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Periodontology 2000, Voi.

21, 1999, 106-124 Coavrinht 0 Munksgaard I999

Printed in Denmark All rights reserved
ISSN 0906-6713

Oral mucosal lesions caused by -

infective microorganisms
I. Viruses and bacteria

The purpose of this chapter is to concisely review review, the lesions of infective stomatitis are categor-
oral lesions that are caused by viruses and bacteria ized according to the type of microorganism causing
infecting the oral tissues. In this context we adhere the infection. The literature reports on bacterial
to the classical concept of infection: the state of in- stomatitis, fungal stomatitis, parasitic stomatitis and
jury or damage that results from the process by viral stomatitis. This chapter presents reviews of vi-
which organisms, capable of causing disease, gain ruses and bacteria. Part I1 presents reviews of fungi
entry to the body and establish colonies.a Oral and parasites.
lesions may originate from local infections or may
represent the oral manifestations or consequences of
a systemic infection.
The oral mucosal environment is characterized by Incidence of infective stomatitis
the presence of a large complex microbiota that,
under normal circumstances, does not cause pa- Infective stomatitis is infrequently observed in the
thosis. The health status of the mouth is largely the healthy individual, but there exists an impression of
result of a balance resulting from the interaction be- an overall increase in incidence during the past few
tween microorganisms and the local defensive years due to increased incidence rates of tubercu-
mechanisms, and thus, any changes that may alter losis (189) and syphilis (55). There have also been
this interaction may lead to disease. Factors that may reports of an increased incidence of opportunistic
alter this balance include changes in the integrity of oral infections (3) and other types of oral infections
the epithelium, changes in lubrication of the mucosa (99), especially in human immunodeficiency virus
and changes in secretion of saliva. (HIV)-positivepatients.
This oral environmental balance might also be al- One may speculate that the ever-increasing use of
tered by changes in the systemic defensive posture antibiotics, an expanding population of immuno-
that result from a compromised immune system. suppressed individuals and a more mobile global
When the defensive system is temporarily weakened society are factors that have contributed to the rise
by stress, smoking and poor oral hygiene, diseases in the incidence of oral infections. By far, immuno-
such as acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis can suppression represents the major contributing fac-
ensue. Normal microbiota microorganisms can be- tor. With the appearance of HIV disease, many of the
come opportunistic pathogens in an altered oral en- previously rare diseases have reappeared and some-
vironment. times with a different presentation.
Lesions of infective origin may affect any of the The development of molecular biology techniques
oral mucosal structures: the masticatory mucosa, the and better understanding of immune mechanisms
lining mucosa and the specialized mucosa. The term have contributed significantly in the detection of
infective stomatitis, used as an inclusive term, is pre- previously unrecognized pathogens in a disease pro-
ferred to group these lesions. For the purpose of this cess. This is particularly true for virally induced dis-
Modified from: Collins dictionary of medicine. Glas- It is with this background that we review the
gow, Harper Collins. literature for oral infectious diseases.

Oral mucosal lesions caused bv infectiue microorganisms. I. Viruses and bacteria

Table 1. Oral viral infections

Strains or other names
Infection Causative virus or acronyms
Measles Measles virus
Mumps Mumps virus
Hand, foot and mouth disease Coxsackievirus (A5, A10, A16)
Herpanaina Coxsackievirus (A2-6,A10)

Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) or type 2 virus

Recurrent intraoral herpes HSV-1, HSV-2 (HHV-1, HHV-2)
Recurrent herpes labialis HSV-1, HSV-2 (HHV-1, HHV-2)
Varicella (chickenpox1 Varicella-zoster virus (HHV-3)
Shingles Varicella-zoster virus (HHV-3)
Infectious mononucleosis Epstein-Barr virus (HHV-4)
Hairy leukoplakia Epstein-Barr virus (HHV-4)

Roseola (exanthema subitum)" Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6)

Heterophil-negative infectious mononucleosis

Kaposi's sarcoma Kaposi's sarcoma herpesvirus (HHV-8)

a Oral lesions have not been reported: this is included from completion. High proportions of oral squamous carcinoma lesions have been shown to be
positive for HHV-6.
A recent report supports a role for HHV-7 in pityriasis rosea.

Infective stomatitis: 1954, preferentially infects monocytes. Measles is a

infections caused by viruses highly communicable disease transmitted by inhal-
ation of infective droplets with an incubation period
Oral lesions secondary to viral infections are rela- of 10 to 14 days. Measles remains a major cause of
tively common during an individual's lifetime. Dis- childhood mortality in developing countries (36).
eases of the infancy and childhood such as measles Measles is one of a group of vaccine-preventable dis-
and mumps are caused by an RNA virus (para- eases in which vaccination programs have greatly re-
myxoviridae) and may present oral lesions. Coxsacki- duced its incidence. It is an acute systemic condition
eviruses, a subgroup of the RNA enteroviruses, cause with a prodrome in which the patient suffers from
herpangina and hand, foot and mouth diseases, cough, conjunctivitis, fever, photophobia, rhinitis
which present oral lesions. Oral papillomas, oral ver- and Kopliks spots. Kopliks spots, the bluish-gray
rucous carcinoma and focal epithelial hyperplasia specks on a red base, are pathognomonic for
are caused by a DNA virus (human papillomavirus measles, as they appear approximately 48 hours be-
of the papovavirus family). Oral lesions are also pro- fore the irregular red-brick maculopapular skin rash.
duced by the human herpesvirus family, which are Kopliks spots appear on the mucosa next to the mo-
DNA viruses. Viruses belonging to the herpes family lar teeth and may last for 4 days. Shedding of the
are major pathogens in oral disease. A summary of measles virus starts during the prodromal stage and
oral viral infections appears in Table 1. continues through the acute stage. A recent report
has shown that laboratory confirmation of measles
Paramyxoviridae is possible using oral fluids for the detection of
measles-specific immunoglobulin M (IgM) (76). In a
Paramyxoviridae is a family of RNA viruses com- recent report, cases originally diagnosed as measles
posed of three genera: Paramyxovirus, Morbillivirus or rubella (German measles) were later diagnosed as
and Pneumovirus. primary herpesvirus 6 and herpesvirus 7 infections
Measles. An enveloped RNA virus that belongs to the
Morbillivirus genus causes measles (rubeola) (8, 74). Mumps. Mumps (epidemic parotiditis) (8, 74) is
This virus, which was first isolated in cultures in caused by the mumps virus, an RNA virus that be-

