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portfolio by rezi megananda

Architecture Portfolio by Muhammad Rezi Megananda 2022

my efforts and the success of my projects are thanks to the support from God, my family, friends,
and colleagues. this portfolio is created to showcase my progress of my journey in architecture
with hope that i can work, learn, and be taught about designing. despite this small achievement,
i am craving to learn new skills and are passionately willing to explore more about the world of
architectural design.

january 2022
muhammad rezi megananda
Education Soft Skills
2012 - 2013 SMPN 73 Jakarta Leadership
2013 - 2015 SMPN 115 Jakarta Team Leadership
2016 - 2018 SMAN 26 Jakarta Public Speaking & Presentation
2019 - now BINUS University Team & Project Management
3.60/4.00 GPA Time Management
Organization & Planning
Software Skills Critical Thinking & Decision Making
Highly Proficient
Music Composition & Theory
Broadcasting (MC, Moderator, Podcast)
Business Etiquette
Voiceover Artist
Microsoft Office
FL Studio 20
Hard Skills
3D Rendering
3D Modelling
Muhammad Rezi Megananda InDesign
Cursive Handwriting
Jakarta, 05 September 2000 Twinmotion
Fast Typing
Advanced Music Instruments
Contact Person Rhinoceros
Music Composition ArchiCAD
@rezi.megananda Premiere Pro
mrezimegananda OBS Studio Language
+6285881851853 Indonesia
Muhammad Rezi Megananda English
Personality Score
IQ : 144
Secretary SMPN 73 Student Organization

Vice President SMPN 73 Student Organization

Vice President SMAN 26 Band “Stereograph”
Lead Designer SPARCTIX 8th Annual Event

Composer 1st Bali International Kungfu Championships 2018

Member Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur (HIMARS) BINUS

Freshmen Leader Freshmen Enrichment Program BINUS University
Student’s Leader BINUS University Architecture Department 2023
MC Engineering Faculty of Institut Pertanian Bogor
Judge FANTASY 3.0: FOREFEST Poster Competition Institut Pertanian Bogor
Event Coordinator HIMNIGHT: On-Air 2020 by HIMARS BINUS University

Achievement 2021
Chief Marketing Officer visu.clan
2019 Moderator BINUS University Architecture Podcast
The YPM 2019 Gold Medal Award
Speaker SSEARCH Eps. 3 - House Project by HIMARS BINUS
The YPM 2019 Artist Award
Freshmen Partner First Year Program BINUS University
2nd Place Jayaboard Sketch Competition
Lead Designer Proyek Bank Sampah by Community Service HIMARS BINUS
Participant ACSENT 2021 Architecture Competition by Universitas Udayana
2020 Principle Architect “Wanderlust” Virtual Exhibition by AGF
BINUS Friendliest Freshmen Leader Award Coordinator AGF Exhibition Division
Chief Product Officer visu.clan
1st Place BINUS Podcast Competition 2022
3rd Place HIMTION Architectural Design Competition Owner, CEO Tamarin Interactive

1 2 3
The Tranquility Remembrance Wanderlust
4 5
Ascend the Solitude
The Tranquility
10 portfolio by Rezi Megananda
Tranquility means peacefulness. With every peace in mind, an Idea was born. This house is dedicated for a young family which in their age requires a healthy and
peaceful soul, which is the main design objective of this project. Zen garden, a body of water, and many other natural elements acts as a supplement for the serenity
of their eyes and soul.
The house are surrounded by natural elements that favors the view from the window and with help of the window frame, creates a dynamic, natural painting. The
productiveness of urban living had been great in our lives, but helps a little when it comes to our wellbeing and healthy mind. Beautiful sights provided by the natural
painting, that is, the window showing a garden formation and the rest of natural elements are hoped to increase the quality of urban living by eliminating most of
the destructive urban enviroment: noise, traffic, smell, and pollution.

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 11

Project type : 2-Story small office home office
Location : Kembangan, West Jakarta
Site Area : 314 sqm
The house is dedicated for a young family who is starting their life in an urban neighborhood, which in West Jakarta, is a considerably bad resting place
due to its traffic noise, lack of view, and only a small amount of green area. Other than for his family, the father needs a space to grow and develop his
startup company: a graphic designer company, which is the reasoning behind the two story house. The house combines residential living with small office
creating a bond between two activities that both requires a very different environment. In residential living, especially in a young family, requires the
Block Plan
environment to be serene, calm and collected in order for them to grow peacefully. Calm environments offers stability and positivity especially for the
children. Meanwhile, offices requires a more focused environment in which productivity and the output came first. In order to satisfy both needs, the house
combined the two requirement to create both calm and productive space for both parties to progress ahead.

