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te columnar Cash Book

smu. · · .
.. . prepare a Cash Book (with cash _column only) from the following tra~sac
1 tions:
2015 . 1 ~ ~
March 01 Mr. G~nesh Lal commenced-business with cash
March 65,000
03 Bough t goods for cash
March 6,850
04 Paid Sharad cash .
Discount -allowed
March 06 Deposited in Bank 40,000
Paid for office furnitu~e in c~sh 4,650
March 09 Sold. goods for cash ·
March 12 Paid wages in. cash • 1,200
Paid for stationery
March 13 • I 400
March ·15 $old goods for cash . 25,000
March 16 Paid for rriiscellane~~s ·expense~ . 450
March 19 Received ~ash from Mr: Trilok Chand . 4,850 ·
Allowed him discount ' 150
March 21' ' Purcha sed a radio ·set ' · · ; . ,• .
2,500 -
March 22· ,' Paid·sa lary · . · . · , · .' · :· 4,000 ..
March 25 Paid rent · , , · . 900
28 Paid electricity bill
Paid advertising
. 350
. 400
March 30 , Paid to bank 25,000 .
[~ns. Cash Balance ~37,200]
Two-Columnar Cash Book . '· · ···· .
2. Prepare a two-co iumna ; Cash Book from the following transactions ~°r.Shri R.K. '
Jan. 01 Cash in hand . 2,000
Jan. 06 Cash purcha ses 1 2,000 ..
Jan. 10 Wages paid , . ' j 40
Jan. It' Cash sales , 6,000
Jan. 12 Cash receive d from· Suresh .. . ,, 1,980
Discou nt allowe d 20
Jan. 19 Cash paid to Munna 2,470
Discou nt receive d · 30
Jan. 27 Cash paid to Radhe y 400
Jan. 28 Purcha sed goods for cash • 2,070
Find out the total discou nt allowe d. and receive d
(Ans. Cash Balanc e (~losing) fS,000 ; Discou nt Total Dr. f20; Cr. f30]
1.124 I Accounting Principles and Processes

Three-Columnar Cash Book ·

and Discount cof u
3. From the following particulars, write out a Cash Book, with ~ash, Bank Boo½. · l'll~s ~
~alance the· Cash
Mis Ramji & Co., Kolkata for the month of January, 2014 andwith State Bank of India t IO,Ooo
Jan. 0 I Balance of cash in hand f2,OOO and overdraft ·
him discount t6O.
Jan. 05 Received cash from Chetty & Co. f2,OOO and allowed
Jan. 07 Paid into bank f3,5OO. his account for f550 :
Jan. 15 Paid to Govind by cheque f52O in full settlement of
Received for cash sales; Cash fl 75 and cheque f 100.
Jan. 20 ,45.
Jan. 22 Paid Ram & Co. by cheque ,1,200 discount allowed
use of the proprietor f525.
Jan. 25 Paid by cheque to Shanti Kumar Stores, for private
Jan. 28 Drew for office use f5OO
Jan. 31 Harish Paid directly into our Bank Account ?600.
unt (Dr.) ,60 (Cr.) t?
[Ans. Cash in hand fl,775; Bank overdraft ,s,545; Disco 5
Cash Book . )
Three -colu mnar
4. Record the foilowing transactions in the .
2015 .
Jan.O1 Balances; Cash ,soo, and Bank (Cr.) ,12,000
Jan.O2 Investment additional capital of ,12,OOO.
Jan.OS Deposited ,s,000 in the bank.
Jan.O8 Received from Roy ,890, allowed ~im disco
unt ,s
e who allow ed us discount of ,3o.
Jan.12 Paid ,1,200 to Ghos
Jan.IS Bought mer~handise for ~ash ,100 .
Jan.17 Sold merchandise for cash ,1,000
Jan.18 Purchased furniture by ·cheque ,1,soo
ram in_full settlement of the debt of t240.
Jan.19 Received a crossed cheque of ,230 from Sund
Jan.22 Paid Commission , 150 by cheque.
Jan.25 Withdrew for personal use pf f3OO.
received ,20
Jan.26 Paid to Krishanan ?700 by cheque; discount
?3OQ . ·
Jan.27 Withdrew for personal use
~heq ue ?30, depo sited in the bank on the same day.
Jan.29 Received _dividend by an order
Jan.3O Cleared telephone bill tso s ?150. • ·
Jan.31 Paid manager's salary ?350, rent f20O, and wage
O; Bank BaJance t3,9JO)]
. · [Ails. Discount (Dr.) ?15; (Cr.) ?50; Cash Baiance t5,14
s. Mr. Sadanand operates two Bank aaccou nts both of which are maintained in the Columnar Cash
book and show how fhe following transactioll.l
itself. You are required to draw up proforma of the cash
the cash book for the day.
relating to 20th February, 2016 will appear there
(1) Opening Balance
in and close

,. '

Cash 11,240 (0/D )

National Bank . .
Overseas Bank which the National Bank charged
ct of sales for realising
(2) Received cheque for t 1,250 in respe
.t 1.50 and credited the.balance. d on the Overseas Bank . The bank charged f3 for
(3) Purchased goods for fl.3,21O and a chequ e issue
collection of the cheque to the concerned party. ·
(4) Paid office expenses: f45 and ?15.50 for statio
nery. .·
(5) Out of Cash sales offl3,265 a sum offlO,OOO
was deposited in the NationalBank.
(6) Credit purchases off 15,000 were made from Mr.
Smith who sent the documents relating to the goods
. The bank charged fll5 for releasing the
through the-Overseas Bank for 90 per cent of their value
(7) Deposited f5,O0O in National Bank.
(8) A "Bill Receivable" for fI0,OOO was discounted
with the Overseas Bank, \\'.hich charges I per cent
. ·
t(!wards discounting.
(9) Withdrew t5,0OO from the Overseas Bank.
a bank after paying f2 towards their ~barges and
( J0) A d~mand dra~ was purchased for f3,O0O from
paid to the Electricity Department as a deposit.
respectively by the Overseas Bank and National
( JJ) Interests oH122 and f 50 were credited and debited
Bank. .
Sub-Division of Journal I 1.125

(12) An amo unt of f 1,5 00 was wit hdr ~w n from the Ove
rseas Ban k and salaries paid to that extent. · ·•
d by che que dra wn on the National Bank. · · ·
(13) Ma nag er's sala ry of f 1,0 00 was pai
t a credit note.
(14) Ove rsea s Ban k col lect ed div ide nds · of? 1,250 and sen
s Ban k to the National Bank.
(15) An amo unt of fl ,S0Q was tran sfer red from the Oversea
sin g Bal anc e: Nat ion al Ban k fS,4 58.5 0; Ove rsea s· Ban k fl 1,~07.00 3:11d Cas h f352.50]
[.Aps. Clo

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