Rivera-Hidalgo& Stanford

longs to the Paramyxovirus genus. Parotid salivary Herpangina. Herpangina is caused by coxsackie-
gland infection may occur unilaterally or bilaterally, viruses A2, A3, A4, A5, A6 and A10. It features clus-
and viremia can lead to orchitis, aseptic meningitis, tered petechiae in the soft palate that become shal-
pancreatitis and oophoritis, especially in unvaccin- low ulcers in a few days and then heal. Headache,
ated individuals. Affected salivary glands may be high fever, myalgia and sore throat precede soft pal-
swollen and painful and may be accompanied by ate lesions. Treatment is palliative.
erythema and swelling of the parotid (Stensen’s)
duct. Mumps is a highly communicable disease
transmitted by inhalation of infective droplets with
an incubation period of 14 to 21 days. Similar to Papovaviridae are a family of DNA viruses that are
measles, the disease is one of a group of vaccine- responsible for producing tumors and capable of
preventable diseases, and vaccination programs transforming animal cell lines. The family is com-
have greatly reduced its incidence. posed of the Papillomavirus genus and the Polyoma-
virus genus.
Papillomavirus. The human papillomavirus is com-
Picornaviridae is a family of single-stranded nonen- posed of more than 60 serological types (39). Papil-
veloped RNA viruses composed of three genera: En- lomaviruses cause lesions in many areas of the body,
terovirus, Poliovirus and Rhinovirus. The Enterovirus including genitalia, the nasal cavity, larynx, trachea,
genus includes the coxsackievirus (A and B), echo- esophagus and the mouth. Diagnosis of papillomavi-
viruses, enteroviruses and poliovirus (types 1, 2 and rus lesions is made based on the histopathological ap-
3). pearance. Characteristic features include koilo-
cytosis, acanthosis and papillomatosis which,
Coxsackieviruses. Coxsackieviruses are antigenically coupled to the clinical appearance, suggest the infec-
divided into groups A and B comprising more than tion (39). The classical oral lesions associated with hu-
50 serotypes. Infections are more common during man papillomavirus are squamous cell papilloma (58,
the summer months and are transmitted by con- 143, 182), condyloma acuminatum (58, 1431, verruca
taminated aerosol (74). Many of these viruses can vulgaris (58, 143) and focal epithelial hyperplasia (58,
cause oropharyngeal vesiculoulcerative lesions and 143).
are clinically differentiated by the location of the Squamous cell papilloma is a cauliflower-like
lesions (47). These viruses are responsible for hand, lesion with a narrow base. It is a small, pink exophyt-
foot and mouth disease, herpangina, lymphonodular ic growth of the oral mucosa. The lesion of condylo-
pharyngitis and ulcerative oropharyngitis, all pro- ma acuminatum is similar, presenting multiple
ducing oral lesions. Lymphonodular pharyngitis fea- small, soft, pale lesions with a cauliflower-like sur-
tures orange slightly painful papules in the soft pal- face. Histologically, both lesions have the same ap-
ate while ulcerative pharyngitis produces ulcerations pearance, and human papillomavirus types 6 and 11
in the soft palate, lips and buccal mucosa (47). are involved (135, 197). Treatment is by surgical ex-
Hand, foot and mouth disease. Hand, foot and Verruca vulgaris or the common wart is a narrow
mouth disease can be caused by coxsackieviruses A5, exophytic growth, wider at the base, sessile and firm.
A10 and, most commonly, by A16. It is a disease of The lesion is usually found on the gingiva, labial mu-
children with an incubation period of 3 to 5 days, cosa, commissure, hard palate or tongue (113, 135,
but the disease has been reported in adults as well 137). Human papillomavirus types 2 and 57 have
(97). The lesions appear as ulcerations on buccal been identified in the lesions (125, 135). Treatment
mucosa (rhomboidal vesicles “square blisters” (162)) is by surgical excision.
and soft palate, often in conjunction with ulcers on Focal epithelial hyperplasia (Heck‘s disease)
the hands and feet. In the largest reported epidemic usually presents as multiple plaque-like or papular
in England and Wales during 1994, most of 950 cases lesions, flat or convex, in the mucosa mostly of
were children 1-4 years of age and disease severity children (34). The color may vary from red to gray to
was associated with the degree of mouth lesions white (135). Lesions occur on oral mucosa exclus-
(14). Treatment with acyclovir has been reported to ively (135). There may be a genetic predisposition,
be effective (162). The disease is benign and resolves and contrary to the initial reports, the condition is
in 7 to 10 days. not limited to certain ethnic groups (136). The

Oral mucosal lesions caused by infective microorganisms. I. Viruses and bacteria

lesions are benign and may resolve spontaneously. the submandibular gland (153) and HHV-8 in sali-
Human papillomavirus types 13 and 32 have been vary gland tissue (102). It has been proposed that the
implicated as causative agents (124, 135). clinical patterns of reactivation of HSV-1, HSV-2 and
Other oral lesions (135) that have been associated varicellazoster virus are different (170).
with human papillomavirus include erythroplakia
(HPV-16), proliferative verrucous leukoplakia (HPV- Herpes simplex virus types 1 and 2. The primary in-
16) (1261, candidal leukoplakia (1881, oral squamous fection with herpes simplex virus usually occurs in in-
cell carcinoma (HPV-16 and HPV-19) (9, 109, 135, fants or children and may cause a prodrome of fever,
188) and lichen planus (HPV-6, HPV-11 and HPV-16) malaise and nausea. The infection may go unnoticed,
(87, 135, 179). Overall, HPV types 2, 4, 6, 11, 13 and be subclinical or produce pharyngitis (67). Usually,
32 have been associated with benign oral lesions the infection presents vesicles on the mucosa of the
while HPV types 16 and 18 have been associated mouth and pharynx that break to produce ulcers. A
with malignant lesions (58). Transmission of the vi- generalized marginal gingivitis may occur in conjunc-
rus can occur with direct contact and from mother tion with ulcers in the alveolar mucosa and gingiva,
to child during delivery (138). and crusting of the lips is a common feature. Lesions
can occur extraorally, while systemic symptoms
usually include fever and chills. This primary herpetic
gingivostomatitis is usually accompanied by cervical
The Herpetoviridue family contains only one genus: lymphadenopathy, and it may be more severe when
Herpesvirus. Viruses of the herpes family are double- it occurs in adults (47). Disseminated herpes simplex
stranded DNA viruses transmitted from host to host virus infections have been reported with a flu-like
by direct contact with saliva or genital secretions, prodrome and a severe generalized outbreak of vesic-
where they are shed by asymptomatic hosts (67). The ulo-ulcerative lesions. The disseminated herpes sim-
herpes viruses are classified into three groups (30). plex virus infection can occur during pregnancy, and
The alpha group (subfamilyAlphuherpesvirinue) in- infants born during the course of such infection have
cludes the herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-l),the herpes a high mortality rate (196).
simplex virus 2 (HSV-2) and the varicellazoster virus. After the primary infection, the virus goes dor-
The beta group (subfamily Betuherpesvirinae) in- mant in the sensory and autonomic trigeminal or
cludes the human cytomegalovirus, while the sacral ganglia to be reactivated by certain conditions.
gamma group (subfamily Gummuherpesvirinae) in- Latent infection exists when the viral genome is
cludes the Epstein-Barr virus. The species names present in the tissue without production of infective
and the acronyms of herpes viruses used in the viral particles (169). Recurrent infections affect 20%
literature are as follows: human herpesvirus 1 (HSV- to 40% of individuals after the primary infection (67).
11, human herpesvirus 2 (HSV-21, human herpesvi- Recurrent infections with type 1herpes simplex virus
rus 3 (varicellazoster virus), human herpesvirus 4 are classically described as occurring above the
(Epstein-Barr virus), human herpesvirus 5 (human waist, whereas type 2 infections occur below the
cytomegalovirus), human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-61, waist, but either can appear in the other region.
human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7)and human herpesvi- There is regional preference of reactivation for each
rus 8 (HHV-8 or Kaposi’s sarcoma herpesvirus). virus; type 1 virus appears to arise more frequently
Herpesviruses cause a primary infection after from the trigeminal ganglia, affecting the oral cavity,
which they remain latent within the host’s cells for whereas type 2 is most often reactivated from the
the life of the individual. While latent, the virus may sacral ganglia, producing genital lesions (195). The
become reactivated and may cause symptomatic or typical appearance of intraoral recurrent lesions (re-
asymptomatic recurrent infection (160). Factors that current intraoral herpes) is of a cluster of small ul-
may trigger reactivation of the virus include trauma, cers in the attached gingiva. The initially discrete
stress, immunosuppression, immune dysfunction and usually painful ulcers may coalesce to form
and radiotherapy (22, 123). Latency is maintained larger lesions that heal in 10 to 12 days. In HIV-posi-
(67) for HSV-1, HSV-2 and varicellazoster virus in tive patients and other immunocompromised indi-
sensory nerve ganglia; Epstein-Barr virus in B viduals, atypically deep and large ulcers may occur
lymphocytes and salivary gland tissue (1131, human that persist for weeks to months.
cytomegalovirus in lymphocytes and salivary gland Herpes labialis (cold sores) is a common express-
tissue, HHV-6 in mononuclear cells in ductal epithel- ion of recurrent herpes infection. Lesions may affect
ium (192), HHV-7 in salivary gland tissue primarily the lips and perioral skin as a result of triggering of

