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Group 1 [ MADIGAN ]

Scaffold 2 OCT 14

Precious Abigail L. Puertos

Juan Miguel S. Arellano
Rheg Vincent Cyril B. Agustin
Ma. Keira Elyce P. Barce
Jaris James R.Bernaldez
Al Datumulok
Hanah Rosa Lucia E. Fabela
Thameera Cryst H. Todino
Glorianne Angelu M. Sajulla
Scaffold 2

S c e n a r i o
Your company is planning to develop a low-cost subdivision in the city. As the project
head, your task is to determine the population of the barangay where your company
is planning to develop. To do this, you coordinated with the PSA to get the data you
needed as shown in the table below.

Population of Barangay Tablon

YEAR 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023

POPULATION 21,548 23,013 24,578 26,249 28,034 29,941

1. From the data given, find the rate of increase of population in Barangay Tablon
from 2018 to 2023.
P(t) P(1) ( 1 + r )
23,013 21,548 ( 1 + r )
21,548 21,548
1.07 1 + r
1.07 - 1 r
0.07 r
r 0.07 or 7%

2. Determine the function P that represents the population of Barangay Tablon

from 2018 to 2023.

P(t) P(1) ( 1 + r )
29,941 21,548 ( 1 + 0.07 )
Scaffold 2

3. Sketch the graph of the function you created in #2 and plot the points
corresponding to the actual population. (As reflected in the table) You may use a
desktop app like Desmos or an android app to do this then take a screenshot.

4. Create another table that reflects the expected population of Barangay Tablon
from 2024 to 2028 based on the function created.

Population of Barangay Tablon [2024 - 2023]

YEAR 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028

POPULATION 32,337 34,601 37,023 39,615 41,991

6 t = 2024 - 2018 7 t = 2025 - 2018 8 t = 2026 - 2018

P(6) 21,548 ( 1 + 0.07 ) t = 6 P(6) 21,548 ( 1 + 0.07 ) t = 7 P(6) 21,548 ( 1 + 0.07 ) t = 8
6 7 8
P(6) 21,548 ( 1.07 ) P(6) 21,548 ( 1.07 ) P(6) 21,548 ( 1.07 )
P(6) 21,548 ( 1.500730352 ) P(6) 21,548 ( 1.605781476 ) P(6) 21,548 ( 1.71818618 )
P(6) 21,548 ( 1.500730352 ) P(6) 21,548 ( 1.605781476 ) P(6) 21,548 ( 1.71818618 )
P(6) 32,337 P(6) 34,601 P(6) 37,023

9 t = 2027 - 2018 10 t = 2028 - 2018

P(6) 21,548 ( 1 + 0.07 ) t = 9 P(6) 21,548 ( 1 + 0.07 ) t = 10
9 10
P(6) 21,548 ( 1.07 ) P(6) 21,548 ( 1.07 )
P(6) 21,548 ( 1.838459212 ) P(6) 21,548 ( 1.967151357 )
P(6) 21,548 ( 1.838459212 ) P(6) 21,548 ( 1.967151357 )
P(6) 39,615 P(6) 42,388
Scaffold 2

Q u e s t i o n

1. Given that the growth rate is constant, approximately at what year will the
population of Barangay Tablon reach 61,737?

P(t) P(1) ( 1 + r )
2.87 1.07
log 2.87 log 1.07
log 1.07 log 1.07
15.58 t
0.58 x 12 6.96

15 years & 6 months

2. Why do you think it is important to conduct a census of population?

It is highly significant to honor the presence and the conduction of a census regarding
population due to its basis of representing citizenship in a demonstrative manner,
containing a wide directory of its members to beneficially monitor and track down
population growth rates and depreciation rates – pertaining to various contemporary
and economic issues. For instance, issues such as teenage pregnancy,
overpopulation, and major death rates can be directly concluded or theorized based on
the census population (alternative). In the absence of a census population, who are we
to address such issues without concrete quantitative or statistical evidence to
eliminate these matters? Therefore, in communities where such vile malicious acts and
major issues are circulating, a census population is greatly essential as we have all
rights to further monitor the society’s state of the population, giving ways for citizens to
execute appropriate growth and depreciation rate computations, gather sufficient data
to back up their claims in addressing social and economical issues and to seek for
alternatives in eliminating the issues based on the quantitative inputs and

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