used for SAS’ Talent pool and Development

 Talent  Date:
 Manager  Date:
 Signed Second line  Date:

PT. Smart Advisory Solutions

Jl. Pantai Berawa No 150 Unit 5, Canggu, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Strictly Private & Confidential



For each of the competencies listed, the manager and talent should discuss the behaviours displayed on the job by the talent
(both positive and negative) and agree on summary comments and the overall rating.

During preparation for discussion, please mark in the relevant box with either an ‘X’ or an ‘O’. There are to be no in-between
ratings. A final form should show the final rating and the manager’s and talent’s ratings if these differ from the final, agreed

X = Manager’s rating O = Talent’s rating ü = Finalised Rating

Evaluation Key Non- Novice Developing Succesful Exceptional
& Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer
Points 1-2 3-4 5 6–8 9 - 10

Exceptional Performer
Demonstrates all of the behaviours of the competency all of the time at a very high standard or frequency. Their performance
indicates that they would be considered as a role model to others or an expert in this area.

Successful Performer
Demonstrates all of the behaviours of the competency most of the time at a high standard or frequency. Their performance
indicates that they have mastered this competency.

Developing Performer
Demonstrates most of the behaviours of the competency but there may be some inconsistency or further development required.

Novice Performer
Demonstrates the need for significant improvement in critical areas of the competency. This may be due to the lack of exposure
or development activity to this competency in their current role. Or it can be due to a lack of effort, ability or willingness.

Performs below expectations, and/or reasonable progress towards critical goals was not made. Significant improvement is needed
in one or more important areas.

Discussions are based on performance throughout the year.

Listed below are the Employee’s KPIs:


Percentage 30% 20% 20% 15% 15%

PT. Smart Advisory Solutions

Jl. Pantai Berawa No 150 Unit 5, Canggu, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Strictly Private & Confidential

PT. Smart Advisory Solutions

Jl. Pantai Berawa No 150 Unit 5, Canggu, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Strictly Private & Confidential


1. Knowledge, Skills, Abilities :

Consider the degree to which the Employee exhibits the required level of job knowledge, skills to perform the job, use of
techniques, materials, and equipments.

Behaviours Comments/Workplace Observations

The required level of job knowledge is good, and aware of common practices in accounting. Fluent
in using Xero Software for bookkeeping and Kounta Point of sales for restaurant operations. The
knowledge is not only with accounting but also tax such as income tax, value added tax and final
Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-
Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

2. Quality of Work :
Consider the accuracy, neatness, and thoroughness of the assignment made by the Employee.

Behaviours Comments/Workplace Observations

The assignment given is done with good accuracy, neatness and thoroughness. Some of them still
need improvement regarding details of work and punctuality.

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

Comments :

The basic skills in accounting and software are basically good but still need some improvement in taxation in the future. Time
management for every client is needed to maximise the productivity of work.

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

PT. Smart Advisory Solutions

Jl. Pantai Berawa No 150 Unit 5, Canggu, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Strictly Private & Confidential


3. Critical Thinking Skills:
Excels at employing critical thinking skills when evaluating information to make decisions.

Behaviours Comments/Workplace Observations

Critical thinking skills are good in terms of making decisions regarding the information got from
clients. The talent could find the best way to evaluate the information and present it as something
that easy to know.

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

4. Complex Analytical Skills:

The ability to analyze complex and large volumes of numerical data, analyze numerical data and to make the right

Behaviours Comments/Workplace Observations

The ability to work under a large volume of numerical data is good. It represents handling 2
complex clients such as JAY and IP with more than 2,000 transactions a month.

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

5. Problem Solving Skills:

The ability to analyze problems and potential problems & ability to give solutions to the problems.

Behaviours Comments/Workplace Observations

The talent is a problem solver. In evaluating clients’ information, The talent has given the best work
in fixing missing information and presenting accurate information.

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

Comments :

Basically, The analytical thinking skill is good and needs some improvement by using tools or software to support the decision

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

PT. Smart Advisory Solutions

Jl. Pantai Berawa No 150 Unit 5, Canggu, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Strictly Private & Confidential

6. Client & Confidentiality Understanding:

Consider the ability of the Employee to understand our western clients, makes clients as a primary focus in fulfilling their job
responsibilities, resolving clients’ issues, and confidentiality of clients’ data.

Behaviours Comments/Workplace Observations

The clients still are the priority at work. The talent can fulfil what clients need by keeping based on
the work ethics.