Rivera-Hidalgo & Stanford

a latent ganglion infection, usually by ultraviolet in adults. The pruritic skin rash progresses through
radiation (96), other local stimuli, fever, emotional macules, papules, vesicles, drying vesicles and scabs,
stress or menstruation (169). Lesions appear as with healing occurring over 2 to 3 weeks. Oral lesions
closely clustered vesicles that tend to reappear in the include vesicles on the lips, hard palate and soft pal-
same area with each outbreak (170). It is interesting ate (113). After the primary infection, the virus re-
to note that, even after repeated infection, there ap- mains latent in the dorsal root ganglion (it is not
pears to be no sensory loss in the area (65). clear whether it resides in neurons or in satellite cells
Trigeminal neuralgia has been described in con- (156)) to be reactivated later.
junction with episodes of herpes labialis, suggesting Herpes zoster results from reactivation of the lat-
that the neuro-sensory abnormalities may be in- ent virus. Fever and malaise may accompany the ap-
duced by reactivation of herpes simplex virus (65). In pearance of lesions. Vesicles quickly break to form
addition, herpetic reactions may sometimes trigger ulcerated lesions with prominent red borders, re-
unilateral or bilateral facial paralysis (herpetic facial sembling apthae. Lesions are unilaterally distributed
paralysis), which may be identical to Bell’s palsy along the infected nerve (113). Paresthesia, pain and
(157). Herpetic infection of the fingers (herpetic tenderness are the initial symptoms of herpes zoster,
Whitlow) can induce painful locally severe lesions in which may appear prodromally 3-5 days before the
which surgical intervention may lead to spread of lesions (67).The infection is more frequent in elderly
the virus and is thus contraindicated (89, 90). Her- individuals, and it has been suggested that shingles
petic Whitlow was an occupational hazard for dental may signal the presence of systemic disease. When
professionals prior to initiation of universal infection reactivation occurs from the trigeminal ganglion,
control measures such as gloving for all patient care there seems to be a preference for the second or
in dental practice. Acyclovir has been recommended third divisions (67). It is not known what induces re-
in treatment of the various forms of recurrent HSV- activation, but alterations in cell-mediated immun-
1 and HSV-2 infections, but the drug appears more ity have been implicated (91). In most patients, the
predictably successful in the management of genital infection is self-limiting. Antiviral agents (acyclovir,
herpes as opposed to oral lesions. Oral lesions are valacyclovir and famciclovir (67, 130))are effective in
quite responsive to acyclovir, however, in immuno- reducing the course of the disease in varicella and in
compromised individuals (147). reducing the effects of secondary infections. Anti-
In HIV-positive patients, herpes simplex virus has viral agents should be used as early as possible in
been recovered from persistent oral ulcers in more disease development (113).
than 30% of cases (48). In another report, cultures Prolonged postherpetic neuralgia is a common af-
from 40 HIV-positive patients with persistent oral ul- termath of herpes zoster (118).It is hypothesized that
cers yielded herpes simplex virus in 19% of the cases, the neuralgia results from virally induced lesions in
cytomegalovirus in 53% and coinfection of herpes the neurons (145).Necrosis of alveolar bone followed
simplex virus and cytomegalovirus in 28% (53). In by tooth exfoliation has been described as a compli-
this study, treatment with systemic ganciclovir in cation of intraoral herpes zoster (118).
conjunction with oral acyclovir resulted in lesion res- In immunocompromised individuals, including
olution in all but one case. those with HIV, there is increased incidence and re-
Diagnosis of herpes simplex virus from lesions can currence (170) of herpes zoster infection. Chronic
be made using cultures, which take up to 10 days, or varicella occurs in HIV-positive patients and is an
by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (961, atypical persistent form of the disease. Treatment
polymerase chain reaction (65, 169) or direct immu- with intravenous acyclovir and foscarnet has been
nofluorescence. Cultures are more predictably diag- effective in controlling the infection (27). Clinical
nostic if obtained from an early vesicular lesion presentation and occurrence of complications of vi-
rather than an ulcer. rus reactivation are related to degree of immuno-
deficiency (178).
Varicella zoster virus (HHV-3). The varicella zoster
virus causes varicella (chickenpox) as a primary in- Epstein-Barr virus (HHV-4). The Epstein-Barr virus
fection mainly in children and later, in adults, its re- is transmitted by blood or saliva. Primary infection
activation causes herpes zoster (shingles). Varicella can occur at any age. It is often subclinical in
is a highly infectious disease transmitted by inhal- children. Epstein-Barr virus can cause infectious
ation of infective droplets and by direct contact with mononucleosis in adolescents and young adults.
lesions. It is self-limiting in children and more severe The symptoms of infectious mononucleosis in-