12 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 13
perspective of the frontyard

I think one can agree that one of the most notable difference between living in an urban area and a village is the environment, the atmosphere. One can enjoy breeze
and the sounds of nature on a village, while the urban environment mainly composed of machinery and man-made objects, which in terms of function, is an amazing
achievement to the society but helps a little to the environment. The city of Jakarta had been struck possibly by its greatest natural disaster ever, that is the act of
terraforming by the hands of those who cared only about their families, but not other several millions. Which is why for the house, i decided to restore and implement
natural elements for the family and its surrounding neighbor in order to satisfy both human and nature needs.

14 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

frontyard garden

private parking

view of facade

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 15

16 portfolio by Rezi Megananda
view of backyard

The house utilizes waterfall to generate natural sounds of water, which will accompany the residents with serene background sounds. The semi-open plan
of the backyard allows wind to flow through the leaves, generating sounds of breeze. Other than to augment the greenery and the overall succulence of the
backyard, the produced sound acts as a natural speaker for the house, circulating nature throughout the lives of the resident.

first floor perspective kitchen view

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 17

1. Private parking
2. Guest room
3. Dining room
1 4. Kitchen
6 2
7 5. Bathroom
6. Backyard
3 7. Office
8. Meeting room
8 4 9. Office parking
10. Frontyard
11. Master bedroom
5 12. Master bathroom
13. Living room
14. Kids bedroom
15. Kids bathroom
10 16. Maid room
17. Laundry room

living room

1st Floor

13 11


2nd Floor

18 portfolio by Rezi Megananda


master bedroom

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 19

20 portfolio by Rezi Megananda
Remembrance is built as a gallery to house cultural artifacts, host traditional events & performances, and mostly to create a new, cultural place on the area of North
Jakarta. With the objective in mind, the gallery are hoped to increase and attract tourism and therefore increase local economy growth. The gallery is formed through
the combination of basic shaped and the expression of unserstanding the elements of Indonesian traditional architecture elements, which then became the soul of
the gallery. The beauty of past times lies within present memories. The gallery reminisces traditional Indonesian culture and are presented in a glorious, luxurious
manner to match its value that is inqeual to anything.

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 21

Project type : Cultural gallery This curved, L-shaped gallery benefits understanding of traditional architecture in order to have the properties
Location : Penjaringan, North Jakarta of it. Those understandings are gathered by learning the philosophy of each elements in a particular traditional
culture, which eventually breeds expression that are implemented to the concept design of the gallery in order
Site Area : 2023 sqm to create not only a cultural look, but also a cultural feel. The monumentality of the building mass forces the
visitor to look upwards to enjoy the beauty, an analogy of praying to God above to relish the beauty of life.

22 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 23
Aluminum facade
polyurethane coating

Steel connector

Steel frame


facade details

Indonesia has many culture in which each of

it is a unique and a beautiful one. One of the
concept of this gallery is to unite all diverse
culture in one place and to show its luxury
to the visitors. The unity and luxury itself
mainly derived from divinity and humanity,
a common value of Indonesian traditional
cultural architecture.

24 portfolio by Rezi Megananda backyard plaza balcony

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 25
26 portfolio by Rezi Megananda
outdoor lounge
Galleries and other form of exhibition envelope serves as
an icon for the exhibition itself. I consider this project as a
chance, an opportunity for expressiveness in architecture.
This also stimulates my sense of expressiveness in form
creating process, even altering my style of design.

This project focuses on how traditional architecture tries to

express its shapes and form. I think traditional architecture
cannot be understood solely by visual, but rather through
understanding its meaning and implement the same
expression to our design.

