Case Presentations BCS

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Guidelines for Submissions

1. Case presentation material must be submitted in the PowerPoint format,

10-15 slides.

2. Recommended content :
- Title of the Case
- Case Abstract
- Brief Case Illustration
- Discussion (Reference are obligatory)
- Conclusion and/or learning point of the case

Additional information :

• Case submission deadlines : August 31st, 2023.

• Case presentation must be emailed to our website
• Registration is required to present.
• Abstract should only be submitted once and may not be edited/updated
after final submission.
• Please notify our contact person if you have emailed your case
presentation to our website.
• The 5 best cases will be announced on September 15th, 2023 via
registered phone number.
• Presenters that are accepted will be given maximal 15 minutes to present
the case on Saturday, 23rd September 2023.

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