Oral mucosal lesions caused by infective microorganisnu. I. Viruses and bacteria

clude fever, lymphadenopathy (especially the pos- get for human cytomegalovirus (86). Antibody to
terior cervical chain), malaise and sore throat (phar- human cytomegalovirus is present in the serum of
yngitis). Oral ulcers, multiple palatal petechia and most homosexual men (74).
infrequently gingival ulcerations have been reported Human cytomegalovirus infection produces
(67, 113). Diagnostic tests for heterophile antibodies three recognizable clinical syndromes (74): peri-
produced by Epstein-Barr virus are available natal disease and human cytornegalovirus in-
(Monospot test). The disease is self-limiting, requir- clusion disease, acute acquired human cytoineg-
ing bed rest and analgesics, with recovery usually oc- alovirus infection and human cytomegalovirus dis-
curring in about 4 weeks. Acyclovir has not been ef- ease in immunocompromised hosts. Perinatal
fective in treatment. disease is the result of a primary infection while
Occasionally, a latent infection of Epstein-Barr vi- the mother is pregnant. The infection may affect
rus can be reactivated, leading to viral shedding into the fetus, causing severe consequences. When the
the oral mucosa. It has been hypothesized that con- infection is acquired neonatally, it resembles infec-
stant shedding can lead to infection of epithelial tious mononucleosis or it may be asymptomatic.
cells, and this may explain the appearance of oral The second syndrome is similar to infectious
hairy leukoplakia in HIV-positive patients (82). mononucleosis except that there is no (or milder)
Oral hairy leukoplakia was first described in HIV- pharyngitis associated and no production of heter-
positive homosexual men (69). Clinically, it presents ophil antibodies. The third syndrome is observed
as a white lesion most often on the ventral-lateral in immunocompromised individuals, tissue and
surface of the tongue that can be unilateral or bilat- bone marrow transplant patients, and in HIV-in-
eral (156). Lesions have a corrugated appearance fected patients. Human cytomegalovirus infection
with keratin projections that look like hair. The his- in these patients is in itself immunosuppressive
tological features include parakeratosis with hair-like and can worsen HIV opportunistic infections.
projections, hyperplasia, acanthosis and koilocyte- Oral lesions in patients infected with human cyto-
like cells within the epithelium and an absence of megalovirus occur in the latter two syndromes. The
inflammation in the connective tissue (156).Langer- most common manifestation of primary infection is
hans cells are also absent (37).There is evidence that heterophil-negative infectious mononucleosis (1131,
Epstein-Barr virus replicates within epithelial cells which occurs in adults (113). Infection can result
(70). The appearance of oral hairy leukoplakia in from sexual contact and blood transfusions (67).The
HIV-positive patients may be highly predictive of the disease follows a course similar to that seen with
development of AIDS (71). Reports indicate, how- Epstein-Barr virus infection and is self-limiting.
ever, that in some cases, oral hairy leukoplakia can Oral ulcerations related to human cytomegalo-
appear in the absence of HIV, and oral hairy leuko- virus have been described in immunodepressed pa-
plakia has been reported in patients who are not im- tients (53, 86, 141). It has been reported that, in a
munosuppressed (102, 113). Additionally, there are group of HIV-positive patients, more than half (53%)
reports of lesions similar to oral hairy leukoplakia in of persistent ulcers were associated with human
cases that were Epstein-Barr virus negative (66, 111). cytomegalovirus, and another 28% were associated
Epstein-Barr virus has also been found in malig- with human cytomegalovirus and herpes simplex vi-
nancies (nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Burkitt’s rus coinfection (53).Tissue biopsies of suspected hu-
lymphoma, B-cell lymphoma (67) and oral squam- man cytomegalovirus-induced oral ulcers can be di-
ous cell carcinoma (52)) and in periodontal disease agnosed by a combination of histological and im-
(35), although its role in periodontal disease has not muno cytochemical met hods (53).Treatment with a
been determined. combination of oral acyclovir and systemic ganciclo-
vir has proved successful (53).
Human cytomegalovirus (HHV-5). Human cyto-
megalovirus is found in many of the body secre- Human herpesvirus 6 (HHV-6). The originally
tions (including blood, milk and saliva) of infected named human B-lymphotropic virus (154) has re-
individuals. However, it is one of the least preva- cently been reclassified as a herpesvirus and re-
lent herpesvirus infections (113). Most primary in- named HHV-6 (168). In infants, this virus is associ-
fections are asymptomatic, and it is not clear ated with roseola (exanthema subitum or sixth dis-
where the virus remains latent, although it is re- ease), a self-limiting condition that causes a mild
coverable from 25% of salivary glands (74). Endo- skin exanthem and fever (1). HHV-6 is commonly
thelial and ductal epithelial cells seem to be a tar- isolated from saliva (in mononuclear cells in ductal

Rivera-Hidalgo & Stanford

epithelium) and has affinity for CD4 lymphocytes HHV-7 appears to be associated with at least
(192). It is also suspected of causing mononucleosis, two conditions: roseola and pityriasis rosea. Pa-
pneumonia, meningitis, encephalitis and as a cofac- tients recovering from roseola were found to have
tor in accelerated immunosuppression in HIV-in- sera positive to both HHV-6 and HHV-7, suggesting
fected individuals. Infection with HHV-6 can induce a role for both viruses in the disease (120). Patients
the expression of CD4 on CD8+ cells (lymphocytes with pityriasis rosea showed HHV-7 DNA in
and natural killer cells), thus rendering them suscep- plasma, supporting a role for viral replication and
tible to infection by HIV-1 (106). It is believed that virulence (42). Pityriasis rosea is a self-limiting ex-
HHV-6 is responsible for short-lived febrile illnesses anthem without systemic signs or symptoms char-
and active hepatitis in previously healthy individuals acterized by crops of maculopapular pale-red oval
as well as prolonged febrile illness in patients that lesions on skin that may last for up to 2 weeks
are immunodeficient (168). Two variants have been (60). Oral lesions of the tongue and cheek have
identified, A and B (94). The B variant is sensitive to been reported in pityriasis rosea (180). There is
ganciclovir, and both are sensitive to foscarnet (74). evidence that infections misdiagnosed as measles
There are instances where infectious mononu- and rubella could be caused by primary infections
cleosis cannot be associated with either Epstein-Barr of HHV-6 or HHV-7 (18).
virus or human cytomegalovirus infection. There is
evidence that HHV-6 is responsible for some of these Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8). Newly discovered,
infections, although is not clear whether these repre- the human herpesvirus 8 is believed to be associated
sent primary infections or reactivation of latent virus with the pathogenesis of human lymphomas (22,
(168). There is also evidence that both H W - 6 and 30). Originally, the virus was called Kaposi’s sarcoma
Epstein-Barr virus, as coinfectants, are responsible herpesvirus and was later renamed HHV-8 (57, 93).
for some acute infectious mononucleosis (17). HHV-8 DNA sequences have been identified in body
HHV-6 has been found in oral squamous carci- cavity-based non-Hodgkin’s lymphomas, Castle-
noma lesions (191, 192) and in cervical carcinoma man’s disease, angioimmunoblastic lymphadeno-
(191). In a study of 51 squamous cell carcinomas, 18 pathy and all forms of Kaposi’s sarcoma (102, 105).
non-malignant lesions and 7 normal mucosa Serological evidence indicates that HHV-8 is found
samples, HHV-6 was found in 79% of malignancies, in 25% of the adult population and in up to 8% of
67% of lichen planus lesions and leukoplakia and children in the United States (100). It is also evident
was not present in normal mucosa (193). In this that women with AIDS are much less likely to de-
study, HHV-6 variant B was found in 60% of the ma- velop Kaposi’s sarcoma than men (63).
lignancies. Kaposi’s sarcoma was originally described as a
rare vascular malignant tumor occurring in elderly
Human herpesvirus 7 (HHV-7). HHV-7 is a ubiqui- men of mainly Mediterranean, eastern European or
tous virus, that is very similar to HHV-6 in that it has Middle Eastern origin. The tumor has become more
serological cross-reactivity with some antibodies to prevalent with the advent of the AIDS epidemic, al-
HHV-6 (102). Infection is usually acquired in child- though it has been reported in the skin of an HIV-
hood with most adults being seropositive. The virus negative immunosuppressed patient with bullous
is found in saliva and is secreted for many years after pemphigoid (59). These reports suggest that im-
initial infection (173). Saliva represents the major munosuppression may serve to activate a latent
mode of transmission, and transmission has been HHV-8 infection. In one study, HHV-8 DNA se-
detected from a grandparent to a parent to a child quences were identified in 53 of 54 AIDS related oral
(173). In general, initial infection occurs later in life Kaposi’s sarcoma lesions (54). Palliative treatment of
than with HHV-6 infection. Minor labial salivary the oral lesions has been reported using an intrale-
glands have been shown to harbor the virus, and sional injection of vinblastine (46).
these glands may sometimes be the sites where rep-
lication occurs (193). In a study of more than 100
specimens from the three salivary glands, HHV-7 Infective stomatitis:
was found in 100% of submandibular gland samples, infections caused by bacteria
85% of the parotid gland samples and in 59% of lip
minor salivary gland samples (153). HHV-7 has been Bacterial infective stomatitis has been reported in
reported to enhance the cytotoxicity of natural killer both immunocompetent and immunocompromised
cells through induction of interleukin 15 (5). patients. Some of these infections can become es-