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 27



6 8 6 15
4 6
10 6

Void to Theatre
Void to Theatre

4 4

2 11
3 3

3 9 13
2 1
2 2

1 1


GSB 2nd Floor 3rd Floor
1st Floor

east elevation north elevation

28 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

Building Layers

4th Floor
1. Lobby Multipurpose Room

2. Lobby gallery Musholla

3. Lounge
Void to Theatre

4. Restaurant
5. Theatre lobby
6. Theatre
7. Outdoor plaza
8. Outdoor lounge
17 9. Co-working area 3rd Floor
10. Thematic cafe
11. 2nd floor Gallery Workshop
12. Toilet Gallery
16 13. 3rd floor Gallery
14. Bazaar Exhibition Hall
2 15. Balcony
16. Working area
17. Musholla

2nd Floor
4th Floor Restaurant
gallery zone
theatre zone
office zone

1st Floor
Solar Shading Theatre


Parking Space

Green Area


section a

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 29

main stairs

30 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

The gallery focuses on the
experience being on an entirely
different indoor environment
compared to the standard
daily life environment. With
monumental installations and
shapes that aren’t usually found
in standard architecture, this
gallery are hoped to give an
otherworldly experience. The
gallery with its gold and warm
tone itself serves as a memorial
for the cultural artifacts inside.
The idea is to show that those
artifacts are indeed priceless,
even purer than any gold and
every other precious minerals.
The modern design of the gallery
is also meant to attract younger
generations on visiting the
gallery. Cultural galleries should lobby lounge
exist in our times because of
how important it actually is
to our lives. As we transition 4th floor view
ourselves from a traditional
person to a technologically-
advanced one, our sense of
culture, the ancestral gene in
our body starts to dissipate. I
think this ‘metamorphosis’ is the
main cause of modern people’s
lack of ethics, patriotism, and
respect, and by learning from
past artifacts and stories about
our ancestors, it is hoped that
modern people are inspired by
how our ancestors once lived
without our technological aid,
and interpret a modern version of
past warriors.

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 31

virtual exhibition

32 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

Wanderlust: a future natural disaster-resilient architecture world. A virtual world designed for the community to learn about the importance
of designing a building in high consideration of natural disaster. This virtual world is dedicated as the beginning of virtual architecture, a
limitless world in which architectural ambition and delusion can be realized. Taken from the analogy of a blooming flower, this exhibition
expresses the current state of developing architecture that is, the transforming to the digital era of virtual universe.

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 33

Wanderlust is a virtual exhibition created for AGF (Architecture Grand
Festival), an event by HIMARS BINUS (Himpunan Mahasiswa Arsitektur
BINUS University). The exhibition is created by me with the help of 12
people in AGF’s exhibition division. The festival contains many type of
event such as webinars, competition, and virtual exhibition. The event
is themed “Natural Disaster-Resilient Architecture” which showcases
works and knowledge regarding the importance of high consideration
visit the exhibition:
towards natural disaster, especially in Indonesia.

34 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

The exhibition took form of a flower, which represents nature’s creation. The
form consists of three segments: the seed, the stem, and the flower. The
seed represents the beginning of the journey, where everything is still new.
The seed then sprouts into a stem which grows on a random vertical path.
Those path represents the journey taken on the exhibition, all the knowledge
and the various perception of it. The visitor then came to the main part of
the flower in which they circle the world, forming a bloom. The journey are
then summarized as the journey of a growing seed, an inferior mind, that
flourishes into a blooming flower that is rich in knowledge.

the seed
portfolio by Rezi Megananda 35
circular building 1st floor 2nd floor center void solar shading flower-shaped

entrance - an introduction to the history of HIMARS BINUS

36 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

Wanderlust means a strong desire to travel. Inspired by the scenery usually found on sci-fi movies and scenery on modern video games,
the team and i figured out that we should present the exhibition in an extravagant way that previously never been done. This ambitious
40000 sqm exhibition world has its own mountain range, acres of trees, river, lakes, completed with its details to favor the view from
the exhibition.

