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Irish Colonel Sir Thomas Nevil returns from Italy with his daughter Lydia.

At the
hotel in Marseille, they meet ex-officers who revive the memory of Corsica and
talk about the country's traditions and the stories of the Vendetta. This
enthusiasm overwhelms them and they decide to go to the island for two
Colonel and his daughter. They board a sailboat towards Corsica. An
unexpected passenger was said to be on the volley (they had asked the
commander to be there alone). The colonel, who was upset at first, will finally
bring them closer after his conversation with Orso della Rebbla. At the end of
dinner, Lydia returns to the deck and hears the sailor singing a Corsican net.
Second, Orso also stops when he climbs the bridge. He learns that the music he
loves is an ax composed for the death of Colonel della Rebbia, who is none
other than Orso's father. Lydia later thinks that Orso has returned to Corsica to
avenge his father and to answer to the hostile Barricini family. During the
journey, Orso tells Lydia about Corsican traditions Set in Alaccio, Colonel and
Orso decide to go hunting while Lydia goes for a walk.

Tired of the sights, he tries to "civilize" Orso, who is in love with her. They take
the department head one evening. Upon seeing Orso's return, he worries
whether he wants to follow the tradition of vendetta. As the homeland instinct
seems to have awakened in the young man, Lydia succeeds in convincing him to
give up this desire for revenge. Colomba enters the scene as the dark and
violent bitch arrives to find her brother. Lydia is interested. Colomba seems to
be filled with unparalleled Sir family pride and deep sadness. colombo by an
ivoceron's dope, he invites his brother to take revenge The author explains that
the rivalry between the della Rebbia and Barricini families dates back to the
16th century. First comes the crime, then comes the first vendetta. It arose out
of nowhere between Colonel della Rebbia (Orso's father) and lawyer Giudice
Barricini. The latter became mayor of the village of Pietranera, where the
colonel had returned to live. The rivalry between them continues to follow each
other. For example, the colonel was forbidden to bury his wife according to his
last will. This discussion ended with the murder of Orso's father, who managed
to write in the name book of his murderer. The book that was given to the
mayor before it was given to the judge, the page that the della Rebbia family
had reproached as a suspect, disappeared. Unable to stand the impeachment
of justice, Colomba expressed his hatred with a "ballata" that had become
extremely popular. He continues to tell his brother his suspicions about
Barricini. But Orso returned to live on the continent, not to kill, but to marry his
sister and sell their property. Orso tells Lydia that he is afraid of his sister's
attitude. Lydia tries to persuade her not to take revenge. Colonel and Lydia
salute Orso and Colombal, who are leaving Ajaccio to return to the center of
the island, to the Pietranera. Colomba offers Lydia a thousand daggers, while
Colonel Orsolya presents a weapon.We see Lydia succumbing to Orso's charms.
During the trip, Colomba shares his admiration for Lydia, whom he finds
beautiful, and forces Orso to marry her. One night, they rest next to one of their
family friends and come back through the maquis.

They set off in the direction of Pietranera. As Colomba spreads the word that
his brother will return to take revenge, a group of armed shepherds arrive to
meet Ontari. Their joy comes out loudly, but Orso does not appreciate this
welcome and sends them away. The village looks ready to become a tank for
the war between the two families.
•Orso recalls sweet memories of his mother at his childhood home and after
treating him kindly in the army (reminiscent of more mixed memories of his
strict disciplinarian father, his future is bleak depending on whether he's
thinking of revenge or Lydia's upcoming visit. A little girl is born, bread for
Colomba and uncle Chilina, the bandit Brando Savelli, or Brando laccio, the
vassal in poverty and dangerously in the scrub. Angry, Orso blames his sister
Colomba melts bullets to create ammunition for Orso's rifle and presents him
with a dagger and various personal items. Orso is troubled by his sister's
obsession with revenge. Colomba takes her brother on a pilgrimage to Mucchio,
a place where a wooden cross stands in remembrance of their father's murder.

In a reflective moment, Orso contemplates the responsibility imposed on him

by Colomba. He considers the possibility of dueling with one of the Barricini
sons instead of perpetuating the vendetta. He also ponders the advice given by
Lydia. During his wanderings, Orso encounters Chilina, who introduces him to
his father, a bandit named Brandolaccio, and another bandit known as "Cure."
Colomba asks Orso to accompany her to the funeral of Charles-Baptiste Pietri,
where she plans to recite a ballad. However, their plans are interrupted when
Mayor Barricini and his son arrive, openly mocking Orso. In a letter to the
governor, Orso and Colomba receive news from the imprisoned thief Tomaso
Bianchi. The letter accuses Agostini of avenging their father's death in an
attempt to end the animosity between the two families. However, Colomba
remains skeptical and refuses to believe it.

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