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The time has come for a revolution, the people must rise against the chains of the bourgeoisie
class no more must the proletarian be forced to suffer under its domination the seeds of revolt
have been sewn by the blood of the martyrs the people must rise again for the proletarian class
no longer can we tolerate the spilling of our blood and the murder of those who oppose it. If the
working class is to be free from subjugation by the bourgeoisie we must rise against the
mechanism by which we are oppressed, the slave cannot free himself by mere theory just as
the proletarian cannot. The people will not be freed but with the blood of the bourgeoisie class.
we can no longer tolerate this, they will not free the worker!

The worker will not be released by his oppressor, there is but one way to be free. Free yourself
and your people this can be accomplished in one way, the proletariat must seize the means of
production from the bourgeois because they are the vessel by which they are oppressed. No
more can we achieve our goal of class abolition through peaceful means. The wolf does not
take suggestions from his prey as the bourgeoisie will not take ours, but there is a way to turn
the tide. We must make prey as predators just as slaves will become free. The goal of
communism cannot be achieved by us unless first paved by a socialist state. The idea of the
socialist state is flawed by definition as the goal is the abolition of the state. Our communist idea
of abolishing said the state is flaunted by the reactionary as proof of our radicalism and to that, I
say: if it is radical to oppose the slaughter of the poor and starving of the proletariat then by all
means I am a radical but are you not the same, you cannot call us sinful unless you atone for
your crimes.’ and therein lies my point the capitalists will never atone or cease his sins and
crimes unless by force of the working class.

The nature of this bit may justly confuse the nature of said crimes so let me clarify some crimes.
The slaughter of the communists in chile, indonesia, and argentina were backed by the
American bourgeoisie democracy. The genocide of the American native population and the
exploitation of workers. The communists must achieve a matter of affairs by which the
democratic institutions are ruled by the people, not the dollar as they are now, the current
bourgeois government cannot and will not achieve this, and that gives us but one recourse,
revolution can be violent or nonviolent but the revolution must accomplish the end goal of
seizing the means of production it is successful, but I believe that a victory can only be achieved
via the means of violence we can not induce freedom of the class by whispering into the ear of
the oppressor
The time for pacifism is past all proper ends. We cannot stand idly by as the capitalist machine
kills and destroys people, the future and our lands. We must not let the capitalist steal all of the
meaning from our cause and our future. Under no pretext as Marx wisely stated should we the
working class voluntarily disarm? His reasons are simple: if we disarm we will lose all means of
revolution. a revolution must be initiated by the sword we can no longer stand by and allow
fascism to spread, fascism is cancer and you cannot compromise with cancer. We can no longer
stand by as the fascists kill our protesters and murder in the name of capitalism. The nature of
the revolution must be swift in order to deny the bourgeois assistance by his ally. We must strike
like lightning, the American military is weak and will not fire on the people if they don't join us. It
is imperative that we use their own weapons against them, we cannot allow them to prepare a
defense. If we are to form a new nation based on the truth of communism we must ensure its
survival. This cannot be accomplished by waiting doubtlessly for the bourgeoisie will rise against
the tide of revolution and rally against the proletarian state as is the modern way of affairs. The
only way to ensure security is to eliminate the bourgeoisie entirely.
The class contrast between the people and the bourgeoisie is too great to bridge through simple
means. We must bridge this divide in one way, complete elimination of the bourgeoisie class.
The liberals and petty bourgeoisie will cry against the perceived violence of a revolution and to
that I say, why you are not innocent. Have you not overseen the slaughters and democides from
Buenos Aires to taipei? Why is it when held accountable by the fists of your slaves do you
change your tone?

