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Person 2: Good morning star shine, the earth says hello, today we are going to prepare strawberry mochis.

The ingredients are:

Person 1: For the dough we will need:

5 teaspoons of Glutinous rice flour (75g)

2 teaspoons of sugar (30g)

90 to 100 ml of wáter

3 strawberries crushed

Fine corn flour

Person 3: for the filing we will use:

80 to 100ml of whipping cream

1 teaspoon of sugr (15g)

4 strawberries

Person 1: we Will start with the filling, first cut 4 strawberries into small squares.

Then place 80 to 100ml of whipping cream in a bowl and add a teaspoon of sugar.

Beat the cream until it has a thicker consistency and add the pieces cut of the strawberries and

Person 2: now we will shape the filling, make 6 small balls of the filling and put them in the freezer
for an hour so that they are well frozen.

Person 3: its time to prepare the dough for the mochis.

Put in a bowl 5 teaspoons of glutinous rice flour with 2 teaspoons of sugar and mixes, add water
Little by Little while beating the mixture, until it has a consistency similar to liquid yogurt.

Then add the 3 strawberries crushed so that the dough gets a Pink color and mixes.

Cover the dough to heat it in the microwave for 3 intervals and mix at the end of each of them.

The first 2 one minute intervals and the last 30 seconds inteval

Person 1: more late let the dough cool, once this pass cover it with fine corn flour on all sides to
make it manageable.

Cut the dough into 6 pices, mold each pice into a circular shape, remove the filling balls from the
freezer and cover each one with the pices of dogh until they are shaped like sphere.

Person 2: finally, leave them at room temperatura so that the filling of the mochis thaws and is
very creamy

And that's it! You just made your 100% homemade Japanese strawberry mochis!

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