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The old man and the sea

1. The old man in The Old Man and The Sea is proud of himself as …… (an experienced fisherman).
2. The time setting of The Old Man and The Sea is ……. (Late 1940s)
3. The old man‘s greatness refers to the fact that he manages to defeat not only his deadly exhaustion but
also the greatest fish of his long career.
4. The marlin(The Old Man and The Sea) symbolizes an ideal opponent that brings out the best in Santiago.
5. The Old Man and The Sea is……………written by……………. (a novella, Ernest Hemingway)
6. The theme of The Old Man and The Sea is…………………… (Pride as the source of determination and
7. In The Old Man and The Sea, Santiago killed the marlin with…………. (a harpoon)
8. In The Old Man and the Sea, for the first two days, the old man struggled with the marlin by…………..
(bearing the tension of the line with his body).
9. After eighty-four successive days without catching a fish, Santiago promises his former assistant, Manolin,
that he will go “far out” into the ocean.
10. On the 85th day, a big marlin takes the bait, but Santiago is unable to reel him in, which leads to a three-
day struggle between the fisherman and the fish.
11. The major conflict of The Old Man and The Sea is between……………. (Santiago and the fish)
12. Although Santiago (in The Old Man and the Sea) ultimately loses the fish, the marlin is also ……….. ( his
greatest victory).
13. In The Old Man and the Sea, Manolin is forced to go fishing with another fisherman because……………. ( the
old man has been so unlucky – not catching any fish for 84 days)
14. Due to Santiago’s recent bad luck, Manolin’s parents have forced the boy to go out on a different fishing
15. Ernest Hemingway was rewarded the Noble Prize for his mastery of………….. (the art of narrative)
16. The climax of The Old Man and the Sea occurs when Santiago nearly passes out from exhaustion but
gathers enough strength to harpoon the marlin through the heart
17. In The Old Man and the Sea, the result of the old man‘s struggle with the sharks is…………….. (five sharks
are slain and many others are driven away)
18. Modernism & Post – Modernism has been the type of literature that began in the early 20th century until
now in Europe and America.
19. Modernism reflected the increasingly complex reality of 20th century society with the 2 terrible World
Wars and the remarkable advances of science and technology.
20. The characteristics of Modernism & Post - modernism are searching for new forms and breaking with past
21. Hemingway’s writing style is characterized by crispness, laconic dialogue, and emotional understatement.
22. Unlike other writers, Hemingway used simple language with short sentences, laconic dialogues with
emotional understatement.
23. In the excerpt Getting the fish, the old man promises to say prayers if he succeeds in catching the fish.
24. The old man often dreams of lions on the African beach.
25. Upon the old man’s return to his fishing village, Manolin looks after him and promises him that they will
fish together again.
26. Santiago finally kills the marlin by harpooning it through the heart.
27. As his first full day of fighting with the fish wears on, Santiago expresses a compassionate appreciation for
the fish, often referring to it as a brother.
28. The old man also determines that because of the fish's great dignity, no one will be worthy of eating the
29. On the eighty-fifth day, Santiago sets out alone, taking his skiff far into the Gulf to break out of his unlucky
30. On the 85th day, a big marlin takes his bait and he manages to catch it though finally only the skeleton of
the fish is left.
31. The Old man and the sea is a novella because it is intermediate in length and complexity between a short
story and a novel.
32. The Old Man and the Sea takes place entirely in a small fishing village near Havana, Cuba, and in the
waters of the Gulf of Mexico.
33. The Old Man and the Sea led to numerous accolades for Hemingway, including the Nobel Prize in
Literature in 1954.
34. In The old man and the sea, the marlin symbolizes an ideal opponent that brings out the best in Santiago
while the shovel-nosed sharks symbolize the unexpected obstacles of life.

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