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ECW 341 Water Engineering Laboratory Engineering

Universiti Teknologi MARA

Program: Diploma In Civil
(EC110) Academic Session: MAC 2023 – AUG 2023




CO2 : Demonstrate leadership skills in task related to water engineering.
PO6 : Demonstrate knowledge of the societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering technician practice and solutions to well-defined
engineering problems.


2 4 6 8 10
Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
following: following: following: following: following:
• Attend to the laboratory • Attend to the laboratory • Attend to the laboratory • Attend to the laboratory • Attend to the laboratory
A1 (Receiving) not later than 20 minutes not later than 15 minutes not later than 10 minutes not later than 5 minutes early/on time
• < 25% listen attentively • 25% listen attentively • 50% listen attentively • 75% listen attentively • 100% listen attentively
The student passively
• < 25% sensitivity, and • 25% sensitivity, and • 50% sensitivity, and • 75% sensitivity, and focus • 100% sensitivity, and focus
attends to laboratory
Punctuality focus into issues arise focus into issues arise focus into issues arise into issues arise and into issues arise and
and their attention is
1 (Lab Attendance & and instructions given and instructions given and instructions given instructions given instructions given
focused. Intended
Report Submission) • Late Submission (More • Late Submission (More • Late Submission (2 Day • Late Submission (1 Day • Submission on time
outcomes include the
than 1 Week) than 2 Day) Late) Late)
student’s awareness,
willingness to hear and
to focus attention

Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
A2 (Responding) following: following: following: following: following:
The student actively • < 100% compliance on • 100% compliance on lab • 100% compliance on lab • 100% compliance on lab • 100% compliance on lab
participates and reacts lab safety rules and not safety rules and practice safety rules and practice safety rules and practice safety rules and practice
in some way. Emphasis practice them them them them them
is on active participation • Not participate in group • < 50% participate in • 50% participate in group • 75% participate in group • 100% participate in group
on the part of the discussion, group discussion, discussion, discussion, discussion
Participation &
learners such as • No interest in subject, • < 50% interest in • 50% interest in subject, • 75% interest in subject, • • 100% interest in subject,
2 Knowledge on the open-
compliance in • Not enjoy helping subject, • 50% enjoy helping 75% enjoy helping • 100% fully enjoy helping
ended laboratory
responding, willingness others. • < 50% enjoy helping others. others. others.
to respond, or • Not able to explain, others. • Able to design, prepare • Able to design, prepare, • Able to design, prepare,
satisfaction in design and prepare the • Not able to explain the and explain the testing and explain the testing, interpret and explain
responding experimental work in the experiment and the work experiments and the experiments and the work the experiments and the
report assigned in the report work assigned in the assigned in the report work assigned in the report
report but not based on based on OEL based on OEL components
OEL components components
ECW 341 Water Engineering Laboratory Engineering
Universiti Teknologi MARA
Demonstrate capability on Demonstrate capability on Demonstrate capability on Demonstrate capability on Demonstrate capability on
the following in a problem- the following in a problem- the following in a problem- the following in a problem- the following in a problem-
solving approach: solving approach: solving approach: solving approach: solving approach:
• No acceptance of • 25% acceptance of any • 50% acceptance of any • 75% acceptance of any • 100% acceptance of any
A3 (Valuing) commitment commitment commitment commitment commitment
The worth a student • Uncommitted to carry • 25% committed to carry • 50% committed to carry • 75% committed to carry • 100% committed to carry
attaches to a responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility responsibility
particular object, • Uncommitted to provide • 25% committed to • 50% committed to • 75% committed to provide • 100% committed to provide
phenomenon, or Leadership skill, suggestion and/or idea provide suggestion provide suggestion suggestion and/or idea suggestion and/or idea
3 behavior. Ranges Commitment & • Uncommitted to follow and/or idea and/or idea • 75% committed to follow • 100% committed to follow
from acceptance to Responsibility group decision • 25% committed to follow • 50% committed to follow group decision. group decision.
commitment, carry • Unable to control, lead, group decision. group decision • Able to control, lead and • Able to control, lead and
responsibility for the fail to deliver the task to • Able to control, lead the • Able to control, lead and delivering the task to the delivering the task to the
functioning of a the group and does not group but fail to deliver delivering the task to group efficiently and group efficiently and serves
group, attitudes and compromise to achieve the task and does not the group members usually does what is the as a leader in managing
appreciation. the objectives of compromise towards and occasionally helps best interest of the group individual ideas towards the
experiments (Reports) the achievement the group to achieve towards the achievement achievement of the
objectives of the the objectives of the of the objectives objectives (Reports)
experiments experiments (Reports) (Reports)
Program: Diploma In Civil (EC110)
Academic Session: OCT 2022 – FEB 2023
Demonstrate capability on Demonstrate capability on Demonstrate capability on Demonstrate capability on Demonstrate capability on
the following in a problem- the following in a problem- the following in a problem- the following in a problem- the following in a problem-
solving approach solving approach solving approach solving approach solving approach
• <100% maintain good • 100% maintain good • 100% maintain good • 100% maintain good • 100% maintain good health
health habits, health habits, health habits, health habits, habits, compliance on lab
compliance on lab compliance on lab safety compliance on lab safety compliance on lab safety safety rules and practice
safety rules and rules and practice them rules and practice them rules and practice them them
practice them • 85% display self- reliance • 90% display self- reliance • 95% display self-reliance in • 100% display self-reliance
• Not display self-reliance in in working independently, in working independently, working independently, and in working independently,
working independently, and and cooperate in group and cooperate in group
A4 (Organization)
and cooperate in group cooperate in group activities, activities,
At this level, the cooperate in group activities, activities, • 95% display a • 100% display a
student has held a activities, • 85% display a • 90% display a professional commitment professional commitment to
value system for a • Not display a professional professional to ethical practice daily. ethical practice daily.
sufficiently long time professional commitment to ethical commitment to ethical • 95% able to objectively • 100% able to objectively
to control his/her commitment to ethical practice daily. practice daily. interpret case interpret case study/problem
behavior, has Character &
4 practice daily. • 85% able to objectively • 90% able to objectively study/problem • 100% able to revise
developed a • Not able to objectively interpret case interpret case • 95% able to revise judgments and changes
characteristic interpret case study/problem study/problem judgments and changes approach considering new
"lifestyle." Behavior is study/problem • 85% able to revise • 90% able to revise approach considering new idea or issue arise.
pervasive, consistent, • Not able to revise judgments and changes judgments and changes idea or issue arise. • Team showed great
predictable, and most judgments and changes approach considering new approach considering new • Team showed great cohesion, interaction
importantly, approach considering new idea or issue arise. idea or issue arise. cohesion, interaction respect. Team shared
characteristic of the idea or issue arise. • Team demonstrated • Team showed good respect. Team member the tasks equally and
learner. • Team showed poor some cohesion, cohesion, interaction did not share the tasks utilizes
cohesion, poor interaction respect. respect. Team member equally and did not abilities of each team
interaction and poor Most work was done by did not share the tasks utilize members. Reports were
respect. Only one only 1 member team. equally and did not abilities of each team completed on time with
person does all the Reports were utilize abilities of each members. Reports satisfactory
reports. Reports completed on time but team members. were completed on compilations.
were not completed with unsatisfactory Reports were time but with
compilations. completed on time but satisfactory
with unsatisfactory compilations.
ASSESSMENT compilations