Oral mucosal lesions caused bv infective microornanisms. I. Viruses and bacteria

tablished as a result of transmission during sexual tious disease of the gingiva causing gingival
activity; others result from a weakening in the host’s bleeding, gingival ulceration (that may lead to the
defense posture and are thus opportunistic in na- loss of the tissue forming the papilla) and pain. It
ture. In these section we review the reported bac- has been reported more commonly in young adults,
terial infections that can present oral lesions. A sum- although recently it has been reported with increas-
mary of oral bacterial infections and responsible or- ing frequency in children in developing countries.
ganisms appears in Table 2. Factors that may predispose to the initiation of this
disease include episodes of stress, smoking, malnu-
trition and poor oral hygiene (80). These factors sug-
Acute necrotizing ulcerative stomatitis
gest that, given the condition where poor oral hy-
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (or necrotizing giene exists, events that can depress the host’s im-
gingivostomatitis or necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis) mune response can precipitate the disease.
is an acute infection of the gingiva that has been A mixed flora of spirochetes (Treportema spp.),
known by different names through the years (78). fusobacteria (Fusobacterium n u c l e a t u m ) , Preuotella
Because of its prevalence in the soldiers fighting in intermedia, Veillonella spp. and streptococci and
the trenches during World War I, it was called trench have been implicated in the disease. Early attempts
mouth; because of a description of the microorgan- to induce the disease by the subcutaneous injection
isms in the lesions by Vincent, it was also called Vin- of cultures from active patients have only produced
cent’s infection. Vincent’s angina refers to an infec- abscesses and not the disease (150). From the lesions
tion of the tonsils and pharynx usually associated created, Fusobacterium fusiforme and Borwlia irin-
with acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis. Likewise, centii (a spirochete) can be recovered. However, later
noma or cancrum oris or gangrenous stomatitis is work showed that the spirochete found in the lesion
often an extension of acute necrotizing ulcerative was not B. vincentii (104). Listgarten showed spiro-
gingivitis into the adjacent tissues. Noma is at best chetes infiltrating healthy tissue ahead of the lesion.
disfiguring and can be lethal if not treated promptly. Other bacteria and viruses have been found associ-
In recent years, the disease has become a common ated to the lesions, but no cause-effect relationship
cause of mortality and disability in children of has been established (116).
underdeveloped areas of Africa, Asia and South Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis has been re-
America (2, 38, 174). Noma has been reported in pa- ported in recent years in patients with HIV infection
tients with HW, where local removal of necrotic or AIDS. Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis has
tissue along with lavage with providone-iodine has been included in a classification of periodontal dis-
been effective in controlling the disease (31). eases associated with HIV infection (43, 112). 1he
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis is an infec- classification includes: linear gingival erythema, nec-

Table 2. Oral bacterial infections

Infection Causative bacteria ~ ~~~~

Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis (necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis, Mixed bacterial flora
necrotizing gingivostomatitis,necrotizing stomatitis, noma (cancrum oris), including spirochetes and Fusobacteria
Vincent’s infection, trench mouth) __ ~~

