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1) What is the use of energy? / What is energy used to do?

Nothing can work without energy. We use energy for everything we do, such as playing video
games on the computer, watching television, turning lights on in our house , warming our houses,
driving our cars, trains, buses, planes, etc...

2) What is energy ?

Energy is the ability to make changes and transformations.

3) What are the main types of energy?

There are many forms of energy such as light, sound, thermal, electric , nuclear, chemical,
elastic, but they can all be put into two categories: potential and kinetic.

4) What is potential energy?

It is stored energy. For example: nuclear, chemical, gravitational and elastic energy.

5) What is kinetic energy?

It is moving energy. For example: electric, waves, light, sound and thermal energy.

6) What is mechanical energy?

Mechanical energy is the total energy of a system, kinetic and potenctial energy.

7) Is always energy in the same form ?

We change it from one form of energy into another. One form of energy can be transferred to
another form but the total amount of energy is constant ( conservation of the energy ).

8) How many types of transference of energy are there?

There are only two ways to transfer energy from a system to another: work and heat

9) What is work?

It is the energy transferred by forces.

10) What is heat?

It is the energy transferred to a body due to a difference in temperatures.

11) How many types of energy resources are there?

There are two types: renewable and nonrenewable

Renewable . They are energy sources that we can use over and over again. For example: solar,
wind, geothermal, hydroenergy, biomass and ocean energy.
Nonrenewable . They are energy sources that we are using up and cannot recreate in a short
period of time. For example: oil, natural gas, coal and nuclear energy.

12) What are the advantages and disadvantages of renewable sources of energy?

- They do not contaminate . - They are irregular and they are not always available.
- They can be used over and over again. - Some of them are expensive.

13) What are the advantages and disadvantages of nonrenewable sources of energy?

- They are usually cheap. - They contaminate and can seriously damage the
- They are regular and available. environment.
- They cannot be used over and over again, they have a
limited period of time.

14) Indicate how we could save energy.

a) Turn off lights, computers, TV and other electrical stuff when you are not using it.
b) Replace regular light bulbs with energy saving compact fluorescent light bulbs.
c) Do not leave the refrigerator door or windows opened .
d) Taking a short shower instead of a long bath can help save energy.
e) Close the curtains during hot summer days to block the sun. During the winter, keep the
curtains open.
f) Turn off dripping faucets .
g) Try to use cold water in the washing machine and fill it completely.

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