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Match these information in the correct column

Aspect Definition
1. Topic sentence A. Introduce a new theory that offers a different
perspective to the pivotal study

2. Pivotal study B. Show where opportunities for further research exist, and
how your research would fill those gaps

3. Critical evaluation C. Influential study that influences the traditional research

landscape for your topic

4. Theory D. Expresses the topic and central point of your paragraph

5. Synthesis E. Combine findings from research that supports the
theory you've introduced

6. Gap F. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of that study

2. Match these information in the correct column
Research objective
Problem or gap addressed
Implications or suggestions future research
Source information
Limitations or weaknesses
How your research can fill the gap
Findings and conclusions
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Lahijan Development of EFL teachers EFL teachers Evaluated Teachers Look into the
Branch effective learning focus on the can only help sources are should use most effect EFL
(2016) strategies wrong students once possibly different teaching method
language their learning outdated strategies for and ways to
skills difficulties students with differentiate
have been different
identified needs

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