G4G23 - Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

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Climate Change Mitigation

Lightning Talks

October 2023 | #GeoForGood23


1. Yifang Ban, KTH Royal Institute of Technology

2. Atreyee Saha, Pune Knowledge Cluster
3. George Porto Ferreira, The University of British Columbia
4. Mar Roca Mora, CSIC
5. Avi Putri Pertiwi, German Aerospace Center (DLR)
6. Mayumi Cursino de Moura Hirye, Lab.Quapá-USP
7. Takuto Shimode, MITSUI & CO., LTD.
8. Isaiah Lyons-Galante, University of Colorado Boulder
9. Patrik Blohmé and Brian Ho, Google
10. Jeff Cardille, McGill University

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

AI & GEE-powered insights for wildfire

monitoring and biomass loss/CO2 emission
Yifang Ban, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
& Digital Futures, Stockholm, Sweden

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Wildfires in Canada: 2023
6,132 fires, burned 16.5 million hectares of land

©CTV News

©Darryl Dyck/The Canadian Press/AP

Wildfires, Biomass Loss, CO2 Emission & Air Quality

©CBC News

Early Warnings for All
The UN Global Early Warning Initiative for the Implementation of Climate Adaptation

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Research Objectives

● AI & GEE-Powered Wildfire Monitoring

○ Leveraging AI and GEE to monitor wildfires using
multi-sensor satellite images

● Estimation of Biomass Loss from Wildfires

○ Estimating biomass loss from wildfires in GEE

● Estimation of CO/CO2 Emissions from Wildfires

○ Estimating CO/CO2 Emissions from Wildfires in

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Multi-Sensor EO Time Series for Wildfire Monitoring

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Fully Supervised Learning
cannot be well generalized across geographical regions

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Unsupervised Geospatial Domain Adaptation (GDA)

Geo for Good Summit 2023

GDA: Improved Generalization Across Regions

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Conditional Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models for
Super-Resolution Image Generation

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Preliminary Result

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Global Ecosystem Dynamics Investigation (GEDI)
Aboveground Biomass

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Aboveground Biomass in Canada

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Aboveground Biomass Loss from Wildfires in Canada

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Global Aboveground Biomass

Carrying P-band SAR, the Biomass mission is designed to deliver crucial information about the state of our
forests and how they are changing, and to further our knowledge of the role forests play in the carbon cycle.


Geo for Good Summit 2023

CO/CO2 Emissions from Wildfires in Canada

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Global CO/CO2 Emissions from Wildfires

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Global CO/CO2 Emissions from Wildfires in 2023

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

How Google tools are used for accounting

current carbon stock and developing a
model to predict carbon sequestration
potential for 2030 for the city of Pune, India
Atreyee Saha, Pune Knowledge Cluster

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Geo for Good Summit
Geo for Good Summit 2023
NDVI 2017 distribution
Geo for Good Summit 2023
Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

In off, I am doing more alerts - information of

forests, Individualized approach for metrics
on deforestation occurrences in global
monitoring alerts
George Porto Ferreira, The University of British Columbia

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Imagery Google ©2023 Landsat / Copernicus
Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Imagery Google ©2023 Landsat / Copernicus
in the last 5 years…

more than 300 000 satellite alerts… …on average, 170 per day

…but sometimes more than 1000 per day

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Deforestation alerts: DETER/INPE - Imagery Google ©2023 Landsat / Copernicus
of forests,
approach for
metrics on
in global
monitored alerts
Geo for Good Summit 2023
4000 hectares
in 10 months
in 5 months
More Information? 2023

Better Information!

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Geo for Good Summit 2023 Geo-information Science and Remote Sensing Lab
Comprehensive view of deforestation dynamics
Metrics generation
Better information
● Speed
● Shape
● Expected final size
● Completeness index
● Persistence
● Age
Thank you!


More info + sample data @ https://osf.io/e5ub2/

Geo for Good Summit 2023
Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

Mapping the biggest blue carbon sequester

organism using Sentinel-2 and Google Earth
Mar Roca Mora, CSIC

Geo for Good Summit 2023

We need to store more carbon!
Blue Carbon, what?! Natural Carbon Sinks

“Biologically driven carbon fluxes and storage in marine


systems that are amenable to management. Coastal blue 28 trillion EUR year
carbon focuses on rooted vegetation in the coastal zone.”

Coastal vegetation stock of the

50% annually absorbed oceanic carbon
Sequestration rates 35x faster
than tropical forests!

