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COLD WAR VS GLOBALIZATION Great Britain to have more influence or

power so he allied himself with Germany,

after ww2 → cold war Austria and hungary.
Before ww1 → balkan war
Balkan war World War II
- 2 wars during this war - The instability created in Europe by
- 1st balkan war - involved the states the First World War (1914-18) set the
of bulgaria, serbia and montenegro stage for another international
where they were discussing pre war conflict World War II which broke out
settlements two decades later and would prove
- However the 2 states, even more devastating.
montenegro and serbia - Rising to power in an economically
attacked bulgaria and politically unstable Germany,
- 2nd balkan war - involved the Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party,
countries of serbia, romania, greece, rearmed the nation and signed
montenegro and the ottoman strategic treaties with Italy and
empire Japan to further his ambitions of
- The 4 states (serbia, romania, world domination.
greece, and montenegro) - Hitler's invasion of Poland in
fought the ottoman empire September 1939 drove Great Britain
(present day Turkey) and won and France to declare war on
Germany, marking the beginning of
World War II. Over the next six years,
the conflict would take more lives
and destroy more land and property
around the globe than any previous
- Estimated 40-60 million deaths w/ 6
million of these were jews in nazi
concentration camps as part of
Brief History hitlers final project solution known as
World War I Holocaust
- World War I, also known as the Great War, - With a few battles known as battle of
or also known as “War to end all wars” atlantic, battle of dunkirk, battle of
which is a failure moscow, battle of pearl harbor,
- began in 1914 after the assassination of battle of midway (retaliation of US to
Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria. His the attack on pearl harbor), battle of
murder catapulted into a war across phil. Sea, battle of leyte gulf
Europe that lasted until 1918. - Ended when Germany surrendered
- During the conflict, Germany, Austria- and when Japan surrendered to
Hungary, Bulgaria and the Ottoman Empire general douglas mcarthur.
(the Central Powers) fought against Great - Also called “Biggest and Deadliest
Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, War” In history
Japan and the United States (the Allied
Powers). Cold War
- Started after the balkan war, serbia and - The Cold war rivalry between the US
austria and hungary. The serbian and the Soviet Union
government wanted to expand its territory - Lasted in 4 decades
and the wanted to liberate the south slavs - Resulted in anti-communist suspicios
of Austria-Hungary which led and the and international incidents that led
resulted to the assassination of Archduke the two superpowers to the brink of
Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife by a nuclear disaster
serbian extremist - A tension (geographical and
- Germany came into picture when Kaiser economical) and struggle between
Wilhelm the 2nd didn't want Russia and the 2
- Iron Curtain government spending to stimulate the
private sector.
- Neoliberalism is an idea which
believes the society should be
shaped by the free market
• It sees free market and free trade as a
foundation for human flourishing, creating
- most favorable conditions for individual
- The political, military and
liberties, job growth, technological
ideological barrier erected by
innovation and others.
the Soviet Union after World
• Neoliberalism is related to laissez-faire, a
War II to seal off itself and its
school of thought that prescribes a minimal
dependent eastern and
amount of government interference into
central European allies from
the economic issues of individuals and
open contact with the West
and other noncommunist
- It believes that the public sector
should not only follow the private
- Berlin Wall
sector rule but it should also subsidize
- Aug, 12-13, 1961 where East
the private sector
German soldiers laid down
more than 30 miles of barbed
wire barrier through the heart
of Berlin