Capitalism is by definition, inhuman and oppressive. It relies on the theory that no matter what
the economy will keep growing. When dealing with a poor hand such as an earthquake, the
capitalist will not help the dead. But instead offer them “investment” which doesn't help. Money
will be held by the monopoly of the bourgeoisie and not by the people. The capitalist
government as in America does not seek to help the people, it seeks to profit for its
“shareholders” or campaign donors. When the bourgeoisie of another nation seeks its own way,
the capitalists will not hesitate to “free” said nation like haiti. The capitalist notion of freedom is
inherently flawed, “freeing” other countries means their economies will be plundered like a
corpse by the vultures. Personal freedom of the capitalists means nothing. Tell me, if you can do
something physically but can’t because of society and limitations of capital. Are you really free?
Or are you free only in name? Like a bird in a zoo, yes you can fly. But ties of rubber bind your
wings. Replace the rubber with capital and a bird with a worker and you have a metaphor for
capitalism. You are free under capitalism only in name!

Under capitalism the workers work for a rich man’s surplus value. The worker is unhelped and
their wages do not change, No this should not be happening. The surplus should belong to the
people who made it rather than a middleman who takes but does not give. The capitalist seeks
for only one thing: profit. He cares not for the starving workers or the murdered victims of
colonial greed. No, all he seeks is profit. Profit was the reason America invaded Haiti and the
Dominican Republic. Profit is the reason the United States is pushed into imperialist wars like
iraq and vietnam, we must accept the fact that america fought in these places for colonialist
reasons. The reactionary or apologist will say we fought for “freedom” and to that I say, What
freedom is to be gained by subverting the democratic will of the people?

In essence capitalism is the textbook definition of dystopia, you are able to move freely but are
restricted by birth and class. Is it really freedom? No it's not, if you accept the American
definition of freedom; Then you are in essence depriving it of all meaning. Under capitalism’s
“utopia” you are restricted and confined to mere peasantry based on the color of your skin and
the number in your bank account. Capitalism rewards exploitation and bigotry by profit. The
baker charging the worker his wages in order to not starve, or the generous baker giving to the
starving. Capitalism allows the starving and diseases to die because it is unprofitable, imagine
that is you; left to die because you are deemed unprofitable. This is not normal, people should
not die because it is unprofitable to save them from death.


After the revolution we must go about establishing a strong communist state. We would do this
by these 10 steps
Abolition of the bourgeoisie, this would be accomplished by seizing the assets of the bourgeois
and giving the bourgeois property to the people's government
Forming a government, the government would consist of elected soviets on the state and local
levels, a supreme soviet elected by the people to administer the union and elect a premier
The judicial branch would consist of courts of jurors and the petty courts with an elected
comassar in charge, and a supreme court consisting of 13 elected judges
Elections elections would be held every 3 years to elect a government on the local and state
level 10 years for supreme court and 5 for supreme soviet and premier.
Police and military, the police force would be directly responsible to a agency called MOPA or
Ministry of police accountability
The military would consist of a navy army and air force with high ranking officers appointed by
the premier
The cabinet of the president shall consist of the Minister of defense,the Minister of Diplomatic
affairs, the Minister of Education, Minister of Intelligence, and a minister of justice. Each with his
own department
Laws will be passed by the supreme soviet, unless they are against rights of the people which
are 1.Free speech 2. Equality
3. Food water and homes 4. Education
5. Expression
6. Religion 7. Sexuality
9.Healthcare 10. Travel
11. Safety
Any right not listed belongs to the people, unless otherwise stated by the courts or laws
The premier may only serve a maximum of 15 years and the same appies to most elected
positions except for judge
The resources from the factories would be distributed to the people and the surplus would be
distributed and traded for resources we need
I acknowledge that not all things we need can be gained domestically so we must be forced to
engage in minimal trading, however it is possible to establish a socialist system at home.
Bourgeois property would be abolished, however you are allowed to keep personal property.
The first step in establishing a socialist system would be to immediately halt all exports and
imports, a new department for distribution of the resources would be made and headed by an
elected representative
Instead of selling crop, farmers give crop in exchange for food shelter and other programs

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