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

7. Leadership:
Consider how well the employee demonstrates supervisory abilities? Gains respect, motivate, delegate jobs, and direct
group toward common goal.
Behaviours Comments/Workplace Observations

The leadership is very good. The talent is assisting the other employee with the new client and
sometimes, helping the other employees in performing special cases in work the other clients.
In the previous month, The talent can motivate and delegate the recovery of financial statement
for the internships.
Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-
Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

8. Behaviour, Independence & Initiative:

Consider employee’s friendliness, openness, and confidence. Also the initiative to learn from another department, handle
new clients and/or come to the prospect meeting.
Behaviours Comments/Workplace Observations

The talent has a high desire to learn new things from the other department such as tax and legal.
Also, The talent handles several new clients (some are really new but the others are from previous

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

Comments :

Basically, The talent’s soft skill is good.

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

PT. Smart Advisory Solutions

Jl. Pantai Berawa No 150 Unit 5, Canggu, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Strictly Private & Confidential


9. Special Assignment:
Consider the time of completion and quality of the special assignment and having the initiative to do a special assignment
can be a consideration as well.

Behaviours Comments/Workplace Observations

The talent has done several assignments such as recovery of financial statement and assisting
several new clients for the other juniors.

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

Comments :

The special assignment that given to the talent have been resulted well.

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

PT. Smart Advisory Solutions

Jl. Pantai Berawa No 150 Unit 5, Canggu, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Strictly Private & Confidential


10. Written and Verbal English Skills:

The ability to speak fluently with clients with confidence and choice of words for written communications with clients.

Behaviours Comments/Workplace Observations

The talent has basic skills in communication in English.

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

Comments :

My English skill is well.

Exceptional Successful Developing Novice Non-

Overall Competency Rating Performer Performer Performer Performer Performer

PT. Smart Advisory Solutions

Jl. Pantai Berawa No 150 Unit 5, Canggu, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Strictly Private & Confidential


From the competencies discussed, indicate the total number of competencies rated at each level.

Exceptional Performer Successful Developing Novice

Performer Performer Performer

Review the objectives / KPIs set for the year and rate below ( ü)
Objectives Exceeded Objectives Met Objectives Not Met No Objectives Set

To determine the overall performance rating please refer to BOTH the objectives and competencies.

Unsatisfactory Performance
1-2 All areas are Developing Performer or Non Performer. Failed to meet objectives within realm of control.

Performance Needs Improvement

3-4 Majority of competencies are identified as Developing Performer with some Successful Performer competencies but there
are no balance of Exceptional Performer. May have met some objectives but failed to meet others within realm of control.

Performance Meets Expectations

5 Majority of competencies are identified as Successful Performer any Developing Performer competencies are balanced
with Exceptional Performer. All objectives are met, within realm of control.

Performance Exceeds Expectations

6-8 Majority of competencies are identified as Successful Performer with some Exceptional. All objectives have been met or

Outstanding Performance
9 – 10 Majority of competencies are identified as Exceptional Performer. All objectives have been exceeded.

Rating Not Yet Applicable

NA Majority of competencies are rated as Novice.


PT. Smart Advisory Solutions

Jl. Pantai Berawa No 150 Unit 5, Canggu, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Strictly Private & Confidential



Readiness for the next role

Based on achievement of agreed objectives, the business / personal / property context to the performance, performance rating
and the positive demonstration of the competencies please select one of the statements below to indicate future career potential:

When is deemed ready for their next role / opportunity? ü (please tick one)
 Ready Now
 To be reviewed in 6 months
 To be reviewed in 12 months
NB. Readiness is reviewed in light of continued performance and available opportunities.

Next Aspirational Role:

Long-Term Career Goal:

Mobility Preferences
If the talent has indicated they are mobile and one or more of the location boxes below has been ticked, during your discussion,
please expand on preferred locations e.g. if the talent is Nationally mobile, they need to outline where in their country they would
be happy to move to. They need to be realistic - mobility information is included in the local Talent and Culture national resourcing
and succession planning discussions. Please note: if a talent is unable to move outside of their current city, they are not mobile.

MOBILITY – Indicate whether Mobile or Not Mobile

(please tick only one)
 Not Mobile

 Mobile

* If mobile, please indicate location with a tick and comment on mobility preferences in box provided.

Location ü Comments

 Nationally
 Regionally
 Internationally

* If mobile, please indicate language level with a tick and comment. You may tick more than one.

PT. Smart Advisory Solutions

Jl. Pantai Berawa No 150 Unit 5, Canggu, Bali 80361, Indonesia
Strictly Private & Confidential
Language fluency ü Comments
 English
 French
 Other
(please advise languages)

PT. Smart Advisory Solutions

Jl. Pantai Berawa No 150 Unit 5, Canggu, Bali 80361, Indonesia

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