InPro Artemis Fowl

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a n t h o l o g y

Artemis Fowl
Eoin Colfer

Holly Short was lying in bed having a silent fume. Nothing unusual about this. Leprechauns in
general were not known for their geniality. But Holly was in an exceptionally bad mood, even for
a fairy. Technically she was an elf, fairy being a general term. She was a leprechaun too, but that
was just a job.

Perhaps a description would be more helpful than a lecture on fairy genealogy. Holly Short had
nut-brown skin, cropped auburn hair and hazel eyes. Her nose had a hook and her mouth was
plump and cherubic, which was appropriate considering that Cupid was her great-grandfather.
Her mother was a European elf with a fiery temper and a willowy figure. Holly, too, had a slim
frame, with long tapered fingers perfect for wrapping around a buzz baton. Her ears, of course,
were pointed. At exactly one metre in height, Holly was only a centimetre below the fairy average,
but even one centimetre can make un awful lot of difference when you don’t have many to spare.

Commander Root was the cause of Holly’s distress. Root had been on Holly’s case since day one.
The commander had decided to take offence at the fact that the first female officer in Recon’s
history had been assigned to his squad. Recon’s history had been assigned to his squad. Recon
was a notoriously dangerous posting with a high fatality rate, and Root didn’t think it was any
place for a girlie. Well, he was just going to have to get used to the idea, because Holly Short had
no intention of quitting for him or anybody else.

Though she’d never admit it, another possible cause for Holly’s irritability was the Ritual. She’d
been meaning to perform it for several moons now, but somehow there just never seemed to be
time. And if Root found out she was running low on magic she’d be transferred to Traffic for sure.

Holly rolled off her futon and stumbled into the shower. That was one advantage of living near the
earth’s core – the water was always hot. No natural light, of course, but that was a small price to
pay for privacy. Underground. The last human-free zone. There was nothing like coming home
after a long day on the job, switching off your shield and sinking into a bubbling slime pool. Bliss.

The fairy suited up, zipping the dull-green jumpsuit up to her chin and strapping on her helmet.
LEPrecon uniforms were smart these days. Not like that top-o’-the-morning costume the force
had had to wear back in the old days. Buckled shoes and knickerbockers! Honestly. No wonder
leprechauns were such ridiculous figures in human folklore. Still, probably better that way. If
the Mud People knew that the word ‘leprechaun’ actually originated from LEPrecon, an elite
branch of the Lower Elements Police, they’d probably take steps to stamp them out. Better to stay
inconspicuous and let the humans have their stereotypes.

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