Actinomycosis Actinomyces israelii

Actinomyces viscosus
Actinomyces odontolyticus
Actinomyces naeslundii
Bacillary angiomatosis (epithelioid angiomatosis) Bartonella quintana
BaronteZlu henselae
__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
- ~~~ ~ ~

Gonorrhea Neisseria gonorrhoeae

~~ ~~

Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mycobacterium leprae
rium avium and intracellulare
rium bovis
rium chelonae
__ Mycobacterium--kansasii
.- ~

Streptococcal stomatitis Streptococci

Group A beta-hemolytic streptococci
______ ~ . __. ~~ ~~~ ~ ~~~~ ~.

Rivera-Hidalgo & Stanford ~~~

rotizing ulcerative gingivitis and necrotizing ulcer- draining sinuses. It is caused by non-spore-forming,
ative periodontitis. In this classification acute nec- anaerobic or microaerophilic bacterial species of the
rotizing ulcerative gingivitis is described as destruc- genus Actinoinyces. These organisms were once con-
tion of one or more gingival papilla, with ulceration, sidered fungi because of their branching, but are
cratering and necrosis. In a study of naval personnel, now classified as bacteria (165). The pathogenic ac-
Horning & Cohen reported that acute necrotizing ul- tinomycetes do not exist free in nature but are com-
cerative gingivitis cases in seropositive and in sero- mensals and normal inhabitants of the oropharyn-
negative HIV cases were clinically indistinguishable geal cavity and the gastrointestinal tract. The Acti-
(80). nomyces are gram-positive, pleomorphic and
Necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis is described as diphtheroidal or, more commonly, filamentous.
producing very rapid bone loss in addition to the Actinomycosis may present in the cervicofacial, tho-
findings for acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis racic and abdominal areas of the body, as well as the
(116). Severe deep aching pain with a very rapid rate central nervous system. Cervico-facial actinomycosis
of bone destruction is characteristic of necrotizing ul- is the most common form of this disease, and oral
cerative periodontitis. It is believed by some that nec- manifestations are part of this form (99).
rotizing ulcerative periodontitis is an extension of Actinomyces organisms access the host tissues
acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis.Acute necrotiz- when there is an interruption of the mucosal barrier.
ing ulcerative gingivitis and necrotizing ulcerative In the oral cavity actinomycosis has been reported
periodontitis have been correlated with decreased following tooth extraction and may be a compli-
CD4 counts (<200/mm3). Glick et al. (62) reported cation of endodontic treatment (49, 79, 183). Acti-
that HIV-seropositive individuals presenting with nomyces involving localized atypical gingivitis has
necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis were 20.8 times been described, and cases involving most of the oral
(odds ratio) more likely to have CD4 counts below 200 tissues including the tongue and palate have been
cells/mm? compared with HIV-seropositive individ- reported (49, 50, 73, 151, 183). As the Actinomyces
uals without necrotizing ulcerative periodontitis. In infection spreads into the tissues, a hard, slow grow-
this study, the predictive value of a CD4 count below ing, relatively nontender swelling may form. Lesions
200 cells/mm3 in patients with necrotizing ulcerative of the bone and soft tissues may also show multiple
periodontitis was 95%. Further, the cumulative prob- abscesses that drain to the surface by sinus tracts.
ability of death within 24 months of a necrotizing ul- The discharge from the tracts typically contains vis-
cerative periodontitis diagnosis was 73%. Necrotizing ible yellowish colonies of organisms called “sulfur
ulcerative periodontitis can extend into the alveolar granules”. In late stages, osteomyelitis with extensive
mucosa and adjacent tissues, in which case it is desig- bone destruction may take place. The disease may
nated necrotizing stomatitis (117). Periodontal dis- become chronic, with old lesions healing, but new
ease in HIV-positive patients, like in non-seropositive sinuses and abscesses develop (99, 151, 165). Most
patients, seems to be the result of the interaction be- human infections are caused by Actinomyces israelii,
tween the host’s immune response and the micro- but other species, Actinomyces viscosus, Actinomyces
organisms in dental plaque. There is increased rate of odontolyticus and Actinomyces naeslundii, have been
progression of periodontal disease in HIV patients, identified in occasional cases (15, 23, 50, 64, 152,
which seems to be modified by the interaction be- 183).
tween typical and atypical microorganisms and the Diagnosis is made most accurately by isolation
level of immunocompetence (98). of Actinomyces species in cultures of clinical speci-
In treating acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis mens. Indirect immunofluorescence microscopy
in both normal and HIV patients, the fundamental has also been utilized (64). The demonstration of
activity must be the debridement of teeth and actinomycotic granules in exudates or in histologi-
affected soft tissue areas. In classical cases of acute cal sections is strongly supportive of the diagnosis.
necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis the use of antibiotics The granules consist of tangled filaments of organ-
without debridement has only served to suppress isms, which are apparent on microscopic examina-
the infection while the medication is being taken. tion of a Gram-stained smear. Histological diag-
nosis is difficult because many specimens contain
only a few granules (165). Nagler et al. (119) re-
cently discussed the diagnostic challenge associ-
Actinomycosis is a chronic disease characterized by ated with actinomycosis infections. In addition to
the formation of abscesses, fibrosis of tissues and the wide variety of clinical presentations, the

Oral mucosal lesions caused by infectiue microorganisms. I. Viruses and bacteria

authors also noted the difficulty associated with members of the genus Bartonella based on ribo-
obtaining positive cultures. somal RNA.
Actinomycosis was included in a list of bacterial
diseases with oral manifestations, which have been
reported to be associated with HIV (194) infection.
In 1989, Pindborg noted a single case of actino- Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection with a
mycosis in an HIV-positive patient (132). Since then, worldwide distribution. It is caused by Neisseria
other cases have been reported, and although rare, gonorrhoeae, a nonmotile, spherical or oval coccus,
actinomycosis should be carefully considered when which is usually found in pairs. The organism is aer-
diagnosing infections involving the cervicofacial obic, gram-negative and stains readily. It cannot
areas in patients with AIDS (107, 183). cross intact stratified squamous epithelium, such as
skin and oral mucous membranes, but can invade
columnar and transitional epithelium, such as that
Bacillary angiomatosis
which lines the urinary and respiratory tracts. The
Bacillary angiomatosis, also called epithelioid angi- urethra, pharynx, endocervix and conjunctivae may
omatosis, is a rare vasoproliferative disorder that oc- be infected directly. From these sites, the infection
curs almost exclusively in severely immunocom- may spread locally along mucosal surfaces or sys-
promised persons, primarily AIDS and cancer pa- temically to produce disseminated disease (72, 159,
tients and organ transplant recipients (6, 13, 32, 33, 163). N. gonorrhoeae has been cultured from saliva
61, 144, 146, 166, 172). It is known to cause both cu- of patients with oropharyngeal infections (81). The
taneous and disseminated visceral disease in these human is the only known host for N. gonorrhoeae
patients. It has, however, also been reported, in im- (115).
munocompetent individuals (128). It was first de- Gonorrhea continues to be the most frequently re-
scribed by Stoler et al. in 1983 (171) as an unusual ported sexually transmitted disease in the United
subcutaneous vascular infection in a patient with States. However, the 392,848 cases reported in 1995
AIDS. The most common clinical presentation is a do represent a decline from 439,673 cases reported
cutaneous vascular lesion similar to that of Kaposi’s in 1993 and reflect a steady reduction that has con-
sarcoma. tinued over the last decade (29). The most frequently
There have been a limited number of reports of affected population is adolescents between the ages
bacillary angiomatosis involving the oral cavity. The of 15 and 24, although almost any age group can
lesions have been described as bluish or purple mac- be afflicted (28). The most common cause of oral
ules, pale bluish patches, and red, edematous lesions infections is orogenital contact with an infected sex-
occurring on the palate, buccal mucosa and attached ual partner.
gingiva (6, 33, 61, 166, 172). Only one report de- Twenty percent of patients with gonorrhea have
scribes alveolar bone loss associated with the oral, pharyngeal or tonsillar involvement (186). The
lesions, and in this patient, two teeth were extracted tonsils become red and swollen, with a grayish exu-
without complication (61). date, and may include cervical lymphadenitis.
The challenge to the accurate diagnosis of bacil- Lesions of the oral mucosa may present as a fiery
lary angiomatosis lies in its clinical similarity to red, edematous and occasionally painful ulceration.