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 37

room about earthquake-resilient architecture product The first room symbollizes the strength and the ambience of the earth, represented
by cave-like scenery. The room is illuminated by outdoor lighting from the walls of the
room to reproduce true cavern ambience. The architectural model and poster represents
precious minerals usually found on the sides of the cave where miners, visitors, had to
take a closer look to define the preciousness of the material, in this case, the pureness
and preciousness of architectural knowledge

38 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

In many times, we tend to choose the color brown for our interior design.
Brown evokes the color of the earth and provides relaxation to the eye
of the beholder. In essence, every form of exhibition is a whole new
world created by the hands of a designer, an entity that craves beauty,
experience, relaxation to escape daily life which lacks proper design. As
the designer, we ask questions on why is the world is poorly shaped.
Turns out we learn that time, money and resource was a thing to blame.

showcasing earthquake-resilient building ‘Transamerica Pyramid’ by

Willam L. Pereira (left) & ‘Fa-bo’ by Kengo Kuma and Associates (right)

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 39

room about buildings with solar shading

40 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

for this room, me and my team decided to went for a more contrast
color to match the theme of the scorching sun. The usage of the
bright and vibrant color expresses our many years of wanting to
use different colors other than white, black, brown for woods, and
grey for concrete. It turns out to be one of our favorite rooms of this
exhibition. The translucent fabric sheets on the ceiling represents
solar particles contacting the medium of air. Visitors can also see
how sunlight penetrates various shapes of solar shading and the
goal is to inspire visitors on creating their own pattern with their
desired shadow pattern.

showcasing 3D model of ‘Flick House’ 3D model of ‘Al-bahr towers’ by AHR

by Delution Architects

showcasing the relationship between sun light and shading device

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 41

2nd semester of architecture is presented in a
generic, plain room to symbollize simplicity and
peacefulness that the featured project is trying
to achieve. The design is inspired by real-life
architectural exhibition, which usually came in
the color white

42 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

showcasing 10 picks of 2nd semester BINUS Architecture students
“2-story small office home office” project The products of the two-story houses somehow has a resemblance between one another, mainly
its building material, and its form creating process. The facade really helps a lot in these projects,
and that cemented the generation with knowledge in which facade is required to beautify a
building. Whereas in older projects, in our history of architecture course, it seemed to be lacking
a facade or any form of ornamentation, and facade is relatively expensive compared to other
building material. I personally think that it is very hard to discover the true, proper building form
for a given environment without using facade as a confirmation bias.

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 43

showcasing 8 picks of 4th semester BINUS Architecture students
“4-star resort hotel” project. Virtual exhibition is a pretty strange world compared to real world architecture. We can freely utilize
artificial lighting, ultra-luxurious material, otherworldy shapes for the sake of experience. This room is
imbued with deep thoughts behind the creation of the featured high-rise projects. The room is covered
in organic textured materials such as marble and rocks, which nearly share the same pattern. Combined
with the play of lighting, those texture lit up to create punctuation on specific locations, preventing
monotonous action on the room. We thank the existence of the present-day technology for enabling us
designers to express our creative minds that we channel to our hands and into the hardware we use.

44 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

for the 4th semester project, the room is presented
luxuriously to match the quality and the luxuriousness
of the featured four star resort hotel. the room leads
to a rooftop of the exhibition which contains BINUS
architecture student’s final project assignment that
are presented with a themed rooftop garden

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 45

Various elements of water are introduced in this room, such as the flowing
wavy shapes of the display, the glass chandelier which symbollizes heavy
rain, and the body of water itself. It also shows the stillness of the room
which is mainly supported by the minimum usage of natural lighting
and the dark color palette. The vast usage of the body of water reflects
the room vertically, creating a symmetry of the existing shapes. This
reflection effect is meant to give an illusion effect that forms a borderless
infinite world beneath, enlarging the space.

showcasing 3D model of “Watervilla” by +31 Architects

46 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

showcasing flood and water resilient architecture

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 47

showcasing hurricane & strong wind resilient architecture

showcasing 3D model of “Reader’s house” by Atelier Diameter

48 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

Exhibition Preview
The exhibition is accessible through web browser on PC and
Travel around the exhibition using google street view-style of
navigation with an addition of gyroscopic view on smartphone for
a more immersive experience. Also enjoy many sorts of features
such as: clickable info & hyperlink, wall scribble, background music,
and many more.

-Wanderlust, 2021

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 49


50 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

Ascending the ladder of architecture, this project is intended as a small 5mx5m pavillion which showcases the final project of architecture students.
In a small space, there are very limited moving space. The design are meant to lengthen the journey as people travels upwards, then downwards,
and into the tunnel to witness some of the greatest architectural project made by the students of BINUS University. This project is also the first ever
project of BINUS architecture students of 2023.