Cold war setting the stage for globalization

- With the collapse of the Soviet Union
1. Privatization
in 1989 and the end of Cold War in
2. Deregulation
1991, the world become
3. Free Trade
4. Reducing the Public Expenditure
> Trade and Investment increased (have
5. Elimination of the Public Good
been allowed to travel between borders,
allowed to build businesses, prohibition
among certain states were lowered)
- privatization is the transfer of public
>Barriers to migration and to cultural
assets to the private sector through
exchange were lowered (Seeking to go to
different means like sale or lease of
another country)
government land, infrastructure, and
>Technological advances (invention of
other different ventures.
computers and internet and platforms)
- Privatization may be in the form of
> Further destruction of the environment
delegation of power and
(cost of human consumption where
deregulation of entry in certain
resources are gathered which affects the
business sector or activities which
were in the past considered as
>Emergence of New Powers (there will
public monopolies
always be a threat to a certain state or
- Sell state-owned enterprises, goods
and services to private investors. This
includes banks, key industries,
railroads, toll highways, electricity,
• Neoliberalism is an economic philosophy
schools, hospitals and even fresh
that conceptually describes a move
water. Although usually done in the
towards free markets, capitalism, and a
name of greater efficiency, which is
diversion from government ownership
often needed, privatization has
• The typical policies associated with
mainly had the effect of
neoliberalism include free trade,
concentrating wealth even more in
globalization, privatization, and changes in
a few hands and making the public
pay even more for its needs.
to wealthier nations in Western
Deregulation Europe and North America.
- Deregulation is the removal or - Refers to countries with the highest
reduction of government regulations level of development, highest level
in a specific industry. The goals are of industrialization and mature
to allow industries to operate democracies. These nations are
businesses more freely, make highly industrialized, have political
decisions efficiently, and remove and economic stability and have
corporate restrictions. high levels of human health.
- Reduce government regulation of - Global North - first world nations
everything that could diminish profits, which are highly industrialized
including protecting the
environment and safety on the job. GLOBAL SOUTH
- The Global South is generally
understood to refer to less
economically developed countries.
Free Trade It is a broad term that comprises a
- Free trade is the idea that things variety of states with diverse levels of
should be able to be traded economic, cultural, and political
between countries with as few influence in the international order
restrictions or limitations as possible. - • refers to the countries of the rest of
- goods and services can be bought the world, most of which are in the
and sold across international borders Southern Hemisphere. Most of the
with little or no government tariffs, Global South is in South and Central
quotas, subsidies, or prohibitions to America, Africa, and Asia.
inhibit their exchange. - • A term referring to less developed
Reducing Public Expenditure and countries characterized by low level
Elimination of the Public Good of economic development, large
- Limits on government spending, inequalities in living standards and
government regulation, and public low life expectancy. Loosely entails
ownership. poor southern countries that are
frantically seeking to transform their
GLOBAL NORTH economies
- the global North refers to developed
societies of Europe and North How did neoliberalism affect global north
America, which are characterized and global south
by established democracy, wealth, • Neoliberalism has had a profound
technological advancement, impact in relation to increasing levels of
political stability, aging population, inequality and poverty, new forms of
zero population growth and accumulation by dispossession such as the
dominance of world trade and privatization of the commons and the rise
politics. in power of finance capital at both the
national and international level.
- The countries, located primarily in • the rich continue to become richer and
the northern hemisphere, that have the poor poorer.
historically been identified as "the
West" or "first world" due to
perceptions of their relative wealth,
technology, and global dominance

- A geographic and economic term

commonly used in the fields of
international education and
international development referring

• Economic Growth
- Access to labor:access to a wider
labor pool. Developing nations with
a shortage of knowledge workers
might, for example, "import" labor to
kickstart industry.
- Access to jobs: developing nations
often gain access to jobs in the form
of work that's been outsourced by
wealthier nations.
- Access to resources:. Without this
flow of resources across borders,
many modern luxuries would be
impossible to manufacture or
- Increased Global Cooperation -act
of all countries working together to
accomplish global issues and
- Increased Cross-Border Investment
globalization has led to an increase
in cross-border investment. At the
macroeconomic level, this
international investment has been
shown to enhance welfare on both
sides of the equation.
• Increased Competition
- decreases your market share and shrinks
your customer base
- A competitive market can also force you
to lower your prices to stay competitive,
decreasing your return on each item you
produce and sell.
Disproportionate Growth
-The growing gap between rich and poor.
Despite progress in some countries, income
and wealth are increasingly concentrated
at the top. The share of income going to
the richest 1 percent of the global
population increased 46 out of 57.
Meanwhile, the bottom 40 percent earned
less than 25 percent of income

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