Ae21 Ae22 New Sorg v7 Fs

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Configuration Document

Project : Global SAP Support

OLAM/EG/SAP SD– Configuration Document

Document details

Document Category Configuration Document

Document title SD Configuration Document
Team SD
Project AE21 and AE22 Sales Org setup

Document Versions

Date Versio Author Status – Description

21.06.2023 1.0 M Dhivya AE21 and AE22 Sales Org setup
28.06.2023 2.0 M Dhivya PP determination
21.07.2023 3.0 M Dhivya FSCM Setup
25.07.2023 4.0 M Dhivya Modify FSCM setup
13.08.2023 5.0 M Dhivya Modify Operating grp , table entries
22.09.2023 6.0 M Dhivya To extend division 00 to Sorg AE21 and AE22
18.10.2023 7.0 M Dhivya To modify PP for sorg AE22 and removal of
sales area combination

TR NO TR Description

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INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................... 3
I............................................................................................ SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT 3
II. DOCUMENT OBJECTIVES............................................................................................... 3
III....................................................................................................... TARGET AUDIENCE 3

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I. Scope of the Document

The Controlling System Document contains the configuration details of OLAM OFI Egypt for
SD related configuration of new Cocoa trading sales organization and assignments.

II. Document Objectives

The objective of this document is to provide important configuration details of the module to
enable the application system administrator(s)/ authorized users in maintaining the system.
It is recommended that not more than two key users be identified as the application system

III. Target Audience

This document is meant for the application system administrators, who are responsible for
maintaining the SD system. It may be noted that the document is consistent with the
system settings on the date of document (date on the title page). It is the responsibility of
the application system administrators to keep this document updated and consistent with
any further configuration done.

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1.Define, copy, delete, check sales organization

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure DefinitionSales

and DistributionDefine, copy, delete, check sales
organizationDefine Sales Organization
Transaction Code

Copy from SG10 sales organization as reference & create new sales organization AE21

Field Name Address

Sales Organization AE21
Description Emp. Int. - OPG.
Statistics currency AED
Title Company
Name1 Empressa International OPG
Operating Group OGA

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Street Dubai Airport Freezone Authority (DAFZA)

Street 4
Postal Code
Country AE
Time Zone UTC+3
Language EN (English)

1.Define, copy, delete, check sales organization

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure DefinitionSales

and DistributionDefine, copy, delete, check sales
organizationDefine Sales Organization
Transaction Code

Copy from SG10 sales organization as reference & create new sales organization AE22

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Field Name Address

Sales Organization AE22
Description Emp. Int. - ORG.
Statistics currency AED
Title Company
Name1 Empressa International ORG
Operating Group OGA
Street Dubai Airport Freezone Authority (DAFZA)
Street 4
Postal Code
Country AE
Time Zone UTC+3
Language EN (English)


1. Assign sales organization to company code

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment

Sales and Distribution Assign sales organization to
company code
Transaction Code

Assign sales organization AE21 , AE22 to company code AE16.

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2.Assign distribution channel to sales organization

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment

Sales and Distribution Assign distribution channel to
sales organization
Transaction Code

Assign sales org. AE21 , AE22 to distribution channels 01, 02, 08 & 09.

3.Assign division to sales organization

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment

Sales and Distribution Assign division to sales
Transaction Code

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4. Set up sales area

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment

Sales and Distribution Set up sales area
Transaction Code

Sales areas to be set up.