Kaposi’s sarcoma. Bacillary angiomatosis is treatable, Case reports have described single or multiple ulcers
and in most cases curable with antibiotic therapy. of the tongue, gingiva, and buccal mucosa as well as
Biopsy confirmation of cases of suspected Kaposi’s the hard and soft palate (161). Diagnosis is made by
sarcoma, particularly in patients with AIDS, is con- culture and identification of N. gonorrhoeae. Sugar
sidered essential (32).The histological appearance of fermentation tests aid in species differentiation, and
bacillary angiomatosis is one of lobular proliferation rapid identification of gonococci by fluorescent anti-
of small round blood vessels with plump endothelial body techniques is possible (115). Systemic anti-
cells that protrude into the vascular lumen. The ag- biotic treatment, usually with penicillin, has been ef-
gregates of bacteria appear as variably sized, ampho- fective in managing gonococcal infections. Beta-lac-
philic granular masses, within the vessels, when tamase-producing strains of N. gonorrhoeae resistant
stained with the Warthin-Starry stains (32). The to penicillin and tetracycline have been reported.
causative organisms have been identified as Rochali- More recently, ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin have
maea quintana and Rochalimaea henselae (6, 7, 13, also been used successfully in treating gonorrhea
144, 164, 187) and have recently been reclassified as (163).

Mycobacterial infections in less than 1% of all pulmonary cases (110). Most
reported cases have been attributed to secondary in-
The term tuberculosis is usually reserved for infec- fection from pulmonary lesions. Self-inoculation
tion with Rlycohacteriurn tuberculosis, just as leprosy from infected sputum and hematogenous spread ac-
is an infection with Mycobacterium Zeprae. Nontu- count for initiation of the lesions.
berculous atypical mycobacterial diseases are gener- The most common oral tuberculosis lesion is a
ally identified as mycobacterial diseases with a spe- chronic, painless, irregular ulcer, with a vegetating
cific organism - Mycobacteriurn kansasii, Mycobac- surface covered by a gray or yellowish exudate. Other
teriiim chelonei and the Mycobacterium avium- reports describe a nodular, granular or leukoplakic
irz tracellu lure complex ( 184). appearance. The lesion is usually surrounded by
Most medical mycobacterial infections are not edematous and hyperemic mucosa. The dorsal sur-
from M. tuberculosis but from nontuberculous op- face of the tongue is the most common oral site, fol-
portunistic atypical mycobacteria. Cervical lymph- lowed by the palate, gingiva, buccal mucosa, and lips.
adenitis caused by these bacteria can be successfully Tuberculosis of the cervical lymph nodes is called
treated by surgical excision. These infections are not scrofula and may result in breakdown of the skin over-
communicable from person to person and usually lying the nodes and fistula formation (41, 44, 45, 83,
do not require systemic medication for months, as is 127, 131, 139). Primary oral mucosal infection with
the case with tuberculosis. Mycobacterial infections the tubercle bacillus has been reported in patients
are among the most common opportunistic infec- treated by a dentist with active tuberculosis after the
tions in I-IIV patients. dentist performed dental extractions. This occurred
prior to the use of barrier protection for infection con-
Tuberculosis - M. tuberculosis. Tuberculosis is a trol (149). Other case reports described primary tu-
chronic, infectious disease caused by the bacteria M. berculosis and oral lesions in patients with no evi-
tuberculosis. It most commonly affects the lungs but dence of disseminated disease (41,56,83,95,185).
may also involve any organ of the body. The disease Diagnosis of infection with M. tuberculosis is de-
is an airborne infection spread almost exclusively by rived from the medical history, demonstration of the
droplets from a person with active disease (114, 131, acid-fast mycobacteria in clinical specimens, a posi-
184). It is characterized by the formation of granu- tive delayed hypersensitivity (tuberculin) skin reac-
lomas with caseation necrosis caused by a cell-me- tion to purified protein derivative and chest radio-
diated response in infected tissue. graphs. Mycobacterial culture of the organism from
Tuberculosis, an ancient disease, reached its peak sputum is the most reliable means of diagnosis;
incidence in the United States in the nineteenth cen- however, 6-12 weeks is required to isolate and ident-
tury, at that time being responsible for up to 25% ify the organism. Recent developments in rapid de-
of all deaths. Since then, there has been a dramatic tection and identification are reducing laboratory
decline, mainly as a result of improvements in living time (44, 114, 131).
conditions, nutrition and chemotherapy (114). Re-
cently, however, tuberculosis has resurfaced as a Leprosy - M. leprae. Leprosy is a chronic disease
public health threat, in part because of its associ- caused by M. Zeprae. The most characteristic feature
ation with HIV infection. There is particular concern of the disease is damage to nerves and skin, which
regarding increasing reports of multi-drug-resistant results in deformities and disabilities. While the glo-
tuberculosis in patients with AIDS. This resurgence bal prevalence has been reduced, leprosy remains a
has renewed interest in tuberculosis among health major public health problem in most countries of
care providers, especially those who treat hospital- Africa, Asia and Latin America (85).
ized patients with AIDS (110, 114, 131, 184). M. Zeprae is a gram-positive, acid-fast, non-spore-
Primary tuberculosis involves a person who has forming, nonmotile, pleomorphic bacillus. It has not
no previous exposure and has never established an been cultivated on artificial medium or in tissue cul-
iniiiiune response to the tubercle bacilli. The ma- tures, but it has been grown in armadillos and the
jority of cases are subclinical, and only about 10% of footpads of some mice (85, 155). A relationship has
people infected develop the disease (131). Secondary been demonstrated between the clinical, histopatho-
tuberculosis is an infection that arises in a previously logical and bacteriological manifestations of the dis-
sensitized person, usually because of reactivation of ease and the degree of cell-mediated immunity of
a primary infection, and may occur months to years the patient. The Mitsuda reaction is used to assess
later. Oral lesions of tuberculosis are rare, occurring cellular immunity, with a positive test reflecting re-

Oral rnucosal Lesions caused bv infectiue microornanisms. 1. Viruses and bacteria

sistance to the organism. There are four types of lep- Mycobacterium chelonae infection. M. chelonae is
rosy listed, from least to most involved: indetermi- an opportunistic pathogen that causes abscess for-
nate, tuberculoid, borderline and lepromatous. In mation, usually in skin, following trauma or subcuta-
addition to skin and peripheral nerves, the disease neous injections. The organism is rapidly growing
also affects oral and respiratory mucosa, bones and and resistant to standard antituberculosis agents as
viscera (85). well as to antibiotics. Lesions in immunocompetent
Oral lesions have been reported in the tuberculo- patients heal spontaneously, however surgical ex-
id, borderline, and lepromatous types of leprosy. The cision, debridement and drainage are recommended
incidence varies from less than 20% in the borderline to enhance healing. There have been two case re-
type, to as high as 60% in patients with lepromatous ports of intraoral infections attributed to M.
leprosy (4, 24, 77, 155). The lesions present as nod- chelonae. Both cases were diagnosed after biopsy
ules (lepromas) that progress to necrosis and ulcer- and laboratory evaluations and healed slowly, but
ation. The ulcers may then heal with scarring, or without incident (21, 129). Cervicofacial infection
progress on to cause further tissue destruction. The with M. chelonae has also been reported with similar
lepromas are filled with M. leprae. The oral lesions findings (19).
of leprosy occur on the palate, dorsum of the tongue,
gingiva, uvula and the lips, and when untreated, may Mycobacterium kansasii infection. Several cases of
cause extensive destruction of the oral tissues (4, 24, disseminated M. kansasii infection have been re-
77, 142, 155). ported in patients with AIDS (10, 25, 122). Only one
Diagnosis is based on the clinical signs of anes- patient, however, has demonstrated oral manifes-
thetic skin lesions, enlarged peripheral nerves and tations associated with the M. kansasii infection.
the presence of acid-fast bacilli in smears taken from This consisted of an ulcerated lesion in the area of
skin lesions. Histological examination of biopsy the palatoglottic arch in a patient with disseminated
specimens is occasionally necessary. At this time, disease. M. kansasii was cultured from the ulcer bi-
there is no immunological test that is useful in the opsy. The patient did not demonstrate signs or
diagnosis of leprosy (85). symptoms of pneumonia, and the disseminated in-
fection was diagnosed from bone marrow and blood
Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare complex in- specimens (122).
fection. Opportunistic infection by the M. avium-in-
tracellulare complex is a common complication of
Streptococcal stomatitis
the latter stages of AIDS (16, 175). Oral lesions of the
M. avium-intracellulare complex are uncommon Streptococcal stomatitis is a rare condition, usually
