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Avenues – 2023

Bona Consilia Challenge (BCC) – The Strategy Case

Round 2: Case Study Round

About the company: -
Innovatix Corp, an AI tech startup based in India, has emerged as an industry leader in the field of
healthcare analytics and predictive diagnostics. Leveraging cutting-edge AI algorithms and machine
learning, the company has developed a range of innovative solutions that enable healthcare providers to
optimize patient care, streamline operations, and predict health trends with remarkable accuracy.
Innovatix’s technology has not only revolutionized patient outcomes and hospital efficiencies but has
also earned the company a solid reputation in the healthcare sector for its data-driven solutions. With an
impressive track record in healthcare, Innovatix Corp is now contemplating a strategic expansion into a
new industry, presenting the company with an exciting and challenging opportunity for growth.

Key competencies and Key Products: -

Innovatix Corp has established a formidable presence in the AI tech landscape with key competencies
and a diverse portfolio of products that transcend the healthcare sector. Their core strengths include:

➢ Advanced Machine Learning and AI Algorithms

➢ Big Data Analytics

➢ Custom Software Development

➢ Predictive Diagnostics and Forecasting

➢ Scalable Infrastructure

Key Products:
1. HealthAI Pro: Innovatix's flagship product in healthcare, HealthAI Pro, is an integrated AI
platform that assists healthcare organizations in making informed decisions through predictive
diagnostics, patient outcome forecasting, and operational optimization.

2. Data Insights Engine: This versatile product provides data analytics and insights for organizations
across multiple industries. By extracting valuable information from large datasets, it aids in
understanding customer behavior, market trends, and operational efficiency.

3. AI Consulting Services: Beyond their product offerings, Innovatix provides AI consulting services
to help organizations in various industries navigate the complex world of artificial intelligence.
This service can be tailored to address industry-specific challenges.

With a solid foundation in healthcare and a diverse skill set in AI and data analytics, Innovatix Corp is
poised to leverage its core competencies and products to explore new opportunities in other industries,
providing innovative and data-driven solutions.

Innovatix standing in the current healthcare industry: -
Table 1: Key Healthcare Industry Data for Innovatix Corp

Metrics Data
Market Share 25%
Annual Revenue (2022) $50 million
Number of Clients 150 healthcare providers
Employee Strength 200+
Successful Case Studies 15 major hospitals
Awards and
"Innovation in Healthcare Technology Award 2021"
Market Position Top 3 healthcare AI companies in India

Graph 1: Annual Revenue Growth Graph 2: Annual customer base growth

R e ve n u e i n m i l l i o n U SD Nu m b e r o f h e a lt h c a r e p r o vid e r
60 c lie n t s
30 100
20 50
10 0
0 Year - Year - Year - Year - Year -
2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

Capabilities and Resources of Innovatix: -

Table 2: Capabilities and Resources of Innovatix Corp

Capabilities and
R&D Investment $10 million (annual)
Skilled Workforce 40% with advanced degrees
Intellectual Property 15 registered patents
Technology Partnerships Collaborations with IITs and healthcare research institutions
Data Centers 3 state-of-the-art data centers
Funding Rounds Successfully completed Series A and B funding rounds, raising $30 million
Customer Feedback 90% customer satisfaction rate
AI Model Library Extensive library with 50+ pre-trained AI models
Strategic Alliances Partnerships with major healthcare equipment manufacturers
Market Expansion Plans A dedicated strategy team with plans to expand into new industries

These data points provide insights into the financial, human, and technological resources that Innovatix
Corp has at its disposal, as well as its strategic direction. Participants can use this information to assess
the company's readiness and potential for success in a new industry.

Potential Industries to tap into: -

1. Transportation and Logistics:

• Scope: AI can be used for route optimization, demand forecasting, predictive

maintenance of vehicles and infrastructure, autonomous vehicles, and supply chain
management. In transportation, AI has the potential to reduce fuel consumption,
enhance safety, and improve overall efficiency.

2. Education:

• Scope: AI in education can offer personalized learning experiences, automate

administrative tasks, assess student performance, and develop adaptive curricula. It can
provide real-time feedback, enable remote learning, and enhance the effectiveness of
educational institutions.

3. Retail and E-Commerce:

• Scope: AI can be applied to optimize inventory management, offer personalized product

recommendations, improve customer service through chatbots, enhance fraud
detection, and automate supply chain logistics. In retail, AI can lead to increased sales
and improved customer satisfaction.

4. Financial Services:

• Scope: AI can be used for fraud detection, risk assessment, algorithmic trading,
customer service chatbots, and credit scoring. It has the processes and enhances
security, streamline processes, and offer better financial insights to clients.

5. Energy and Utilities:

• Scope: AI can optimize energy consumption, enhance predictive maintenance of

infrastructure, improve grid management, and enable more efficient distribution of
resources. In the energy sector, AI can contribute to sustainability and cost reduction.

These industries represent diverse opportunities for Innovatix Corp to apply its AI expertise. Participants
in the competition can evaluate each industry based on factors such as market demand, competition,
and alignment with the company's capabilities and resources to determine which one offers the most
promising avenue for expansion.

Industry CAGR (%) prediction Pros of AI Cons of AI
Autonomous vehicles, route
Job displacement,
Transportations optimization, predictive
5.1 6.8 ethical concerns,
and logistics maintenance, reduced costs,
safety risks
improved efficiency
Personalized learning,
Job displacement,
adaptive teaching, improved
Education 4.8 6.3
student outcomes, reduced
ethical concerns,
bias in algorithms
Personalized shopping
Job displacement,
Retail and e- experiences, optimized
8.2 9.5 ethical concerns,
commerce inventory management,
bias in algorithms
improved customer service
Fraud detection, risk
Job displacement,
Financial assessment, personalized
5.5 6.6 ethical concerns,
services financial advice, reduced
financial instability
Demand forecasting, energy Job displacement,
Energy and
4.1 5.4 efficiency, predictive ethical concerns,
utilities maintenance, reduced costs cybersecurity risks

Problem Statement: -
Your task is to lead the company's strategic expansion. You must conduct market research, define a
market entry strategy, establish promotion and budgeting plans, and make a pivotal decision: which
industry to enter, how to enter: acquisition, partnerships, or in-house development, whether to
introduce new products tailored to the chosen industry or adapt existing offerings. Success hinges on
your ability to navigate challenges, leverage opportunities, and set Innovatix Corp on a path to excellence
in this dynamic and evolving landscape. Also mention challenges that can be faced by the firm while
venturing into the selected industry.

Evaluation Criteria:

• Depth and clarity of analysis

• Feasibility and innovation of recommendations
• Ethical and customers-centric considerations
• Financial viability
• Presentation skills

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