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Davao Wisdom Academy Inc.

F. Torres St. Davao City

Basic Education Department
Junior High School Unit


Name: Baronia, Julian Sean P. Date: 09/08/2023

Part I. Checklist
Direction: Put check ( / ) in the Strength column if you possess the characteristic otherwise in
Needs to be Developed column.

Personal Entrepreneurial My Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

Competencies of an
Entrepreneur Strength Needs to be

Hardworking ✓

Self-confident ✓

Builds for the future ✓

Profit-oriented ✓

Goal-oriented ✓

Persistent ✓

Copes with failure ✓

Responds to feedback ✓

Demonstrates initiative ✓

Willing to listed ✓

Sets own standards ✓

Copes with uncertainty ✓

Committed ✓

Builds on strengths ✓

Reliable and has integrity ✓

Risk-taker ✓

Part II. Essay
Direction: Answer the question to the best of your knowledge. Write your answer in the space

1. What are the PECs that you are lacking and how can you overcome those PECs to
become a successful entrepreneur?

-One of the main PECs I lack is Self-confidence, I am not confident with almost
everything I do, especially when it comes to business. Another one I lack is being
persistent, I prefer giving up occasionally because it seems that what I do won’t work
(even if it is actually working, but isn’t really noticeable).

I could overcome this by training myself to be more confident and be persistent not just
in business, but also in everyday life.

2. If you were the to start a business related to ICT, what is the first thing you should do?

-I will start first by finding an idea. Businesses won’t last long if there isn’t idea
implanted to it. Then I will start doing business plans and such.

Before starting a business, you must find an idea first that is both creative and
reasonable for starting a business.

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