and have been reported only in two patients. The characterized by a diffuse erythema of the posterior
lesions presented as ulcerations with firm borders areas of the oral mucosa, but sometimes includes
and necrotic centers which extended to bone. They the gingiva. Acute gingival streptococcal infections
were located in the incisive papilla and edentulous have been described as acute streptococcal gingivos-
maxillary ridge areas of one patient, and in the buc- tomatitis, acute streptococcal gingivitis and strepto-
cal gingiva of the maxillary premolars and molars of coccal gingivostomatitis, with only a few case reports
the other patient. Diagnosis in both cases was made in the literature (20, 26, 104, 121). It is, however, de-
from histopathological examinations and culture of scribed in several periodontal textbooks (26, 121,
the organisms from tissue biopsy. Both patients also 133, 134).
demonstrated widespread disseminated infection Acute streptococcal gingivostomatitis is usually
with the M. avium-intracellulare complex (148, 181). preceded by tonsillitis, and the patients present clin-
ically with an acutely inflamed, diffuse, red and
Mycobacterium bovis infection. On rare occasions, swollen gingiva with an increased tendency to bleed.
human tuberculosis has been caused by M. bovis, The gingiva is not ulcerated and necrosis is not pres-
and infections of the tongue and gingiva have been ent (20, 104, 177).Gingival abscesses in the interden-
reported. The pathogenesis is similar to M. tubercu- tal papillae and areas with discrete yellowish or
losis except that the primary inoculation occurs in white plaques were described in a few patients.
the mouth, probably the result of ingesting unpas- When the plaques were wiped off, a bleeding surface
teurized or infected milk. Primary lesions of the was produced (20, 177). In some patients, the ery-
tongue without evidence of tuberculosis elsewhere thema also involved areas of oral mucosa with sub-
in the body have been described (41). mandibular lymph node enlargement. Fever, mal-

I? i vem - Hidalgo & Stanford

aise, and gingival pain accompany these symptoms radiating scars called rhagades. Oral manifestation
(20, 104, 177). of late congenital syphilis includes Hutchinson’s
‘The causative agent of streptococcal stomatitis triad of deafness, interstitial keratitis and malformed
was originally thought to be Streptococcus viriduns, incisors. In addition to the malformed incisors (Hut-
but microbial analysis in recent reports found group chinson’s teeth), other dental anomalies include per-
A beta-hemolytic streptococci as the predominant manent molars with hypoplastic, poorly developed
culture organisms. All patients were treated with sys- cusps called mulberry molars, and maxillary incisors
temic penicillin and healed without complications. A with crowns that are wider towards the cemento-
few patients also received a tetracycline mouthrinse enamel junction than at the incisal edge, producing
concurrently (104). a screwdriver appearance.
‘The symptoms attributed to streptococcal gingi- Acquired syphilis occurs clinically in three classi-
vostomatitis - diffusely swollen, bright red gingiva, cal phases (primary, secondary and tertiary). Pri-
fever, malaise, and lymph node enlargement - may mary syphilis features formation of a chancre at the
also be associated with viral infections, and careful site of inoculation, usually 3 weeks (3 to 90 days)
diagnosis is necessary. after contact. The chancre appears on skin or in the
oral cavity as an asymptomatic, centrally ulcerated
granulomatous papule with a raised indurated bor-
der. Spirochetes are present in large numbers in
Syphilis is a venereal disease that has infected these highly infectious lesions. Chancres usually heal
humans for centuries. It is caused by the spirochete spontaneously in 2-8 weeks but may persist in im-
li.qionernn pallidurn. Syphilis is the fourth most munocompromised hosts (161, 163, 176). Secondary
comrnonly reported infectious disease in the United syphilis is the systemic or disseminated phase, and
States. In 1995, the total number of reported cases it may occur 2-12 weeks (mean, 6 weeks) after con-
of primary and secondary syphilis was 16,500. This tact. The healing chancre may still be present. Signs
represented a decrease from the 26,498 reported in and symptoms of this phase include fever, headache,
1993 and continues a downward trend in the num- malaise, a rash that is usually symmetrical and gen-
ber of annually reported cases since the epidemic eralized painless lymph node involvement. The oral
proportions during the years 1986 through 1990 (29, lesion of this stage is the mucous patch, a character-
163). istic grayish-white, glistening patch seen on the soft
Syphilis has been classified as either congenital or palate, tongue, buccal mucosa and, rarely, the gin-
acquired. Congenital syphilis occurs most frequently giva (11, 51, 88, 108, 140). During this phase, elev-
when the fetus becomes infected in utero, although ated, sessile plaques of the labial commissure (con-
it is possible for the neonate to acquire the infection dyloma lata) may also occur. After the secondary
as it passes through the birth canal (176). Acquired stage subsides, the patient enters a latent period in
syphilis may be contracted by sexual contact, by which diagnosis can only be made by serological
transfusion with fresh human blood or by accidental tests. Tertiary syphilis develops in 30% to 40% of un-
direct inoculation. The acquisition of syphilis treated patients. This phase includes multiorgan in-
through transfusion has become rare due to screen- volvement, and most frequently involves the cardio-
ing procedures for blood donors and modern blood vascular and nervous systems. The gumma is the
bank procedures. Accidental direct inoculation has characteristic lesion of this phase and appears on
also been reduced by improved laboratory pro- skin or mucosa as a localized granuloma. The most
ceduies for handling infected clinical material and common intraoral location for the gumma is the
by the use of infection control and barrier pro- hard palate, although the soft palate, lips and tongue
cedures in clinical settings. There have been no re- may also be involved (40, 84, 92). Tertiary syphilis is
ports of occupationally acquired syphilis in a dental not infectious (163).
office since the advent of improved infection control Clinical examination and serological testing
procedures. The overwhelming majority of syphilis usually diagnose syphilis. Darkfield microscopy and
cases, however, continue to be transmitted by sexual histopathological examination also assist in diag-
intercourse (161, 163, 176). nosis. The serological tests are of two types: trepone-
Early congenital syphilis may manifest as papulos- ma1 and non-treponemal. Non-treponemal (non-
quanious lesions ot the skin and oral mucous mem- specific) tests are for the nonspecific nontreponemal
branes. ‘The lesions at the conimissures of the lips, reaginic antibody, and include the Venereal Disease
the angle of the nose and the eyes may heal with Research Laboratory test, the rapid plasma reagin

Oral mucosal lesions caused bv infective microorganisms. I. Viruses and bacteria

test and the automated reagin test. Positive Venereal infection (75). It seems unlikely that oral infection
Disease Research Laboratory tests will occur towards with enteric organisms is a significant cause of mor-
the end of primary syphilis, remain positive in un- bidity in people infected with HW.
treated secondary or tertiary syphilis, but is usually
negative in treated syphilis. Treponemal (specific)
tests are for the specific antitreponemal antibody, References
and include the Reiter protein complement fixation
test, the fluorescent treponemal antibody (absorbed) 1. Ablashi DV, Salahuddin SZ, Josephs SE Balachandran N,
test, the treponemal hemagglutination test and the Krueger GR, Gallo RC. Human herpesvirus-6 (HHV-6).In
Vivo 1991:5: 193-199.
treponemal immobilization test. Specific tests be-
2. Adolph HP, Yugueros P, Woods JE. Noma: a review. Ann
come positive during primary syphilis, and remain Plast Surg 1996:37: 657-668.
positive throughout untreated secondary and ter- 3. AIDS among persons aged 250 years - United States,
tiary syphilis. In contrast to the Venereal Disease Re- 1991-1996. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 1998: 47: 21-
search Laboratory test, most specific tests remain 27.
4. Alferi N, Fleury RN, Opromolla DVA, Ura S, de Campos
positive in treated syphilis (161). Darkfield micro-
I. Oral lesions in borderline and reactional tuberculoid
scopy can be useful in primary syphilis when serol- leprosy. Oral Surg Oral Med Oral Pathol Oral Radiol Endod
ogy may be negative, and occasionally in secondary 1982:55:52-57.
or tertiary syphilis. Histopathological examination 5. Atedzoe BN, Ahamad A, Menezes J. Enhancement of
demonstrates an obliterative endarteritis, and with natural killer cell cytotoxicity by the human herpesvirus-
7 via IL-15induction. J Immunol 1997: 159: 49664972.
special stains, the I: pallidurn microorganism. The
6. Axiotis CA, Schwartz R, Jennings TA, Glaser N. AIDS-re-
gumma demonstrate large areas of necrosis and oc- lated angiomatosis. Am J Dermatopathol 1988: 11: 177-
casional microorganisms (161, 163, 176). 181.
Penicillin is the pharmaceutical treatment of 7. Bachelez H, Oksenhendler E, Lebbe C. Bacillary angi-
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