STS Explanation

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Science and technology are closely related and deeply intertwined, and
they have a complex relationship with society. Science is the pursuit of
knowledge about the natural world through observation,
experimentation, and analysis. Technology is the application of
scientific knowledge for practical purposes, often in the form of devices
or systems that solve problems or perform tasks.
The relationship between science, technology, and society is dynamic
and mutually influential. Scientific discoveries and technological
innovations often have significant impacts on society, and societal
needs and values can shape the direction of scientific research and
technological development. For example, advances in medicine and
transportation have had major impacts on public health and the way
people live and work, and the development of the internet has
transformed the way we communicate and access information.
At the same time, society shapes the direction of science and
technology through the funding of research, the regulation of
technological development and use, and the way that scientific and
technological ideas are disseminated and debated. The relationship
between science, technology, and society is also influenced by cultural,
economic, and political factors, and can vary widely across different
contexts and cultures.

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