Loss of 30%! 25% Support of global biodiversity

Coastal ecosystems under

“Oceans are losing a football field of seagrass
every 30 minutes”


(UNEP, 2020)

Posidonia oceanica

Ranks among the most productive

of all marine ecosystems Anchoring
Release Sequestered C

Highest C sequestration rate

among all seagrasses in the world

Google Earth Engine platform

3500 images


Blue Carbon Accounting

Multi-temporal composite
Sentinel-2 (2016-2022)

Reference data


Overall accuracy = 92,5%




505 Km2
Seagrass extent
How much Carbon? How to transfer values?

48 samples:

Global Carbon Stock dataset

505 Km2 ccu

Seagrass extent
Blue carbon accounting
Synergy between Earth Observation scalable
solutions and in situ carbon data:

Accelerate effective
policy-marking BCC value for the Balearic Islands (Mg CO₂)

California: 900.000.000 $
Generate a baseline for
Blue Carbon Credits European Union: 2.740.000.000 €
Thank you! Questions?

PhD Candidate
Aquatic Remote Sensing (CSIC, Spain)

Mar Roca Mora

Collaborator BSc Oceanography, MSc GIS, Data
Global Seagrass Watch (DLR, Berlin) Science & Coastal Management

Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

Global Seagrass Watch: Cloud Computing for

Seagrass Ecosystem Accounting
Avi Putri Pertiwi, German Aerospace Center (DLR)

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Our GEE App
Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

Teamwork to plant tiny-forests in public

Mayumi Cursino de Moura Hirye, Lab.Quapá-USP

Geo for Good Summit 2023


Implemented tiny-forests

11 tiny-forests

10,000 trees

100 native species of Atlantic Forest

5.500 square meters

246 tCO2/year

5,400 students

49,000 people in schools’ communities

São Paulo
formigas-de-embaúba + MapBiomas Urbano


Map suitable areas for planting tiny-forests in public

schools in the city of São Paulo

Suitable areas:
- Larger than 140 m2
- No pavement, no buildings and no tree cover
- Slope lower than 20%
- Inserted in schools' plots, but also in the school’
blocks, in its surroundings (500m) and in nearby
public areas
formigas-de-embaúba + MapBiomas Urbano

Mapping methodology
I. Suitable areas
II. Association between
points of schools,
Educational Census Data
(INEP, 2021)
and plot limits

Year: 2021
Script: ClassRFTodas_r4
formigas-de-embaúba + MapBiomas Urbano

Mapping methodology
I. Suitable areas
II. Association between
points of schools,
Educational Census Data
(INEP, 2021)
and plot limits

Dialogue with Formigas’ team

I. Google Earth App to visualize results
II. Training volunteers to validate results
formigas-de-embaúba + MapBiomas Urbano


2.636 Public schools in São Paulo city

2.050 Publics school with complete data (info and geometry)

643 Publics school with suitable areas (machine learning)

335 Publics school with suitable areas (human inspection)

247.000 m2 potential for tiny forests

11.040 tCO2/year
Tiny Forests


Schools’ community :
principal, teachers, Financial
students, parents, supporters
Municipality / State,
Department of
MapBiomas Urbano
Teamwork to plant
tiny-forests in public

Institutional Support
Thank you !

Mayumi Hirye [Urbanized Areas]


Julia Cansado
julia.cansado@alumni.usp.br @mapbiomasbrasil

Gabriela Ribeiro
Rafael Ribeiro
rafael.ribeiro@formigas-de-embauba.org.br Earth Engine YouTube video

October, 2023 @formigasdeembauba

Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

Satellite data utilization in the creation of

Japanese forest J-credits
Takuto Shimode, MITSUI & CO., LTD.

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Sustainable Forestry: Our Vision and Assets in Japan
We are a diversified trading and investment company involved in various forestry projects worldwide.
Within Japan, we own extensive forest assets totaling 44,000 hectares, with the goal of establishing a
sustainable ecosystem.

Our Vision: A Self-Sustaining Cycle of

Locations of Our Forestry Assets Across Japan Forest Value and Economic Return
Sustainability | About Mitsui's Forests - MITSUI & CO., LTD.
Japan's Forest J-Credit System: The Need for On-Site Verification
Japan's J-credit system rewards CO2 absorption through proper forest management like thinning. On-site
verification is needed by the system and is increasingly vital in a world skeptical of unvalidated credits.

