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Week 11 Chapter 10

Ans1: The Vanier Institute of the Family defines “family” as:

Any combination of two or more persons who are bound together
over time by ties of mutual consent, birth and/or adoption or
placement and who, together, assume responsibilities for variant
combinations of some of the following:

 Physical maintenance and care of group members

 Addition of new members through procreation or
 Socialization of children
 Social control of members
 Production, consumption, distribution of goods and
 Affective nurturance – love

Ans2: Increasing divorce rates have led to a sense of uncertainty and

hesitancy towards marriage, causing some individuals to delay or
avoid it altogether. This, along with changing societal attitudes and
economic factors, has contributed to the rise of alternative family
structures and the decline of traditional married couples as the
predominant family arrangement.

- Financial reasons and high living costs.
- Saving money for future goals.
- Cultural norms and traditions.
- Career transitions or job-related relocations.
- Providing care and support for aging parents.
- Emotional support and family closeness.
- Housing market challenges.

- Challenge traditional gender roles, promoting more egalitarian
division of household responsibilities.
- Delay marriage and childbearing as individuals prioritize education
and career pursuits.
- Emphasize individualism, potentially impacting family cohesion and
collective decision-making.
- Influence family size and dynamics as attitudes towards child-
rearing evolve.
- Redefine relationships based on love, respect, and companionship
rather than purely practical considerations.
- Contribute to a diverse range of family structures in modern society.

1. Language barriers and difficulty in communicating effectively.
2. Cultural adjustment and adapting to new customs and social
3. Employment challenges and difficulty in finding jobs.
4. Access to education and ensuring children's smooth transition into
5. Housing and financial concerns.
6. Lack of social support and establishing a sense of belonging.
7. Navigating the healthcare .
8. Dealing with complex legal and immigration issues.
9. Facing racism and discrimination in the new country.
10. Adjusting to new transportation systems and mobility options.

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