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Inorganic Chemistry (ICH602S) 7 August 2017

Assignment 1
Due Date: 18 August 2017 @ 08:30 a.m

1.. How many minutes would it take a radio wave to travel from planet Venus to Earth?

(Average distance from Venus to Earth = 28 million miles)

2.. The blue color of the sky results from the scattering of sunlight by air molecules. The blue light

has a frequency of about 7.5 x 1014 Hz.

a). Calculate the wavelength in nm

b). Calculate the energy in joules of a single photon associated with this frequency

3.. Some copper compounds emit green light when they are heated in a flame. How would you

Determine whether the light is of one wavelength or a mixture of two or more wavelengths?

4.. Protons can be accelerated to speeds near that of light particle accelerators. Estimate the

Wavelength in nm of such a proton moving at 2.90 x 108 m/s. (Mass of proton = 1.675 x 10-27 kg)

5.. which orbital in each of the following pairs is lower in energy in a many electron atom?

a). 2s, 2p

b). 3p, 3d

c). 3s, 4s

d). 4d, 5f

6.. Indicate the number of unpaired electrons present in each of the following atoms:

B, Ne, P, Sc, Mn, Se, Kr, Fe, Cd, I, and Pb

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7.. Predict the geometry of the following molecules and ions using the VESPR model:

a). CH3I

b). ClF3

c). H2S

d). SO3

e). SO42-

8.. The dipole moments of the hydrogen halides decrease from HF to HI. Explain this trend.

9.. What are the hybrid orbitals of the carbon atoms in the following molecules?

a). H3C−CH3

b). H3C−CH=CH2

c). CH3−C≡C−CH2OH

d). CH3CH=O


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