Monitoring “Implementation status of forest

management practices of forest protection”.

Essential for ensuring the

quality of credits, a
growing global concern.

Overview of the J-Credit Scheme

Methodologies|J-CREDIT SCHEME (japancredit.go.jp)
The Challenges of Large-Scale Verification
While on-site verification is crucial for issuing transparent credits, it's often impractical for large-scale
projects to conduct exhaustive field checks.

Schematic map of forest distribution in Okayama,

Japan, covering over 7,000 square kilometers with
thousands of forest sites. Each site takes nearly an
hour to reach by car, making comprehensive on-site
verification for large-scale projects challenging.

Note: Map is not a true representation of actual forest


Schematic Representation of Forest Distribution in Okayama Prefecture
The Limitations of On-Site Verification and the Role of Satellite Analysis
Even with on-site visits, what we can confirm is limited to the presence of forests. For efficient and
comprehensive verification, satellite analysis is the optimal solution.

Satellite analysis:

The efficient and

comprehensive solution
for forest verification.

A Typical Forest Site: Difficult to Assess Comprehensively On-Site #GeoForGood23

Leveraging Land Classification for Effective Verification
Confirmation of current status based on land classification maps in near-real time (using Dynamic World).

Near-Real-Time Land Classification Using Dynamic World Data #GeoForGood23

Enhanced Land Classification: Capturing Detailed Changes

By refining the land classification model, we can now detect even more detailed changes, such as the
formation of road networks within forests. However, this also increases the noise in the model, requiring
careful balance adjustments.

Aerial Image

Dynamic World Classification: Time-Averaged Maximum Probability Result Custom Classification: Our Refined Approach

Harnessing Time-Series Data for Robust Monitoring
We are actively exploring the use of time-series analysis and change detection at the pixel level. This
enhances our monitoring precision and robustness.

Time-Series Analysis Results for a Specific Pixel

Aerial Photo Overlaid with Pixels Indicating
Change: The monochrome tones from white
to black represent the years in which
changes were observed.
Monitoring temperate forest degradation on Google Earth Engine using Landsat time series analysis - ScienceDirect
Satellite & Human: Manual Comprehensive Checks
While satellite image analysis enhances our understanding, its accuracy is not 100%. We complement
this with manual verification, utilizing our custom verification tool on GEE.

Custom Verification Tool for Each Polygon Created on Google Earth Engine
Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

Assessing Economic Impact of Mini-grid

Development in Africa Using Remote Sensing
Isaiah Lyons-Galante, University of Colorado Boulder

Geo for Good Summit 2023

The challenges that keep me up at night…
Energy inequity and data scarcity

A lack of electricity access in Sub-Saharan Africa Ensuring new electrification is carbon-forward

Fewer than 1 in 3 rural households in SSA have access As 600M+ people get connected in future years,
to electricity. Even fewer have reliable power. We are promoting the development of renewable energy could
not on pace to meet the UN’s SDGs by 2030. offset 5 megatonnes of CO2 emissions annually

Data source: World Bank

Solar mini-grids! These 3000 watts of solar panels and 18 kilowatt-hours of
batteries power 50 homes and businesses connected in a
mini-grid in a village in Tanzania.
I took this photo in 2016.

I am left to wonder…
How does building a mini-grid change a rural community over many years? Can we use remote sensing to study this change?

That same village from space on

August 28, 2023

Google Earth
Timelapses of Sierra Leone at National Level
What I have found so far…
Nightlight data has a ton of noise!

What I am planning to do next…
Apply deep learning models to day time imagery to predict household survey results

Aggregate household survey

data from USAID & extract
key indicators

Train a deep learning model

to predict economic
outcomes anywhere (CNN,

Compare villages before and

after mini-grid construction
with unelectrified villages

Figure from Jean et al. 2016

Thank you!

University of Colorado Boulder

Graduate Student
Boulder, CO USA

National Renewable Energy Lab

Research Assistant
Golden, CO USA

Isaiah Lyons-Galante Interested in talking about about how to use remote

sensing and GeoAI to study international development?
Email me at isaiah.lyons-galante@colorado.edu!

Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

How generative design features for more

sustainable building outcomes
Patrik Blohmé and Brian Ho, Google

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Google Earth
How it works

+ =
“Canvas”: Digital twin & No-code tools & Rich, multidimensional
Google data User data Earth Project
Unique global datasets that is Collect, import and visualize data in These maps are used to
accessible to all - on all common context of Earth, then measure, communicate location context,
platforms annotate and analyze data. enable planning, take action and
coordinate operations in the real
Google Earth

How Earth Projects are used

Sustainability usage is spread across
many different focus areas:
Visualization Collaboration
Carbon / greenhouse gas inventory
Clean energy
Natural Disaster response
Analysis Planning
Sustainable land use planning
Ecosystems & Conservation
Protected area management
Monitoring Sustainable water management
Wetland mitigation
Forest management and inventory
Earth Project Decision making Communication Deforestation monitoring and reporting
Rich, Multidimensional Climate adaptation
& multilayered Sustainable urban development
What is Delve?

Delve is a generative design tool, that

leverages cloud computing and
simulation to help real estate
development teams uncover design
options that both leverage sustainable
strategies and are financially feasible -
and use these insights to gain project
funding and approvals.

Users can examine far more sites with far

greater rigor, across financial, quality of
life, sustainability and regulatory factors
and get projects built with more
sustainable outcomes.
Delve Outputs: Sustainable by Design
Designing for program outcomes and quality of life affects sustainability outcomes, and vice versa

1 2 3 4 5
Yield and Design Quality Financial Sustainable
Program Priorities of Life Outcomes Outcomes

Program mix Parcelization Views Construction cost Solar Yield

Building types Zoning Daylight Capital value EUI

Leasable area Massing Walkability Net profit Transportation

Unit mix Circulation Sun hours Profit on cost Embodied

Open space Parking Amenities Land value Operational

— Also impacts carbon output of the built environment

Delve & Earth
Interventions in the built environment - the completed user journey

Delve & Earth
Interventions in the built environment - the completed user journey

Search Evaluate Design Iterate Export

Search for ideal Opportunity Options that are With feedback Artifacts for the
land using across a variety optimized across from regulatory, next stages of
multiple data of outcomes financial, financial, development and
points to regulatory, landowner & drive alignment
establish sustainability and community
context design stakeholders

Sign up to
Scan the QR code to learn more about
the Delve product integration in Google
Earth and sign up for a limited, free

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Climate Change Mitigation Lightning Talks

Earth Engine Fundamentals and Applications

Jeff Cardille, McGill University

And 100 others!

Geo for Good Summit 2023

Free Open-Access Book! bit.ly/EEFA
Online and paper

● Fundamentals and Applications

● Published last week!
● 55 chapters, ~100 authors
● 1200 pages (!) bit.ly/EEFApdf
● Intended for all skill levels
● Varied set of volunteer authors
● Vetted code repository
● 400+ chapter reviews
● SpringerOpen publishing
● Live Video Series

ef a - b o ok . o r g

Who made Cloud-based Remote Sensing with Google Earth Engine?
Nearly 100 Earth Engine community members with varying geographic locations, domain expertise, career stages, sectors, & teaching objectives.

And 70 more! 10
October 16 1130AM ET - 1PM ET A3.2 Mangroves
What’s next here at G4G? 1PM ET - 2:30PM ET
October 23 1130AM ET - 1PM ET A3.1 Active fire monitoring
Demo station: 1PM ET - 2:30PM ET A1.2 Urban Environments

Come see authors

A3.8 Detecting Land Cover
October 30 1130AM ET - 1PM ET Change in Rangelands

and their chapters

1PM ET - 2:30PM ET A1.3 Built Environments
A3.9 Conservation I - Assessing
the spatial relationship between
at the demo station November 6 1130AM ET - 1PM ET burned area and precipitation
A3.4 Forest Degradation and

today! 6-6:30 1PM ET - 2:30PM ET

November 13 1130AM ET - 1PM ET

1PM ET - 2:30PM ET
1) Catch a video taping:
A3.6 Working With GPS &
● Sign up for live Zoom walk-through:
November 20 1130AM ET - 1PM ET Weather Data
Oct 16…Mangroves!
A3.7 Creating Presence and
● https://www.eefabook.org/videos.html
1PM ET - 2:30PM ET Absence Points
November 27 1130AM ET - 1PM ET A2.2 Benthic Habitats
2) Using it for a class? Send me the syllabus!
1PM ET - 2:30PM ET A1.7 Humanitarian Applications
A3.5 Deforestation Viewed from
December 4 1130AM ET - 1PM ET Multiple Sensors
3) Try it!
www.eefa-book.org 1PM ET - 2:30PM ET #GeoForGood23

Thank you!

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