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Clhapter: -10- Wavc Optics Mark each

Questions) - I
SECTION-A( MCQs and Assertion/ Reasoning
Scction: A (1mark) called
1 The locus of all particles in a medium, vibrating ín the same phaseis
(d) None of these
2 The phenomenon of diffraction can be interference
phenomenon ifthe
coherent sources is treated as
(a) onc
(b) two
(c) zero
(d) infinity of
Ans (d) Diffraction on a single slit of light rom infinite number
is equivalent to interference
coherent sources contained in the slit.
The phenomena which is not explained by Huyeens's construction of wavetront.
(a) reflection
(b) diffraction
(c) refraction
(d) origin of spectra
Ans (d) The Huygens's construction of wave (ront does not explain the phenomena of origin of
plane wave passes through a convex lens. The geometrical shape of the wavefront that
emerges is
(a) plane
(b) diverging spherical
(c) converging spherical
(d) None of these
Ans (c) Converging spherical
When light suffers reflection at the interface between water and glass, the
change of phase in the
reflected wave is
(a) zero
(b) I
(c) T/2
(d) 2r
Ans (b) Phase reversal occurs i.e. phase
change = T takes place on reflection, because glass is
much denser than water
Coberence is ameasure of
capability of producing interferencc by wave
(b) waves being
(C) waves being
(d) waves being reflected
Ans (a) refracted
7 Coherence is a measure of capability of f producing interference by waves.
Two sources of light are said to be coherent, when they give light waves of same
amplitude and phase
wavelength and
(c) intensity and constant
phase difference
(d) phase and wavelength
Ans (b) For
coherent sourcess is same and phase is also same or phase diff. is constant.
Intensity light depcnds on
(a) amplitude
(b) frequency
(c) wavelength
(d) velocity
Ans (a)
to wave theory, intensity of light is directly proportional to square of

If Young's double slit experiment is performed in waterkeeping the rest of the sel-up same, the
fringes will
(a) increase in
(b) decrease in width
(c) remain unchanged
(d) not be formed
Hns (b) The wavelength of light in water (=/u) is less than that in air. When the
set-up is
immersed in water, fringe width B(a ) will decrease.
n roung's double slit experiment, the minimum anplitude is obtained when the phase difference
of super-imposing waves is (where n = 1, 2. 3,
(a) zero
(b) (2 n- 1)
(c) n
(d) (n + ) a
Ans (b) For minima. phase dilt. =odd integral multiple of a=(2n-l) n
Tne ringe width in a Young's double slit experiment canbe increased if we decrease
(a) width of slits
(b) separation of slits
(c) wavelength of light used
(d) distance between slits and screen
Ans (a) B=AD/d
Instead of using two slits,if we use two senarate identical sodium lamps in young's expermei
which of the following will occur?
(a) General illumination
(b) Widely separate interference
(c) Very bright maxima
(d) Very dark minima
Ans (a) 1here willbe general illumination as super imposing waves do not have constant plas
13 The wavefront of distant source of unknown shape is
(a) spherical b) cylindrical d) plane
c) elliptical
Ans (d) plane
14 In the Young double slit experiment. the fringe pattern as seen on the screen 1s:
(a) parabola (b) Hyperbola (c) Ellipse (d) Spiral
Ans (b) Hyperbola
Katio of intensities oftwowaves are given by 4:1. Then the ratio of the amplitudes of the two waves
a) 2:1 b) 1:2 c) 4:1 d) 1:4
Ans a) 2:1
Drecions: These questions consist of two statements, each printed as Assertion and Reason. While
Ansing these questions, you are required to choose any one of the following four responses.
(a) If both Assertion and Reason are correct and the Reason is a correct explanation of the
(b) If both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not a correct explanation of the
(c) If theAssertion is correct but Reason is incorrect.
(d) If both the Assertion and Reason are incorrect.
16 Assertion: In Young's double slit experiment if wavelength of incident light is just monochromatic
doubled, number of bright fringes on the screen will increase.
Reason: Maximum number of bright fringes on the screen is inversely proportional to the
wavelength of light used.
Ans d) A is false but R is true.
17 Assertion: Diffraction takes place for all types of waves mechanical or non-mechanical,
or longitudinal.
Reason: Diffraction's cffect is perccptiblc only if wavclength of wave is comparable to
ofdiffracting device.

