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A story about SWITEZIENKA

That winter night, it was exceptionally cold. I got down from the chair to reach for the fur
blanket that was lying on the sofa next to me. Then I sat down on the rocking chair, drinking
the hot raspberry tea that I had made a moment ago. But my enjoyment of it was
interrupted. a mysterious knock on the door. Nervous, I got up, threw off the blanket and
quickly walked to the door.

When I pulled the handle, I felt a strange warmth. As I was walking through the door,
suddenly an unexpected force pushed me and I found myself on the other side. But what I
saw didn't look like my garden. In front of my eyes, I could only see beautiful fields of flowers
illuminated by the moonlight. .To my surprise, it was quite warm here. - It's good that she
took off the blanket earlier - I thought. While I was walking among the fields, I suddenly
heard mysterious sounds, out of curiosity I decided to follow them. After a short journey, I
saw a large, a majestic lake. It wasn't a new sight for me, but there was one thing that
caught my attention. It was a water nymph. When she saw me, she slowly started to
approach. In a quiet tone she said to me - And who are you? I've never seen you before. I
haven't seen it. You're not from the area, are you? Slightly surprised, I answered her - No,
you're right. Everything happened so suddenly. I don't even know how to answer your
question. She looked at me strangely and said, "Never mind, just follow me. I would like to
show you something." I nodded and started to follow her. In the silence, I could hear my
heartbeat and hers. We've reached the place! - she exclaimed with joy. She took me to a
place that I remembered from somewhere, but I couldn't remember where. There was a
larch tree, but apart from the tree, there was something else here, it was a trapped boy.
When she saw him, I froze, he looked just like my grandfather when he was young. -I had to
do it. There was no other choice. From the beginning, she was not sure of his faithfulness.
This man had betrayed me. - the nymph suddenly blew. When she saw my terrified face, she
added - Relax, it's only a body, but the soul has already been punished. Unfortunately, I was
left behind. trapped in the body of this water creature. I couldn't say a word, even though I
listened to the girl's story, she still couldn't believe what I had just seen. Nimfa saw this, so
she tried to change the subject. He has told you a lot, but I still don't know your name, would
you mind telling me? I looked at her and replied, “Patrycja.”

Suddenly everything started to blur before my eyes. I looked at the lake, suddenly I saw my
parents, together with a Swiss girl, but the three of them looked strange, they slowly started
approaching me. I only hear my heartbeat, I wasn't able to hear it. words. Suddenly
everything started to glow brightly. When I opened my eyes I found myself back in my room
with a cup of hot tea and a blanket on my back. I realized it was just a dream.

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