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Sit. 1: Kuh fell while getting out of bed one morning and was left with
aphasia, confusion and weakness of her right arm and leg. She was hospitalized
briefly and was found to have suffered CVA thrombosis. She was transferred to a
chronic facility and demonstrated slight loss of physical strength but marked
fatigue, irritability, obstinacy and confusion. During her first few months in the area,
Kuh had several outbursts of temper in response to staff effort’s to restrain her from
walking about at night, entering other patient’s room and trying to escape from the

1. A fundamental requirement of therapeutic care for Kuh would be

a. Remove all externally induced irritation
b. Providing well regulated mode of life
c. Reconstruction of her personality pattern
d. Substitution of new interest for old

2. Kuh’s doctor would be most apt to order that she be given supplementary doses
of which of the following vitamins, as having therapeutic effect on the nervous
a. Vitamin A c. Vitamin C
b. Vitamin D d. Vitamin B

3. Nurses who work with geriatric patients like Kuh may be more aware than any
other women of the advisability of preparing for old age by
a. Accumulating sufficient financial savings throughout life
b. Beginning in young adulthood acquire diverse interest in life
c. Marrying a man younger to decrease the chances of living alone
d. Buying a home to a size that is safe and comfortable for retirement living

4. Kuh’s impairment of orientation is apt to be marked in regards to

a. Identity of other persons c. Her physical surroundings
b. Time of day, week or year d. Her own identity

5. The psychopathologic manifestation which typically accompany arteriosclerotic

brain damage are
a. Paranoid c. Affective
b. Schizophrenic d. Nonspecific

Sit. 2: .Pido, 70 years old elderly male, tripped and fell while going down the
stairs. He was unable to get up due to sharp pain in his left hip and leg. After
examination in the Emergency Room he was diagnosed with fracture of the neck of
the femur. He is scheduled for total joint arthroplasty
6. The nurse is giving preoperative information for the client. The client asks the
nurse regarding mobility especially in getting out of bed. Which of the following
should be the appropriate response of the nurse?
a. Sit before moving out of bed
b. Get out on the operative side keeping leg straight out in front
c. Lead with your feet when changing direction
d. Use a high chair with supportive arms

7. On the day post surgery, the client manifested pyrexic response. The wife was
bothered and asks the nurse why her husband is having fever. The nurse explains
that the condition is:
a. An early infection occurring c. Secondary to contamination
b. Part of the normal inflammatory process d. An indication of deep infection

8. Pido asks the nurse what position he should assume when sleeping. Which of the
following positions is required for the client?
a. Back
b. Side-lying either side
c. Prone with extremities supported with pillows
d. Supine with pillow

9. The client is ready for discharge. The nurse assessing his mobility and exercise.
Which of the following should be the main concern of the nurse?
a. Determine the living condition at home
b. Client’s knowledge of wound care
c. Need to maintain prescribed movement and therapy
d. Continue taking medication after discharge

10. The client is sent home on Coumadin. Which of the following should the nurse
caution the client regarding the Coumadin prescription?
a. Blood is to be drawn weekly or biweekly to monitor intake of Coumadin
b. The physician may change the Coumadin prescription after blood tests are
drawn to prevent excess bleeding
c. Encourage the client to take the Coumadin prescribed to prevent excess
d. Adhere to medical program for blood works and maintain Coumadin
As nurse have moved into roles with greater responsibility and accountability for
professional practice, the nurse’s liability or legal accountability has also increased.
Although the root of many errors committed by nurses is found in system problems
rather than personal incompetence, the nurse remain liable for their action.

86. A nurse wrote in the nurse’s notes that a client required emergency abdominal
surgery due to the fault of a very incompetent doctor. The nurse can be legally
charged with:
a. Slander c. Libel
b. Insubordination d. Invasion of privacy

87. The attending physician prescribes one tablet and the nurse accidentally
administers two. The nurse closely monitors the client for adverse effects and finds
none. When analyzing the potential for civil liability, the nurse knows that which of
the following statements is correct?
a. The nurse is liable for breach of duty
b. The nurse is liable for negligence
c. The nurse is not liable for malpractice
d. The nurse and the physician are both liable

88. The physician instructed the nurses in the unit not to tell the patient of his
condition since the patient is in a medically fragile condition. The nurse follows the
physician orders. The action of the nurses employed all of the following ethical
principles, except:
a. Non-maleficence c. Veracity
b. Beneficence d. Paternalism
89. Under what circumstance is it considered acceptable practice for a nurse to
document a nursing activity before it is carried out?
a. When the activity is routine
b. When the activity occurs at regular intervals
c. When the activity needs to be carried out immediately
d. It is never acceptable under any circumstance

90. As a new nurse, you begin the process of socialization into the nursing
profession. All, but one, of the following statements are true about socialization in
a. It involves learning how to behave in accordance with the profession
b. It means learning social rules that are acceptable to nursing practice
c. Its goal is to instill norms, values and attitudes essential to survive the
d. It involves learning how to feel, react, and behave according to one’s
social circle

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