Ans -b) Both Aand R true
18 are butR is NOT the correct explanation of A
become n: -Interference patterm is made by using yellow light instcad of redlight, the fringes
Reason:If- In YDSE. fringe width is given by B=2D/d
Ans(a) both
Assertion. Assertion and Reason are Correct and the Rcason is acorrcct explanation of thc

What type of wave Section: B (2 marks)
front will emerge from a(i) point source,,and (iü) distance light source?
(1) For point
source, wave front will be
(ii) For a distant spherical.
20 light source, the wave fronts will be plane wave fronts
How does the
distance of angular separation between fringes in single-slit diffraction experiment change when
Solution: We know separation between the slit screens is doubled?
angular separation is given as

Since Dis independent of D, the

1s doubled,
angular separation distance of separation between the screen and the slit so when D
would remain same.
to the fringe double slit experiment's apparatus is immersed in aliquid ofn =1.33. What will happen
width of the interference pattern?
ANS Fringe width
22 hence B, this shows (B)owave
that the
length().). when light of wave length enters water its changes to /n.
Sketch the wave front that fringe width will be. reduced by l/n =1/1.33
(1) coming from a very
corresponds to a beam of light
away source, and
(ii) diverging radially
from a point source.


Piane wavefrnts Wavetron

Sketch of a graph showing the variation of fringe width versus the distance of the screen
from the
plane of the slits (keeping other paramcters same) of the Young's double slit experiment. What
information can one obtain from the slope of this graph?

B=AD/ d. ß is proportional to D.


slope of grapl1 =i/d
Khowing the value of dand the slope of the graph. the wavelength of light used can be calculatea.
what is the effect on the interference pattern observed in aYoung's double slit experiment in he
following cases:
(ii) Screen is moved avway from the plane of the
(ü) Separation between the slits is

Fringe width, B= DJd

(iv) o 12 PIopordonal to D, so when screen is moved away from the slits, fringe wiatn
(1) As S is inversely proporional to d, so when the separaion between the slits is increased, tringe
width decreases.
25 What is the cffect on the interference fringes if the monochromatic source is replacea oy a sou
of white light?
Ans When the monochromatic light is replaced by awhite light, (i) the central bright remains
white, and (ii) all the other colours will fom individual maxima with the least wavelength violet
forming its bright close to the central bright.
In a Young's double slit experiment, the slit is separated by 0.28mm and the screen is placed 1.4
m away. The distance between the central bright fringe and the fourth bright fringe is measured to
be 1.2 cm. Determine the wavelength of light used in the experiment.
Ans Given: d= 0.28 mm = 0.28 x 10 m,
D= 1.4 m, x = 1.2 cm =1.2x 10 m, n=4,2=?
As we know x = nàD/d
= (1.2 x 10 *x 0.28 x 10/4xl.4 = 6x 10* m=600 nm
Section: C(3 marks)
27 In a single slit diffraction experiment, when tiny circular obstacle is placed in path of light from a
distance soOurce, a bright spot is seen at the centre of the shadow of the obstacle. Explain why?
State two points of difference between the interference pattens obtained in Young's double slit
experiment and the diffraction pattern due to asingle slit.
Solution: Abright spot is observed when atiny circular object is placed in path of light from a
distant source in asingle slit diffraction experiment because light rays flare into the shadow region
of the circular object as they pass the edge of the tiny circular object. The lights from all the edges
of the tiny circular object are in phase with each other. Thus, they form a bright spot at the centre
of the shadow of the the tiny circular object.
The two differences between the interference patterns obtained in Young's double slit experiment
and the diffraction pattern due to a single slit are as follows:
(v) The fringes in the interference pattern obtained from diffraction are of varying width,
while in case of interference, all are of the same width.
(i) Thebright fringes in the interference patterm obtained from diffraction have a central (
maximum roiIoWed by Irnges Of ecrcasing intensity, whereas in case of nterterence, athe
bright fringes are of equal intensity.
Give difference interference and diffraction.
Ditference between interference and diffraction : Diffraction
ererence is result of interference of(1) Diffraction is result of the
light coming from two different wave superposition of the sccondary
firont originating from two different wavelets from different part of the
coherent source. same wavefront.
(2) In interference the fringe width is (2)In diffraction fringes are not of the
generally constant. same width.
(3) Point of minimum (3)in diraction the minima's are
intensity are
perfectly dark that is Intensity never perfectly dark.
(4) All the
maxima have same intensity. (4) The central maxima is most
intense secondary maxima have
varying intensity and rapidly fall is