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 51

Project type : Exhibition pavillion
Location : Kemanggisan, West Jakarta
Site Area : 25 sqm

The pavillion is created to showcase the best 12 final project assignment of BINUS architecture
student. Located in the middle of BINUS Anggrek plaza, this exhibition is meant to stand out in
the middle of the plaza to encourage visitors to observe. While travelling inside the exhibition,
visitors can enjoy escalation for each step they took and enjoy the view of the crowd below.

52 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 53
54 portfolio by Rezi Megananda
Floor plan


portfolio by Rezi Megananda 55

The pavillion is themed around the elements of mountain. The ascending
and descending of the pavillion are meant to replicate the journey of
hiking on the mountains. The tunnel represents mining cave, where the
poster acts as gemstones usually found on cave walls. The triangular
partition also symbollizes triangular shape of mountains.

hollow steel framework lasercut steel partition white laminated 2cm plywood floor 2cm ceiling maquette stand laminated wood plank
wood board surface plywood

Front elevation East elevation

56 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 57

58 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

In the modern era of technology, especially in this pandemic, people tend to spend time with themselves rather than with someone, therefore
breeding introverts among the society. with solitary being the main theme of the design, the apartment unit are hoped to reflect the adventurous yet
lonely thoughts of an introvert while keeping them in a safe, comfortable space in which they can feel sheltered by it. dark theme reflects a vast &
calming void in which not much is present, yet there are vast thoughts on what could possibly be there.

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 59

Project type : Apartment unit redesign
Location : Denpasar Residence, Kuningan, South Jakarta
Site Area : 44 sqm

The design minimizes source of light while still providing visibility. This creates a very dramatic
atmosphere on the rooms, visualizing a calm loneliness that is preferable for meditation and
productivity. The moodboard consists of elements that will enhance the beauty of loneliness.





60 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 61
working space
introverts needed a spacious working space for them to
brainstorm their world with comfort

dark bathroom
dark & small bathroom
creates the ultimate solitary
experience, boosting their
bedroom thoughts & satisfaction


simplistic design
a place for introverts to
living room finally relax their eyes and
hands into doing real-world
kitchen & activities
B dining


view to world
where introverts can enjoy off-screen
scenery and sunlight exposure
floor plan

0 0,5 1 2 3

62 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 63
64 portfolio by Rezi Megananda
the living room consists of multiple
texturing of materials ranging
from plain to rough. the stone
accent with strip accent lighting
reminisces the atmosphere of
cave, in which sunlight passes
through the surface creating an
exaggeration of stone texture.

the presence of brown colored

wood creates a dynamic feel on the
room uniting all existing interior
elements. the textured glass
partition mimics the basic shape of
a rough rock which when combined
with the rock background, creates a
complex and organic focal point in
the middle of the room.

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 65

kitchen set details

66 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

electrical details

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 67

the bathroom further embraces the dark and isolated theme by utilizing dark materials in a very tight
place. the bathroom still contains rocky cave texture which creates a sense of bathing beneath a rocky
waterfall. the area light on the ceiling acts as the main light source for the bathroom which are intended
to create a sense of daylight

68 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

dried flower
dried grass section A-A
stone-textured wall

LED strip
wooden desk

leather sofa wooden bed

wooden cabinet
section B-B

glass partition

marble countertop
view to cityscape

mirror section C-C

laminated wooden
shower kitchen cabinet

stone-textured wall

kitchen sink

w/c electric stove

marble bathroom

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 69

linear kitchen set
the linear layout creates spacious
circulation to utilize kitchen
bed, desk, & wardrobe combo appliances living area
the furniture of the bedroom are mostly contains cushion and pillows for
laid out closely together in order the user to relax and enjoy apartment
to minimize circulation living

along with great view, the usage of TV and
portable gaming devices enhances the quality of
apartment living

70 portfolio by Rezi Megananda

the user can enjoy the low-levelled bed to have
maximum relief and comfort. with other furnitures
being close to the bed, the user can circulate easily
without moving about too much. the stone is used
yet again to create a focal point in the room since it
is a complex and distinctive material compared to
other materials in the room.

unlike other rooms, the bedroom embraces clarity

within the scenery on the cave. light color is
introduced to differentiate general rooms with
private rooms, creating a satisfaction when looking
at a different color tone.

portfolio by Rezi Megananda 71

Architecture Portfolio by Muhammad Rezi Megananda
©2022 rezi megananda
by rezi megananda

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