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Naafi Sejatining Sekar | 13020119140121 | Popular Writing

"Sweetheart, I am sorry I cannot come to this dinner. "

"But the grandmother is waiting for you, mother. It has been the fourth time; you can do this.
Please, I saw that you can do it at the last dinner."

The eldest, Elliot, has to calm his mother again. He is only twelve years old, to be trained as
the next successor of Burbaine while taking care of his mother.

“Elliot, I want you to come with me. I know it is also hard for you. Let's leave, shall we?”

“Mother, I can’t. I have a responsibility to the kingdom. Helena is also still a child. Please,
mother. Please stay, at least for me, and Helena.”

Princess Claire smiles in the most deeply concerning way. She took a deep breath and held
Elliot tightly.

Night after night, Princess Claire has to fight the demon inside her. The demon has grown
bigger and stronger. The demon that tore her dress and ruined all the jewels on her dresser.
The demon that melts down her expression. The demon that gnawed half of Claire's soul,
whose about to die.

Tonight is the birthday of Prince Alistair of Burbaine. As in previous years, the royal family
will host a dinner for the celebration. Princess Claire knew there would be grave
consequences if she were not present again. However, Princess Claire could no longer
resist the urge to get out of all this. Not with the ruby necklace, which is a testament to her
humiliation by the birthday prince who never loves her. The ruby necklace that Prince Alistair
also gives to his beloved Ilona.

That evening, the demon wins. Princess Claire never shows up at the dinner, causing Her
Majesty the Queen to be furious. However, her demon wins. Claire Chryses Blackwood
chooses to end the royalty gifted to her. She gave up the glamor of life as the Princess of
Burbaine. She gave up her only reason to stay there, her dearest children. Her love for
Alistair was nothing but a pure mistake. The gift has always been a deadly curse.

She chooses to live a free life without any restraint. She chooses the poor life that makes her
happy. The life the royals could never take and missed whenever there were chances.

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