What is the cffect on the interference nattern observed in a Young's double slit
expcriment in ne
following cases:
() Screen is moved away
from the plane of the slits;
(ii) Separation between the slits is
(iii) Widths of the slits are increased;
Ans Fringe width, B= DWd
(") As I3 is proportional to D. so when screen is
moved away from the slits, fringe width incrcases.
()AsD 1S inversely proportional to d, so when the separation between the slits is
fringe width decreases. increased,
(1) When widths of slits are doubled. contrast
between maxima and minima decreases due to
the overlapping of interference patterns formed by
various narrow pairs of the two slits.
State Huygens's principle. Show, with thec hclp of a suitable
diagram, how this principlc is uscd to
obtain the diffraction pattern by a
single slit.
Draw a plot of intensity distribution and explain clearly why the secondary maxima becomes
weaker with increasing order (n) of the
secondary maxima.
Solution: Huygen's principle states that
Each point on a wave front behaves as a
(tal Seute
source of secondary wavelets, the secondary Smple st

wavelets travel with the speed of light in that Iicen



drawing a common
ii. Tne pos1lion of newwave front at a later time can be found out by
tangent to allthese secondary wavelets.
Intensity distribution of single slit distribution

For the trst secondary maxima (n = 1). only one-third ofthe slit contributes to its
Secondly, for n=2, only one-fifth oftheslit contributes to the intensity.
Therefore, with increasing n, the intensity decreases.
Show uo po
31 How is Huygen's principle used to obtain the difraction pattern due to a single slit?
reduction in intensity of seconday
Of Variation of intensity with angle and state the reason for the
maxima compared to central maximum.
sources of light consutuns
Ans When a plane wave front is incident on a single slit. all the point
from the wave font might meet ovl
ne wave tronts are in same phase. The wavelets coming out
() path difference, i.e. a phase difference is introduced between them.
the screen with some

-2Ju 2).Ju
Angle (0)
I he brightness at a point on the screen depends on the phase difference between the
meeting at the point. We imagine that the slit is divided into smaller parts and the wavelets coming
out from these portions meet and superpose on the screen with proper phase difference.
The wavelets from different parts of the wave front, incident on the slit, meet with zero phase
difference to constitute a central maximum, In case of secondary maxima, there are some waveleLs
meeting the screen out of phase, thus, reducing intensity of secondary maxima.

32 State the mportance of coherent sourccs in the phenomcnon of interference. conditions for
In obtain the
Young's double slit experinent to produce interference patten,
and destructive interference. Hence deduce the expression
apparatus of Youngis
does the fringe width get affected, if the entire experimental
in water?
Solution: phase difference betwccn
from them is either sources are called And
zero or constant. this issources,
coherent the
essentialiffor interference of light.)
be obtained, even
For any other
incoherent pattern can never the waves
if the sources source of light la steady interference because
emit wavessof equal wavelengths and equalamplitudes. This is intensity at any point
emitted by asource that the
undergo rapid and iregular changes of phase, soemitted sources
is never constant. by the two
Naturally the phase difference between the waves
cannot remain constant.
The two waves interfering at P have
distances S,P =xand S,P =x+ Ox. different
So, for the two sources S and Swe can
respectively write,
I,=, sin(kr- w)
I,-l, sin (k(*+Ax)-wr)-1, sin(kr-wt +8)
8=kAr=(2r 11)xAx
The resultant can be written as,
I=l,sin(kr-w +e)
Where 1, =I+1+21, Io cos6
And tang ,sin5/( +I cos)
Ine condition for constructive (bright fringe) and destructive (dark fringe) interference are as
j =2nz for bright fringes
¿= (2n + 1) z for dark fringes
Where n is an integer.
Now to find the fringe width,
sin 0 = d tan 0 =
The pathdifference is Ar=S,P-S,P
nearly equal to d

Hence we can write, is an integer.