Demonstrate capability on Demonstrate capability on Demonstrate capability on Demonstrate capability on the Demonstrate capability on the
ECW 341 Water Engineering Laboratory Engineering
Universiti Teknologi MARA
the following in a problem- the following in a problem- the following in a problem- following in a problem-solving following in a problem-solving
solving approach as shown solving approach as shown solving approach as shown approach as shown in lab report approach as shown in lab report
A4 (Organizing) in lab report in lab report in lab report • 75% organize, formatted • 100% fully organize,
Brings together different and systematic formatted and systematic
• Not organize, • 25% organize, • 50% organize, formatted
values, resolving conflicts laboratory report laboratory report
unformatted and formatted and and systematic
among them, and starting
unsystematic systematic laboratory laboratory report • 75% providing solution • 100% providing solution
to build an internally
laboratory report report • 50% providing solution to to the water engineering to the water engineering
5 consistent value system. Discussion • Not providing solution to • 25% providing solution the water engineering problems. problems.
Organizes values into
the water engineering to the water problems. • The team is able to • The team is able to relate
priorities by contrasting
problems. engineering problems. • The team is able to relate all findings with all findings with the
different systems. The
• The team is unable to • The team is able to relate some of the problem with good problem with excellent
emphasis is on
discuss the findings discuss some of the the findings with discussion discussion
comparing, relating, and
synthesizing values. findings the problem with
fair discussion

The team is able to provide The team is able to derive fair The team is able to derive The team is able to derive
conclusion without answering conclusion based on findings good conclusion based on accurate conclusion based on
6 A5 (Characterization) Conclusion The team is unable to conclude
the objective to answer the objective findings to answer the findings to answer the objective



Program: Diploma In Civil (EC110)

Academic Session: OCT 2022 – FEB 2023

A1 (Receiving): The student passively attends to laboratory and their Punctuality
1 attention is focused. Intended outcomes include the student’s awareness, (Lab Attendance &
willingness to hear and to focus attention Report Submission)
A2 (Responding): The student actively participates and reacts in some way. Participation &
Emphasis is on active participation on the part of the learners such as Knowledge on
2 compliance in responding, willingness to respond, or satisfaction in the open-
responding ended
3 A3 (Valuing): The worth a student attaches to a particular object, Leadership skill,
phenomenon, or behavior. Ranges from acceptance to commitment, carry Commitment &
ECW 341 Water Engineering Laboratory Engineering
Universiti Teknologi MARA
responsibility for the functioning of a group, attitudes, and appreciation. Responsibility
A4 (Organization): At this level, the student has held a value system for a
sufficiently long time to control his/her behavior, has developed a Character &
characteristic "lifestyle." Behavior is pervasive, consistent, predictable, and Organization
most importantly, characteristic of the learner.
A4 (Organizing): Brings together different values, resolving conflicts among
them, and starting to build an internally consistent value system. Organizes
5 Discussion
values into priorities by contrasting different systems. The emphasis is on
comparing, relating, and synthesizing values.

6 A5 (Characterization) Conclusion


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