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Gabriel School, Murise

First Evaluation, 2023

F.M – 60

P.M – 24

Class – 7 Subject- Grammar

A. Answer the following. (10m)

1. What is a noun?
2. What are the seven types of adjectives?
3. Mention the three degrees of comparison.
4. State any six kinds of pronouns.
5. What is a sentence?
B. Do as directed. (5x1=5)
1. The boy’s mother scolded him. (rewrite the sentence changing the gender.)
2. Neelam’s ring is very precious. (underline the nouns in the sentence, mention their case.)
3. The host escorted the nun and her mare. (rewrite the sentence changing the gender.)
4. A parliament of sheep grazed around the farm. (rewrite the sentence using the correct collective
5. Shibu’s car was a Rolls-Royce. (underline the noun and mention their case.)
C. Transform the verbs into nouns by adding suitable suffixes. (5x1=5)
1. Agree
2. Reflect
3. Confuse
4. Press
5. Bless
D. Underline the adjectives and write it’s types. (5x1=5)
1. What a great idea! __________________________
2. There are four chambers on the second floor. _______________
3. Whose letter is lying on the table? _____________
4. There is enough milk in the bottle. ____________________
5. The new teacher manages her class smartly. ______________
E. Add suffix to the given words to form adjectives. (5x=5)
1. Price
2. Pity
3. Need
4. Book
5. Sense
F. Circle the reflexive pronouns and underline the emphatic pronouns.(5x1=5)
1. The barber cut himself while shaving.
2. We usually lie to ourselves.
3. He gave himself three weeks to lose weight.
4. He himself washed the car.
5. Suwana herself told me that she was feeling sleepy.
G. Identify the subject and object pronouns. Label them. (5x1=5)
1. I learn more than he does. _________
2. Did they speak to him? _____________
3. I think that woman behind you is a thief. _________
4. Can you help me solve this puzzle. _________
5. Why did you approach me for the role? ____________
H. Choose the correct interrogative pronouns to complete each of the following. (5x1=5)
1. _________ wants to come with me?
(a) Which (b) what (c) who
2. ________ work is this?
(a) Whom (b) what (c)whose
3. By _______ was the painting drawm?
(a) Whom (b) what (c) which
4. ________ do you mean by this statement?
(a) Who (b) what (c) whom
5. _________ of the girls can run the fastest?
(a) Which (b) whom (c) whose
I. Identify whether each sentence is declarative, interrogative, imperative or exclamatory. (6x1=6)
1. My sister gave me flowers for no reason. _________
2. Stop twisting the rope like that! ___________
3. What a beautiful portrait! __________
4. Have you brushed your teeth today? ________
5. Ravi Dahl had a great imagination. ___________
6. Brush your hair before going to sleep. __________
J. Complete each sentence by adding a question tag. (9x1=9)
1. Andrew can’t ride a bike, _________?
2. They didn’t play very well, _________?
3. We shouldn’t look at the answer first, ________?
4. This isn’t the right answer, _________?
5. Your sister is very pretty, _________?
6. The tunnel will be very dark, _________?
7. That isn’t the right answer, _________?
8. You’ve already seen that movie, _________?
9. They are late, _________?


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