Fringe width is the distance between two consecutive dark or bright fringes,
so we have fringe width d
If the whole apparatus is immersed in water and refractive index of water is n then,
Where vis vclocity of light in water

2= wavelength of light in air

=wavelength of light in water

v = frequeney of light in air and water


D nD

This shows fringe width will be reduced by the factor of the refractive index of water.
33 () sale Huygen's principlc. (Using this principle explain how a diffraction pattem is obtained on

a screen due to a narrow slit on which a narrow beam coming from a monochromatic
source of light is incident normally.
(b)Show that the angular width of the first diffraction fringe is half of that of the central fringe.
(c) If a monochromatic source of light is replaced by To P
white light, what change would you observe in the
diffraction pattern? To C
Solution: From S

Explanation of diffraction phenomena along with the M,

following diagrams.
(b) Derivation to show
Bor A0
d for interference central fringe
Bor A0 =
and 2l For diffraction first fringe.

(c) Following changes will be observed

)Central fringe will be bright but subsequent bright fringes will be coloured instead of just being
(i1) Fringe width, angular fringe width will not be
Define the term 'wavefront'. Draw the wavefront and constant.
(i) diverging spherical wave, (i) corresponding rays in the case ot a
plane wave.
Using Huygen's construction of a wave front, explain the refraction ofa plane
surface and hence verify Snell's law. wavefront at a plane
The locus of all the particles of the medium, which at any
is called the instant are vibrating in the same phase,

Incadent Mmcfnt

odum 2

Wavefront AB strikes the surface PP' wvith an angle of' incidence 'i'.
Speed of light in medium 1
Speed of light in is.
Let 'r medium
be the tine 2
taken by is:.
BC =" the wavefront to
(ravel the distance BC.
sini = BC
AC AC .(i)
Sinr AE
AC AC .ci)
(i) by (ii), we
sinr ..(ii)

Refractive index(n) of medium 1 is


Refractive index (n2)of medium 2 is 2

Putting these values in equation (iii),

sinr C

sin i
sinr (Snell's Law)
35 Section: E (case study)
Single Slit Diffraction Formula:
We shall assume the slit width a << D.
x'D is the
identify the angular position of any point on the separation between slit and source.We shall
divides the slit bya lengths. To describe the screen by 9 measured from the slit centre which
pattern, we shall first see the condition for dark

fringes. Also, let us divide the slit into zones of egual widths

diffraction experiment is doubled, then the central

() Irhe width of the slit in single slit
maximum of diffraction pattern becomes
(a) broader and brighter
(b) sharper and brighter
(c) sharper and fainter
(d) broader and fainter
Ans (b) sharper and brighter
light what will happen, if red light 1s
(2) Adiffraction pattern is obtained by using beam of red,
replaced by the blue light?
(a) Bands disappear.
(b)Bands become broader and farther apart.
(c) No change will take place.
(d) Diffraction bands become narrow and crowded together.
Ans(d) Diffraction bands become narrow and crowded together.
arrangement. the
3) When monochromatic light is replaced by white light in Fresnel's biprism
central fringe is
(a) coloured
(b) white
(c) dark
(d) None of these
Ans (b) white

(4) The phenomenon of diffraction can be treated as interference phenomenon if the numberor
coherent sources is
a) one
(b) two
(d) infinity
Ans (d) infinity
Huygens' principle: In optics, a statement that all points of a wave front of light in a vacuum or
transparent medium may be regarded as new sources of wavelets that expand in every direction at
a rate depending on their velocities. Proposed by the Dutch mathematician, physicist, and
astronomer, Christiaan Huygens, in 1690.

Huygens' Principle:
Eaclh wavelront is the envelope of
the wavclets. Each point on a
wavetront acts as an independent
source to generate wavelets tor the
next wavetront. AB and CD are
two wavefronts.

1. The idea of secondary wavelets for the. propagation of a wave was first given by
(a) Newton
(b) Huygens
(c) Maxwell
(d) Fresnel
Ans (b) Huygens
2. Light propagates
(a) wave nature rectilinearly, due to
(b) wavelengths
(c) velocity
(a) frequency
Ans (a) wave nature
3. Which of the following is corect for
(a) The intensity decreases in proportion withdiverging
from a point souCi
(b) The wavefront is distance squared.
(©) The intensity at the wavelength does not
(d) None of these. depend on the distance.
Ans (a) The intensity decreases in
proportion with the
4.The phenomena which is not explained by Huygen'sdistance squared.
(a) reflection construction of wavefront
(b) diffraction
(c) refraction
(d) origin of spectra
Ans (d) origin of spectra

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