SOrg. DChl Dv
AE21 01 18
AE21 02 18
AE21 08 18
AE21 09 18
AE22 01 19
AE22 02 19
AE22 08 19
AE22 09 19

5. Create and Assign sales office to sales area

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment

Sales and Distribution Assign sales office to sales area
Transaction Code

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SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Definition Sales and Distribution Define sales office
and sales group

Sales office Description

AE21 Emp. Int. - OPG
AE22 Emp. Int. - ORG

Sales Group Description

ZW6 Palm Sgrp
ZW5 Rubber Sgrp

SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment Sales and Distribution Assign

sales office to sales area

SOrg D Soff
. DChl v
AE21 01 18 AE21
AE21 02 18 AE21
AE21 08 18 AE21
AE21 09 18 AE21
AE22 01 19 AE22
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AE22 08 19 AE22
AE22 09 19 AE22
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Project : Global SAP Support
OLAM/EG/SAP SD– Configuration Document

6. SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment Sales and Distribution Assign

sales group to sales office

Assign sales organization - distribution channel – plant

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment

Sales and Distribution Assign sales organization -
distribution channel - plant
Transaction Code

7. Business area account assignment

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment 

Sales and Distribution  Business Area Account
Assignment  Define Rules By Sales Area

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Transaction Code

Business area determination rule to be entered as follows.

Sales Distribution Division Name Bs.area

Organizatio Channel determ.rule

AE21 01 18 Palm Oil 1

AE21 02 18 Palm Oil 1
AE21 08 18 Palm Oil 1
AE21 09 18 Palm Oil 1
AE22 01 19 Rubber 1
AE22 02 19 Rubber 1
AE22 08 19 Rubber 1
AE22 09 19 Rubber 1

8. Define Common Distribution Channels

IMG Menu SPROIMG Sales and Distribution Master

DataDefine Common Distribution Channels
Transaction Code

For sales org AE21 and AE22 entries to be maintianed as mentioned below.

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Define Common Divisions

IMG Menu SPROIMG Sales and Distribution Master

DataDefine Common Divisions
Transaction Code

Division needs to be maintained as mentioned below.

Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types

IMG Menu SPROIMG Sales and Distribution SalesSales

DocumentsSales Document HeaderAssign Sales
Area To Sales Document Types
Transaction Code

Combine sales organizations

Change the reference sales org of AE21 sales org to AE21

Combine distribution channels

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Combine divisions

Change reference divisions as mentioned below.

Assign sales order types permitted for sales areas

Please assign as mentioned in below reference sheet. Please refer to excel attached-
sheet-Sales Doc Setup

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Define Pricing Procedure Determination

IMG Menu SPROIMG Sales and Distribution Basic

FunctionsPricingPricing ControlDefine And
Assign Pricing ProceduresDefine Pricing Procedure
Transaction Code

For Palm Oil (AE21 sales org):

Copy the existing sales org SG10 PP (ZPP107) and create a new PP – ZPPAE4
Similarly copy SG10 sales org PP(ZPP108) and create a new PP ZPPAE5

ZPPAE4 - Empressa - Palm Oil

ZPPAE5 - Empressa - Palm Oil CR/DR

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For Palm Oil (AE22 sales org):

Copy PP – ZPP107 and create new PP ZPPAE6 , similarly copy ZPP108 and create ZPPAE7

ZPPAE6 - Empressa - Rubber

ZPPAE7 - Empressa - Rubber -CR/DR

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Version 2.0:
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SPRO  FSCM  Credit Management  Integration with accounts receivable sales and
distribution  Integration with sales and distribution  Assign sales area to credit control area

SPRO  FSCM  Credit Management  Integration with accounts receivable sales and
distribution  Integration with sales and distribution Define Credit Segment

Assign CCA to credit segment

SPRO  FSCM  Credit Management  Integration with accounts receivable sales and
distribution  Maintain Authorizations  Risk categories

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In T.code OVA8 copy CCA – SG10 and create new CCA – AE21 , AE22

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Now mapping for sales org AE22

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SPROIMGFinancial Supply Chain Management  Credit ManagementCredit Risk

Monitoring Master Data -> Create Credit Segment

SPROIMGFinancial Supply Chain Management  Credit ManagementCredit Risk

Monitoring Credit Limit Check -> Define checking Rule

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a. Z11 - Check for Age of Oldest Open Item

Maintian the CCA with number for overdue days, invoice to be considered when creating

Maintain AE21 and AE22 sales org

Z30 – Dynamic Limit Check with Credit Horizon

Version 4.0:

Delete the previously created credit control area / Credit segment mappings
for sales org AE21 and AE22

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SPRO  FSCM  Credit Management  Integration with accounts receivable sales and
distribution  Integration with sales and distribution  Assign sales area to credit control area

SPROIMGFinancial Supply Chain Management  Credit ManagementIntegration with

Accounts Receivable Accounting and Sales and Distibution  Integration with Accounts
Receivable Accounting -> Define Credit Segment

AE25 - Emp. Int. – OPG. CS

AE26 - Emp. Int. – ORG. CS

SPROIMGFinancial Supply Chain Management  Credit ManagementIntegration with

Accounts Receivable Accounting and Sales and Distibution  Integration with Sales and
Distribution-> Define Credit Segment

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Assign CCA to credit segment

SPROIMGFinancial Supply Chain Management  Credit ManagementIntegration with

Accounts Receivable Accounting and Sales and Distibution  Integration with Account
receivables and accounting  Assign CCA and credit segment

SPROIMGFinancial Supply Chain Management  Credit ManagementIntegration with

Accounts Receivable Accounting and Sales and Distibution  Integration with Sales and
Distribution-> Assign CCA and credit segment

SPRO  FSCM  Credit Management  Integration with accounts receivable sales and
distribution  Risk categories

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In T.code OVA8 copy CCA – SG10 and create new CCA – AE25 , AE26

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Now mapping for sales org AE22

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SPROIMGFinancial Supply Chain Management  Credit ManagementCredit Risk

Monitoring Master Data -> Create Credit Segment

AE25 - AE25 Credit Control Area

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AE26 - Emp. Int. – ORG CS

SPROIMGFinancial Supply Chain Management  Credit ManagementCredit Risk

Monitoring Credit Limit Check -> Define checking Rule

a. Z11 - Check for Age of Oldest Open Item

Maintian the CCA with number for overdue days, invoice to be considered when creating

Maintain AE25 and AE26 Credit segment

Z30 – Dynamic Limit Check with Credit Horizon

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Version 5.0:

Operating group to be updated for sales org – AE21 as OGH instead of OGA.


Company Code – AE16

Sorg – AE21 and AE22
Bill Type – ZI01

Version 6.0:

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Revert the changes from table - ZTRSDTR_POSTBLK

To remove entries of sorg – AE21 and AE22

Assign division to sales organization

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment

Sales and Distribution Assign division to sales
Transaction Code

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment

Sales and Distribution Setup sales area
Transaction Code

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IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment

Sales and Distribution Assign sales office to sales area
Transaction Code

IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment

Sales and Distribution Assign CCA to sales
Transaction Code

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IMG Menu SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment 

Sales and Distribution  Business Area Account
Assignment  Define Rules By Sales Area
Transaction Code

IMG Menu SPROIMG Sales and Distribution Master

DataDefine Common Distribution Channels
Transaction Code

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Assign Sales Area To Sales Document Types

IMG Menu SPROIMG Sales and Distribution SalesSales

DocumentsSales Document HeaderAssign Sales
Area To Sales Document Types
Transaction Code

Combine divisions

Change reference divisions as mentioned below.

Assign sales order types permitted for sales areas

Please assign as mentioned in below reference sheet. Please refer to excel attached-
sheet-Sales Doc Setup

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IMG Menu SPROIMG Sales and Distribution Basic

FunctionsPricingPricing ControlDefine And
Assign Pricing ProceduresDefine Pricing Procedure
Transaction Code

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To modify PP for sorg AE22 and removal of sales area combination.

Please find the below details to be modified.

Unassignment of sales area:

SPROIMG Enterprise Structure Assignment Sales and Distribution Set up sales area

Based on Discussion with Raveendhiran , we are proceeding to delete sales area mapping . Since
business have not yet confirmed the operating group of rubber product as OGA or OGH. But
company code comes under OGA, Due to this situation we restrict business to enter transaction
in GRP .

Delete the below highlighted entries.

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